home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- V9t9.C
- ======
- */
- #define __V9t9__
- #include "v9t9_common.h"
- #include "memory.h"
- #include "9900.h"
- #include "9901.h"
- #include "vdp.h"
- #include "video.h"
- #include "sound.h"
- #include "speech.h"
- #include "emulate.h"
- #include "keyboard.h"
- #include "dsr.h"
- #include "v9t9.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "cru.h"
- #include "roms.h"
- #include "moduledb.h"
- #include "system.h"
- #include "command.h"
- #include "moduleconfig.h"
- #include "debugger.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #ifdef EMU_DISK_DSR
- #include "fiad.h"
- #endif
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(dump_config);
- OSPathSpec v9t9_homedir;
- OSSpec v9t9_progspec;
- int v9t9_argc;
- char **v9t9_argv;
- int v9t9_preconfiginit(void);
- static int preconfiginit(void);
- static int postconfiginit(void);
- static void shutdown(void);
- char *sessionspath, *configspath;
- #include "v9t9_common.h"
- static int dying = 0;
- static void
- __die(void)
- {
- v9t9_term(0);
- }
- void v9t9_sigint(int ignored)
- {
- stateflag |= ST_STOP | ST_TERMINATE;
- }
- void v9t9_sigterm(int ignored)
- {
- TM_Stop();
- v9t9_restop();
- v9t9_term(ignored);
- exit(ignored);
- }
- static void v9t9_help(void)
- {
- "\n"
- "V9t9: TI Emulator! v7.0\n"
- "\n"
- "v9t9 [options] [file...]\n"
- "\n"
- "-h: display help\n"
- "-r: reboot instead of loading previous 'session.cnf'\n"
- "-e cmds: execute 'cmds'\n"
- "file: load config or session file\n"
- "\n");
- }
- int
- v9t9_config(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- v9t9_argc = argc;
- v9t9_argv = argv;
- OS_InitProgram(&v9t9_argc, &v9t9_argv);
- sessionspath = xstrdup(".");
- configspath = xstrdup(".");
- xminit();
- OS_GetCWD(&v9t9_homedir);
- OS_FindProgram(v9t9_argv[0], &v9t9_progspec);
- return 1;
- }
- int
- v9t9_init(void)
- {
- int load_std_session = 1, do_reset = 0;
- char *last_command;
- int argc; char **argv;
- command_init();
- log_add_commands();
- TM_Init();
- vdpinit();
- cruinit();
- if (!setup_9901())
- return 0;
- sound_init();
- modules_init();
- debugger_init();
- #ifdef EMU_DISK_DSR
- fiad_set_logger(logger);
- #endif
- if (!preconfiginit())
- return 0;
- // try to load config from cwd and then v9t9 home dir
- if (!config_load_file(".", "v9t9.cnf", false /*session*/))
- config_load_file(OS_PathSpecToString1(&v9t9_homedir),
- "v9t9.cnf", false);
- // In case they forgot the "ReadModuleDatabase" command
- if (moddb == NULL && !modules_init_db("modules.inf"))
- {
- "Cannot find 'modules.inf'; no modules available\n");
- return 0;
- }
- vmClearUserFlagsOnModules();
- if (!postconfiginit())
- return 0;
- last_command = 0L;
- argc = v9t9_argc;
- argv = v9t9_argv;
- while (--argc > 0) {
- if (last_command && !command_parse_text(last_command))
- return 0;
- last_command = 0L;
- ++argv;
- if (strncmp(*argv, "-h", 2) == 0) {
- v9t9_help();
- return 0;
- } else if (strncmp(*argv, "-e", 2) == 0) {
- if (!argc) {
- logger(_L|LOG_USER|LOG_ERROR, "The '%s' option needs an argument\n", *argv);
- v9t9_help();
- return 0;
- }
- argc--;
- last_command = *++argv;
- } else if (strncmp(*argv, "-r", 2) == 0) {
- do_reset = 1;
- load_std_session = 0;
- } else if (**argv == '-') {
- logger(_L|LOG_USER|LOG_ERROR, "Unknown option '%s'\n", *argv);
- v9t9_help();
- return 0;
- } else {
- do_reset = 0;
- load_std_session = 0;
- if (!config_load_file(sessionspath, *argv, false) &&
- !config_load_file(configspath, *argv, true))
- {
- do_reset = 1;
- load_std_session = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (load_std_session) {
- // try to load session from cwd and v9t9 home
- if (!config_load_file(sessionspath, "session.cnf", true /*session*/)) {
- emulate_setup_for_restore();
- }
- }
- if (last_command && !command_parse_text(last_command)) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (do_reset) {
- command_parse_text("ResetComputer\n");
- } else {
- emulate_setup_for_restore();
- }
- atexit(__die);
- dying = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- int
- v9t9_execute(void)
- {
- int ret = vmCPU->m.cpu->execute();
- return ret;
- }
- void
- v9t9_term(int exitcode)
- {
- if (dying)
- return;
- dying = 1;
- TM_Stop();
- v9t9_restop();
- shutdown();
- termlog();
- }
- static int
- preconfiginit(void)
- {
- static int (*preconfiginitlist[]) (void) = {
- v9t9_preconfiginit,
- keyboard_preconfiginit,
- speech_preconfiginit, /* after sound_... */
- };
- int (**ptr) (void) = preconfiginitlist;
- if (!vmModulesInit())
- return 0;
- if (!vmRegisterModules(installed_modules))
- return 0;
- vmAddModuleCommands();
- if (!vmDetectModules())
- return 0;
- while (*ptr)
- if ((**ptr) () == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- ptr++;
- if (!vmInitModules())
- return 0;
- if (!vmSelectStartupModules())
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- static int
- postconfiginit(void)
- {
- static int (*postconfiginitlist[]) (void) = {
- speech_postconfiginit, /* after sound_... */
- keyboard_postconfiginit,
- };
- int (**ptr) (void);
- int ret = 1;
- if (!vmEnableModules())
- ret = 0;
- ptr = postconfiginitlist;
- while (*ptr)
- if ((**ptr) () == 0)
- ret = 0;
- else
- ptr++;
- return ret;
- }
- int restarted = 0;
- #define RS_VIDEO 0x1
- //#define RS_EMULATE 0x2
- #define RS_KEYBOARD 0x4
- #define RS_SOUND 0x8
- #define RS_DSR 0x10
- #define RS_SPEECH 0x20
- int
- v9t9_restart(void)
- {
- static struct {
- int (*func) (void);
- int mask;
- char *desc;
- } restartlist[] = {
- {
- video_restart, RS_VIDEO, "Video"}, {
- keyboard_restart, RS_KEYBOARD, "Keyboard"}, {
- sound_restart, RS_SOUND, "Sound"}, {
- speech_restart, RS_SPEECH, "Speech"}, /* after sound_... */
- {
- NULL, 0, ""}
- }, *ptr;
- int ret = 1;
- if (!vmRestartModules())
- ret = 0;
- ptr = restartlist;
- while (ptr->func) {
- if ((ptr->func) () == 0)
- ret = 0;
- else {
- /* log("Restarted %s\n",ptr->desc);*/
- restarted |= ptr->mask;
- ptr++;
- }
- }
- TM_Start();
- vdpcompleteredraw();
- return ret;
- }
- void
- v9t9_restop(void)
- {
- static struct {
- void (*func) (void);
- int mask;
- char *desc;
- } restoplist[] = {
- { video_restop, RS_VIDEO, "Video"},
- { keyboard_restop, RS_KEYBOARD, "Keyboard"},
- { sound_restop, RS_SOUND, "Sound"},
- { speech_restop, RS_SPEECH, "Speech"}, /* after sound_... */
- {
- NULL, 0, ""}
- }, *ptr;
- TM_Stop();
- vmRestopModules();
- ptr = restoplist;
- while (ptr->func) {
- if (restarted & ptr->mask) {
- ptr->func();
- /* log("Restopped %s\n",ptr->desc);*/
- }
- ptr++;
- }
- restarted = 0;
- }
- static void
- shutdown(void)
- {
- vmDisableModules();
- TM_Kill();
- vmTermModules();
- speech_shutdown();
- }
- /****************************************/
- static
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(v9t9_display_help)
- {
- command_help();
- return 1;
- }
- static
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(v9t9_exit_interactive)
- {
- stateflag &= ~ST_INTERACTIVE;
- return 1;
- }
- static
- {
- stateflag |= ST_TERMINATE;
- stateflag &= ~ST_INTERACTIVE;
- return 1;
- }
- static
- {
- // Save session on a positive exit
- config_save_file(sessionspath, "session.cnf", true /*session*/);
- stateflag |= ST_TERMINATE;
- stateflag &= ~ST_INTERACTIVE;
- return 1;
- }
- int
- v9t9_preconfiginit(void)
- {
- command_symbol_table *v9t9commands =
- command_symbol_table_new("Major Emulator Commands",
- "These are general commands to control the emulator",
- command_symbol_new("Help",
- "Display command help",
- v9t9_display_help,
- NULL /* ret */ ,
- NULL /* args */
- ,
- command_symbol_new("Interactive",
- "Control whether emulator waits for user commands",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_toggle
- ("on|off",
- "if 'on', emulation will halt; "
- "if 'off', emulation continues at end of command list",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- ARG_NUM(stateflag),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("Exit",
- "Exit from interactive mode (same as 'Interactive=off')",
- v9t9_exit_interactive,
- NULL /* ret */ ,
- NULL /* args */
- ,
- command_symbol_new ("Die",
- "Exit V9t9 without saving session",
- v9t9_die,
- NULL /* ret */ ,
- NULL /* args */
- ,
- command_symbol_new ("Quit|Bye",
- "Exit V9t9 and save session",
- v9t9_quit,
- NULL /* ret */ ,
- NULL /* args */
- ,
- command_symbol_new ("HomeDirectory|Home",
- "Directory where V9t9 started",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_pathspec
- ("dir", "directory",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- &v9t9_homedir,
- NULL /* next */ ),
- NULL /* args */
- ,
- command_symbol_new
- ("ConfigsPath",
- "Set directory list for searching and saving configuration files; "
- "when saving, new files written to first directory and old files "
- "are overwritten where found",
- NULL /* action*/,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("path",
- "list of directories "
- "separated by one of these characters: '"
- NULL /* action */,
- NEW_ARG_STRBUF(&configspath),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new
- ("SessionsPath",
- "Set directory list for searching and saving session files; "
- "when saving, new files written to first directory and old files "
- "are overwritten where found",
- NULL /* action*/,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("path",
- "list of directories "
- "separated by one of these characters: '"
- NULL /* action */,
- NEW_ARG_STRBUF(&sessionspath),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("SaveConfigFile",
- "Save current configuration settings to 'file'",
- save_config /* action */ ,
- NULL /* ret */,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("file",
- "name of config file",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- NEW_ARG_STR(256),
- NULL /* next */
- ),
- command_symbol_new("LoadConfigFile|ReadModuleDatabase",
- "Load configuration settings from 'file', "
- "or merge module list from 'file'",
- load_config /* action */ ,
- NULL /* ret */,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("file",
- "name of config file or modules.inf file",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- NEW_ARG_STR(256),
- NULL /* next */
- ),
- command_symbol_new("SaveSessionFile",
- "Save current configuration settings and machine state to 'file'",
- save_session /* action */ ,
- NULL /* ret */,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("file",
- "name of config file",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- NEW_ARG_STR(256),
- NULL /* next */
- ),
- command_symbol_new("LoadSessionFile",
- "Load configuration settings and machine state from 'file'",
- load_session /* action */ ,
- NULL /* ret */,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("file",
- "name of config file",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- NEW_ARG_STR(256),
- NULL /* next */
- ),
- command_symbol_new("SaveScreenShot",
- "Take a screenshot and save to 'file' or an autogenerated name",
- vdp_take_screenshot /* action */ ,
- NULL /* ret */,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("file",
- "name of file to write, or \"\" to use an automatic name "
- "in the current directory",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- NEW_ARG_STR(256),
- NULL /* next */
- ),
- NULL /* next */ ))))))))))))),
- NULL /* sub */ ,
- NULL /* next */
- );
- configspath = xstrdup(OS_CWDSTR);
- sessionspath = xstrdup(OS_CWDSTR);
- command_symbol_table_add_subtable(universe, v9t9commands);
- return 1;
- }