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- /*
- */
- #ifndef __SOUND_H__
- #define __SOUND_H__
- #include "centry.h"
- #define PLAYSOUND ((features&PLAYABLE)==PLAYABLE)
- #define DOSOUND(x,y) do { \
- vmModule *ptr = vmSound; \
- while (ptr) {\
- if ((ptr->runtimeflags & vmRTInUse) && (ptr->m.sound->x)) \
- ptr->m.sound->x y; \
- ptr = ptr->next; \
- } \
- } while (0)
- #define DOSOUNDUPDATE(w) DOSOUND(update, (w))
- #define DOSOUNDFLUSH() DOSOUND(flush, ())
- #define DOSOUNDPLAY(kind,data,size,hz) DOSOUND(play, (kind, data, size, hz))
- #define SOUNDUPDATE(w) do { \
- if (features&FE_PLAYSOUND) DOSOUNDUPDATE(w); \
- } while (0)
- #define SOUNDPLAY(kind,data,size,hz) do { \
- if (features&FE_PLAYSOUND) DOSOUNDPLAY(kind,data,size,hz); \
- } while (0)
- #define SPEECHPLAY(kind,data,size,hz) do { \
- if (features&FE_PLAYSPEECH) DOSOUNDPLAY(kind,data,size,hz); \
- } while (0)
- /* This struct is defined in sound.c through writes
- to the sound port.
- 'period' and 'hertz' are related; 'period' is a number 0 through 0x3ff
- which was decoded from writes to the port and 'hertz' is the frequency
- of the tone that represents.
- 'volume' is really attenuation -- 0 is loudest, 0xf is silent or off.
- 'stype' describes the characteristics of the noise channel (voices[3]);
- this is directly from the sound port (0-7). stype >= 4 is white noise,
- else periodic. The sound module defines 'period' and 'hertz' based on
- whether the stype represents a fixed-frequency sound or one that is
- derived from the frequency of channel 2.
- */
- /* These are used as an index into the operation[] field */
- enum
- {
- OPERATION_FREQUENCY_LO = 0, /* low 4 bits [1vv0yyyy] */
- OPERATION_CONTROL = 0, /* for noise [11100xyy] */
- OPERATION_FREQUENCY_HI = 1, /* hi 6 bits [00yyyyyy] */
- OPERATION_ATTENUATION = 2 /* low 4 bits [1vv1yyyy] */
- };
- typedef struct voiceinfo
- {
- u8 operation[3]; // operation bytes
- u8 volume; // volume, 0 == off, 0xf == loudest
- u16 period, hertz; // calculated from OPERATION_FREQUENCY_xxx
- } voiceinfo;
- enum
- {
- };
- extern voiceinfo sound_voices[4];
- #define OPERATION_TO_VOICE(o) \
- ( ((o) & 0x60) >> 5)
- /*
- * Masks for the OPERATION_CONTROL byte for VOICE_NOISE
- */
- enum
- {
- };
- enum
- {
- };
- #define OPERATION_TO_PERIOD(v) \
- ( ((v)->operation[OPERATION_FREQUENCY_LO] & 0xf) | \
- ( ((v)->operation[OPERATION_FREQUENCY_HI] & 0x3f) << 4 ) )
- #define PERIOD_TO_HERTZ(p) \
- ((p) > 1 ? (111860 / (p)) : (55930))
- ( (v)->operation[OPERATION_CONTROL] & 0x4 )
- ( (v)->operation[OPERATION_CONTROL] & 0x3 )
- ( (v)->operation[OPERATION_ATTENUATION] & 0xf )
- #define OPERATION_TO_VOLUME(v) \
- /* Audio gate info. */
- typedef struct
- {
- u32 base_time, last_time; /* base time for making noise,
- last time gate accessed */
- u32 length; /* how long to trigger */
- u32 hertz; /* reference for length */
- u8 latch; /* last bit was on or off? */
- u8 play; /* is gate on or off? */
- } AudioGate;
- extern AudioGate audiogate;
- /*****************************************************/
- /* Playback options */
- extern int sndplayhz; /* playback rate */
- extern int sndplaybits; /* word size for sound */
- extern void sound_mmio_write(u8 val); /* to the I/O port */
- extern void sound_init(void);
- extern int sound_restart(void);
- extern void sound_restop(void);
- extern int sound_enable(void);
- extern void sound_disable(void);
- /******************/
- /* Cassette routines */
- /* "Time passed" is measured in 9901 timer ticks, the maximum
- being 46875 Hz, and set with cassette_set_timer() when the clock rate
- changes. The actual cassette routines will not set the timer this high,
- only about ~1390 Hz. If a wave file is used for input, the actual input
- will be smoothed to fit the timer rate. If a data file is used, it is
- assumed to be exactly the cassette's data rate.
- The cassette is constantly running once the motor is started, so it is
- possible to lose data. This is why cassette_read returns only one bit.
- */
- void cassette_set_timer(u16 hz);
- void cassette_set_motor(int csx, u8 onoff);
- void cassette_write(u8 onoff, u32 timepassed);
- u8 cassette_read(void);
- #include "cexit.h"
- #endif