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/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright(C) 1995, 1996 Sony Corporation * All Rights Reserved. * * This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Sony Corporation; * the contents of this file is not to be disclosed to third parties, copied * or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written * permission of Sony Corporation. * * File: cpmsg.txt * Auther: hiei *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // English Message Resource 0 ü@ "Can't find URL '%s'.\0" 1 "Can't load VRML file '%s'.\0" 2 "Illegal font style '%d'.\0" 3 "Can't get font info '%s'.\0" 4 "Illegal font family name '%s'." 5 "Please run Netscape Navigator, and try again." 6 "No node in VRML file." 7 "URL is too long." 8 "Can't load %s from %s." 9 "Fatal Error!" 10 "Can't load local file of '%s'" 11 "Authentication NG" 12 "Can't open VRML file '%s'" 50 "Connected to a Community Place Bureau WLS '%s:%4d'." 51 "Connected to a Community Place Bureau." 52 "Connected to a socks Server '%s'." 53 "Failed to connect to a Community Place Bureau WLS '%s:%4d'." 54 "Failed to connect to a Community Place Bureau." 55 "Failed to connect to a socks server '%s'." 56 "Rejected by a Community Place Bureau." 57 "Disconnected from a Community Place Bureau." 58 "Connection Failed." 59 "Failed to connect a WLS/Community Place Bureau." 60 "Invalid URL name: %s" 61 "Unknown file: %s" 62 "Can't open file (%s)." 63 "Can't write to file (%s)." 64 "Windows Sockets (Winsock) is not installed on this machine. You cannot use multiuser functions of Community Place Browser. Browsing VRML 2.0 files just works fine." 99 "* DEVELOPERS *\n\ntakeuchi@csl.sony.co.jp(Leader)\nask@krc.sony.co.jp\nhonda@csl.sony.co.jp\nishikawa@isd.crl.sony.co.jp\nkamachi@isd.crl.sony.co.jp\nmatsuda@csl.sony.co.jp\nmiyasita@isd.crl.sony.co.jp\nmizutani@com1.crl.sony.co.jp\nrekimoto@csl.sony.co.jp\nsugino@isd.crl.sony.co.jp\n\n* COOPERATOR *\ngen@com1.crl.sony.co.jp\nhirose@com1.crl.sony.co.jp\ndetail@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp\nnaoyuki@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp" 100 "Can't attach %s to Shape." 101 "Can't joint an element list." 102 "line %lu:Unknown field type '%s'." 103 "line %lu:Unmatch 'IS' field type." 104 "line %lu:Unmatch 'IS' event type." 105 "line %lu:Can't find 'PROTO' for '%s'" 106 "line %lu:Can't find '%s' on 'IS'" 107 "Can't analyze VRML file." 108 "line %lu:Can't find USE '%s' keyword." 109 "LINE 1:Can't analyze for invalid or its old!!\nHEADER: %s" 110 "Can't add Proto field." 111 "Can't create Proto new world." 112 "line %lu:Invalid '%s' field." 113 "line %lu:Unknown '%s' field name in '%s' node." 114 "line %lu:Invalid value '%s' field in '%s' node." 115 "line %lu:Unknown '%s' field type in '%s' node." 116 "Can't find event '%s' in table." 117 "Can't find type for '%s' in table." 118 "line %lu:Can't find source node." 119 "line %lu:Can't find 'TO'." 120 "line %lu:Can't find destination node." 121 "line %lu:Can't find '%s' DEF name." 122 "line %lu:Unmatch 'ROUTE' field type." 123 "line %lu:url-field not found." 124 "line %lu:No java file." 125 "line %lu:'%s' is unsupported in url-field." 126 "line %lu:Unknown url-field." 127 "Can't convert strings to value!" 128 "Can't analyze %s." 139 "Texture2 and TransparentTexture2 Node exists." 140 "Can't set font style in VsAsciiText." 141 "Can't register 'PROTO' field (%s)." 142 "Can't initialize 'PROTO' field (%s)." 143 "line %lu:Non-name field." 144 "line %lu:Non-url field." 145 "State info is insufficient." 146 "Can't set an information of IndexedFaceSet." 150 "Can't set an information of IndexedLineSet." 200 "Non-filename in Movie2 node." 201 "Non-url in MovieTexture." 202 "line %lu:Unknown '%s' field name in '%s' Node ignored." 203 "line %lu:Unknown '%s' Node,ignored." 204 "line %lu:'%s' Node is unsupported, ignored." 205 "Invalid Node name '%s'." 206 "Not found transformNode in Sony_Bind Shared Node." 207 "Not found scriptNode in Sony_Bind Shared Node." 208 "Not found '%s' SFBitMask." 210 "line %lu: '%s' Node should be located in '%s' Node's '%s' field." 300 "Connected." 301 "Connection Closed." 302 "Connection Busy." 303 "Calling..." 304 "Cannot Connect." 305 "Connection Lost." 306 "No Reply." 307 "Too Far Away." 308 "Reconnected." 309 "%s is calling you for private chat. Do you accept it ?" 310 "Do you want to chat with %s ?" 311 "Chat request to %s rejected." 312 "Nickname has been changed." // Japanese Message Resource 1000 "URL %sé¬é▌é┬é⌐éΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1001 "VRMLâtâ@âCâï %sé¬âìü[âhé┼é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1002 "û│î°é╚âtâHâôâgâXâ^âCâïé┼é╖ %düB" 1003 "âtâHâôâg %sé╠Åεò±é¬é▌é┬é⌐éΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1004 "âtâHâôâgâtâ@â~âèü[û╝ %sé═û│î°é┼é╖üB" 1005 "Netscape Navigatoré≡ùºé┐Åπé░é─é¡é╛é│éóüB" 1006 "VRML âtâ@âCâïé╔âmü[âhé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1007 "URL é¬Æ╖é╖é¼é▄é╖üB" 1008 "%s é≡ %s é⌐éτô╟é▌ì₧é▀é▄é╣é±üB" 1009 "Ævû╜ôIâGâëü[é¬ö¡É╢é╡é▄é╡é╜!" 1010 "âìü[âJâïâtâ@âCâï %sé≡ô╟é▌ì₧é▀é▄é╣é±é┼é╡é╜üB" 1011 "öFÅ╪é╔Ä╕ösé╡é▄é╡é╜üB" 1012 "VRML âtâ@âCâï %sé¬âIü[âvâôé┼é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1050 "Community Place Bureau WLSé╔É┌æ▒é╡é▄é╡é╜ '%s:%4d'üB" 1051 "Community Place Bureaué╔É┌æ▒é╡é▄é╡é╜üB" 1052 "socks âTü[âoé╔É┌æ▒é╡é▄é╡é╜ '%s'üB" 1053 "Community Place Bureau WLSé╞é╠É┌æ▒é╔Ä╕ösé╡é▄é╡é╜ '%s:%4d'üB" 1054 "Community Place Bureaué╞é╠É┌æ▒é╔Ä╕ösé╡é▄é╡é╜üB" 1055 "socks âTü[âoé╞é╠É┌æ▒é╔Ä╕ösé╡é▄é╡é╜'%s'üB" 1056 "Community Place Bureaué⌐éτÉ┌æ▒é≡ïæö█é│éΩé▄é╡é╜üB" 1057 "Community Place Bureaué¬É┌æ▒é≡É╪Æfé╡é▄é╡é╜üB" 1058 "É┌æ▒é╔Ä╕ösé╡é▄é╡é╜üB" 1059 "WLS/Community Place Bureaué╞é╠É┌æ▒é╔Ä╕ösé╡é▄é╡é╜üB" 1060 "û│î°é╚ URLû╝ %sé┼é╖üB" 1061 "û│î°é╚âtâ@âCâïû╝ %sé┼é╖üB" 1062 "âtâ@âCâï %sé¬âIü[âvâôé┼é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1063 "âtâ@âCâï %sé╔Åæé½ì₧é▀é▄é╣é±üB" 1064 "é▒é╠â}âVâôé╔é═Windows Sockets (Winsock)é¬âCâôâXâgü[âïé│éΩé─éóé╚éóé╠é┼â}âïâ`âåü[âUï@ö\é═Ägùpé┼é½é▄é╣é±üBVRML 2.0âuâëâEâUé╞é╡é─é═ï@ö\é╡é▄é╖üB" 1099 "* DEVELOPERS *\n\ntakeuchi@csl.sony.co.jp(Leader)\nask@krc.sony.co.jp\nhonda@csl.sony.co.jp\nishikawa@isd.crl.sony.co.jp\nkamachi@isd.crl.sony.co.jp\nmatsuda@csl.sony.co.jp\nmiyasita@isd.crl.sony.co.jp\nmizutani@com1.crl.sony.co.jp\nrekimoto@csl.sony.co.jp\nsugino@isd.crl.sony.co.jp\n\n* COOPERATOR *\ngen@com1.crl.sony.co.jp\nhirose@com1.crl.sony.co.jp\ndetail@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp\nnaoyuki@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp" 1100 "%s é¬ Shape é╔îïé╤òté»éτéΩé▄é╣é±é┼é╡é╜üB" 1101 "ùvæfâèâXâgé≡îïìçé┼é½é▄é╣é±é┼é╡é╜üB" 1102 "%lu ìs:û│î°é╚âtâBü[âïâhâ^âCâv %sé┼é╖üB" 1103 "%lu ìs:ISâtâBü[âïâhâ^âCâvé¬òsÉ│é┼é╖üB" 1104 "%lu ìs:ISâCâxâôâgâ^âCâvé¬òsÉ│é┼é╖üB" 1105 "%lu ìs:%sé╔æ╬é╖éΘ PROTOé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1106 "%lu ìs:ISé╔é¿é»éΘ %sé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1107 "VRMLâtâ@âCâïé≡ë≡É═é┼é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1108 "%lu ìs:USE é╔æ╬ë₧é╖éΘDEFû╝ %sé¬î⌐é┬é⌐éΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1109 "1 ìs:û│î°é╚âwâbâ_ü[é┼é╖üB\nHEADER: %s" 1110 "ProtoâtâBü[âïâhé≡òté»ë┴éªéτéΩé▄é╣é±é┼é╡é╜üB" 1111 "Proto é╠âÅü[âïâhé¬ì∞éΩé▄é╣é±é┼é╡é╜üB" 1112 "%lu ìs:û│î°é╚âtâBü[âïâh %sé┼é╖üB" 1113 "%lu ìs:û│î°é╚âtâBü[âïâh %sé┼é╖üi%sâmü[âhôαüjüB" 1114 "%lu ìs:û│î°é╚ %sâtâBü[âïâhé╠Ælé┼é╖üi%sâmü[âhôαüjüB" 1115 "%lu ìs:û│î°é╚âtâBü[âïâhâ^âCâv %sé┼é╖üi%sâmü[âhôαüjüB" 1116 "âeü[âuâïôαé╔é═ %sâCâxâôâgé═éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1117 "âeü[âuâïôαé╔é═ %sî`Ä«é═éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1118 "%lu ìs:ROUTEé╠â\ü[âXâmü[âhé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1119 "%lu ìs:ROUTEé╔ TOé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1120 "%lu ìs:ROUTEé╠âfâBâXâeâBâlü[âVâçâôâmü[âhé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1121 "%lu ìs:%sé╠ DEFû╝é¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1122 "%lu ìs:ROUTEâtâBü[âïâhî`Ä«é¬É│Åφé╔æ╬ë₧é╡é─éóé▄é╣é±üB" 1123 "%lu ìs:URLâtâBü[âïâhé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1124 "%lu ìs:û│î°é╚âXâNâèâvâgé┼é╖üB" 1125 "%lu ìs:%sé═URLâtâBü[âïâhé┼é═âTâ|ü[âgé│éΩé─éóé▄é╣é±üB" 1126 "%lu ìs:òsû╛é╚URLâtâBü[âïâhé┼é╖üB" 1127 "ò╢ÄÜù±é¬ÉöÆlé╔ò╧è╖é┼é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1128 "%sé¬ë≡É═é┼é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1139 "Texture2 é⌐ TransparentTexture2 é╠é╟é┐éτé⌐é¬òKùvé┼é╖üB" 1140 "VsAsciiTexté╔é¿éóé─üAâtâHâôâgâXâ^âCâïé≡âZâbâgé┼é½é▄é╣é±é┼é╡é╜üB" 1141 "PROTOâtâBü[âïâhé≡ôoÿ^é┼é½é▄é╣é±é┼é╡é╜ (%s)üB" 1142 "PROTOâtâBü[âïâhé≡Åëè·ë╗é┼é½é▄é╣é±é┼é╡é╜ (%s)üB" 1143 "%lu ìs:û╝æOé╠ù╠êµé┼é═éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1144 "%lu ìs:URLé╠ù╠êµé┼é═éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1145 "âXâeü[âgÅεò±é¬òsÅ\ò¬é┼é╖üB" 1146 "IndexedFaceSeté╠Åεò±é¬âZâbâgé┼é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1150 "IndexedLineSeté╠Åεò±é¬âZâbâgé┼é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1200 "Movie2 âmü[âhé╠âtâ@âCâïû╝é¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1201 "MovieTexture é╠URLé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1202 "%lu ìs:òsû╛é╚âtâBü[âïâhû╝ %sé¬üAâmü[âh %sé┼î⌐é┬é⌐éΦé▄é╡é╜üBû│Äïé╡é▄é╖üB" 1203 "%lu ìs:û│î°é╚âmü[âh %sé┼é╖üBû│Äïé╡é▄é╖üB" 1204 "%lu ìs:é▒é╠ %sâmü[âhé═é▄é╛Ä└æòé│éΩé─éóé▄é╣é±üBû│Äïé╡é▄é╖üB" 1205 "âmü[âhû╝ %sé═û│î°é┼é╖üB" 1206 "Sony_BindSharedNodeé╔ transformNodeé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1207 "Sony_BindSharedNodeé╔ scriptNodeé¬éáéΦé▄é╣é±üB" 1208 "%sé═û│î°é┼é╖üB" 1210 "%lu ìs:%sâmü[âhé═ %sâmü[âhé╠ %sâtâBü[âïâhé╔Åæéóé─é¡é╛é│éóüB" 1300 "ë₧ôÜé╡é▄é╡é╜üB" 1301 "ÅIù╣é╡é▄é╡é╜üB" 1302 "ÿbé╡Æåé┼é╖üB" 1303 "î─Åoé╡Æåé┼é╖üB" 1304 "ÿbé╣é▄é╣é±üB" 1305 "É║é¬ô═é⌐é╚é¡é╚éΦé▄é╡é╜üB" 1306 "æèÄΦé¬ÿbé╣é╚éóé⌐üAæèÄΦé╠ò╘Äûé¬ô═é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1307 "æèÄΦé¬ï▀é¡é╔éóé▄é╣é±üB" 1308 "ì─èJé╡é▄é╡é╜üB" 1309 "%sé│é±é¬ë∩ÿbé≡è≤û]é╡é─éóé▄é╖üBÄ≤é»é▄é╖é⌐üH" 1310 "%sé│é±é╞é╠ë∩ÿbé≡è≤û]é╡é▄é╖é⌐üH" 1311 "ìíé═ë∩ÿbé┼é½é▄é╣é±üB" 1312 "âjâbâNâlü[âÇé¬ò╧ìXé│éΩé▄é╡é╜üB"