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- /*
- */
- #ifndef __DEBUGGER_H__
- #define __DEBUGGER_H__
- #include "memory.h"
- #include "centry.h"
- void debugger_init(void);
- void debugger_enable(bool enable);
- INLINE bool debugger_enabled(void) { return !!(stateflag & ST_DEBUG); }
- void debugger(void);
- // operands for instructions
- typedef enum {
- OP_NONE=-1, // no operand
- // from ts/td field of opcode, don't change order
- OP_REG=0, // register Rx
- OP_IND=1, // indirect *Rx
- OP_ADDR=2, // address @>xxxx
- OP_INC=3, // register increment *Rx+
- OP_IMMED, // immediate >xxxx
- OP_CNT, // shift count x (4 bits)
- OP_JUMP, // jump target >xxxx
- OP_OFFS, // offset >xxxx or ->xxxx
- OP_STATUS, // status word >xxxx
- OP_INST, // instruction for X
- } OperandType;
- #define OP_DEST_KILLED 2
- typedef struct Operand {
- OperandType type; // type of operand
- u16 val; // value in opcode
- u16 immed; // immediate word
- u16 ea; // effective address of operand
- bool byteop; // for OP_REG...OP_INC
- bool dest; // operand changes (OP_DEST_KILLED=killed)
- bool ignore; // operand is not meaningful to display
- } Operand;
- #define OP_IS_MEMORY(op) \
- (((op).type == OP_IND || (op).type == OP_ADDR || (op).type == OP_INC) \
- && !(op).ignore)
- /*
- * Print out an operand into a disassembler operand
- */
- char *
- debugger_instruction_operand_print(Operand *op, char *buffer);
- typedef struct Instruction {
- const char *name; // name of instruction
- u16 pc; // PC of opcode
- u16 wp; // current WP
- u16 status; // current status
- u16 opcode; // opcode
- Operand op1, op2; // operands of instruction
- } Instruction;
- /*
- * Print value of operand to buffer
- *
- * verbose==true means to print extra info
- * dest==true means print this operand as the result of
- * a previous instruction
- */
- char *
- debugger_operand_value_print(Instruction *inst, Operand *op,
- bool verbose, bool dest,
- char *buffer);
- // memory views
- typedef enum
- {
- } MemoryView;
- // Struct keeps track of active addresses in the
- // areas of memory so frontend can maintain views
- typedef struct Memory {
- MemoryView which; // MEMORY_VIEW_xxx
- u16 base; // base address
- u16 addr; // last accessed addr
- int len; // last accessed length of memory
- u8 *mem; // pointer to that memory
- int coverage; // amount of times selected
- } Memory;
- // Size of area Memory is expected to cover (changed by frontend)
- extern int debugger_memory_view_size[MEMORY_VIEW_COUNT];
- // Send verbose operand views (changed by frontend)
- extern bool debugger_operand_view_verbose;
- #define DOMAIN_TOKEN(dmn) ((dmn) == md_cpu ? '>' : \
- (dmn) == md_graphics ? 'G' : \
- (dmn) == md_video ? 'V' : \
- (dmn) == md_speech ? 'S' : '?')
- #define MEMORY_VIEW_TOKEN(v) ((v) == MEMORY_VIEW_CPU_1 ? '>' : \
- (v) == MEMORY_VIEW_CPU_2 ? '>' : \
- (v) == MEMORY_VIEW_GRAPHICS ? 'G' : \
- (v) == MEMORY_VIEW_VIDEO ? 'V' : \
- (v) == MEMORY_VIEW_SPEECH ? 'S' : '?')
- /*
- * Utility for status reporters. Given the slot, it writes a one-line hex dump to
- * the given buffer, and sets start/astart and end/aend to point to the extent
- * of the last memory access within the buffer. (These will be spaces.)
- *
- * addr_separator: char appearing between address and bytes
- * byte_separator: char appearing between each hex byte
- * ascii_separator: char appearing between hex field and ascii field
- */
- void
- debugger_hex_dump_line(Memory * slot, int offset, int length,
- char addr_separator, char byte_separator,
- char ascii_separator, char line_separator,
- char *buffer, int bufsz,
- char **start, char **end,
- char **astart, char **aend);
- /*
- * How long will this text be?
- */
- int
- debugger_hex_dump_bytes_to_chars(int bytes);
- /*
- * How many bytes fit in this length?
- */
- int
- debugger_hex_dump_chars_to_bytes(int chars);
- /*
- * Force updates of these items by sending system_report_status() messages
- */
- void
- debugger_register_clear_view(void);
- void
- debugger_memory_clear_views(void);
- void
- debugger_instruction_clear_view(void);
- /*
- * Force next update to refresh all status items
- */
- void
- debugger_refresh(void);
- /*
- * Check current PC to see if it's breakpointed
- */
- int
- debugger_check_breakpoint(u16 pc);
- #include "cexit.h"
- #endif