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- In article <1992Sep3.092136.3831@ifi.unizh.ch> blatter@ifi.unizh.ch (Martin A. Blatter) writes:
- >In article <BtyKEF.6up@oytix.north.de> mike@oytix.north.de (Mike Fleischer) writes:
- >>ich wollte meinen Amiga unter UNIX gerne auf NTSC stellen, da ich einen
- >>A2024 habe und die hoehere Bildwiederholfrequenz angenehmer finde.
- >>Das klappte auch tadellos, nur, was mir am nexten Tag unangenehm auffiel,
- >>war die Tatsache, dass die Uhr in 24 Stunden ca. 10 Minuten nachlief.
- >>Ich habe dabei einfach nur den internen Jumper auf dem Motherboard auf
- >>NTSC gestellt, sonst nix. Habe ich was vergessen oder falsch gemacht???
- >
- >Nein, Du hast nix falsch gemacht. Leider ist das ein Bug im Amiga Unix,
- >der zwar bekannt ist, aber nie behoben wurde. Wir haben das auf
- Also ich das Problem auf meinem Unix mit einem mittelpraechtigen Hack
- geloest, der nicht ganz unkritisch ist (siehe Kommentar in der Source), aber
- die erwaehnte Race-Condition hat bei mir noch nie zugeschlagen. Da der
- Source ziemlich klein ist, haenge ich ihn mal an hier:
- /*
- * Repair wrong timing set in CIA chip, if running NTSC video on a machine
- * with 50 Hz power frequency.
- *
- * 1.0 91-10-25 M.Wild first hack
- *
- * Based on /usr/amiga/sys/driver/cl.c. THANKS Commo for providing the
- * kernel source!
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <sys/amiga/amiga.h>
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* param.h has hibyte/lobyte that don't work */
- #undef lobyte
- #undef hibyte
- #define lobyte(x) ((unsigned char)(x))
- #define hibyte(x) ((unsigned char)((unsigned)(x)>>8))
- volatile unsigned char *custom_chips;
- #define ACIAA ((struct acia *) &custom_chips[0xbfe001 - (long)AHWBOT])
- /* the following definition copied from /usr/sys/amiga/inc/amigahr.h: */
- /*
- * 8520 CIA registers.
- */
- struct acia {
- unsigned char pra; /* Peripheral data register A */
- unsigned char cia0[0xFF];
- unsigned char prb; /* Peripheral data register B */
- unsigned char cia1[0xFF];
- unsigned char ddra; /* Data direction register A */
- unsigned char cia2[0xFF];
- unsigned char ddrb; /* Data direction register B */
- unsigned char cia3[0xFF];
- unsigned char talo; /* Timer A low register */
- unsigned char cia4[0xFF];
- unsigned char tahi; /* Timer A high register */
- unsigned char cia5[0xFF];
- unsigned char tblo; /* Timer B low register */
- unsigned char cia6[0xFF];
- unsigned char tbhi; /* Timer B high register */
- unsigned char cia7[0xFF];
- unsigned char todl; /* Time of day low register */
- unsigned char cia8[0xFF];
- unsigned char todm; /* Time of day middle register */
- unsigned char cia9[0xFF];
- unsigned char todh; /* Time of day high register */
- unsigned char cia10[0xFF];
- unsigned char cia11[0x100];
- unsigned char sdr; /* Serial data register */
- unsigned char cia12[0xFF];
- unsigned char icr; /* Interrupt control register */
- unsigned char cia13[0xFF];
- unsigned char cra; /* Control register A */
- unsigned char cia14[0xFF];
- unsigned char crb; /* Control register B */
- unsigned char cia15[0xFF];
- };
- /*
- * open /dev/amiga and map the custom chips (incl CIAs) into user-space.
- */
- void
- map_custom_chips ()
- {
- int fd;
- if ((fd = open ("/dev/amiga/", O_RDWR)) < 0)
- {
- perror ("Can't open /dev/amiga");
- exit (1);
- }
- custom_chips = (unsigned char *) mmap (0, AHWLEN, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
- if (custom_chips == (unsigned char *) -1)
- {
- perror ("Can't mmap /dev/amiga");
- exit (1);
- }
- /* we got them ;-)) */
- }
- #ifdef COMMO
- #define EHZ ((hz == 50)?709379:715909)
- #define ATICKS ((EHZ+HZ/2)/HZ)
- #else
- /* value determined heuristically by correcting above value.. */
- #define EHZ ((hz == 50)?709290:715909)
- #define ATICKS ((EHZ+HZ/2)/HZ)
- #endif
- void
- main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int hz;
- if (argc != 2 ||
- ((hz = atoi (argv[1])) != 50 && hz != 60))
- {
- printf ("%s: [50|60]\n", argv[0]);
- exit (1);
- }
- map_custom_chips ();
- /* this is a critical part of code.. the first line stops the clock. As long
- * as the clock is stopped, no task switching will take place, so we're safe
- * for the next instructions, then at last we restart the timer. I guess
- * there could be a race condition when trying to stop the clock. If we
- * lose the CPU in exactly this moment, we'll never get it back, and the
- * system is stalled. */
- ACIAA->cra = 0; /* stop the timer */
- ACIAA->talo = lobyte(ATICKS); /* load it with new values */
- ACIAA->tahi = hibyte(ATICKS);
- ACIAA->cra = 0x11; /* and restart it */
- exit (0);
- }
- Es duerfte klar sein, dass dieses Ding nur von privilegierten Usern
- ausgefuehrt werden darf (nur schon wegen der Lese-Berechtigung von /dev/amiga).
- Ich hab ein /etc/rc2.d/S91clock File, das mir die Korrektur beim booten
- vornimmt:
- /usr/local/bin/speedy 50
- -Markus
- --
- Markus M. Wild - wild@nessie.cs.id.ethz.ch | wild@amiga.physik.unizh.ch
- Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving
- from where you left them to where you can't find them.