1007 Step 2: Dialing in to get new access numbers...
1099 Your modem is not accepting AOLnet Connect's setup commands.
1100 AOLnet Connect was unable to initialize your modem.
1101 The modem was unable to get a carrier signal.
1102 The modem has reported that there is no dial tone.
1103 The number dialed is not answering.
1104 The number dialed did not connect to the access company.
1105 The number dialed is busy.
1106 The modem did not connect.\n\n
1107 The connection to AOLnet has been lost.
1108 The access company failed to respond.
1109 The network has stopped responding.
1110 The network was unable to reach AOLnet Connect.
1111 The connection to SprintNet has been lost.
1112 The final connection step to AOLnet Connect did not complete.
1113 The connection to Tymnet has been lost.
1114 The connection to AOLGLOBALnet has been lost.
1115 This access phone number is a SprintNet number.
1116 This access phone number is an AOLnet number.
1120 The modem was unable to get a carrier signal.
1121 The connection failed because a PPP link could not be established.
1122 The final connection step to AOLnet Connect could not complete.
1123 The final connection step to AOLnet Connect could not complete.
1124 The final connection step to AOLnet Connect did not complete.
1200 The communication port is invalid or busy.
1201 Opening %s failed
1500 Click Setup, then click the Devices tab. Click Auto Detect to automatically determine your modem type.
1510 Please reset your modem.\n1. Turn your modem off, then back on. (If your modem is inside the computer,
1511 turn the computer off, then back on)\n2. Check your modem cable connections.\n\n
1512 If you have never conneted to AOLnet Connect before, click Setup, then select 'Add Location'.
1520 This can be caused because the modem is not plugged into a phone line, the
1521 number dialed is incorrect, the connection was bad, or the call simply did
1522 not go through. If you have connected to this number before, then please try again.
1530 Please verify that your modem is properly plugged in and that the phone line is free,
1531 then try again.\n\nIf you have never connected to AOLnet Connect before, click Setup then
1532 select 'Add Location'.
1540 This can be caused because the modem is not plugged into a phone line, the number
1541 dialed is incorrect, the connection was bad, or the call simply did not go through
1542 To find another access phone number, click 'Setup', then select 'Add a new AOL access phone number.'
1550 This can be caused because the modem is not plugged into a phone line, the number
1551 dialed is incorrect, the connection was bad, or the call simply did not go through
1552 To select another access phone number, click Setup then click 'Add Number' under the Locations tab.
1560 Please try again in a moments.\n\n
1561 To find another access phone number, click 'Setup', then select 'Add a new AOL access phone number.'
1570 This can be caused because the modem is not plugged into a phone line, the
1571 number dialed is incorrect, the connection was bad, or the call simply did
1572 not go through. If you have connected to this number before, then please try again.
1580 Please try to connect again.\n\n
1581 To select another access phone number, click Setup then click Add Number under the Locations tab.
1590 This access numbers uses the Sprint network to connect to AOLnet Connect.
1591 To change the network setting to SprintNet, click Setup on the Sign On screen. Highlight the number,
1592 then click Edit. Select SprintNet from the Network pull-down menu.
1600 This access number is an AOLnet number.\n\n
1601 To change the network setting to AOLnet, click Setup on the Sign On scree. Highlight the number,
1602 then click Edit. Select AOLnet from the Network pull-down menu.
1610 The network assigned to this profile is incorrect.
1611 To change the network, click Setup on the Sign On screen,
1612 then click Expert Setup. Highlight the number and click Edit.
1620 The network or script file for this connection can not be used.\n\n
1621 To choose a new one, please click Setup, then click Expert Setup. Highlight the connection,
1622 and click Edit.
1630 Look for a file named AOLCSL.AOL and check that is properly
1631 placed inside of the TOOL directory.
1640 The port may be in use by another device or another application, such as
1641 fax software or an Internet Service Provider. Please exit that program
1642 or restart Windows to free the port.\n\n
1643 If you have never connected to AOLnet Connect before, click Setup then select the Locations
1644 tab, and click the 'Add Location' button.
1650 The modem did not shut down correctly.\n\n
1651 Please check that the cabling connections and the power cord
1652 are secure.
1660 A communication port hardware error has occurred.\n\n
1661 Try restarting your computer. If the problem persists, contact a
1662 hardware service technician.
8000 PPP Enabled:
8001 Yes
8002 No
9102 The connection profile you attempted to connect with is corrupted. Please delete it and create a new one.
9103 The connection assigned to this connection profile was not found.
9107 Modem (telephone line connection)
29001 An error has occurred, Please close other programs running on your computer, then try again.\n\nIf the problem persists, exit and close AOLnet Connect, then restart the AOLnet Connect program. You may also need to restart your computer.
29002 AOLnet Connect
29003 Step 3: Connected at %lu bps...
29006 AOLnet
29007 Custom Modem Profile
29008 WARNING: The outside line and call waiting combination you have chosen causes 911 to be dialed.
29009 -().,
29010 Standard (Hayes Compatible)
29011 Auto-Detection can not be performed. Click Setup on the Sign On screen, then click the Devices tab to select your modem type.
29012 Auto-Detection can not be performed. Click Setup on the Sign On screen, then click the Devices tab to select your modem type.