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Text File | 2006-10-19 | 46.3 KB | 2,048 lines |
- Terminals which are not used:
- State 1 contains 5 shift/reduce conflicts.
- State 9 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- State 12 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- State 15 contains 2 reduce/reduce conflicts.
- State 22 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- State 31 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- State 44 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- State 69 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- State 85 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- State 86 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- State 92 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- State 96 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- Grammar
- rule 1 input -> /* empty */
- rule 2 input -> input line
- rule 3 eol -> ';'
- rule 4 eol -> '\n'
- rule 5 line -> /* empty */
- rule 6 line -> assignstmt
- rule 7 line -> printstmt
- rule 8 line -> eol
- rule 9 printstmt -> PRINT printexprlist
- rule 10 printexprlist -> /* empty */
- rule 11 printexprlist -> printexprlist expr
- rule 12 expr -> assign
- rule 13 id -> IDSTRING
- rule 14 assignstmt -> id '=' comma
- rule 15 assignstmt -> assignline
- rule 16 assignline -> id expr expr expr expr expr expr
- rule 17 assignline -> id expr expr expr expr expr
- rule 18 assignline -> id expr expr expr expr
- rule 19 assignline -> id expr expr expr
- rule 20 assignline -> id expr expr
- rule 21 assignline -> id expr
- rule 22 assignline -> id
- rule 23 comma -> cond
- rule 24 comma -> comma ',' cond
- rule 25 assign -> id '=' assign
- rule 26 assign -> cond
- rule 27 cond -> logcond
- rule 28 cond -> logcond '?' expr ':' cond
- rule 29 logcond -> binlogcond
- rule 30 logcond -> logcond COMPAND binlogcond
- rule 31 logcond -> logcond COMPOR binlogcond
- rule 32 logcond -> logcond COMPXOR binlogcond
- rule 33 binlogcond -> compeq
- rule 34 binlogcond -> binlogcond '&' compeq
- rule 35 binlogcond -> binlogcond '|' compeq
- rule 36 binlogcond -> binlogcond '^' compeq
- rule 37 compeq -> comp
- rule 38 compeq -> compeq COMPEQ comp
- rule 39 compeq -> compeq COMPNE comp
- rule 40 comp -> shift
- rule 41 comp -> comp COMPLE shift
- rule 42 comp -> comp COMPGE shift
- rule 43 comp -> comp '>' shift
- rule 44 comp -> comp '<' shift
- rule 45 shift -> factor
- rule 46 shift -> shift LSHIFT factor
- rule 47 shift -> shift RSHIFT factor
- rule 48 factor -> term
- rule 49 factor -> factor '+' term
- rule 50 factor -> factor '-' term
- rule 51 term -> unary
- rule 52 term -> term '*' unary
- rule 53 term -> term '/' unary
- rule 54 unary -> atom
- rule 55 unary -> '-' unary
- rule 56 unary -> '!' unary
- rule 57 unary -> '~' unary
- rule 58 atom -> ERR
- rule 59 atom -> NUM
- rule 60 atom -> STRING
- rule 61 atom -> IDSTRING
- rule 62 atom -> id '(' expr ')'
- rule 63 atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ')'
- rule 64 atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')'
- rule 65 atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')'
- rule 66 atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')'
- rule 67 atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')'
- rule 68 atom -> '(' id ')'
- rule 69 atom -> '(' expr ')'
- Terminals, with rules where they appear
- $ (-1)
- '\n' (10) 4
- '!' (33) 56
- '&' (38) 34
- '(' (40) 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
- ')' (41) 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
- '*' (42) 52
- '+' (43) 49
- ',' (44) 24 63 64 65 66 67
- '-' (45) 50 55
- '/' (47) 53
- ':' (58) 28
- ';' (59) 3
- '<' (60) 44
- '=' (61) 14 25
- '>' (62) 43
- '?' (63) 28
- '^' (94) 36
- '|' (124) 35
- '~' (126) 57
- error (256)
- NUM (257) 59
- STRING (258) 60
- IDSTRING (259) 13 61
- ERR (260) 58
- LSHIFT (261) 46
- RSHIFT (262) 47
- COMPLE (263) 41
- COMPGE (264) 42
- COMPEQ (265) 38
- COMPNE (266) 39
- COMPAND (267) 30
- COMPOR (268) 31
- COMPXOR (269) 32
- PRINT (270) 9
- NEG (271)
- Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
- input (37)
- on left: 1 2, on right: 2
- eol (38)
- on left: 3 4, on right: 8
- line (39)
- on left: 5 6 7 8, on right: 2
- printstmt (40)
- on left: 9, on right: 7
- printexprlist (41)
- on left: 10 11, on right: 9 11
- expr (42)
- on left: 12, on right: 11 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 62 63 64 65 66 67
- 69
- id (43)
- on left: 13, on right: 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 62 63 64 65 66
- 67 68
- assignstmt (44)
- on left: 14 15, on right: 6
- assignline (45)
- on left: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22, on right: 15
- comma (46)
- on left: 23 24, on right: 14 24
- assign (47)
- on left: 25 26, on right: 12 25
- cond (48)
- on left: 27 28, on right: 23 24 26 28
- logcond (49)
- on left: 29 30 31 32, on right: 27 28 30 31 32
- binlogcond (50)
- on left: 33 34 35 36, on right: 29 30 31 32 34 35 36
- compeq (51)
- on left: 37 38 39, on right: 33 34 35 36 38 39
- comp (52)
- on left: 40 41 42 43 44, on right: 37 38 39 41 42 43 44
- shift (53)
- on left: 45 46 47, on right: 40 41 42 43 44 46 47
- factor (54)
- on left: 48 49 50, on right: 45 46 47 49 50
- term (55)
- on left: 51 52 53, on right: 48 49 50 52 53
- unary (56)
- on left: 54 55 56 57, on right: 51 52 53 55 56 57
- atom (57)
- on left: 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69, on right: 54
- state 0
- $default reduce using rule 1 (input)
- input go to state 1
- state 1
- input -> input . line (rule 2)
- $ go to state 113
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 2
- PRINT shift, and go to state 3
- ';' shift, and go to state 4
- '\n' shift, and go to state 5
- $ [reduce using rule 5 (line)]
- IDSTRING [reduce using rule 5 (line)]
- PRINT [reduce using rule 5 (line)]
- ';' [reduce using rule 5 (line)]
- '\n' [reduce using rule 5 (line)]
- $default reduce using rule 5 (line)
- eol go to state 6
- line go to state 7
- printstmt go to state 8
- id go to state 9
- assignstmt go to state 10
- assignline go to state 11
- state 2
- id -> IDSTRING . (rule 13)
- $default reduce using rule 13 (id)
- state 3
- printstmt -> PRINT . printexprlist (rule 9)
- $default reduce using rule 10 (printexprlist)
- printexprlist go to state 12
- state 4
- eol -> ';' . (rule 3)
- $default reduce using rule 3 (eol)
- state 5
- eol -> '\n' . (rule 4)
- $default reduce using rule 4 (eol)
- state 6
- line -> eol . (rule 8)
- $default reduce using rule 8 (line)
- state 7
- input -> input line . (rule 2)
- $default reduce using rule 2 (input)
- state 8
- line -> printstmt . (rule 7)
- $default reduce using rule 7 (line)
- state 9
- assignstmt -> id . '=' comma (rule 14)
- assignline -> id . expr expr expr expr expr expr (rule 16)
- assignline -> id . expr expr expr expr expr (rule 17)
- assignline -> id . expr expr expr expr (rule 18)
- assignline -> id . expr expr expr (rule 19)
- assignline -> id . expr expr (rule 20)
- assignline -> id . expr (rule 21)
- assignline -> id . (rule 22)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '=' shift, and go to state 17
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- IDSTRING [reduce using rule 22 (assignline)]
- $default reduce using rule 22 (assignline)
- expr go to state 22
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 10
- line -> assignstmt . (rule 6)
- $default reduce using rule 6 (line)
- state 11
- assignstmt -> assignline . (rule 15)
- $default reduce using rule 15 (assignstmt)
- state 12
- printstmt -> PRINT printexprlist . (rule 9)
- printexprlist -> printexprlist . expr (rule 11)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- IDSTRING [reduce using rule 9 (printstmt)]
- $default reduce using rule 9 (printstmt)
- expr go to state 35
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 13
- atom -> NUM . (rule 59)
- $default reduce using rule 59 (atom)
- state 14
- atom -> STRING . (rule 60)
- $default reduce using rule 60 (atom)
- state 15
- id -> IDSTRING . (rule 13)
- atom -> IDSTRING . (rule 61)
- '=' reduce using rule 13 (id)
- '(' reduce using rule 13 (id)
- '(' [reduce using rule 61 (atom)]
- ')' reduce using rule 13 (id)
- ')' [reduce using rule 61 (atom)]
- $default reduce using rule 61 (atom)
- state 16
- atom -> ERR . (rule 58)
- $default reduce using rule 58 (atom)
- state 17
- assignstmt -> id '=' . comma (rule 14)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- comma go to state 37
- cond go to state 38
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 18
- unary -> '-' . unary (rule 55)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- unary go to state 39
- atom go to state 34
- state 19
- unary -> '!' . unary (rule 56)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- unary go to state 40
- atom go to state 34
- state 20
- unary -> '~' . unary (rule 57)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- unary go to state 41
- atom go to state 34
- state 21
- atom -> '(' . id ')' (rule 68)
- atom -> '(' . expr ')' (rule 69)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- expr go to state 42
- id go to state 43
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 22
- assignline -> id expr . expr expr expr expr expr (rule 16)
- assignline -> id expr . expr expr expr expr (rule 17)
- assignline -> id expr . expr expr expr (rule 18)
- assignline -> id expr . expr expr (rule 19)
- assignline -> id expr . expr (rule 20)
- assignline -> id expr . (rule 21)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- IDSTRING [reduce using rule 21 (assignline)]
- $default reduce using rule 21 (assignline)
- expr go to state 44
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 23
- assign -> id . '=' assign (rule 25)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ')' (rule 62)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 63)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 64)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- '=' shift, and go to state 45
- '(' shift, and go to state 46
- state 24
- expr -> assign . (rule 12)
- $default reduce using rule 12 (expr)
- state 25
- assign -> cond . (rule 26)
- $default reduce using rule 26 (assign)
- state 26
- cond -> logcond . (rule 27)
- cond -> logcond . '?' expr ':' cond (rule 28)
- logcond -> logcond . COMPAND binlogcond (rule 30)
- logcond -> logcond . COMPOR binlogcond (rule 31)
- logcond -> logcond . COMPXOR binlogcond (rule 32)
- COMPAND shift, and go to state 47
- COMPOR shift, and go to state 48
- COMPXOR shift, and go to state 49
- '?' shift, and go to state 50
- $default reduce using rule 27 (cond)
- state 27
- logcond -> binlogcond . (rule 29)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '&' compeq (rule 34)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '|' compeq (rule 35)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '^' compeq (rule 36)
- '&' shift, and go to state 51
- '|' shift, and go to state 52
- '^' shift, and go to state 53
- $default reduce using rule 29 (logcond)
- state 28
- binlogcond -> compeq . (rule 33)
- compeq -> compeq . COMPEQ comp (rule 38)
- compeq -> compeq . COMPNE comp (rule 39)
- COMPEQ shift, and go to state 54
- COMPNE shift, and go to state 55
- $default reduce using rule 33 (binlogcond)
- state 29
- compeq -> comp . (rule 37)
- comp -> comp . COMPLE shift (rule 41)
- comp -> comp . COMPGE shift (rule 42)
- comp -> comp . '>' shift (rule 43)
- comp -> comp . '<' shift (rule 44)
- COMPLE shift, and go to state 56
- COMPGE shift, and go to state 57
- '>' shift, and go to state 58
- '<' shift, and go to state 59
- $default reduce using rule 37 (compeq)
- state 30
- comp -> shift . (rule 40)
- shift -> shift . LSHIFT factor (rule 46)
- shift -> shift . RSHIFT factor (rule 47)
- LSHIFT shift, and go to state 60
- RSHIFT shift, and go to state 61
- $default reduce using rule 40 (comp)
- state 31
- shift -> factor . (rule 45)
- factor -> factor . '+' term (rule 49)
- factor -> factor . '-' term (rule 50)
- '-' shift, and go to state 62
- '+' shift, and go to state 63
- '-' [reduce using rule 45 (shift)]
- $default reduce using rule 45 (shift)
- state 32
- factor -> term . (rule 48)
- term -> term . '*' unary (rule 52)
- term -> term . '/' unary (rule 53)
- '*' shift, and go to state 64
- '/' shift, and go to state 65
- $default reduce using rule 48 (factor)
- state 33
- term -> unary . (rule 51)
- $default reduce using rule 51 (term)
- state 34
- unary -> atom . (rule 54)
- $default reduce using rule 54 (unary)
- state 35
- printexprlist -> printexprlist expr . (rule 11)
- $default reduce using rule 11 (printexprlist)
- state 36
- atom -> id . '(' expr ')' (rule 62)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 63)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 64)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- '(' shift, and go to state 46
- state 37
- assignstmt -> id '=' comma . (rule 14)
- comma -> comma . ',' cond (rule 24)
- ',' shift, and go to state 66
- $default reduce using rule 14 (assignstmt)
- state 38
- comma -> cond . (rule 23)
- $default reduce using rule 23 (comma)
- state 39
- unary -> '-' unary . (rule 55)
- $default reduce using rule 55 (unary)
- state 40
- unary -> '!' unary . (rule 56)
- $default reduce using rule 56 (unary)
- state 41
- unary -> '~' unary . (rule 57)
- $default reduce using rule 57 (unary)
- state 42
- atom -> '(' expr . ')' (rule 69)
- ')' shift, and go to state 67
- state 43
- assign -> id . '=' assign (rule 25)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ')' (rule 62)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 63)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 64)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id . '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- atom -> '(' id . ')' (rule 68)
- '=' shift, and go to state 45
- '(' shift, and go to state 46
- ')' shift, and go to state 68
- state 44
- assignline -> id expr expr . expr expr expr expr (rule 16)
- assignline -> id expr expr . expr expr expr (rule 17)
- assignline -> id expr expr . expr expr (rule 18)
- assignline -> id expr expr . expr (rule 19)
- assignline -> id expr expr . (rule 20)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- IDSTRING [reduce using rule 20 (assignline)]
- $default reduce using rule 20 (assignline)
- expr go to state 69
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 45
- assign -> id '=' . assign (rule 25)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 70
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 46
- atom -> id '(' . expr ')' (rule 62)
- atom -> id '(' . expr ',' expr ')' (rule 63)
- atom -> id '(' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 64)
- atom -> id '(' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id '(' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- expr go to state 71
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 47
- logcond -> logcond COMPAND . binlogcond (rule 30)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- binlogcond go to state 72
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 48
- logcond -> logcond COMPOR . binlogcond (rule 31)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- binlogcond go to state 73
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 49
- logcond -> logcond COMPXOR . binlogcond (rule 32)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- binlogcond go to state 74
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 50
- cond -> logcond '?' . expr ':' cond (rule 28)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- expr go to state 75
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 51
- binlogcond -> binlogcond '&' . compeq (rule 34)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- compeq go to state 76
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 52
- binlogcond -> binlogcond '|' . compeq (rule 35)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- compeq go to state 77
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 53
- binlogcond -> binlogcond '^' . compeq (rule 36)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- compeq go to state 78
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 54
- compeq -> compeq COMPEQ . comp (rule 38)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- comp go to state 79
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 55
- compeq -> compeq COMPNE . comp (rule 39)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- comp go to state 80
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 56
- comp -> comp COMPLE . shift (rule 41)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- shift go to state 81
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 57
- comp -> comp COMPGE . shift (rule 42)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- shift go to state 82
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 58
- comp -> comp '>' . shift (rule 43)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- shift go to state 83
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 59
- comp -> comp '<' . shift (rule 44)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- shift go to state 84
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 60
- shift -> shift LSHIFT . factor (rule 46)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- factor go to state 85
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 61
- shift -> shift RSHIFT . factor (rule 47)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- factor go to state 86
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 62
- factor -> factor '-' . term (rule 50)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- term go to state 87
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 63
- factor -> factor '+' . term (rule 49)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- term go to state 88
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 64
- term -> term '*' . unary (rule 52)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- unary go to state 89
- atom go to state 34
- state 65
- term -> term '/' . unary (rule 53)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- unary go to state 90
- atom go to state 34
- state 66
- comma -> comma ',' . cond (rule 24)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- cond go to state 91
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 67
- atom -> '(' expr ')' . (rule 69)
- $default reduce using rule 69 (atom)
- state 68
- atom -> '(' id ')' . (rule 68)
- $default reduce using rule 68 (atom)
- state 69
- assignline -> id expr expr expr . expr expr expr (rule 16)
- assignline -> id expr expr expr . expr expr (rule 17)
- assignline -> id expr expr expr . expr (rule 18)
- assignline -> id expr expr expr . (rule 19)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- IDSTRING [reduce using rule 19 (assignline)]
- $default reduce using rule 19 (assignline)
- expr go to state 92
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 70
- assign -> id '=' assign . (rule 25)
- $default reduce using rule 25 (assign)
- state 71
- atom -> id '(' expr . ')' (rule 62)
- atom -> id '(' expr . ',' expr ')' (rule 63)
- atom -> id '(' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 64)
- atom -> id '(' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id '(' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- ',' shift, and go to state 93
- ')' shift, and go to state 94
- state 72
- logcond -> logcond COMPAND binlogcond . (rule 30)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '&' compeq (rule 34)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '|' compeq (rule 35)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '^' compeq (rule 36)
- '&' shift, and go to state 51
- '|' shift, and go to state 52
- '^' shift, and go to state 53
- $default reduce using rule 30 (logcond)
- state 73
- logcond -> logcond COMPOR binlogcond . (rule 31)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '&' compeq (rule 34)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '|' compeq (rule 35)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '^' compeq (rule 36)
- '&' shift, and go to state 51
- '|' shift, and go to state 52
- '^' shift, and go to state 53
- $default reduce using rule 31 (logcond)
- state 74
- logcond -> logcond COMPXOR binlogcond . (rule 32)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '&' compeq (rule 34)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '|' compeq (rule 35)
- binlogcond -> binlogcond . '^' compeq (rule 36)
- '&' shift, and go to state 51
- '|' shift, and go to state 52
- '^' shift, and go to state 53
- $default reduce using rule 32 (logcond)
- state 75
- cond -> logcond '?' expr . ':' cond (rule 28)
- ':' shift, and go to state 95
- state 76
- binlogcond -> binlogcond '&' compeq . (rule 34)
- compeq -> compeq . COMPEQ comp (rule 38)
- compeq -> compeq . COMPNE comp (rule 39)
- COMPEQ shift, and go to state 54
- COMPNE shift, and go to state 55
- $default reduce using rule 34 (binlogcond)
- state 77
- binlogcond -> binlogcond '|' compeq . (rule 35)
- compeq -> compeq . COMPEQ comp (rule 38)
- compeq -> compeq . COMPNE comp (rule 39)
- COMPEQ shift, and go to state 54
- COMPNE shift, and go to state 55
- $default reduce using rule 35 (binlogcond)
- state 78
- binlogcond -> binlogcond '^' compeq . (rule 36)
- compeq -> compeq . COMPEQ comp (rule 38)
- compeq -> compeq . COMPNE comp (rule 39)
- COMPEQ shift, and go to state 54
- COMPNE shift, and go to state 55
- $default reduce using rule 36 (binlogcond)
- state 79
- compeq -> compeq COMPEQ comp . (rule 38)
- comp -> comp . COMPLE shift (rule 41)
- comp -> comp . COMPGE shift (rule 42)
- comp -> comp . '>' shift (rule 43)
- comp -> comp . '<' shift (rule 44)
- COMPLE shift, and go to state 56
- COMPGE shift, and go to state 57
- '>' shift, and go to state 58
- '<' shift, and go to state 59
- $default reduce using rule 38 (compeq)
- state 80
- compeq -> compeq COMPNE comp . (rule 39)
- comp -> comp . COMPLE shift (rule 41)
- comp -> comp . COMPGE shift (rule 42)
- comp -> comp . '>' shift (rule 43)
- comp -> comp . '<' shift (rule 44)
- COMPLE shift, and go to state 56
- COMPGE shift, and go to state 57
- '>' shift, and go to state 58
- '<' shift, and go to state 59
- $default reduce using rule 39 (compeq)
- state 81
- comp -> comp COMPLE shift . (rule 41)
- shift -> shift . LSHIFT factor (rule 46)
- shift -> shift . RSHIFT factor (rule 47)
- LSHIFT shift, and go to state 60
- RSHIFT shift, and go to state 61
- $default reduce using rule 41 (comp)
- state 82
- comp -> comp COMPGE shift . (rule 42)
- shift -> shift . LSHIFT factor (rule 46)
- shift -> shift . RSHIFT factor (rule 47)
- LSHIFT shift, and go to state 60
- RSHIFT shift, and go to state 61
- $default reduce using rule 42 (comp)
- state 83
- comp -> comp '>' shift . (rule 43)
- shift -> shift . LSHIFT factor (rule 46)
- shift -> shift . RSHIFT factor (rule 47)
- LSHIFT shift, and go to state 60
- RSHIFT shift, and go to state 61
- $default reduce using rule 43 (comp)
- state 84
- comp -> comp '<' shift . (rule 44)
- shift -> shift . LSHIFT factor (rule 46)
- shift -> shift . RSHIFT factor (rule 47)
- LSHIFT shift, and go to state 60
- RSHIFT shift, and go to state 61
- $default reduce using rule 44 (comp)
- state 85
- shift -> shift LSHIFT factor . (rule 46)
- factor -> factor . '+' term (rule 49)
- factor -> factor . '-' term (rule 50)
- '-' shift, and go to state 62
- '+' shift, and go to state 63
- '-' [reduce using rule 46 (shift)]
- $default reduce using rule 46 (shift)
- state 86
- shift -> shift RSHIFT factor . (rule 47)
- factor -> factor . '+' term (rule 49)
- factor -> factor . '-' term (rule 50)
- '-' shift, and go to state 62
- '+' shift, and go to state 63
- '-' [reduce using rule 47 (shift)]
- $default reduce using rule 47 (shift)
- state 87
- factor -> factor '-' term . (rule 50)
- term -> term . '*' unary (rule 52)
- term -> term . '/' unary (rule 53)
- '*' shift, and go to state 64
- '/' shift, and go to state 65
- $default reduce using rule 50 (factor)
- state 88
- factor -> factor '+' term . (rule 49)
- term -> term . '*' unary (rule 52)
- term -> term . '/' unary (rule 53)
- '*' shift, and go to state 64
- '/' shift, and go to state 65
- $default reduce using rule 49 (factor)
- state 89
- term -> term '*' unary . (rule 52)
- $default reduce using rule 52 (term)
- state 90
- term -> term '/' unary . (rule 53)
- $default reduce using rule 53 (term)
- state 91
- comma -> comma ',' cond . (rule 24)
- $default reduce using rule 24 (comma)
- state 92
- assignline -> id expr expr expr expr . expr expr (rule 16)
- assignline -> id expr expr expr expr . expr (rule 17)
- assignline -> id expr expr expr expr . (rule 18)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- IDSTRING [reduce using rule 18 (assignline)]
- $default reduce using rule 18 (assignline)
- expr go to state 96
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 93
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' . expr ')' (rule 63)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ')' (rule 64)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- expr go to state 97
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 94
- atom -> id '(' expr ')' . (rule 62)
- $default reduce using rule 62 (atom)
- state 95
- cond -> logcond '?' expr ':' . cond (rule 28)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- id go to state 36
- cond go to state 98
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 96
- assignline -> id expr expr expr expr expr . expr (rule 16)
- assignline -> id expr expr expr expr expr . (rule 17)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- IDSTRING [reduce using rule 17 (assignline)]
- $default reduce using rule 17 (assignline)
- expr go to state 99
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 97
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr . ')' (rule 63)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ')' (rule 64)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- ',' shift, and go to state 100
- ')' shift, and go to state 101
- state 98
- cond -> logcond '?' expr ':' cond . (rule 28)
- $default reduce using rule 28 (cond)
- state 99
- assignline -> id expr expr expr expr expr expr . (rule 16)
- $default reduce using rule 16 (assignline)
- state 100
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ')' (rule 64)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- expr go to state 102
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 101
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ')' . (rule 63)
- $default reduce using rule 63 (atom)
- state 102
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ')' (rule 64)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- ',' shift, and go to state 103
- ')' shift, and go to state 104
- state 103
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- expr go to state 105
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 104
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' . (rule 64)
- $default reduce using rule 64 (atom)
- state 105
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ')' (rule 65)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- ',' shift, and go to state 106
- ')' shift, and go to state 107
- state 106
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- expr go to state 108
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 107
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' . (rule 65)
- $default reduce using rule 65 (atom)
- state 108
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ')' (rule 66)
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ',' expr ')' (rule 67)
- ',' shift, and go to state 109
- ')' shift, and go to state 110
- state 109
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' . expr ')' (rule 67)
- NUM shift, and go to state 13
- STRING shift, and go to state 14
- IDSTRING shift, and go to state 15
- ERR shift, and go to state 16
- '-' shift, and go to state 18
- '!' shift, and go to state 19
- '~' shift, and go to state 20
- '(' shift, and go to state 21
- expr go to state 111
- id go to state 23
- assign go to state 24
- cond go to state 25
- logcond go to state 26
- binlogcond go to state 27
- compeq go to state 28
- comp go to state 29
- shift go to state 30
- factor go to state 31
- term go to state 32
- unary go to state 33
- atom go to state 34
- state 110
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' . (rule 66)
- $default reduce using rule 66 (atom)
- state 111
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr . ')' (rule 67)
- ')' shift, and go to state 112
- state 112
- atom -> id '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' . (rule 67)
- $default reduce using rule 67 (atom)
- state 113
- $ go to state 114
- state 114
- $default accept