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- /*
- ========
- 99/4A-specific memory stuff
- memory[] has ALL addressable rom/ram,
- including DSR, module, etc.
- */
- #ifndef __MEMORY_H__
- #define __MEMORY_H__
- #include "16bit.h"
- #include "sysdeps.h"
- #include "command.h"
- #include "centry.h"
- struct mrstruct;
- typedef u16 (*mrword)(const struct mrstruct *mr, const u32 addr);
- typedef s8 (*mrbyte)(const struct mrstruct *mr, u32 addr);
- typedef void (*mwword)(const struct mrstruct *mr, u32 addr,u16 val);
- typedef void (*mwbyte)(const struct mrstruct *mr, u32 addr,s8 val);
- typedef struct mrstruct
- {
- u8 *areamemory; /* actual memory for area, except for empty mem */
- u8 *arearead; /* if non-NULL, we can statically read */
- u8 *areawrite; /* if non-NULL, we can statically write */
- mrword read_word; /* these routines are used before the */
- mrbyte read_byte; /* memory maps when using the memory_xxx_xxx */
- mwword write_word; /* functions, but the memory is used first */
- mwbyte write_byte; /* when the MEMORY_XXX_XXX macros are used. */
- } mrstruct;
- #define AREA_IS_MEMORY_MAPPED(a) \
- ((a)->read_word || (a)->read_byte || \
- (a)->write_word || (a)->write_byte)
- /* This must remain 64K, even if mega-memory expansion
- is emulated. All the public routines expect to be passed
- 16-bit addresses. */
- #define PHYSMEMORYSIZE 65536
- extern u8 zeroes[PHYSMEMORYSIZE];
- /* Size of an area of memory. This is the minimum
- size of memory for which each address therein is
- expected to act "the same". */
- #define AREASIZE 1024
- #define AREASHIFT 10
- #define NUMDOMAINS 4
- typedef enum
- {
- md_cpu,
- md_graphics,
- md_video,
- md_speech
- } mem_domain;
- extern mrstruct __areahandlers[NUMDOMAINS][NUMAREAS];
- // shorthand for CPU memory
- #define SET_AREA_HANDLER(addr,size,handler) set_area_handler(md_cpu, addr,size,handler)
- void set_area_handler(mem_domain domain, u16 addr, u32 size, mrstruct *handler);
- /*********************************************/
- /*
- These routines are global and available for use by any
- other module. Choose one of the two functions depending
- on side effects. For routines that are strictly for
- static reads or writes (for example, in a debugger), use
- the macro versions. For routines used during emulation,
- use the function ones.
- */
- // more CPU shorthands
- #define THE_AREA(dmn, addr) (&__areahandlers[dmn][((addr) & (PHYSMEMORYSIZE-1)) >> AREASHIFT])
- #define AREA_SETUP(dmn, addr) \
- mrstruct *area = THE_AREA(dmn, addr); \
- my_assert((dmn) >= md_cpu && (dmn) < NUMDOMAINS &&(u32)area > addr)
- #define HAS_RAM_ACCESS(dmn, addr) \
- (THE_AREA(dmn, addr)->arearead != NULL && \
- THE_AREA(dmn, addr)->areawrite != NULL)
- #define HAS_ROM_ACCESS(dmn, addr) \
- (THE_AREA(dmn, addr)->arearead != NULL)
- /* These macros are for strict static access to memory.
- No routines will be called, so there will be no side effects.
- Unfortunately, though, a lot of memory looks like zeroes. */
- #define AREA_READ_WORD(area, addr) \
- ((area)->arearead ? \
- WORD((area)->arearead, (addr & (AREASIZE-1))) : 0)
- #define AREA_READ_BYTE(area, addr) \
- ((area)->arearead ? \
- BYTE((area)->arearead, (addr & (AREASIZE-1))) : 0)
- #define AREA_WRITE_WORD(area, addr, val) \
- do { if ((area)->areawrite) \
- WORD((area)->areawrite, (addr & (AREASIZE-1))) = val; } while (0)
- #define AREA_WRITE_BYTE(area, addr, val) \
- do { if ((area)->areawrite) \
- BYTE((area)->areawrite, (addr & (AREASIZE-1))) = val; } while (0)
- #define DOMAIN_READ_WORD(dmn, addr) \
- AREA_READ_WORD(THE_AREA(dmn,addr), addr)
- #define DOMAIN_READ_BYTE(dmn, addr) \
- AREA_READ_BYTE(THE_AREA(dmn,addr), addr)
- #define DOMAIN_WRITE_WORD(dmn, addr, val) \
- AREA_WRITE_WORD(THE_AREA(dmn, addr), addr, val)
- #define DOMAIN_WRITE_BYTE(dmn, addr, val) \
- AREA_WRITE_BYTE(THE_AREA(dmn, addr), addr, val)
- #define MEMORY_READ_WORD(addr) DOMAIN_READ_WORD(md_cpu, addr)
- #define MEMORY_READ_BYTE(addr) DOMAIN_READ_BYTE(md_cpu, addr)
- #define MEMORY_WRITE_WORD(addr, val) DOMAIN_WRITE_WORD(md_cpu, addr, val)
- #define MEMORY_WRITE_BYTE(addr, val) DOMAIN_WRITE_BYTE(md_cpu, addr, val)
- u16 domain_read_word(mem_domain md, u32 addr);
- void domain_write_word(mem_domain md, u32 addr, u16 val);
- s8 domain_read_byte(mem_domain md, u32 addr);
- void domain_write_byte(mem_domain md, u32 addr, s8 val);
- INLINE u16 memory_read_word(u32 addr) {
- return domain_read_word(md_cpu, addr);
- }
- INLINE void memory_write_word(u32 addr, u16 val) {
- domain_write_word(md_cpu, addr, val);
- }
- INLINE s8 memory_read_byte(u32 addr) {
- return domain_read_byte(md_cpu, addr);
- }
- INLINE void memory_write_byte(u32 addr, s8 val) {
- domain_write_byte(md_cpu, addr, val);
- }
- // Empty ROM memory handler
- extern mrstruct zero_memory_handler;
- /******************************************/
- // 32K memory expansion
- extern int isexpram; /* is there expansion RAM? */
- // Alternate >8000->83FF mapping
- extern int isenhconsoleram; /* is there extra console RAM >8000->82FF? */
- extern void memory_init(void);
- extern void memory_ram_init(void);
- /**********************************/
- #if 0
- #define FLAT_MEMORY_PTR(dmn, addr) \
- (THE_AREA(dmn, addr)->areamemory ? \
- THE_AREA(dmn, addr)->areamemory + ((addr) & (AREASIZE-1)) : \
- zeroes)
- #else
- #define FLAT_MEMORY_PTR(dmn, addr) \
- (THE_AREA(dmn, addr)->areamemory + ((addr) & (AREASIZE-1)))
- #endif
- #define registerptr(reg) (u16 *)FLAT_MEMORY_PTR(md_cpu, (wp+reg+reg) & 0xffff)
- /*
- INLINE u16 *registerptr(int reg) {
- extern uaddr wp;
- mrstruct *area = THE_AREA(md_cpu, wp+reg+reg);
- return &WORD(area->areamemory, (wp+reg+reg) & (AREASIZE - 1));
- }
- */
- /*
- These enums and struct define a higher-level organization of
- the memory map, used to allow radical customization of the
- emulated computer's architecture.
- A MemoryEntry bridges the gap between ROM, RAM, and nonvolatile
- RAM. By associating a primary purpose with an area of memory,
- this allows us to transparently map ROMs from disk into an
- area of memory as well as maintain on disk an image of an
- area of RAM.
- The mementlist can be used to find out what the contents of
- memory are without knowing about the specific routines referenced
- in an mrstruct through the use of the flags.
- */
- enum
- {
- /* MEMENT_ROM = 0, */ /* entry is ROM */
- MEMENT_RAM = 1, /* entry is RAM */
- MEMENT_STORED = 3, /* RAM entry stored to disk */
- MEMENT_BANKING = 4+8, /* mask for banking */
- /* MEMENT_NOT_BANKED = 0, */
- MEMENT_BANK_1 = 4, /* bank #0 */
- MEMENT_BANK_2 = 8, /* bank #1 */
- MEMENT_CART = 16, /* this entry is part of a module */
- MEMENT_DOMAIN = 7<<5, /* mask for domain of memory */
- MEMENT_CONSOLE = md_cpu<<5, /* console ROM/RAM */
- MEMENT_GRAPHICS = md_graphics<<5, /* GROM/GRAM */
- MEMENT_VIDEO = md_video<<5, /* video */
- MEMENT_SPEECH = md_speech<<5, /* speech */
- // MEMENT_DSR = 4<<5, /* DSR ROM */
- MEMENT_USER = 256 /* allocated via DefineMemory, destroy as needed
- * (when new memory overlaps this), else caller
- * will destroy */
- };
- typedef struct MemoryEntry {
- int flags; /* memory flags MEMENT_xxx */
- u32 addr; /* start address */
- u32 offs; /* offset of entry into original entry */
- s32 size; /* size in bytes, 0 = unknown, -xxx = magnitude of maximum */
- u32 realsize; /* size in bytes if loaded */
- char *name; /* name of entry for debugging */
- char *filename; /* file for loading/saving */
- u32 fileoffs; /* offset into file */
- mrstruct memact; /* how the memory acts, memory referenced must be malloc'ed */
- struct MemoryEntry *next; /* next entry in database */
- } MemoryEntry;
- extern MemoryEntry *mementlist; /* active memory list */
- extern char *modulespath, *romspath, *ramspath;
- extern char *systemmodulespath, *systemromspath, *systemramspath;
- /* Handlers for bank-switched module */
- extern mrstruct *memory_module_bank_handlers[2];
- extern int memory_module_bank;
- void
- memory_set_module_bank(u8 bank);
- /* Free memory map */
- void memory_free_list(void);
- /* Initialize memory map */
- int memory_init_list(void);
- /* Create a new memory entry
- flags: bitmask of MEMENT_xxx
- addr: address of new memory
- size: size of memory in bytes,
- or if negative, the magnitude is the maximum size
- name: user name for memory segment
- filename: location of ROM or RAM on disk (MEMENT_ROM/MEMENT_STORED)
- fileoffs: offset into file where memory is stored
- memact: actions on memory access to area
- */
- MemoryEntry *memory_new_entry(int flags, u32 addr, s32 size,
- char *name, char *filename, u32 fileoffs,
- mrstruct *memact);
- /* Destroy entry (free memory) */
- void memory_destroy_entry(MemoryEntry *ent);
- /* Save a volatile entry in the memory map to disk */
- int memory_save_entry(MemoryEntry *ent);
- /* Load a volatile entry in the memory map from disk */
- int memory_load_entry(MemoryEntry *ent);
- /* Add entry to memory list and destroy entries this overrides */
- int memory_add_entry_to_list(MemoryEntry *ent);
- /* Remove entry from memory list, return ent->next */
- MemoryEntry *
- memory_remove_entry_from_list(MemoryEntry *prev, MemoryEntry *ent);
- /* Map an entry into the memory map */
- int memory_map_entry(MemoryEntry *ent);
- /* Unmap an entry from the memory map */
- void memory_unmap_entry(MemoryEntry *ent);
- /* Save volatile memory */
- void memory_volatile_save(void);
- /* Load volatile memory */
- int memory_volatile_load(void);
- /* Load all memory */
- int memory_complete_load(void);
- /* Do it all */
- int memory_insert_new_entry(int flags, u32 addr, s32 size,
- char *name, char *filename, u32 fileoffs,
- mrstruct *memact);
- /* DefineMemory */
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(memory_define_entry);
- /* ListMemory */
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(memory_dump);
- /* DefaultMemoryMap */
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(memory_default_list);
- #include "cexit.h"
- #endif