3002 An error has occurred. If this problem persists, contact your System Administrator.<m>No init packet found in database!
3004 Your connection to AOLnet Connect has been lost. From the Sign On menu above, select Sign On to reconnect to AOLnet Connect.
3005 Each account may only have up to 5 screen names. You've reached the maximum number of screen names allowed.<m>Cannot add another screen name. (5 detected).
3006 You cannot sign on automatically to a Guest screenname. Use one of the screennames listed on the Sign On screen and try again.
3007 New User
3008 Guest
3009 New Local#
3010 New User
3011 An error has occurred. If you receive this message repeatly, please exit and close AOLnet Connect, then restart the AOLnet Connect software.<m>About to send an unknown token.
3012 Hello
3013 There are currently no error messages
3014 AOLnet Connect was unable to connect. Please try again.
3015 Existing Member
3016 The diagnostic file has been updated.
3017 \n\nNote: Uploading this diagnostic file may result in the contents of your sessions (which may include your
3018 password or any e-mail or instant message sent or received by you) to be uploaded as well. The diagnostic file is subject
3019 to America Online's privacy policy. For further details regarding America Online's privacy policy, contact your System Administrator.