If you have version 1.0.0 of Ambrosia’s Apeiron, check out this month’s Eek A Bug column. A bit of date sensitive code written for Apeiron’s high score contest is causing trouble. Never fear, Ambrosia already has released a solution.
Chiral Basics is Out!
Have you been frustrated with Ambrosia’s puzzle game Chiral? This new tutorial will walk you through the ins and outs of molecular construction. Dr. Cajun will walk you through the basics.
Just the FAQ’s
Ambrosia has begun posting handy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) to address common questions. These online documents provide everything you wanted to know about Ambrosia and its programs in an organized concise manner. Did we miss your question? Send it in, these FAQs will be updated on a regular basis.
No, not the race car. Ambrosia’s Internet plans are taking a giant step forward. We are the proud parents of a bouncing baby Indy, Silicon Graphics powerful Web server platform. Not only is SG’s Indy a beefy little server, but it comes with its own set of authoring tools (complete with Hector-Cam). We firmly believe that electronic distribution is the future of software sales, and the Internet is the grand daddy of all electronic informational networks. With this in mind, we are hard at work on our Internet plans.
New Location
Ambrosia central has moved to downtown Rochester. Although just across town, this move will better facilitate Ambrosia’s soon to come Internet activities. Although not in danger of rivaling Bill Gates’ headquarters, it’s good enough for us to call home. Stay tuned for more about the new office in September’s Ambrosia Times.
New Products
Ambrosia Software is working closely with several developers on a few new and exciting games & utilities for your Macintosh. Although we can’t go into detail at this point, rest assured we are putting your shareware payments to good work. As long as people continue to pay for their shareware, Ambrosia will continue to bring you quality products.