home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ifndef __COMMAND_H__
- #define __COMMAND_H__
- #include "OSLib.h"
- #include "centry.h"
- enum
- {
- caa_READ, caa_WRITE
- }; /* tasks for action */
- struct command_arg;
- typedef int (*command_arg_action)(struct command_arg *self, int task);
- #define DECL_ARG_ACTION(name) int name(struct command_arg *arg, int task)
- // Flags for commands: bitmask
- typedef enum
- {
- c_NONE = 0,
- c_STATIC = 0, // static value for saving
- c_DYNAMIC = 1, // dynamically determines config,
- // pass csa_READ multiple times with increasing iter
- c_DONT_SAVE = 2, // don't save value back to config
- c_SESSION_ONLY = 4, // if set, item should be saved for sessions but
- // not in general config
- c_CONFIG_ONLY = 8 // if set, item should only be saved in basic
- // config file, not in session
- } command_symbol_flags;
- // Types of command arguments
- typedef enum
- {
- ca_VOID, ca_SYM, ca_NUM, ca_STRING,
- } command_arg_type;
- extern char *ca_types[];
- #define ca_ISSPEC(x) ((x)==ca_SPEC || (x)==ca_PATHSPEC || (x)==ca_NAMESPEC)
- typedef struct command_arg {
- char *name; /* name of argument */
- char *help; /* usage info */
- command_arg_action action; /* action associated with argument */
- command_arg_type type; /* ca_NUM, ca_STRING */
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- int sz; /* 1,2,4 = size of pointed var */
- void *mem;
- } num; /* ca_NUM */
- struct
- {
- int sz; /* 1,2,4 = size of pointed var */
- void *mem;
- int flag;
- } toggle; /* ca_TOGGLE */
- struct
- {
- int maxlen; /* max len of string [memory] */
- union
- {
- char *mem; /* if maxlen >= 0 */
- char **ptr; /* if maxlen < 0, we store ptr to buffer */
- } m;
- } string; /* ca_STRING */
- struct
- {
- OSSpec *mem;
- } spec; /* ca_SPEC */
- struct
- {
- OSPathSpec *mem;
- } pathspec; /* ca_PATHSPEC */
- struct
- {
- OSNameSpec *mem;
- } namespec; /* ca_NAMESPEC */
- } u;
- struct command_arg *next;
- } command_arg;
- enum
- {
- csa_READ, csa_WRITE
- }; /* tasks for action */
- struct command_symbol;
- typedef int (*command_symbol_action)(struct command_symbol *self, int task, int iter);
- // task is caa_XXX, iter=0..x for caa_READ_CONFIG
- #define DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(name) int name(struct command_symbol *sym, int task, int iter)
- #define SYM_ARG_1st (sym->args)
- #define SYM_ARG_2nd (SYM_ARG_1st ? sym->args->next : 0L)
- #define SYM_ARG_3rd (SYM_ARG_2nd ? sym->args->next->next : 0L)
- #define SYM_ARG_4th (SYM_ARG_3rd ? sym->args->next->next->next : 0L)
- #define SYM_ARG_5th (SYM_ARG_4th ? sym->args->next->next->next->next : 0L)
- #define SYM_ARG_6th (SYM_ARG_5th ? sym->args->next->next->next->next->next : 0L)
- #define SYMBOL_ACTION_BIT_TOGGLE(var, bit) \
- do { \
- int flag; \
- if (task == caa_WRITE) { \
- command_arg_get_num(sym->args, &flag); \
- if (flag) \
- var |= bit; \
- else \
- var &= ~bit; \
- } else { \
- flag = (var & bit) != 0; \
- command_arg_set_num(sym->args, flag); \
- } \
- } while (0)
- typedef struct command_symbol {
- char *name; /* name (case-insensitive) */
- char *help; /* description of use */
- command_symbol_flags flags; /* flags for symbol */
- command_symbol_action action; /* action associated with command */
- struct command_arg *ret; /* value if used on RHS */
- struct command_arg *args; /* arguments we take */
- struct command_symbol *next;
- } command_symbol;
- typedef struct command_symbol_table {
- char *name; /* name of table */
- char *help; /* more info */
- struct command_symbol_table *sub; /* table of subcommands */
- struct command_symbol *list; /* list of symbols */
- struct command_symbol_table *next; /* next table */
- } command_symbol_table;
- extern command_symbol_table *universe;
- command_symbol_table *
- command_symbol_table_new(char *name, char *help,
- command_symbol *list, command_symbol_table *sub,
- command_symbol_table *next);
- command_symbol_table *
- command_symbol_table_add_subtable(command_symbol_table *parent,
- command_symbol_table *table);
- command_symbol_table *
- command_symbol_table_add(command_symbol_table *parent, command_symbol *list);
- /* Any symbol may define ret==RET_FIRST_ARG to mean return value of first argument. */
- #define RET_FIRST_ARG (command_arg *)(-1)
- command_symbol *
- command_symbol_new(char *name, char *help, command_symbol_flags flags,
- command_symbol_action action, command_arg *ret, command_arg *args,
- command_symbol *next);
- #define ARG_NUM(x) sizeof(x), &x
- #define NEW_ARG_NUM(t) sizeof(t), xmalloc(sizeof(t))
- #define NEW_ARG_CONST_NUM(x) sizeof(int), xintdup(x)
- command_arg *
- command_arg_new_num(char *name, char *help, command_arg_action action,
- int sz, void *mem, command_arg *next);
- /* You may specify an unbounded string array by passing
- maxlen < 0 and treating 'str' as a pointer to a pointer to
- the string. */
- #define ARG_STR(x) sizeof(x), x
- #define NEW_ARG_STR(l) l, xmalloc(l)
- #define NEW_ARG_STRBUF(p) -1, p
- #define NEW_ARG_NEW_STRBUF -1, xcalloc(sizeof(void *))
- command_arg *
- command_arg_new_string(char *name, char *help, command_arg_action action,
- int maxlen, void *str, command_arg *next);
- command_arg *
- command_arg_new_spec(char *name, char *help, command_arg_action action,
- OSSpec *spec, command_arg *next);
- command_arg *
- command_arg_new_pathspec(char *name, char *help, command_arg_action action,
- OSPathSpec *pathspec, command_arg *next);
- command_arg *
- command_arg_new_namespec(char *name, char *help, command_arg_action action,
- OSNameSpec *namespec, command_arg *next);
- command_arg *
- command_arg_new_toggle(char *name, char *help, command_arg_action action,
- int sz, void *mem, int val, command_arg *next);
- /*****************/
- void command_arg_read_num(command_arg *arg, int *val);
- int command_arg_get_num(command_arg *arg, int *val);
- int command_arg_set_num(command_arg *arg, int val);
- void command_arg_read_string(command_arg *arg, char **str);
- int command_arg_get_string(command_arg *arg, char **str);
- int command_arg_set_string(command_arg *arg, const char *str);
- void command_arg_read_spec(command_arg *arg, char **str);
- int command_arg_get_spec(command_arg *arg, char **str);
- int command_arg_set_spec(command_arg *arg, const char *str);
- void command_arg_read_toggle(command_arg *arg, int *val);
- int command_arg_get_toggle(command_arg *arg, int *val);
- int command_arg_set_toggle(command_arg *arg, int val);
- int command_match_symbol(const command_symbol_table *table,
- const char *name, command_symbol **sym);
- void
- command_match_symbols(const command_symbol_table *table,
- const char *name,
- command_symbol ***matches, int *nmatches);
- struct command_exprval;
- int command_set_args(struct command_exprval *ret, command_symbol *sym, ... /* command_exprval */);
- int command_get_val(command_symbol *sym, struct command_exprval *val);
- /* Interface to lexer */
- int command_lexer_setup_text(char *name, char *text, int len);
- int command_lexer_setup_file(char *filename);
- /* Interface to parser */
- int command_parse(command_symbol_table *universe);
- /* Interface to emulator */
- void command_init(void);
- int command_parse_file(char *name);
- int command_parse_text(char *str);
- /* Filter execution of session-only commands */
- bool command_get_session_filter(void);
- void command_set_session_filter(bool allow_session_only);
- /* Interface to help */
- void command_help(void);
- #include "cexit.h"
- #endif