We would love to hear from you. This document is heavily interactive. It is designed to be an open forum for Ambrosia Software users to compare findings and voice frustrations. Please feel free to drop us a line using the information below. Free electronic subscriptions are available by sending your online address to us using the following contact information:
AOL: AmbrosiaSW
CIS: 73424, 1226
eWorld: AmbrosiaSW
Internet: AmbrosiaSW@AOL.com
Ambrosia Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 23140
Rochester, N.Y. 14692-3140
(716) 475-9289
Where to find The Ambrosia Times and other Ambrosia Software Goodies
America Online: While you are on AOL, choose “Keyword...” from the “GO TO” menu, type Ambrosia and hit the return key. You’ll be taken to our forum, where you’ll find a message base (for comments and questions) and a software library stocked with the latest versions of our software products.
Compuserve: On CIS a majority of our programs can be found in the System forum of the Macintosh forums, with the exception of Maelstrom‚Ñ¢ and Chiral‚Ñ¢, which can be found in the Entertainment Forum.
e World: Once online, choose “Go to Shortcut...” from the “PLACES” menu, type Ambrosia and hit the return key. You’ll be taken to our brand new forum, where you’ll find a message base (for comments and questions) and a software library stocked with the latest versions of our software products.
Internet: Ambrosia Software’s products can be found at the “mac.archive.umich.edu” or “sumex-aim.stanford.edu” FTP sites.
This second edition of The Ambrosia Times was written by the staff of Ambrosia Software with contributions from users and customers (All of our customers are users, but not all of our users are customers). The text was compiled, edited and formatted by John Haley.
Ambrosia would like to offer a little overdue gratitude to Ty Dibble for access to a Quicktake camera. We took a few snapshots of Andrew on his Harley for the premier issue. For this issue we would like to thank Aware Systems for access to some of the latest in scanning technology. We tried to wrestle Hector down for a quick scan, but some tasks are just insurmountable. Ambrosia would also like to extend gratitude to our volunteer proof readers; Trevor Powell, Douglas Kiang, and Herb Schulsinger.
Apple‚Ñ¢, Mac‚Ñ¢, and Macintosh‚Ñ¢ are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Ambrosia Software, Inc. is not affiliated in any way with Apple Computer, Inc. All products or services mentioned in this publication are trademarks of their respective owners. Subscription rates are free, gratis, nada for electronic distribution. Currently there are no plans for print distribution.
Opinions expressed in this publication by the contributers will be stubbornly defended to the grave. Parties with differing opinions should realize that they are mistaken, misinformed or just plain old ignorant. Write in anyway, we are always glad to hear from you.
Ambrosia Software, Inc. is not responsible for any damage to the purchaser’s computer system or data and in no event will Ambrosia Software, Inc., its officers, directors, employees or agents be responsible to the user for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use the Ambrosia Software, Inc. product, even if Ambrosia Software, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.