Barrack is OUT! Run, do not walk, to the Ambrosia forum of your preference and grab this insidiously addictive new gem! You'll find an in-depth treatment of Barrack later on in this issue, so we'll leave it short and sweet for now.
AOL Forum Redux
Cajun has done a complete overhaul of our America Online forum (Keyword: Ambrosia), which has turned a good thing great. The Ambrosia forum on AOL has been completely revamped with better graphics, more logical organization of files, an area for user-uploaded files, and much more. Stop on by for a visit if you have an account on AOL.
Beta Update
Avara and Escape Velocity are still in beta test, but for a good reason: we've added some incredible features to both games. Read on for more information on these two games later in this issue.
Updates Galore!
Eclipse 3.0.1 has been released. It's a minor bug fix release which addresses a few relatively minor problems found in the initial 3.0.0 version. Not bad for a complete rewrite!
Maelstrom 1.4.3, Swoop 1.0.2, and Chiral 1.0.2 have been released; the changes are relatively minimal in each case. The upgrades were done mainly to include our new registration system and FAQs with the games to give our product line a coherent look, and to fix a few lingering bugs. In the process however, Chiral was made 100% PowerPC native, and includes a new 8 channel stereo sound system.
Web Update
The Ambrosia Cafe has been steadily been gaining both new web sites and accolades alike. Our server currently receives approximately 50,000 hits a day, with no sign of the activity abating! Check it out at
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And finally, in the on-going saga of Andrew's Jeep, the hardtop was recently hit by gusting winds strong enough to rip it clean off and send it plummeting down 4 stories to the pavement below, where it promptly shattered. Talk about a maelstrom.