Ambrosia Software, Inc. is a small company dedicated to bringing you quality software, excellent support, and innovative ideas all at a reasonable cost. We give you commercial-quality software at a fraction of the price, with the added convenience of being able to try out the software before you pay for it.
Ambrosia distributes software on numerous electronic information services, as well as via user groups, and approved public domain distributors. Of course, you can always obtain our products directly from us as well. You are given a 30 day free license to evaluate any of our software; after the 30 days have passed, you are expected to send the appropriate registration fee to us for processing.
This Newsletter
Ambrosia Software, Inc. publishes an electronic newsletter entitled The Ambrosia Times every other month. The Times is an interactive electronic company newsletter. Designed to offer insight into the company itself, the newsletter will also serve as an online crossroads for Ambrosia’s shareware users.
The Ambrosia Times is being distributed electronically free of charge on a bi-monthly basis. If you want The Ambrosia Times sent to your online address at no charge (sorry, no Internet addresses) every other month, contact us for a subscription.
This Issue
Hi there, this is the anniversary issue of Ambrosia Software’s interactive newsletter, The Ambrosia Times. This eZine is meant to serve as an informal method of getting the word out about what Ambrosia is up to as a company. By browsing this newsletter, and past issues, you can get a better idea about just who Ambrosia is and what we are about. Not only can you see what the company is up to, but you can also see what users like yourself think of Ambrosia.
Have a comment, suggestion, gripe, or just want to say hello? Send it in. We live for feedback. Ambrosia especially appreciates any suggestions on how we the company, can better serve you, the customer.
To get a better idea about Ambrosia as a company, so that we’re not just another faceless monolith, I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce all of Ambrosia’s employees. Don’t worry; this won’t take long, there are only a few of us slaving away in the byte mines.
Andrew Welch: (bottom center) Ambrosia’s fearless leader and resident Macintosh wizard. Currently, a large portion of Ambrosia’s software library has been authored by Andrew. This talented young programmer is the founding father of Ambrosia, and continues to lead Ambrosia into the uncharted waters of digital distribution of commercial quality products.
Ed Ota: (not shown) When Andrew first incorporated Ambrosia, Ed was right there with him. Originally, the company was run out of their dorm room (we have since upgraded to a suite of offices). While Andrew programmed, Ed handled the operation side of things. Although Ed has left Ambrosia for the United States Marine Corps to serve as a Second Lieutenant, he is still here in spirit. Who can blame him for taking a cushier job ;<).
“Cajun” David Richard: (left standing) This southern gentleman is Ambrosia’s technical support guru and sorcerer’s apprentice. If you have a question or concern about any of Ambrosia’s products, Cajun is your man. Thanks to Cajun, Ambrosia can boast an average 24 hour turnaround time for eMail technical questions. If you are surfing the online networks, stop by one of our forums and say hello.
John Haley: (right standing) If you have read a review of one of Ambrosia’s products, chances are John is doing his job. As Marketing Manager, John promotes Ambrosia’s products and services. Most of the text for press releases, this newsletter, our soon to be up WWW page and just about anything else comes from John’s desk. As developer & distributor liaison, John also manages Ambrosia’s growing list of outside developers and third party public domain distributors.
Gayle Haarr: (middle standing) With Gayle’s finely tuned accounting skills, Ambrosia is better able to squeeze the most out of your shareware dollar. Gayle is in charge of the day-to-day business operations of Ambrosia’s busy office. If you are feeling neighborly, say hello to Gayle on your next registration form.
Chances are, if you have a question or concern about software, you are not the first person to ask it. By sharing questions and answers we hope to help everyone out a little. So send in your bugs (computer variations only, please), your questions, or just a comment. We live for mail.
This is the seventh issue of this newsletter. If you haven’t seen previous issues, you may want to take a look at them. We are using a version number system similar to software. This issue is 2.4, which means it is the fourth issue of the second year of publication. Thanks to everyone who appreciated the previous issues so much.
Navigating through this newsletter is simplified with the use of pictures and icons. Click once on each icon to find out what it does. Also be sure to click on pictures & graphics for hidden surprises.
This newsletter is published every odd-numbered month. This is one of many projects under way here at Ambrosia central. To produce this newsletter on a monthly basis would steal valuable time away from the development and testing of programs. Can’t have that. Also, we wanted to allow time to get enough information of interest, and format it properly. If you’re interested in a free online subscription, please drop us a line with your eMail address.