home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include "Xv9t9.h"
- #include "v9t9_common.h"
- #include "system.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "v9t9.h"
- #include "command_rl.h"
- #include "moduleconfig.h"
- #include "v9t9_module.h"
- #include "unixmain.h"
- #if defined(X_WIN_VIDEO) && defined(X_WIN_KEYBOARD)
- #include "xlibrsrc.h"
- #define SIZEOF_OPS 4
- XrmOptionDescRec xlib_opTable[SIZEOF_OPS] = {
- {"-geometry", ".geometry", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
- {"-xrm", NULL, XrmoptionResArg, (XPointer) NULL},
- {"-display", ".display", XrmoptionSepArg, (XPointer) NULL},
- {"-iconic", "*iconStartup", XrmoptionNoArg, (XPointer) NULL},
- };
- XrmDatabase xlib_rDB;
- extern Display *x11_dpy;
- extern Window vwin;
- extern int x11_screen;
- void xlib_get_resources(const char *appname, XrmDatabase cmdlineDB)
- {
- XrmDatabase homeDB, serverDB, appDB;
- char filenamebuf[1024];
- char *str;
- /* Get merged resource database */
- /* Read app-defaults... */
- strcpy(filenamebuf, "/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/");
- strcat(filenamebuf, appname);
- appDB = XrmGetFileDatabase(filenamebuf);
- if (appDB) XrmMergeDatabases(appDB, &xlib_rDB);
- /* Read server defaults... */
- if ((str = XResourceManagerString(x11_dpy)) != NULL) {
- serverDB = XrmGetStringDatabase(str);
- } else {
- /* Open .Xdefaults file */
- strcpy(filenamebuf, (str = getenv("HOME")) ? str : ".");
- strcat(filenamebuf, "/.Xdefaults");
- serverDB = XrmGetFileDatabase(filenamebuf);
- }
- if (serverDB) XrmMergeDatabases(serverDB, &xlib_rDB);
- /* Get local defaults for server */
- if ((str = getenv("XENVIRONMENT")) == NULL) {
- int len;
- strcpy(filenamebuf, (str = getenv("HOME")) ? str : ".");
- strcat(filenamebuf, "/.Xdefaults-");
- len = strlen(filenamebuf);
- gethostname(filenamebuf+len, sizeof(filenamebuf)-len);
- str = filenamebuf;
- }
- homeDB = XrmGetFileDatabase(str);
- if (homeDB) XrmMergeDatabases(homeDB, &xlib_rDB);
- /* Command line is priority */
- if (cmdlineDB) XrmMergeDatabases(cmdlineDB, &xlib_rDB);
- }
- /*
- * Initialize what we can and return 1 if we are to use
- * the xlib loop.
- */
- int
- xlib_system_init(void)
- {
- XrmDatabase cmdlineDB = 0;
- XrmValue value;
- char *display;
- char *str_type[20];
- /* Read command-line args */
- XrmParseCommand(&cmdlineDB, xlib_opTable, SIZEOF_OPS,
- OS_GetFileNamePtr(v9t9_argv[0]),
- &v9t9_argc, v9t9_argv);
- /* Initialize X context */
- if (XrmGetResource(cmdlineDB, "v9t9.display", "V9t9.Display",
- str_type, &value)) {
- display = (char *)value.addr;
- } else {
- display = NULL;
- }
- if ((x11_dpy = XOpenDisplay(display)) == NULL) {
- logger(_L | LOG_USER, "Cannot connect to X server '%s'\n",
- XDisplayName(display));
- return 0;
- }
- xlib_get_resources(OS_GetFileNamePtr(v9t9_argv[0]), cmdlineDB);
- x11_screen = DefaultScreen(x11_dpy);
- return 1;
- }
- int
- xlib_system_loop(void)
- {
- XEvent Event;
- int ret;
- while (1) {
- while (TM_Ticked) {
- TM_TickHandler(0);
- // TM_Ticked--;
- TM_Ticked = 0;
- }
- while (XCheckWindowEvent(x11_dpy, vwin, ~0, &Event)) {
- logger(_L | L_2, "Event = %d\n\n\n", Event.type);
- x_handle_kbd_event(&Event);
- x_handle_video_event(&Event);
- }
- // XSync(x11_dpy, False);
- ret = v9t9_execute();
- if (ret == em_TooFast)
- unix_system_pause();
- else if (ret == em_Quitting || ret == em_Dying)
- break;
- }
- return ret == em_Dying;
- }
- #endif // defined(X_WIN_VIDEO) && defined(X_WIN_KEYBOARD)