How would you like Andrew Welch, or one of us Ambrosians, to drop by and visit your next Macintosh User Group meeting? We could talk about shareware, discuss projects we are working on, find out what’s new in the wonderful world of Macintosh and maybe even trade a few jokes. This sounds great to me. We are a customer driven company and are always curious what users are talking about, what they want to see in software and how we can improve our products or services.
Although we can not squeeze a bunch of transcontinental airline tickets out of your shareware fees, there is a work around. eWorld, Apple’s own electronic information service, has voice capabilities with chat sessions. Although chat sessions have been around for a while, eWorld’s voice synthesizer adds a new dimension. The audience no longer has to gather around a monitor, or squint at a projection screen. The message traffic is actually spoken by your computer. All you need is a modem to access eWorld, eWorld’s 1.1 software, and a Mac with speakers. A MUG moderator man’s the keyboard on your end, and enters in questions, comments and concerns voiced by your audience. Ambrosia will answer live time, complete with typos.
Ambrosia Software is now open to invitations from accredited Macintosh User Groups to come and “visit” for a presentation. At an agreed upon time and date, Ambrosia will “meet” with your MUG on eWorld. Before the actual meeting, Ambrosia will send your MUG a “Presentation Kit” that will include:
  A complete set of master disks for your User Group software library.
  Free raffle prizes.
  Literature about our software products.
If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, please contact John Haley at or click on the info icon below for our mailing address.
We will need:
  The name and address of your Macintosh User Group.
  The date and time of the MUG meeting that you would like to schedule the presentation for (please indicate your time zone, we’d hate to be an hour late).
  The eWorld screen name of the account you will be using, so we know who we are looking for.
  The name of the moderator on your end, and an emergency phone number that we can reach you at the meeting site in case the gods of telecommunication frown upon us that evening.
  A copy of the MUG newsletter, if you have one, announcing the presentation. This is not absolutely necessary, but we like to see what folks are writing about us.
Ambrosia’s small full time staff is hard at work on multiple projects, so we may not be able to schedule every invitation right away. Also, there are only so many days in the week, and we are scheduling on a “first come, first serve” basis. Please wait for an affirmative response before planning a presentation into your MUG schedule.