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Java Source | 1996-09-26 | 7.5 KB | 284 lines |
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Copyright(C) 1996 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * the contents of this file is not to be disclosed to third parties, copied
- * or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
- * permission of Sony Corporation.
- *
- * File: tv.java
- * Auther: sugino
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- import vrml.*;
- import vrml.field.*;
- import vrml.node.*;
- public class tv extends Script {
- /* propertys */
- /*************************/
- /* channels/volume array */
- /*************************/
- SFFloat channels[] = new SFFloat[3]; /* channelp number shapes */
- SFFloat volumes[] = new SFFloat[10]; /* volume indicater shapes */
- SFColor powerBtn; /* power button */
- SFFloat chs[] = new SFFloat[3]; /* monitor faces */
- int MaxVolume ; /* volume max */
- int MaxChannel; /* channel max */
- int volume ; /* sound volume (0-9) */
- int channel ; /* channel no(0-2) */
- boolean powerOn ; /* true the power is on */
- int ignoreTimer ;
- SFBool tglTm ;
- SFTime bgm1Start ;
- SFTime bgm1Stop ;
- SFTime kachiStart ;
- SFFloat bgmVol ;
- /*************************************************
- * constructor
- *************************************************/
- public void initialize() {
- tglTm = (SFBool)getEventOut("tglTm");
- bgm1Start = (SFTime) getEventOut("bgm1Start");
- bgm1Stop = (SFTime) getEventOut("bgm1Stop");
- kachiStart = (SFTime) getEventOut("kachiStart");
- bgmVol = (SFFloat) getEventOut("bgmVol");
- MaxVolume =10; /* volume max */
- MaxChannel=3 ; /* channel max */
- volume = 8 ; /* sound volume (0-9) */
- channel = 0; /* channel no(0-2) */
- powerOn = false;/* true the power is on */
- /* ---------------------------------------------
- * initialize
- * ------------------------------------------- */
- /* reference to Channnel shapes */
- channels[0] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("ch1Shape");
- channels[1] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("ch2Shape");
- channels[2] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("ch3Shape");
- chs[0] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("ch1");
- chs[1] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("ch2");
- chs[2] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("ch3");
- /* reference to vol indicater shapes */
- volumes[0] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol1Shape");
- volumes[1] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol2Shape");
- volumes[2] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol3Shape");
- volumes[3] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol4Shape");
- volumes[4] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol5Shape");
- volumes[5] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol6Shape");
- volumes[6] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol7Shape");
- volumes[7] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol8Shape");
- volumes[8] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol9Shape");
- volumes[9] = (SFFloat)getEventOut("vol10Shape");
- /* reference to Power buttn shapes */
- powerBtn = (SFColor)getEventOut("powerShape");
- bgmVol.setValue((float)volume*0.1f);
- }
- public void processEvent(Event e) {
- String name = e.getName();
- ConstField v = (ConstField)e.getValue();
- double t = e.getTimeStamp();
- if (name.equals("volDown")){
- volDown ((ConstSFBool)v, t) ;
- }
- else if (name.equals("volUp")) {
- volUp ((ConstSFBool)v, t) ;
- }
- else if (name.equals("chUp")){
- chUp ((ConstSFBool)v, t) ;
- }
- else if (name.equals("chDown")){
- chDown ((ConstSFBool)v, t) ;
- }
- else if(name.equals("tglPower")){
- tglPower ((ConstSFBool)v, t) ;
- }
- else if (name.equals("turnOffInfo")){
- turnOffInfo ((ConstSFTime)v, t) ;
- }
- }
- /*************************************************
- * script methods
- *************************************************/
- public void volDown (ConstSFBool b, double t){
- if(!powerOn) return ;
- if(b.getValue()){return;}
- /* System.out.println("volDown"); */
- volume--;
- setVolume(volume);
- showInfo();
- /* TODO Ä└ì█é╔ë╣é≡âZâbâgé╖éΘ */
- bgmVol.setValue((float)volume*0.1f);
- }
- public void volUp (ConstSFBool b, double t){
- if(!powerOn) return ;
- if(b.getValue()){return;}
- /* System.out.println("volUp"); */
- volume++;
- setVolume(volume);
- showInfo();
- bgmVol.setValue((float)volume*0.1f);
- /* TODO Ä└ì█é╔ë╣é≡âZâbâgé╖éΘ */
- }
- public void chUp (ConstSFBool b, double t){
- if(!powerOn) return ;
- if(b.getValue()){return;}
- /* System.out.println("chUp"); */
- channel++;
- setChannel(channel);
- playTv();
- showInfo();
- }
- public void chDown (ConstSFBool b, double t){
- if(!powerOn) return ;
- if(b.getValue()){return;}
- /* System.out.println("chDown"); */
- channel--;
- setChannel(channel);
- playTv();
- showInfo();
- }
- public void tglPower (ConstSFBool b, double t){
- if(b.getValue()){return;}
- float f[] = new float[3];
- f[0]=f[1]=f[2]=0.0f;
- if(powerOn) {
- /* turn Off power */
- powerOn = false ;
- f[0]=1.0f;
- clearTv();
- clearInfo();
- bgm1Stop.setValue(t);
- }
- else {
- powerOn = true ;
- f[1]=1.0f;
- playTv();
- showInfo();
- bgm1Start.setValue(t);
- }
- powerBtn.setValue(f);
- /* System.out.println("tglPower" + ff[0] + " " +
- ff[1] + " " + ff[2] ); */
- kachiStart.setValue(t + 1);
- }
- public void turnOffInfo (ConstSFTime time, double t){
- if(0<ignoreTimer){
- ignoreTimer--;
- return ;
- }
- tglTm.setValue(false);
- clearInfo();
- clearVolume();
- }
- void clearInfo(){
- clearChannel();
- clearVolume();
- }
- /*************************************************
- * showInfo()
- *************************************************/
- void showInfo(){
- setChannel(channel);
- setVolume(volume);
- ignoreTimer = 1;
- tglTm.setValue(true);
- }
- /*************************************************
- * Clear TV
- *************************************************/
- void clearTv(){
- for (int i=0;i<MaxChannel;i++){
- chs[i].setValue(1.0f);
- }
- }
- /*************************************************
- * playTv
- *************************************************/
- void playTv(){
- clearTv();
- chs[channel].setValue(0.0f);
- }
- /*************************************************
- * Clear Channel shape
- *************************************************/
- void clearChannel(){
- for (int i=0;i<MaxChannel;i++){
- channels[i].setValue(1.0f);
- }
- }
- /*************************************************
- * set volume shape
- *************************************************/
- void setChannel(int ch){
- if(ch<0){ch =MaxChannel-1;}
- if(ch>=MaxChannel){ch=0;}
- channel = ch ;
- clearChannel();
- channels[ch].setValue(0.0f);
- }
- /*************************************************
- * Clear Volume shape
- *************************************************/
- void clearVolume(){
- for(int i=0;i<MaxVolume;i++){
- /* disable volume */
- volumes[i].setValue(1.0f);
- }
- }
- /*************************************************
- * set volume shape
- *************************************************/
- void setVolume(int vol){
- if(vol<0){vol =0;}
- if(vol>MaxVolume){vol=MaxVolume;}
- volume = vol ;
- clearVolume();
- for(int i=0;i<vol;i++){
- volumes[i].setValue(0.0f);
- }
- }
- }