Ambrosia Software, Inc. -- publisher of award winning programs for the Macintosh -- distributes a full line of utility, productivity, and anti-productivity (game) software through America Online, CompuServe, and the Internet as shareware.
You are given a 30 day free license to evaluate any of our software; after the 30 days have passed, you are expected to send the appropriate registration fee to us for processing.
This Newsletter
Ambrosia Software, Inc. publishes this electronic newsletter, entitled The Ambrosia Times, every other month. The "AT" is an interactive electronic newsletter that is meant to serve as an informal method of getting the word out about what Ambrosia is up to as a company. By browsing past and present issues of this newsletter, you'll obtain a wealth of information about our products, from previews of upcoming products to hints and tips about how to use our software effectively.
The Ambrosia Times is distributed electronically free of charge on a bimonthly basis. If you want The Ambrosia Times sent to your electronic mailbox at no charge every other month, please sign up on the at_list mailing list at
The Crew
So that we're not just another faceless monolith, I'd like to take the opportunity to introduce all of Ambrosia's employees. Don't worry; this won't take long, there are only a few of us slaving away in the byte mines.
• Hector D. Byrd
Grand Poo-Bah of the office. This crusty critter rules with an iron wing.
• Andrew Welch
Ambrosia's fearless leader and resident Macintosh wizard. A large portion of Ambrosia's software library has been authored by Andrew. This talented young programmer is the founding father of Ambrosia, and
continues to lead Ambrosia into the uncharted waters of digital distribution of commercial quality products.
• Matt Slot
Matt Slot is mostly known for his work with the Bolo and Avara Tracker, but has recently joined our forces as a full time programmer. Matt is working on several projects, including keeping our Internet servers
running smoothly as well as programming for Ambrosia's product line. Oh, he also plays a mean game of Bolo.
• Jason Whong
(on floor, wearing obligatory t-shirt with Apple logo on back) Jason comes to us as a recent graduate of Ithaca College who has completed his studies in the Communications field. He likes Korean food, and sometimes
drives really fast. Want to sell ad space or ship our products on your CD? Talk to him.
• David Dunham
David is Ambrosia's new Tech Support Manager. He hails from the Rochester area, but has traveled the world in his search for truth, justice, and the American Way. If you have a question about Ambrosia's products, this is the guy to talk to.
• John Cook
John is in charge of Finances here at Ambrosia Software. His pecuniary skills are quite sharp. He previously worked for many high-profile companies, so his wisdom is appeciated. Oh, and he has a Windows PC at
home, but we are slowly but surely converting him.
• Aaron Hunt
(left of center) Aaron is our part time typing machine. Aside from the fact that he is an excellent typist, he is involved with producing two talk shows here in Rochester for WXXI-AM, and is also involved in a band
as a drummer. Aaron types with rhythm.
• Ed Ota
(not pictured) When Andrew first incorporated Ambrosia, Ed was right there with him. Originally, the company was run out of their dorm room (we have since upgraded to a suite of offices). While Andrew programmed, Ed handled the operation side of things. Although Ed has left Ambrosia for the United States Marine Corps to serve as a Second Lieutenant, he is still here in spirit, but he's really in a desert.
• "Cajun" David Richard
(not pictured) Cajun was also present at the founding of Ambrosia, but he left Ambrosia in October, 1997 for a multimedia company. His keen mind, and attention to detail are the gold standard for excellence at
Ambrosia, and he will be sorely missed.
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