home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Adapted from gtkfilesel.h to add callback capability
- *
- *
- */
- #ifndef __V99_FILESEL_H__
- #define __V99_FILESEL_H__
- #include <gdk/gdk.h>
- #include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
- #include <gtk/gtkclist.h>
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- //extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #define V99_TYPE_FILE_SELECTION (v99_file_selection_get_type ())
- #define V99_FILE_SELECTION(obj) (GTK_CHECK_CAST ((obj), V99_TYPE_FILE_SELECTION, V99FileSelection))
- #define V99_FILE_SELECTION_CLASS(klass) (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), V99_TYPE_FILE_SELECTION, V99FileSelectionClass))
- typedef struct _V99FileSelection V99FileSelection;
- typedef struct _V99FileSelectionClass V99FileSelectionClass;
- // Callback to translate a filename entry into an item to add to the file_list
- //typedef gchar * (*v99_file_selection_file_set)(V99FileSelection *fs, gchar *text);
- // Callback to translate an item in the clist into a filename for caller
- typedef gchar * (*v99_file_selection_file_get)(V99FileSelection *fs,
- GtkCList *clist,
- int row,
- gchar **text);
- // Callback to translate a filename entry into an item to add to the file_list
- typedef int (*v99_file_selection_file_append)(V99FileSelection *fs,
- GtkCList *clist,
- const gchar *path,
- const gchar *text);
- struct _V99FileSelection
- {
- GtkWindow window;
- GtkWidget *dir_list;
- GtkWidget *file_list;
- GtkWidget *list_hbox;
- GtkWidget *file_list_scrolled_win;
- GtkWidget *dir_list_scrolled_win;
- guint file_list_select_row_handler_id;
- GtkWidget *selection_entry;
- GtkWidget *selection_text;
- GtkWidget *main_vbox;
- GtkWidget *ok_button;
- GtkWidget *cancel_button;
- GtkWidget *help_button;
- GtkWidget *history_pulldown;
- GtkWidget *history_menu;
- GList *history_list;
- GtkWidget *fileop_dialog;
- GtkWidget *fileop_entry;
- gchar *fileop_file;
- gpointer cmpl_state;
- GtkWidget *fileop_c_dir;
- GtkWidget *fileop_del_file;
- GtkWidget *fileop_ren_file;
- GtkWidget *button_area;
- GtkWidget *action_area;
- GtkWidget *path_list_vbox;
- gboolean active_file_list;
- gpointer user_data;
- v99_file_selection_file_append user_file_append;
- v99_file_selection_file_get user_file_get;
- };
- struct _V99FileSelectionClass
- {
- GtkWindowClass parent_class;
- };
- GtkType v99_file_selection_get_type (void);
- GtkWidget* v99_file_selection_new (const gchar *title);
- void v99_file_selection_set_filename (V99FileSelection *filesel,
- const gchar *filename);
- gchar* v99_file_selection_get_filename (V99FileSelection *filesel);
- void v99_file_selection_complete (V99FileSelection *filesel,
- const gchar *pattern);
- void v99_file_selection_show_fileop_buttons (V99FileSelection *filesel);
- void v99_file_selection_hide_fileop_buttons (V99FileSelection *filesel);
- void v99_file_selection_set_file_list_columns(V99FileSelection *filesel,
- int columns,
- gchar *titles[],
- v99_file_selection_file_append ahandler,
- v99_file_selection_file_get ghandler);
- void v99_file_selection_set_file_list_active(V99FileSelection *filesel,
- gboolean active);
- GtkCList *v99_file_selection_add_path_list(V99FileSelection *filesel,
- gchar *path_list_name,
- gchar *path_list);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #endif /* __V99_FILESEL_H__ */