100 An error occurred, please try again. If this problem persists, reinstall the AOLnet Connect Software<m> Context creation failed for stream: %ld.
101 An error occurred. Please close other programs running on your computer, then try again. If this problem persists, exit and close AOLnet Connect, then restart the AOLnet Connect program. <m> Context End failed for stream: %ld.
102 An error occurred, please try again. If this problem persists, reinstall the AOLnet Connect Software.<m> There is no Context for stream: %ld.
103 An error occurred. Please close other programs running on your computer, then try again. If this problem persists, exit and close AOLnet Connect, then restart the AOLnet Connect program. <m> UnregisterClass Failed for IDBGaugeControl.
104 New User
105 Guest
106 New Local#
107 New User
108 Guest
109 New Local#
110 An error has occurred due to low memory. Please close other programs running on your computer, then try again. If the problem persists, exit and close AOLnet Connect, then restart the AOLnet Connect program. <m>Fail IDB_OpnCntxt-No mem for cntxt!.
111 An error occurred, please try again If this problem persists, reinstall the AOLnet Connect software.<m> There is no Context for stream: %ld.
112 An error occurred, please try again. If this problem persists, exit and close AOLnet Connect, then restart the AOLnet Connect program<m> Context creation failed for stream: %ld.