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- ;
- ; $VER: Install-ISDN-Master 1.4 (30.01.94)
- ; $Id: Install-ISDN-Master,v 1.4 1994/01/30 00:12:35 chris Exp $
- ;
- ; ISDN-Master Installation Program for use with Installer
- ;
- ; Copyright ⌐ 1992-1994 Relog AG, Zⁿrich. All Rights Reserved.
- ;
- (complete 0)
- ;=============================================================================
- ; English strings
- (set @special-msg
- (cat
- "If you have troubles installing \"ISDN-Master\", please consult "
- "your dealer. If everything else fails, read the manual."
- )
- )
- (set #ask-BSCISDNDevice-dir
- "In which drawer should the \"bscisdn.device\" be installed?"
- )
- (set #ask-BSCISDNDevice-dir-help
- (cat
- "The \"bscisdn.device\" is required for talking to your ISDN-Master"
- "board. This device driver should be copied into your \"DEVS:\" "
- "directory, so it can be found by the operating system.\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #prompt-BSCISDNDevice
- "Installing \"bscisdn.device\"."
- )
- (set #bool-Overwrite_Config
- (cat
- "A version of the ISDN-Master software is already installed. "
- "Would you like to keep the preference settings from this "
- "previously installed version?"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Overwrite_Config-help
- (cat
- "If you select \"Yes\", all settings you saved with the "
- "ISDN-Master preferences editor and your telecommunications "
- "program (\"AT\"-settings) are preserved.\n\n"
- "If you select \"No\", your settings will be overwritten "
- "with the new default values.\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #message-Protocol
- (cat
- "Please select the protocol of your ISDN network using the "
- "ISDN-Master preferences program. If the wrong protocol is "
- "selected, the software will not be operational."
- )
- )
- (set #ask-ISDN-Master-dir
- (cat
- "A drawer \"ISDN-Master\" will be created, which will contain "
- "all program files. On which disk, or in which drawer should "
- "this drawer be created?"
- )
- )
- (set #ask-ISDN-Master-dir-help
- (cat
- "Here you specify where you want to install the ISDN-Master "
- "software. A drawer \"ISDN-Master\" will be created, so you "
- "would select \"WORK:\" to install ISDN-Master in a drawer "
- "\"WORK:ISDN-Master\".\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Overwrite_Tel
- (cat
- "A version of the telephone software is already installed. "
- "Would you like to keep the settings and phonebook from this "
- "previously installed version?"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Overwrite_Tel-help
- (cat
- "If you select \"Yes\", all settings you saved with the "
- "telephone software, including your phone book, are preserved.\n\n"
- "If you select \"No\", your settings will be overwritten "
- "with the new default values, and your phonebook will be "
- "deleted.\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #prompt-ISDN-Master
- (cat
- "A drawer called \"ISDN-Master\" will be created, and "
- "the following files and drawers will be copied to it:"
- )
- )
- (set #prompt-ISDN-Master-help
- (cat
- "The following files/drawers will be copied:\n\n"
- "ISDN-Master - The ISDN-Master preferences editor.\n"
- "DChannelMon - A handy tool for ISDN experts only.\n"
- "Doc - Documentation files.\n"
- "StateMon - Tool to show the ISDN line state.\n"
- "WilhelmTel - Telephone software package.\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Install_WBStartup
- (cat
- "Would you like the telephone software automatically started "
- "after a reboot?"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Install_WBStartup-help
- (cat
- "This will copy an icon called \"Tel-Startup\" to your WBStartup "
- "drawer. After a reboot, this icon will start the telephone "
- "software automatically. This is handy if you wish to use the "
- "built-in answering machine.\n\n"
- "Note: You should set the tooltype \"CX_POPUP\" to \"No\", if "
- "you don't want the telephone software to open its window "
- "upon startup. Consult your ISDN-Master manual for details "
- "about setting tooltypes."
- )
- )
- ;=============================================================================
- ; German strings
- (if (= @language "Deutsch")
- (
- (set @special-msg
- (cat
- "Wenn Sie Probleme haben mit der Installation von \"ISDN-Master\", "
- "wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren HΣndler. Wenn alle Stricke "
- "rei▀en, ziehen Sie das Handbuch zu Rate."
- )
- )
- (set #ask-BSCISDNDevice-dir
- "In welche Schublade soll das \"bscisdn.device\" installiert werden?"
- )
- (set #ask-BSCISDNDevice-dir-help
- (cat
- "Das \"bscisdn.device\" wird ben÷tigt, um Ihre ISDN-Master-Karte "
- "anzusprechen. Dieser Treiber sollte in Ihre \"DEVS:\"-Schublade "
- "kopiert werden, damit das Betriebsystem ihn finden kann.\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #prompt-BSCISDNDevice
- "Installation des \"bscisdn.device\"."
- )
- (set #bool-Overwrite_Config
- (cat
- "Sie haben schon eine Version von ISDN-Master installiert. "
- "M÷chten Sie die Voreinstellungen dieser alten Version "
- "ⁿbernehmen?"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Overwrite_Config-help
- (cat
- "Wenn Sie \"Ja\" anwΣhlen, werden alle Einstellungen, welche "
- "Sie mit dem ISDN-Master Voreinsteller oder mit Ihrer "
- "Telekommunikationssoftwarvorgenommen habene (\"AT\"-Befehle) "
- "beibehalten.\n\n"
- "Wenn Sie \"Nein\" anwΣhlen, werden die neuen ISDN-Master "
- "Standard-Einstellungen installiert.\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #message-Protocol
- (cat
- "Bitte starten Sie nach der Installation den "
- "ISDN-Master-Voreinsteller, und wΣhlen Sie das richtige "
- "D-Kanal-Protokoll aus. Wenn Sie ein falsches Protokoll "
- "auswΣhlen, funktioniert Ihr ISDN-Master nicht."
- )
- )
- (set #ask-ISDN-Master-dir
- (cat
- "Es wird eine neue Schublade \"ISDN-Master\" erstellt, in die "
- "alle Programmdateien installiert werden. Auf welchem GerΣt, "
- "bzw. in welcher Schublade soll diese Schublade erstellt werden?"
- )
- )
- (set #ask-ISDN-Master-dir-help
- (cat
- "Hier geben Sie den Ort an, wo Sie die \"ISDN-Master\"-Software "
- "installiert werden. Eine Schublade \"ISDN-Master\" wird "
- "eingerichtet, Sie brauchen also z.B. nur \"WORK:\" anzugeben, "
- "um ISDN-Master in einer Schublade \"WORK:ISDN-Master\" zu "
- "installieren.\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Overwrite_Tel
- (cat
- "Es wurde eine alte Installation der Telefonsoftware gefunden. "
- "M÷chten Sie die Einstellungen und das Telefonbuch von dieser "
- "alten Version ⁿbernehmen?"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Overwrite_Tel-help
- (cat
- "Wenn Sie \"Ja\" anwΣhlen, werden alle Einstellungen der "
- "Telefonsoftware, einschliesslich Ihres Telefonbuches, "
- "in die neue Version ⁿbernommen.\n\n"
- "Wenn Sie \"Nein\" anwΣhlen, werden die neuen Standardeinstellungen "
- "benutzt, und Ihr altes Telefonbuch wird gel÷scht.\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #prompt-ISDN-Master
- (cat
- "Eine Schublade \"ISDN-Master\" wird eingerichtet, und "
- "folgende Dateien werden in diese Schublade kopiert:"
- )
- )
- (set #prompt-ISDN-Master-help
- (cat
- "Folgende Dateien/Schubladen werden kopiert:\n\n"
- "ISDN-Master - Der ISDN-Master-Voreinsteller.\n"
- "DChannelMon - Ein Programm fⁿr ISDN-Experten.\n"
- "Doc - Dokumentationsdateien.\n"
- "StateMon - ISDN-Statusanzeigeprogramm.\n"
- "WilhelmTEL - Telefonprogrammpaket.\n\n"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Install_WBStartup
- (cat
- "Wⁿnschen Sie, dass die Telefonsoftware nach jedem Neustart "
- "des Rechners automatisch gestartet wird?"
- )
- )
- (set #bool-Install_WBStartup-help
- (cat
- "Diese Funktion erzeugt in Ihrer WBStartup-Schublade ein "
- "Piktogramm mit dem Namen \"Tel-Startup\", welches bei jedem "
- "Neustart Ihres Amiga die Telefonsoftware startet. Dies ist "
- "besonders nⁿtzlich, wenn Sie den eingebauten Anrufbeantworter "
- "benⁿtzen wollen.\n\n"
- "Achtung: Sie sollten das Merkmal \"CX_POPUP\" auf \"No\" "
- "setzen, wenn die Telefonsoftware beim Start kein Fenster "
- "÷ffnen Soll. Beachten Sie dazu bitte auch das Handbuch."
- )
- )
- ))
- ;=============================================================================
- ; Main Installation Process
- ;=============================================================================
- ;============================================================================
- ; Install bscisdn.device in the appropriate DEVS drawer.
- (set Dev_destdir "SYS:Devs-User") ; Default drawer for user devices
- (if (<> (exists Dev_destdir) 2) ; Does this drawer exist ?
- (set Dev_destdir "DEVS:") ; No -> Normal DEVS:
- )
- ; Let the user make the final decision about where to put the
- ; device driver.
- (set Dev_destdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #ask-BSCISDNDevice-dir)
- (help
- #ask-BSCISDNDevice-dir-help
- @askdir-help
- )
- (default Dev_destdir)
- )
- )
- ; Now copy bscisdn.device, if it's newer than an installed one
- (copylib
- (prompt #prompt-BSCISDNDevice)
- (source "Devs/bscisdn.device")
- (dest Dev_destdir)
- (confirm)
- (help
- #ask-BSCISDNDevice-dir-help
- @copylib-help
- )
- )
- (complete 10)
- ;============================================================================
- ; Check if the user has saved configuration files for the ISDN data
- ; units. If the ISDN-Master directory in ENVARC:bsc exists, we assume
- ; such files are present, and ask the user if he would like to keep them.
- ; If he doesn't, we simply delete the contents of that entire directory.
- (if (= (exists "ENVARC:bsc/ISDN-Master") 2)
- (if (= (askbool
- (prompt #bool-Overwrite_Config)
- (help #bool-Overwrite_Config-help)
- ) 0)
- (
- (delete
- ("ENVARC:bsc/ISDN-Master/#?")
- )
- (set New_Config 1)
- )
- )
- (set New_Config 1)
- )
- ; If New_Config is not 0, we create the ENVARC:bsc and
- ; ENVARC:bsc/ISDN-Master directories.
- (if (<> New_Config 0)
- ((makedir "ENVARC:bsc")
- (makedir "ENVARC:bsc/ISDN-Master")
- ))
- (complete 20)
- ;============================================================================
- ; Ask for destination drawer or partition for ISDN-Master
- (set ISDN-Master_dest
- (tackon
- (askdir
- (prompt #ask-ISDN-Master-dir)
- (help
- #ask-ISDN-Master-dir-help
- @askdir-help
- )
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- "ISDN-Master"
- )
- )
- ; at this point we have a valid destination, so we tell installer where
- ; the application will end up so the exit page will be correct -- also,
- ; the installation log file (if any) will be copied to the destination
- (set @default-dest ISDN-Master_dest)
- ;============================================================================
- ; Now we test if the WilhelmTEL telephone program is already installed.
- ; If it is, we ask the user if she would like to keep the old configuration
- ; files, phonebooks, etc.
- (if (= (exists (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTEL/Tel.info")) 1)
- (if (set Keep_WilhelmTEL_Config
- (askbool
- (prompt #bool-Overwrite_Tel)
- (help #bool-Overwrite_Tel-help)
- ))
- (
- (rename
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTEL/Tel.info")
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTEL/Tel.info.tmp")
- )
- (rename
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "DChannelMon.info")
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "DChannelMon.info.tmp")
- )
- (rename
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "StateMon.info")
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "StateMon.info.tmp")
- )
- (rename
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTEL/Config")
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTEL/Config.tmp")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Now we install the whole ISDN-Master directory and its files.
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #prompt-ISDN-Master)
- (source "ISDN-Master")
- (dest ISDN-Master_dest)
- (all)
- (infos)
- (confirm "average")
- (help
- #prompt-ISDN-Master-help
- @copyfiles-help
- )
- )
- ; If we saved the old icon and config directory, rename them back now
- (if (<> Keep_WilhelmTEL_Config 0)
- (
- (delete
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTEL/Tel.info")
- )
- (rename
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTel/Tel.info.tmp")
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTel/Tel.info")
- )
- (delete
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "DChannelMon.info")
- )
- (rename
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "DChannelMon.info.tmp")
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "DChannelMon.info")
- )
- (delete
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "StateMon.info")
- )
- (rename
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "StateMon.info.tmp")
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "StateMon.info")
- )
- (rename
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTel/Config")
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTel/Config.del")
- )
- (rename
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTel/Config.tmp")
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTel/Config")
- )
- (delete
- (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTEL/Config.del")
- )
- ))
- (complete 80)
- ;============================================================================
- ; Ask the user if he wants to install Tel-Startup.info in his WBStartup
- ; drawer, and install it if he wants it.
- (if (askbool
- (prompt #bool-Install_WBStartup)
- (help #bool-Install_WBStartup-help)
- )
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #prompt-Startup)
- (source "WBStartup/Tel-Startup.info")
- (dest "SYS:WBStartup")
- (infos)
- )
- ; Fix default tool to WilhelmTEL's path
- (tooltype
- (dest "SYS:WBStartup/Tel-Startup")
- (noposition)
- (setdefaulttool (tackon ISDN-Master_dest "WilhelmTEL/Tel"))
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 99)
- (message #message-Protocol)
- (complete 100)
- ;============================================================================
- ; All done. Thank you for installing ISDN-Master :-)
- (exit)