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- /* Print help for commands / options */
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "v9t9_common.h"
- #include "command.h"
- #include "command_lexer.h"
- #include "command_parser.h"
- #include "system.h"
- /*************************************************/
- /* Codes used in help text:
- \t -- indent block
- \b -- end block
- \n -- paragraph break
- */
- static OSHandle helptext;
- #define MAXLINEWIDTH 256 // maximum line width
- #define COLS 80 // # cols to use
- /* This struct holds information about a side of the screen. */
- #define SBUF 1024 // power of two, please!
- #define SBUFMASK 1023
- typedef struct {
- short offset; // start column (absolute)
- short width; // # cols of data (no blank space)
- char buffer[SBUF]; // (circular) info waiting to be expelled
- short bptr; // ptr to start of buffer
- short blen; // ptr to # chars waiting in buffer
- short indent; // # cols indented (absolute per line)
- short vrow; // virtual row of screen (for sync)
- short vcol; // virtual column (0--width-1)
- bool atEOL; // is the line ready to be flushed?
- bool impInd; // are we implicitly indenting?
- } HelpBuf;
- HelpBuf helpbuf;
- /* Initialize a buffer */
- static void
- h_init(HelpBuf * s, short offset, short width)
- {
- memset((void *) s, 0, sizeof(*s));
- s->offset = offset;
- s->width = width;
- }
- static void h_output(HelpBuf * helpbuf);
- static void
- hprintf(HelpBuf * s, char *format, ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- char buffer[256], *bptr;
- char *text;
- va_start(ap, format);
- bptr = mvprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- text = bptr;
- while (*text) {
- if (s->blen >= SBUF)
- h_output(&helpbuf);
- if (s->blen < SBUF) {
- s->buffer[(s->bptr + s->blen) & SBUFMASK] = *text++;
- s->blen++;
- }
- }
- if (bptr != buffer)
- free(bptr);
- }
- /*
- * Indent more
- */
- static void
- h_indent(HelpBuf * s, short how)
- {
- if (s->width - s->indent - how > (COLS / 8)) // minimum viewable
- s->indent += how;
- else if (s->width - s->indent - 1 > (COLS / 10))
- s->indent++; // mini-indent
- }
- /*
- * Indent less
- */
- static void
- h_outdent(HelpBuf * s, short how)
- {
- if (s->width - s->indent < (COLS / 8))
- s->indent++; // we mini-indented
- else if (s->indent >= how)
- s->indent -= how;
- }
- // This is the only buffer printed to the screen (via HelpBufs)
- //
- static char outLine[MAXLINEWIDTH]; // always enough (s->width)
- static bool
- isBreaker(char c)
- {
- return c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\b'
- || c == '|';
- }
- /*
- * Dump one line from a buffer, without breaking words
- *
- * Allow dumping an empty buffer.
- */
- static void
- h_dumpline(HelpBuf * s)
- {
- short col;
- short len; // # chars in line[]
- short afterspace, eol = 0, ind = 0;
- col = s->offset + s->indent; // where to store
- s->vcol = s->indent;
- len = 0;
- afterspace = s->width - s->indent; // maximum # chars if no other breakers
- // memset(outLine+s->offset, ' ', s->width); // TEST init
- while ((s->blen > 0) && (s->vcol < s->width) && !(eol || ind)) {
- char c = s->buffer[s->bptr];
- outLine[col + len++] = c;
- s->vcol++;
- if (isBreaker(c)) // breakers
- {
- afterspace = len;
- eol = (c == '\n' || c == '\r'); // end of line/section
- eol += (c == '\r'); // 1=section break, 2=line break
- ind = (c == '\t' || c == '\b'); // indent section
- ind += (c == '\b'); // 1==in, 2==out
- }
- s->bptr = (s->bptr + 1) & SBUFMASK;
- s->blen--;
- }
- if (s->blen != 0 || (eol || ind)) {
- // put back what we ignored
- s->blen += (len - afterspace);
- s->bptr = (s->bptr - (len - afterspace)) & SBUFMASK;
- if (eol || ind) {
- len++; // eat up control char
- afterspace--;
- }
- while (afterspace < len)
- outLine[col + (--len)] = ' '; // erase wrapped partofword
- }
- s->vcol = 0;
- s->vrow++;
- s->atEOL = (eol == 1) || (ind) || (s->blen == 0);
- if (s->atEOL || ind)
- if (s->impInd) {
- h_outdent(s, (COLS / 40));
- s->impInd = false;
- }
- if (ind) {
- if (ind == 1)
- h_indent(s, (COLS / 25));
- else
- h_outdent(s, (COLS / 25));
- }
- }
- static void
- h_line(HelpBuf * helpbuf, char ch)
- {
- char line[256];
- memset(line, ch, 255);
- line[255] = 0;
- hprintf(helpbuf, "%.*s\r", helpbuf->width - helpbuf->indent - 2, line);
- }
- static void
- h_printline(void)
- {
- char *ptr = outLine + COLS - 1;
- while (ptr > outLine && isspace(*(ptr-1)))
- *--ptr = 0;
- *ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr= 0;
- OS_AppendHandle(&helptext, outLine, ptr - outLine);
- }
- static void
- h_output(HelpBuf * helpbuf)
- {
- while (helpbuf->blen) // while there's stuff to dump...
- {
- memset(outLine, ' ', COLS);
- outLine[COLS] = '\n';
- if (helpbuf->atEOL)
- helpbuf->atEOL = false;
- if (!helpbuf->atEOL)
- h_dumpline(helpbuf);
- // output generated line
- h_printline();
- }
- }
- /*************************************/
- static void
- command_arg_help(command_arg * arg)
- {
- while (arg) {
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "%s (%s): %s\r",
- arg->name, ca_types[arg->type], arg->help);
- h_output(&helpbuf);
- arg = arg->next;
- }
- }
- static void
- command_symbol_help(command_symbol * sym)
- {
- while (sym) {
- char *ptr = sym->name;
- if (sym->help) {
- while (*ptr && *ptr != '|')
- ptr++;
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "%.*s: %s\n\t",
- ptr - sym->name, sym->name, sym->help);
- if (sym->flags == c_DONT_SAVE) {
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "Not saved to configuration file\r");
- } else if (sym->flags & c_SESSION_ONLY) {
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "Only saved to session files\r");
- } else if (sym->flags & c_CONFIG_ONLY) {
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "Only saved to config files\r");
- }
- if (sym->args) {
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "Arguments:\t");
- command_arg_help(sym->args);
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "\b");
- }
- if (sym->args && sym->ret == sym->args) {
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "Returns first argument\r");
- } else if (sym->ret != NULL) {
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "Returns:\r");
- command_arg_help(sym->ret);
- }
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "\b");
- h_output(&helpbuf);
- }
- sym = sym->next;
- }
- }
- static void
- command_symbol_table_help(command_symbol_table * table)
- {
- while (table) {
- if (table->name) {
- h_line(&helpbuf, '=');
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "%s\r", table->name);
- }
- if (table->help) {
- h_line(&helpbuf, '=');
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "%s\r", table->help);
- }
- h_line(&helpbuf, '-');
- if (table->list)
- command_symbol_help(table->list);
- if (table->sub) {
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "\t");
- h_output(&helpbuf);
- command_symbol_table_help(table->sub);
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "\b");
- }
- h_output(&helpbuf);
- table = table->next;
- }
- }
- void
- command_help(void)
- {
- void *ptr;
- OS_NewHandle(0, &helptext);
- h_init(&helpbuf, 0, COLS);
- if (universe)
- command_symbol_table_help(universe);
- else
- hprintf(&helpbuf, "No commands defined\n");
- h_output(&helpbuf);
- ptr = OS_LockHandle(&helptext);
- system_log(LOG_USER, ptr);
- OS_UnlockHandle(&helptext);
- OS_FreeHandle(&helptext);
- }