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- /*
- VDPSPRITES.C -- handle sprite-change functions and drawing.
- 1) fix magnified problems with messies on screen
- 2) when screen changes, change sprites
- -- set vdpstatus bit for sprite coinc (0x40):
- checked every 1/60 second when any 'on' bits in
- sprite patterns match other sprites' 'on' bits
- -- set five sprites on a line bit (0x20)
- (only four are displayed)
- -- set fifth sprite number (0x1f)
- */
- #define __VDP_INTERNAL__
- #include "v9t9_common.h"
- #include "video.h"
- #include "vdp.h"
- #include "vdpsprites.h"
- #include "memory.h"
- #define SPRITE_PTR(x) (struct sprite *)(FLAT_MEMORY_PTR(md_video, vdp_mode.sprite.base) + (x)*4)
- #define SPRPAT_PTR(x) (FLAT_MEMORY_PTR(md_video, vdp_mode.sprpat.base) + ((x) << 3))
- /* r==0xd0 ==> all sprites here and beyond are 'deleted'
- color&0x80 ==> early clock on, move sprite 32 pixels to the left
- */
- struct sprite {
- u8 y, x;
- u8 ch, color;
- };
- #define GETX(sp) (((sp)->color&0x80) ? ((sp)->x)-32 : (sp)->x)
- #define GETY(sp) (((sp)->y+1)&255)
- struct sprite oldsprites[32];
- int olddelptr;
- struct sprite *newsprites;
- int newdelptr;
- u32 toredraw;
- u32 sprbitmap[32 * 32]; /* where are sprites? */
- static u32 sprlines[256]; /* sprites on each line */
- static u8 sprlinecnt[256]; /* counts of # bits set */
- /*
- This function does the mammoth tasks of:
- 0) Change sprites under whom chars changed
- 1) See if sprite pattern change forces a sprite update.
- 2) See if position change forces a sprite update.
- 3) See if deleted-ptr changes, forcing sprite updates.
- 4) Update vdp_changes.screen where sprites dance.
- 5) Force updates to sprites under changed ones.
- 6) Weed out blank sprites.
- 7) Set VDP status flags for coincidence and five sprites on a line (hackish)
- */
- void
- vdp_update_sprites(void)
- {
- int i;
- struct sprite *sp, *osp;
- int deleted;
- u32 moved;
- u32 olddelbitmap, newdelbitmap;
- u32 nearchanges;
- int five_sprites = -1;
- if (!draw_sprites)
- return;
- logger(_L | L_2, "---------");
- toredraw = 0;
- newsprites = SPRITE_PTR(0);
- sp = newsprites;
- osp = oldsprites;
- deleted = 0;
- newdelptr = 32;
- logger(_L | L_2, "spritechanges: %08X\n\n", vdp_changes.sprite);
- if (log_level(LOG_SPRITES) >= 2)
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- if (vdp_changes.sprite & SPRBIT(i)) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "Sprite %02d changed: %s%s%s\n", i,
- (sp->x != osp->x || sp->y != osp->y) ? "pos, " : "",
- (sp->color != osp->color) ? "color, " : "",
- (sp->ch != osp->ch) ? "patt" : "");
- }
- sp++;
- osp++;
- }
- /* Check deleted ptr and force redraws */
- sp = newsprites;
- osp = oldsprites;
- newdelbitmap = olddelbitmap = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- /* Check deleted state */
- if (!deleted) {
- deleted = (sp->y == 0xd0);
- if (deleted) {
- logger(_L | L_2, "Deleted sprites past %d\n", i);
- newdelptr = i;
- }
- }
- if (i >= olddelptr && i < newdelptr) { /* need to draw undeleted sprite */
- vdp_changes.sprite |= SPRBIT(i);
- logger(_L | L_1, "Updating sprite %d because undeleted\n", i);
- } else if (i >= newdelptr && i < olddelptr) { /* need to delete sprite */
- newdelbitmap |= SPRBIT(i); /* newly deleted */
- logger(_L | L_1, "Updating sprite %d because deleted\n", i);
- } else
- /* Check for pattern changes */
- if (i < newdelptr) { /* definitely not deleted */
- if (vdp_changes.sprpat[sp->ch]) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "Sprite %d changed pattern\n", i);
- vdp_changes.sprite |= SPRBIT(i);
- }
- } else
- /* still deleted */
- {
- /*vdp_changes.sprite&=~SPRBIT(i); */
- olddelbitmap |= SPRBIT(i); /* still deleted */
- /* deleted in either case, can't redraw */
- }
- sp++;
- }
- // vdp_changes.sprite&=~(olddelbitmap|newdelbitmap); /* deleted, don't bother */
- logger(_L | L_1, "VDP_CHANGES.SPRITE: %04X DELBITMAP: %04X/%04X\n", vdp_changes.sprite,
- olddelbitmap, newdelbitmap);
- if (newdelptr == 32)
- logger(_L | L_2, "No deleted sprites\n");
- /* Now, check sprite moves, and redraw.
- This looks at the old bitmap.
- */
- /* 1) Which sprites moved?
- We consider newly deleted sprites to have moved.
- */
- osp = oldsprites;
- sp = newsprites;
- moved = newdelbitmap;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- // if (i>=newdelptr && i<olddelptr)
- // moved|=SPRBIT(i);
- // else
- if ((osp->x != sp->x || osp->y != sp->y))
- moved |= SPRBIT(i);
- osp++;
- sp++;
- }
- /* 2) Where WERE they? */
- for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) {
- if (sprbitmap[i] & (vdp_changes.sprite | newdelbitmap)) /* old bitmap */
- vdp_changes.screen[i] = SC_SPRITE_DELETED;
- }
- /* Now, create new sprite bitmap. */
- memset((void *) sprbitmap, 0, sizeof(sprbitmap));
- memset((void *) sprlines, five_sprites_on_a_line ? 0 : -1, sizeof(sprlines));
- memset((void *) sprlinecnt, 0, sizeof(sprlinecnt));
- five_sprites = -1;
- sp = newsprites;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- u8 px, py; // pixel coordinate
- u8 bx, by; // block coordinate
- int dx, dy; // delta for sprite
- int pyl;
- py = GETY(sp);
- by = (py >> 3);
- dy = (py & 7) + sprwidth;
- /* count sprites on each line and keep track
- of which of the first four we can draw */
- pyl = (py + sprwidth) & 255;
- while (py != pyl) {
- sprlinecnt[py]++;
- if (sprlinecnt[py] > 4) {
- /* record fifth sprite */
- if (five_sprites == -1) five_sprites = i;
- } else {
- /* set bit so this sprite will be drawn */
- sprlines[py] |= SPRBIT(i);
- }
- py = (py+1) & 255;
- }
- while (dy > 0) {
- px = GETX(sp);
- bx = (px >> 3);
- dx = (px & 7) + sprwidth;
- while (dx > 0) {
- /* very rough check for sprite coincidence: FIXME !!! */
- if (sprbitmap[(by << 5) + bx])
- vdp_mmio_set_status(vdp_mmio_get_status() | VDP_COINC);
- sprbitmap[(by << 5) + bx] |= SPRBIT(i);
- bx = (bx + 1) & 31;
- dx -= 8;
- }
- by = (by + 1) & 31;
- dy -= 8;
- }
- sp++;
- }
- if (five_sprites != -1) {
- vdp_mmio_set_status( (vdp_mmio_get_status()
- vdp_changes.sprite |= -1;
- if (log_level(LOG_SPRITES) >= 3) {
- logger(_L|L_3, "Five sprites on lines:\n");
- for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
- if (sprlinecnt[i] > 4) {
- u32 b, n;
- logger(_L|L_3, "%d: ", i);
- b = 1;
- n = 0;
- while (b) {
- if (sprlines[i] & b) {
- logger(_L|L_3, "%d,", n);
- }
- n++;
- b <<= 1;
- }
- logger(_L|L_3, "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- vdp_mmio_set_status( (vdp_mmio_get_status()
- }
- /* Where chars change, force sprite update */
- for (i = 0; i < 768; i++)
- if (vdp_changes.screen[i])
- vdp_changes.sprite |= sprbitmap[i];
- /*
- Now, set all the sprites below/above a changed one
- Do this by walking sprbitmap. If sprbitmap&vdp_changes.sprite,
- this means this char is affected by a change, so we need to
- redraw all other sprites on that char, so vdp_changes.sprite|sprbitmap.
- */
- /* for (i=0; i<768; i++)
- * {
- *
- * if (sprbitmap[i]&vdp_changes.sprite)
- * vdp_changes.sprite|=sprbitmap[i];
- * }
- *
- * This is not the correct solution. Imagine a diagonal line
- * of sprites from the top left to the screen to the bottom right,
- * in increasing sprite number. When the bottommost one changes,
- * we'll get the next one above it with this algorithm, but not
- * the one on top of *that* one, etc. The "solution" to recursively
- * redraw every sprite on up the line would lead to terrible
- * performance problems in these cases.
- *
- * What we need to do is keep track of sprites that are redrawn
- * in the vicinity of a real changed sprite, and avoid setting
- * their bits in vdp_changes.screen[]. That's what nearchanges is.
- */
- nearchanges = 0;
- if (!five_sprites_on_a_line) {
- for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) {
- if (sprbitmap[i] & vdp_changes.sprite)
- nearchanges |= sprbitmap[i];
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- if (sprlines[i] & vdp_changes.sprite) {
- nearchanges |= sprlines[i];
- }
- }
- }
- /* Don't *draw* deleted sprites */
- vdp_changes.sprite &= ~(newdelbitmap);
- /* Now, figure which sprites should be drawn */
- sp = newsprites;
- toredraw = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- if ((vdp_changes.sprite | nearchanges) & SPRBIT(i)) {
- if (i < newdelptr && (sp->color & 15)) {
- toredraw |= SPRBIT(i);
- logger(_L | L_3, "going to redraw sprite %d at %d,%d\n", i, GETX(sp),
- GETY(sp));
- }
- }
- sp++;
- }
- /*
- Mark all the screen positions that need to be updated
- If sprbitmap&vdp_changes.sprite, then that space needs update.
- NOT toredraw here -- clear sprites aren't drawn but the spaces
- they occupy may have changed (if they turn clear -- as in carwars)
- */
- logger(_L | L_1, "Toredraw: %08X spritechanges: %08X\n", toredraw, vdp_changes.sprite);
- for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) {
- if (sprbitmap[i] & (vdp_changes.sprite | newdelbitmap))
- vdp_changes.screen[i] = SC_SPRITE_COVERING;
- }
- if (log_level(LOG_VIDEO) > 3)
- {
- logger(_L, "screenchanges:\n\t");
- for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) {
- logger(_L, "%1d ", vdp_changes.screen[i]);
- if ((i & 31) == 31)
- logger(_L, "\n\t");
- }
- }
- vdp_changes.sprite = 0;
- memset(vdp_changes.sprpat, 0, sizeof(vdp_changes.sprpat));
- memcpy((void *) oldsprites, (void *) newsprites, 128);
- olddelptr = newdelptr;
- }
- static int
- spritecoinc(struct sprite *a, struct sprite *b)
- {
- s32 ax0, ay0;
- s32 bx0, by0;
- ax0 = GETX(a);
- ay0 = GETY(a);
- bx0 = GETX(b);
- by0 = GETY(b);
- /* See if 'b' intersects 'a' */
- if (((bx0 >= ax0 && bx0 < ax0 + sprwidth)
- || (bx0 + sprwidth > ax0 && bx0 <= ax0))
- &&
- ((by0 >= ay0 && by0 < ay0 + sprwidth)
- || (by0 + sprwidth > ay0 && by0 <= ay0)))
- {
- logger(_L | L_2, "Sprite at (%d,%d) intersects (%d,%d)\n", ax0, ay0, bx0, by0);
- return 1;
- } else
- return 0;
- }
- /****************************************************/
- /*
- Draw the sprites we have set to update.
- This is called after graphics chars have been changed into
- updatelist.
- updblock is a copy of the screen. just draw on it.
- */
- static int vdp_sprite_current;
- /* 'x' is an int, which is necessary for proper positioning
- of the sprite once the early clock has been calculated.
- 'y' is a u8 so we can avoid clipping it to range. */
- INLINE void
- drawspritechar(int x, u8 y, u8 * patt, u8 color)
- {
- u8 *block;
- u8 mask;
- int xx, yy;
- s8 shift;
- shift = ((color & 0x80) ? -32 : 0);
- // y&=255;
- block = UPDPTR(y, x + shift);
- for (yy = 0; yy < 8; yy++) {
- if (sprlines[y & 255] & (1 << vdp_sprite_current)) {
- mask = 0x80;
- for (xx = 0; xx < 8; xx++) {
- if (*patt & mask)
- if (x + xx < 256)
- *(block + xx) = color & 0xf;
- mask >>= 1;
- }
- }
- patt++;
- // y=(y+1)&255;
- y++;
- if (y == 0)
- block = UPDPTR(0, x + shift);
- }
- }
- /* 'x' is an int, which is necessary for proper positioning
- of the sprite once the early clock has been calculated.
- 'y' is a u8 so we can avoid clipping it to range. */
- INLINE void
- drawspritecharmag(int x, u8 y, u8 * patt, u8 color)
- {
- u8 *block;
- u8 mask;
- int xx, yy;
- s8 shift;
- shift = ((color & 0x80) ? -32 : 0);
- // y&=255;
- block = UPDPTR(y, x + shift);
- for (yy = 0; yy < 16; yy++) {
- mask = 0x80;
- if (sprlines[y & 255] & (1 << vdp_sprite_current)) {
- for (xx = 0; xx < 16; xx++) {
- if (*patt & mask)
- if (x + xx < 256)
- *(block + xx) = color & 0xf;
- if (xx & 1)
- mask >>= 1;
- }
- }
- if (yy & 1)
- patt++;
- //y=(y+1)&255;
- y++;
- if (y == 0)
- block = UPDPTR(0, x + shift);
- }
- }
- static void
- drawsprite8x8(struct sprite *sp)
- {
- int x, y;
- x = sp->x;
- y = GETY(sp);
- drawspritechar(x, y, SPRPAT_PTR(sp->ch), sp->color);
- }
- static void
- drawsprite16x16(struct sprite *sp)
- {
- int x, y;
- u8 *ptr = SPRPAT_PTR(sp->ch);
- x = sp->x;
- y = GETY(sp);
- drawspritechar(x, y, ptr, sp->color);
- drawspritechar(x + 8, y, ptr + 16, sp->color);
- drawspritechar(x, y + 8, ptr + 8, sp->color);
- drawspritechar(x + 8, y + 8, ptr + 24, sp->color);
- }
- static void
- drawspritemag8x8(struct sprite *sp)
- {
- int x, y;
- x = sp->x;
- y = GETY(sp);
- drawspritecharmag(x, y, SPRPAT_PTR(sp->ch), sp->color);
- }
- static void
- drawspritemag16x16(struct sprite *sp)
- {
- int x, y;
- u8 *ptr = SPRPAT_PTR(sp->ch);
- x = sp->x;
- y = GETY(sp);
- drawspritecharmag(x, y, ptr, sp->color);
- drawspritecharmag(x + 16, y, ptr + 16, sp->color);
- drawspritecharmag(x, y + 16, ptr + 8, sp->color);
- drawspritecharmag(x + 16, y + 16, ptr + 24, sp->color);
- }
- void
- vdp_redraw_sprites(void)
- {
- int i;
- void (*func) (struct sprite *);
- if (!draw_sprites)
- return;
- switch (vdpregs[1] & (R1_SPRMAG + R1_SPR4)) {
- case 0:
- func = drawsprite8x8;
- break;
- case R1_SPRMAG:
- func = drawspritemag8x8;
- break;
- case R1_SPR4:
- func = drawsprite16x16;
- break;
- case R1_SPR4 + R1_SPRMAG:
- func = drawspritemag16x16;
- }
- for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
- vdp_sprite_current = i;
- if (toredraw & SPRBIT(i)) {
- logger(_L | L_2, "Redrawing sprite #%d [%d,%d,%02x,%02x]\n", i,
- newsprites[i].x,newsprites[i].y,newsprites[i].ch,
- newsprites[i].color);
- func(&newsprites[i]);
- }
- }
- }