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- /*
- =====
- Video display processor functions
- */
- #ifndef __VDP_H__
- #define __VDP_H__
- #include "16bit.h"
- #include "command.h"
- #include "centry.h"
- /* vdpaddr == register value */
- extern void vdpupdate(u32 addr);
- extern void vdpcompleteredraw(void);
- extern void vdpinit(void);
- /*
- * Force current changes to be sent to video module
- */
- extern void vdp_update(void);
- /*
- * Notify that an address in VDP has been modified externally.
- */
- extern void vdp_touch(u32 addr);
- extern u16 vdp_mmio_get_addr(void);
- extern void vdp_mmio_set_addr(u16 addr);
- extern bool vdp_mmio_addr_is_complete(void);
- extern void vdp_memory_init(void);
- extern void vdp_mmio_write(u16 addr,u8 val);
- extern s8 vdp_mmio_read(u16 addr);
- extern u8 vdp_mmio_get_status(void);
- extern void vdp_mmio_set_status(u8 status);
- /*
- * Force an update of a given region of the screen.
- * Coordinates and offsets given in pixels.
- */
- extern void vdp_dirty_screen(u32 x, u32 y, s32 dx, s32 dy);
- extern u32 screenxsize,screenysize;
- extern u8 vdpregs[8];
- extern u8 vdpbg,vdpfg;
- extern bool draw_sprites;
- extern bool five_sprites_on_a_line;
- extern int videoupdatespeed;
- //extern u8 vdpstatus;
- #define VDP_INTERRUPT 0x80
- #define VDP_COINC 0x40
- #define VDP_FIVE_SPRITES 0x20
- #define VDP_FIFTH_SPRITE 0x1f
- // Palette of standard TI colors.
- // Each one is RGB, in that order, from 0 to 255.
- // Color 0, which is clear, and color 17, which is
- // the foreground in text mode, may be ignored,
- // but beware that these will be generated in updarea.
- extern u8 vdp_palette[17][3];
- #define RGB_8_TO_16(x) (((x)<<8) + (((x)&1) ? 0xff : 0))
- #define RGB_8_TO_6(x) ((x) >> 2)
- #define SPRBIT(x) (1<<(x))
- #define R0_BITMAP 2
- #define R0_EXTERNAL 1
- #define R1_RAMSIZE 128
- #define R1_NOBLANK 64
- #define R1_INT 32
- #define R1_TEXT 16
- #define R1_MULTI 8
- #define R1_SPR4 2
- #define R1_SPRMAG 1
- #define MODE_BITMAP 1
- #define MODE_GRAPHICS 0
- #define MODE_TEXT 2
- #define MODE_MULTI 3
- /*
- * Command interface callbacks
- */
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(vdp_set_register);
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(vdp_set_read_ahead);
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(vdp_set_addr_flag);
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(vdp_take_screenshot);
- /*
- * This information should only be visible to vdp.c and vdpsprites.c
- */
- #ifdef __VDP_INTERNAL__
- #define UPDPTR(y,x) (&vdp_updarea[((y)*UPDATEBLOCK_ROW_STRIDE)+(x)+32])
- extern u8 vdp_updarea[UPDATEBLOCK_ROW_STRIDE*256];
- /* Values in screenchanges[] after handlespritechanges() */
- enum
- {
- SC_UNTOUCHED = 0, // block not changed
- SC_BACKGROUND = 1, // background changed
- SC_SPRITE_DELETED = 2, // sprite deleted, revealing block
- SC_SPRITE_COVERING = 3 // sprite is covering the block
- };
- extern u8 screenchanges[960];
- extern u8 pattchanges[768];
- extern u8 colorchanges[768];
- extern u16 bitpattmask,bitcolormask;
- extern u8 sprpatchanges[256];
- extern u8 sprpatvisible[256];
- extern u32 spritechanges;
- extern u32 sprwidth; /* in pixels */
- extern void (*vdpdrawrow[])(u8 *,u8,u8);
- extern void (*vdpdrawrowtext[])(u8 *);
- typedef void (*vdp_redrawfunc)(void);
- //extern redrawfunc redrawscreen;
- typedef void (*vdp_modifyfunc)(u32 addr);
- typedef struct vdp_area
- {
- u32 base, size;
- } vdp_area;
- typedef struct vdp_mode_info
- {
- vdp_area screen, // screen image table
- patt, // pattern definition table
- color, // color definition table
- sprite, // sprite definition table
- sprpat; // sprite pattern definition table
- } vdp_mode_info;
- extern vdp_mode_info vdp_mode;
- typedef struct vdp_modify_info
- {
- vdp_modifyfunc screen, // modified screen image table
- patt, // modified pattern definition table
- color, // modified color definition table
- sprite, // modified sprite definition table
- sprpat; // modified sprite pattern table
- } vdp_modify_info;
- extern vdp_modify_info vdp_modify;
- typedef struct vdp_changes_info
- {
- u8 screen[1024]; // 1: block changed
- u8 patt[768]; // 1: pattern changed
- u8 color[768]; // 1: color changed
- u32 sprite; // (1<<x): sprite #x changed
- u8 sprpat[256]; // 1: sprite pattern changed
- } vdp_changes_info;
- extern vdp_changes_info vdp_changes;
- #endif // __VDP_INTERNAL__
- #include "cexit.h"
- #endif