home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Operating system library for POSIX-type systems.
- *
- * The define POSIX_FS must be defined. Optionally, BEWORKS_FS
- * and QNX_FS may modify behavior.
- *
- * This module handles interaction with the operating-system specific
- * intricacies with file manipulation, memory management, process
- * spawning, etc.
- *
- */
- #if defined(MAC_FS) || defined(WIN32_FS)
- #error Wrong module!
- #endif
- #undef DEBUG
- #include "OSLib.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #ifdef __WATCOMC__
- #include <process.h>
- #endif
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <sys/wait.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
- #include <utime.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #if defined(UNDER_UNIX)
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/times.h>
- #endif
- #if __linux__
- #include <sys/vfs.h>
- #endif
- #if defined(UNDER_BEWORKS)
- #include <kernel/fs_attr.h> /* file attributes */
- #include <kernel/image.h> /* shared library add-ons */
- #include <kernel/OS.h> /* OS utils, namely, areas */
- #define MMAP_BE 1
- #endif
- #if defined(UNDER_QNX)
- #include <sys/mman.h> /* only shared-memory mmap()ing */
- #define MMAP_QNX 1
- #endif
- #if defined(UNDER_UNIX)
- #include <dlfcn.h> /* shared libraries */
- #include <sys/mman.h> /* memory mapping */
- #define MMAP_POSIX 1
- #endif
- #define OS_DLERR (-ENOENT) /* generic shared lib error */
- static const char *lastdlerr = NULL; /* buffer for message */
- #if DEBUG
- #define ASSERT(x) assert(x)
- #else
- #define ASSERT(x)
- #endif
- /* get error text for an OSError */
- char
- *
- OS_GetErrText(OSError err)
- {
- if (err == OS_DLERR) {
- if (lastdlerr == NULL) { /* d'oh, never got error */
- return "Shared library function failed";
- } else
- return (char *) lastdlerr;
- } else
- return strerror(err);
- }
- /*********************/
- /* Initialize C program context */
- OSError
- OS_InitProgram(int *argc, char ***argv)
- {
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* Terminate C program context */
- OSError
- OS_TermProgram(void)
- {
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /*********************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- static char intbuf[OS_PATHSIZE];
- #define GETSPECSTR(sp,bf) if (OS_SpecToString(sp, bf, sizeof(bf))==NULL) return OS_FNTLERR
- #define GETPATHSPECSTR(sp,bf) if (OS_PathSpecToString(sp, bf, sizeof(bf))==NULL) return OS_FNTLERR
- #if !defined(BEWORKS_FS)
- OSFileType OS_TEXTTYPE = { 0666 };
- #else
- OSFileType OS_TEXTTYPE = { 0666, "text/plain" };
- #endif
- /* create a new file, overwrite an old one if existing */
- OSError
- OS_Create(const OSSpec * spec, OSFileType * type)
- {
- int h;
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- h = open(intbuf, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, type->perm);
- if (h < 0)
- return errno;
- else {
- close(h);
- // don't return error if this fails
- // -- msdos fs can't change permissions and returns error here
- OS_SetFileType(spec, type);
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- }
- /* tell if a file exists */
- OSError
- OS_Status(const OSSpec * spec)
- {
- struct stat st;
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- return stat(intbuf, &st) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* get type of a file */
- #if !defined(BEWORKS_FS)
- OSError
- OS_GetFileType(const OSSpec * spec, OSFileType * type)
- {
- struct stat st;
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- if (stat(intbuf, &st) < 0)
- return errno;
- else {
- type->perm = st.st_mode;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- }
- #else
- OSError
- OS_GetFileType(const OSSpec * spec, OSFileType * type)
- {
- struct stat st;
- int h;
- char attr[256];
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- if ((h = open(intbuf, O_RDWR)) < 0)
- return errno;
- if (fstat(h, &st) < 0)
- return errno;
- if (fs_read_attr(h, "BEOS:TYPE", 'MIMS', 0,
- type->mime, sizeof(type->mime)) < 0)
- return errno;
- close(h);
- type->perm = st.st_mode;
- strcpy(type->mime, attr);
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- #endif
- /* set type for a file */
- #if !defined(BEWORKS_FS)
- OSError
- OS_SetFileType(const OSSpec * spec, OSFileType * type)
- {
- int oldmask;
- int err;
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- oldmask = umask(0);
- err = chmod(intbuf, type->perm & (~oldmask));
- umask(oldmask);
- return err < 0 ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- #else
- OSError
- OS_SetFileType(const OSSpec * spec, OSFileType * type)
- {
- int oldmask;
- int err;
- int ref;
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- /* may be blank */
- if (type->mime && *type->mime) {
- if ((ref = open(intbuf, O_RDWR)) < 0)
- return errno;
- fs_remove_attr(ref, "BEOS:TYPE");
- if (fs_write_attr(ref, "BEOS:TYPE", 'MIMS', 0,
- type->mime, strlen(type->mime) + 1) < 0)
- return errno;
- close(ref);
- }
- oldmask = umask(0);
- err = chmod(intbuf, type->perm & (~oldmask)) < 0;
- umask(oldmask);
- return err ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- #endif
- /* get timestamps of a file */
- OSError
- OS_GetFileTime(const OSSpec * spec, OSTime * crtm, OSTime * chtm)
- {
- struct stat st;
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- if (stat(intbuf, &st) < 0)
- return errno;
- else {
- if (crtm)
- *crtm = st.st_ctime;
- if (chtm)
- *chtm = st.st_mtime;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- }
- /* set timestamps of a file */
- OSError
- OS_SetFileTime(const OSSpec * spec, OSTime * crtm, OSTime * chtm)
- {
- struct utimbuf buf;
- struct stat st;
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- if (stat(intbuf, &st) < 0)
- return errno;
- #warning "Can't set creation time"
- buf.actime = chtm ? *chtm : st.st_atime;
- buf.modtime = crtm ? *crtm : st.st_mtime;
- if (utime(intbuf, &buf) < 0)
- return errno;
- else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* modify protection on a file */
- OSError
- OS_ModifyProtection(const OSSpec * spec, bool protect)
- {
- struct stat st;
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- if (stat(intbuf, &st) < 0)
- return errno;
- if (chmod(intbuf, (st.st_mode & ~S_IREAD) | (protect ? 0 : S_IREAD)) < 0)
- return errno;
- else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* get protection on a file */
- OSError
- OS_CheckProtection(const OSSpec *spec, bool *is_protected)
- {
- struct stat st;
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- if (stat(intbuf, &st) < 0)
- return errno;
- *is_protected = (st.st_mode & ~S_IREAD) == 0;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* get disk space info */
- OSError
- OS_GetDiskStats(const OSPathSpec * spec,
- OSSize * blocksize, OSSize * total, OSSize * free)
- {
- #if __linux__
- struct statfs stf;
- GETPATHSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- if (statfs(intbuf, &stf) < 0)
- return errno;
- *blocksize = stf.f_bsize;
- *total = stf.f_blocks;
- *free = stf.f_bfree;
- return OS_NOERR;
- #else
- #error
- #endif
- }
- /*************************************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- /* open an existing file */
- OSError
- OS_Open(const OSSpec * spec, OSOpenMode mode, OSRef * ref)
- {
- static int modetrans[] =
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- *ref = open(intbuf, modetrans[mode]);
- if (*ref < 0) {
- *ref = -1; /* don't let someone blithely close this handle */
- return errno;
- } else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* write binary data, up to length bytes;
- length==0 can extend file;
- update length;
- error indicates serious failure */
- OSError
- OS_Write(OSRef ref, void *buffer, OSSize * length)
- {
- struct stat st;
- size_t pos;
- if (fstat(ref, &st) < 0)
- return errno;
- pos = lseek(ref, 0, SEEK_CUR);
- if (pos > st.st_size && *length == 0) {
- lseek(ref, -1, SEEK_CUR);
- if (write(ref, "\0", 1) != 1) {
- *length = 0;
- return errno;
- }
- }
- *length = write(ref, buffer, *length);
- if ((signed) *length < 0) {
- return errno;
- } else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* read binary data, up to length bytes;
- update length;
- error indicates serious failure. */
- OSError
- OS_Read(OSRef ref, void *buffer, OSSize * length)
- {
- *length = read(ref, buffer, *length);
- if ((signed) *length < 0)
- return errno;
- else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* seek a file;
- illegal seek is revealed by next write or read;
- error indicates serious failure. */
- OSError
- OS_Seek(OSRef ref, OSSeekMode how, OSPos offset)
- {
- static int howtrans[] = { SEEK_CUR, SEEK_SET, SEEK_END };
- return lseek(ref, offset, howtrans[how]) < 0 ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* tell file position */
- OSError
- OS_Tell(OSRef ref, OSPos * offset)
- {
- *offset = lseek(ref, 0L, SEEK_CUR);
- return (*offset < 0) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* close a file */
- OSError
- OS_Close(OSRef ref)
- {
- if (ref == -1)
- return EBADF;
- else
- return close(ref) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* get length of a file;
- return error if directory or not found */
- OSError
- OS_GetSize(OSRef ref, OSSize * length)
- {
- struct stat st;
- if (fstat(ref, &st) < 0)
- return errno;
- else {
- *length = st.st_size;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- }
- /* set length of a file;
- return error if directory or not found */
- #if !defined(__WATCOMC__)
- OSError
- OS_SetSize(OSRef ref, OSSize length)
- {
- return ftruncate(ref, length) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- #else
- OSError
- OS_SetSize(OSRef ref, OSSize length)
- {
- return chsize(ref, length) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- #endif
- /**********************************/
- /* delete a file */
- OSError
- OS_Delete(const OSSpec * spec)
- {
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- return unlink(intbuf) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* rename a file */
- OSError
- OS_Rename(const OSSpec * oldspec, const OSSpec * newspec)
- {
- char newbuf[OS_PATHSIZE];
- GETSPECSTR(newspec, newbuf);
- GETSPECSTR(oldspec, intbuf);
- return rename(intbuf, newbuf) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* make directory */
- OSError
- OS_Mkdir(const OSSpec * spec)
- {
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- return mkdir(intbuf, 0777) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* remove directory */
- OSError
- OS_Rmdir(const OSPathSpec * spec)
- {
- GETPATHSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- return rmdir(intbuf) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* change directory */
- OSError
- OS_Chdir(const OSPathSpec * spec)
- {
- GETPATHSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- return chdir(intbuf) ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* get current working directory */
- OSError
- OS_GetCWD(OSPathSpec * spec)
- {
- if (getcwd(spec->s, OS_PATHSIZE) == NULL)
- return errno;
- else {
- char *ptr = spec->s + strlen(spec->s);
- if (*(ptr - 1) != '/')
- strcpy(ptr, "/");
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- }
- /* spawn a subprocess */
- extern char **environ;
- OSError
- OS_Execute(const OSSpec * spec, char **argv, char **envp,
- const char *stdoutfile, const char *stderrfile, int *exitcode)
- {
- int svstdout, svstderr;
- pid_t kidpid;
- int status;
- /* Unix magic: file descriptors for stdout/stderr are always
- 1 and 2, and are always allocated in order starting from the
- lowest unopened descriptor. This code duplicates the current
- stdout/stderr (as needed), and immediately opens new files,
- which become the new stdout/stderr for the child.
- dup2 duplicates a descriptor into a specific target
- (probably not necessary, but safer) */
- if (stdoutfile) {
- svstdout = dup(1);
- close(1);
- if (open(stdoutfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666) < 0) {
- status = errno;
- dup2(svstdout, 1);
- close(svstdout);
- return status;
- }
- }
- if (stderrfile) {
- svstderr = dup(2);
- close(2);
- if (open(stderrfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666) < 0) {
- status = errno;
- dup2(svstderr, 2);
- close(svstderr);
- return status;
- }
- }
- kidpid = fork();
- if (!kidpid) { /* kid running */
- if (execve(argv[0],
- (char *const *) argv,
- (char *const *) (envp && *envp ? envp : environ)) < 0)
- exit(-1); /* signal failure */
- /* can't get here */
- return EINVAL;
- } else {
- OSError err;
- if (stdoutfile) {
- dup2(svstdout, 1);
- close(svstdout);
- }
- if (stderrfile) {
- dup2(svstderr, 2);
- close(svstderr);
- }
- *exitcode = 0;
- err = waitpid(kidpid, &status, 0) <= 0 ? errno : OS_NOERR;
- if (WIFEXITED(status))
- *exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(status);
- if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
- *exitcode = -WTERMSIG(status);
- return err;
- }
- }
- /*************************************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- /* tell if a filepath is legal for filesystem;
- call after OS_CanonPath if necessary */
- OSError
- OS_IsLegalPath(const char *path)
- {
- const char *scan = path;
- int pthlen = 0, fnlen = 0;
- while (*scan) {
- if (*scan == '/')
- fnlen = 0;
- else
- fnlen++;
- pthlen++;
- if (fnlen > OS_MAXNAMELEN || pthlen > OS_MAXPATHLEN)
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- scan++;
- }
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* tell if a filepath represents a full path */
- int
- OS_IsFullPath(const char *path)
- {
- return (*path == '/');
- }
- #if !defined(QNX_FS) && !defined(BEWORKS_FS)
- /* skip a volume in a fullpath */
- const char *
- OS_GetDirPtr(const char *path)
- {
- ASSERT(*path == '/');
- return path;
- }
- #elif defined(QNX_FS)
- /* skip a volume in a fullpath '/' or '//node/[path/]' */
- const char *
- OS_GetDirPtr(const char *path)
- {
- const char *ptr;
- ASSERT(*path == '/');
- if (*(path + 1) == '/' && *(path + 2) != '/') { /* network path? */
- ptr = strchr(path + 3, '/');
- if (ptr == NULL)
- ptr = path + strlen(path); /* just "//1" */
- } else
- ptr = path;
- return ptr;
- }
- #elif defined(BEWORKS_FS)
- /* skip a volume in a fullpath '/[vol]' or '/' */
- const char *
- OS_GetDirPtr(const char *path)
- {
- struct stat st, stdotdot;
- char vn[OS_VOLSIZE];
- const char *ptr;
- ptr = strchr(path + 1, '/');
- if (ptr != NULL && (ptr - path < OS_VOLSIZE)) {
- strncpy(vn, path, ptr - path);
- vn[ptr - path] = 0;
- /* Compare devices of root and possible volume */
- stat("/", &st);
- if (stat(vn, &stdotdot) == 0) {
- if (st.st_dev != stdotdot.st_dev)
- return ptr;
- }
- }
- return path;
- }
- #endif
- /* compact a full path; if dst is NULL, overwrite src in place */
- static int
- OS_CompactPath(char *src, char *dst)
- {
- char buf[OS_PATHSIZE], *bptr;
- char *to;
- const char *from, *start;
- ASSERT(OS_IsFullPath(src));
- #if !defined(BEWORKS_FS)
- start = OS_GetDirPtr(src);
- #else
- start = src; /* it's okay to do /boot/../volume */
- #endif
- if (dst == NULL)
- bptr = buf;
- else
- bptr = dst;
- strncpy(bptr, src, start - src);
- bptr += (start - src);
- from = start;
- to = bptr;
- while (*from) {
- const char *brk;
- brk = from + 1;
- while (*brk && *brk != '/')
- brk++;
- if (brk - from == 1) /* eliminate '//' */
- from = brk; /* skip path break */
- else {
- if (brk - from == 2 && from[1] == '.')
- from = brk;
- else /* eliminate ".." and previous directory */
- if (brk - from == 3
- && from[1] == '.'
- && from[2] == '.') {
- if (to > bptr) {
- do
- to--;
- while (to >= bptr && *to != '/');
- }
- from = brk;
- } else /* copy */
- while (from < brk)
- *to++ = *from++;
- }
- }
- if (to == bptr || *(from - 1) == '/')
- *to++ = '/'; /* ended at directory */
- *to = 0; /* end string */
- #if 0
- // Bad idea. User might want "-I/" and then use "#include "boot/home/..."
- #if defined(BEWORKS_FS)
- /*
- If this refers to "/", make it "/boot/"
- */
- if (*bptr == '/' && *(bptr + 1) == 0)
- strcpy(bptr, "/boot/");
- #endif
- #endif
- if (dst == NULL)
- strcpy(src, buf);
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* compare paths */
- int
- OS_EqualPath(const char *a, const char *b)
- {
- return (strcmp(a, b) == 0);
- }
- /*************************************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- /* canonicalize a filepath for host; if dst is NULL, overwrite src in place */
- OSError
- OS_CanonPath(char *src, char *dst)
- {
- int idx, out;
- if (strlen(src) > OS_MAXPATHLEN)
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- /* We don't change the size of the string, so this is okay */
- if (dst == NULL)
- dst = src;
- /* Probably the only weird thing we'll see is DOS paths */
- idx = out = 0;
- /* assume C: is /C/ */
- if (isalpha(src[0]) && src[1] == ':') {
- dst[out++] = '/';
- dst[out++] = toupper(src[0]);
- dst[out++] = '/';
- idx += 2;
- }
- while (src[idx])
- {
- if (src[idx] == '\\')
- dst[out] = '/';
- else
- dst[out] = src[idx];
- idx++;
- out++;
- }
- dst[out] = 0;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* make OSSpec from a path; tell what kind it is */
- OSError
- OS_MakeSpec(const char *path, OSSpec *spec, bool *isfile)
- {
- char tmp[OS_PATHSIZE];
- struct stat st;
- char *ptr;
- int len;
- OSError err;
- *spec->path.s = *spec->name.s = 0;
- if ((err=OS_CanonPath((char*)path, tmp))!=OS_NOERR)
- return err;
- /* Prepend cwd if needed */
- if (!OS_IsFullPath(tmp))
- {
- char *end;
- char orig[OS_PATHSIZE];
- strcpy(orig, tmp);
- if (getcwd(tmp, OS_PATHSIZE)==NULL)
- return errno;
- end = tmp + strlen(tmp) - 1;
- if (*end!='/')
- {
- *++end='/';
- *++end=0;
- }
- if (strlen(orig) + (end - tmp) >= OS_PATHSIZE)
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- strcpy(end, orig);
- }
- else
- {
- if (strlen(tmp) >= OS_PATHSIZE)
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- }
- if ((err=OS_CompactPath(tmp, NULL))!=OS_NOERR)
- return err;
- if ((err=OS_IsLegalPath(tmp))!=OS_NOERR)
- return err;
- /* Tell if it's a directory reference */
- if (stat(tmp, &st)==0)
- {
- ptr = tmp + strlen(tmp);
- if (*(ptr-1)=='/')
- ptr--;
- if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
- {
- if (isfile)
- *isfile = false;
- *ptr++ = '/';
- }
- else
- {
- if (isfile)
- *isfile = true;
- }
- *ptr=0;
- }
- else
- if (errno != ENOENT)
- return errno;
- else
- if (isfile)
- *isfile = true;
- ptr = strrchr(tmp, '/')+1;
- len = ptr-tmp;
- if (len >= OS_PATHSIZE)
- {
- *spec->path.s = 0;
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- }
- memcpy(spec->path.s, tmp, len);
- spec->path.s[len] = 0; // truncate
- len = strlen(ptr);
- if (len >= OS_NAMESIZE)
- {
- *spec->name.s = 0;
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- }
- memcpy(spec->name.s, ptr, len);
- spec->name.s[len] = 0;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* make OSSpec from a path;
- must resolve to a file */
- OSError
- OS_MakeFileSpec(const char *path, OSSpec * spec)
- {
- bool isfile;
- OSError err;
- err = OS_MakeSpec(path, spec, &isfile);
- if (err != OS_NOERR)
- return err;
- if (!isfile)
- return OS_FIDERR;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* make OSPathSpec from a volume and dir */
- OSError
- OS_MakePathSpec(const char *vol, const char *dir, OSPathSpec * spec)
- {
- bool isfile;
- OSSpec tmp;
- OSError err;
- char path[OS_PATHSIZE];
- int len;
- if ((vol ? strlen(vol) : 0) + (dir ? strlen(dir) : 0) + 2 > sizeof(path))
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- sprintf(path, "%s%s", vol ? vol : "", dir ? dir : "");
- err = OS_MakeSpec(path, &tmp, &isfile);
- len = strlen(tmp.path.s);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- /* ensure that path is legal */
- if (len+1 < OS_PATHSIZE)
- memcpy(spec->s+len, "\\", 2);
- else
- memcpy(spec->s+OS_PATHSIZE-2, "\\", 2);
- return err;
- } else {
- memcpy(spec->s, tmp.path.s, len + 1);
- spec->s[OS_PATHSIZE-1] = 0;
- }
- if (isfile)
- return OS_FNIDERR;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* make OSNameSpec from a filename */
- OSError
- OS_MakeNameSpec(const char *name, OSNameSpec * spec)
- {
- if (strchr(name, '/') != NULL)
- return OS_FIDERR;
- if (strlen(name) > OS_MAXNAMELEN)
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- strcpy(spec->s, name);
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* return FS root spec */
- OSError
- OS_GetRootSpec(OSPathSpec * spec)
- {
- strcpy(spec->s, "/");
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /********************************************/
- /*
- For the OS_xxxToString functions, the string buffer
- and its maximum size are passed. If the output is too
- big for the buffer, NULL is returned. If the
- buffer is given as NULL, the buffer is malloc()ed.
- */
- /* make a full pathname from OSSpec */
- char *
- OS_SpecToString(const OSSpec * spec, char *path, int size)
- {
- if (size == 0)
- size = OS_PATHSIZE;
- if (path == NULL && (path = (char *) malloc(size)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- else {
- int plen, nlen;
- plen = strlen(spec->path.s);
- nlen = strlen(spec->name.s);
- if (plen + nlen >= size) {
- if (plen >= size) {
- nlen = 0;
- plen = size - 1;
- } else
- nlen = size - plen - 1;
- }
- memcpy(path, spec->path.s, plen);
- memcpy(path + plen, spec->name.s, nlen);
- path[plen + nlen] = 0;
- return path;
- }
- }
- /* make a path from OSPathSpec */
- char *
- OS_PathSpecToString(const OSPathSpec * pspec, char *path, int size)
- {
- if (size == 0)
- size = OS_PATHSIZE;
- if (path == NULL && (path = (char *) malloc(size)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- else {
- int plen;
- plen = strlen(pspec->s);
- if (plen >= size)
- plen = size - 1;
- memcpy(path, pspec->s, plen);
- path[plen] = 0;
- return path;
- }
- }
- /* make a name from OSNameSpec */
- char *
- OS_NameSpecToString(const OSNameSpec * nspec, char *name, int size)
- {
- if (size == 0)
- size = OS_NAMESIZE;
- if (name == NULL && (name = (char *) malloc(size)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- else {
- int nlen = strlen(nspec->s);
- if (nlen >= size)
- nlen = size - 1;
- memcpy(name, nspec->s, nlen);
- name[nlen] = 0;
- return name;
- }
- }
- /* return the size of an OSPathSpec, for duplication purposes */
- int
- OS_SizeOfPathSpec(const OSPathSpec * spec)
- {
- return (strlen(spec->s) + 1);
- }
- /* return the size of an OSNameSpec, for duplication purposes */
- int
- OS_SizeOfNameSpec(const OSNameSpec * spec)
- {
- return (strlen(spec->s) + 1);
- }
- /* compare OSSpecs */
- int
- OS_EqualSpec(const OSSpec * a, const OSSpec * b)
- {
- return OS_EqualPathSpec(&a->path, &b->path) &&
- OS_EqualNameSpec(&a->name, &b->name);
- }
- /* compare OSPathSpecs */
- int
- OS_EqualPathSpec(const OSPathSpec * a, const OSPathSpec * b)
- {
- return (strcmp(a->s, b->s) == 0);
- }
- /* compare OSNameSpecs */
- int
- OS_EqualNameSpec(const OSNameSpec * a, const OSNameSpec * b)
- {
- return (strcmp(a->s, b->s) == 0);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- /* tell if OSSpec is a directory */
- int
- OS_IsDir(const OSSpec * spec)
- {
- struct stat st;
- if (OS_SpecToString(spec, intbuf, sizeof(intbuf)) == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (stat(intbuf, &st) < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
- }
- /* tell if OSSpec is a file */
- int
- OS_IsFile(const OSSpec * spec)
- {
- struct stat st;
- if (OS_SpecToString(spec, intbuf, sizeof(intbuf)) == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (stat(intbuf, &st) < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
- }
- /* tell if OSSpec is a softlink */
- int
- OS_IsLink(const OSSpec * spec)
- {
- struct stat st;
- char *ptr;
- if (OS_SpecToString(spec, intbuf, sizeof(intbuf)) == NULL)
- return 0;
- ptr = intbuf + strlen(intbuf) - 1;
- if (*ptr == '/')
- *ptr = 0;
- if (lstat(intbuf, &st) < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return S_ISLNK(st.st_mode);
- }
- /* resolve a [soft] link / alias */
- OSError
- OS_ResolveLink(const OSSpec * link, OSSpec * target)
- {
- char fn[OS_NAMESIZE];
- char path[OS_PATHSIZE];
- int len;
- if (OS_SpecToString(link, intbuf, sizeof(intbuf)) == NULL)
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- /* does not null-terminate string */
- len = readlink(intbuf, fn, sizeof(fn));
- if (len < 0)
- return errno;
- else
- fn[len] = 0;
- sprintf(path, "%s%s", (*fn != OS_PATHSEP) ? link->path.s : "", fn);
- return OS_MakeSpec(path, target, NULL);
- }
- /*************************************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- /* open a directory for reading */
- OSError
- OS_OpenDir(const OSPathSpec * spec, OSDirRef * ref)
- {
- DIR *dptr;
- GETPATHSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- dptr = opendir(intbuf);
- if (dptr == NULL)
- {
- *ref->path.s = 0;
- ref->dir = (DIR *) 0L;
- return errno;
- }
- ref->path = *spec;
- ref->dir = (DIR *) dptr;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* read an entry from a directory;
- don't return "." or "..";
- return error when end-of-directory reached */
- OSError
- OS_ReadDir(OSDirRef * ref, OSSpec * spec, char *filename, bool * isfile)
- {
- struct dirent *de;
- char fn[OS_PATHSIZE];
- OSError err;
- int len;
- if (ref->dir == 0L)
- return OS_FNFERR;
- do {
- de = readdir((DIR *) ref->dir);
- if (de == NULL)
- return OS_FNFERR;
- } while (strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0 ||
- strlen(ref->path.s) + strlen(de->d_name) >= OS_PATHSIZE);
- len = strlen(ref->path.s);
- strncpy(fn, ref->path.s, OS_PATHSIZE - 1);
- if (len < OS_PATHSIZE) {
- strncpy(fn + len, de->d_name, OS_PATHSIZE - 1 - len);
- fn[OS_PATHSIZE - 1] = 0;
- } else
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- strncpy(filename, de->d_name, OS_NAMESIZE - 1);
- filename[OS_NAMESIZE - 1] = 0;
- err = OS_MakeSpec(fn, spec, isfile);
- return err;
- }
- /* close directory */
- OSError
- OS_CloseDir(OSDirRef * ref)
- {
- if (ref->dir)
- return closedir((DIR *) ref->dir);
- else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /*************************************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- /* return time in milliseconds */
- unsigned long
- OS_GetMilliseconds(void)
- {
- #if !defined(BUILDHOST_BEWORKS)
- struct tms tms;
- return times(&tms) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
- #else
- return system_time() / 1000;
- #endif
- }
- /* return current time */
- void
- OS_GetTime(OSTime * tm)
- {
- time(tm);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- /* allocate a memory handle */
- enum { OSMemDelta = 256 };
- OSError
- OS_NewHandle(OSSize size, OSHandle * hand)
- {
- hand->addr = NULL;
- hand->used = size;
- /* allow easy growth; never allocate zero bytes */
- hand->size = (size + OSMemDelta) & ~(OSMemDelta - 1);
- hand->addr = (void *) malloc(hand->size);
- if (hand->addr == NULL)
- return OS_MEMERR;
- else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* resize handle */
- OSError
- OS_ResizeHandle(OSHandle * hand, OSSize size)
- {
- /* never allocate zero bytes */
- OSSize nsize = (size + OSMemDelta) & ~(OSMemDelta - 1);
- void *naddr = (void *) realloc(hand->addr, nsize);
- if (naddr == NULL)
- return OS_MEMERR;
- else {
- hand->addr = naddr;
- hand->size = nsize;
- hand->used = size;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- }
- /* lock handle */
- void *
- OS_LockHandle(OSHandle * hand)
- {
- return hand->addr;
- }
- /* unlock handle */
- void
- OS_UnlockHandle(OSHandle * hand)
- {
- }
- /* free handle */
- OSError
- OS_FreeHandle(OSHandle * hand)
- {
- if (hand->addr == NULL)
- return OS_MEMERR;
- free(hand->addr);
- hand->used = hand->size = 0;
- hand->addr = NULL;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* get handle size */
- OSError
- OS_GetHandleSize(OSHandle * hand, OSSize * size)
- {
- if (hand->addr != NULL) {
- *size = (OSSize) hand->used;
- return OS_NOERR;
- } else {
- *size = 0;
- return OS_MEMERR;
- }
- }
- /* invalidate handle */
- void
- OS_InvalidateHandle(OSHandle * hand)
- {
- hand->addr = NULL;
- hand->used = 0;
- }
- /* tell whether a handle is valid */
- bool
- OS_ValidHandle(OSHandle * hand)
- {
- return hand != NULL && hand->addr != NULL;
- }
- /*************************************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- /*************************************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- /* Shared library / DLL routines */
- #if defined(SHLIB_DL)
- /* open a shared library */
- OSError
- OS_OpenLibrary(const OSSpec * spec, OSLibrary * lib)
- {
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- *lib = dlopen(intbuf, RTLD_NOW);
- lastdlerr = dlerror();
- if (*lib == NULL)
- return OS_DLERR;
- else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* find a symbol in the library */
- /* dlsym() may return NULL for a symbol defined to be NULL...
- only dlerror() can tell if an error really happened.
- */
- OSError
- OS_GetLibrarySymbol(OSLibrary lib, char *name, void **sym)
- {
- *sym = dlsym(lib, name);
- lastdlerr = dlerror();
- if (*sym == NULL && lastdlerr != NULL)
- return OS_DLERR;
- else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* close a shared library */
- OSError
- OS_CloseLibrary(OSLibrary lib)
- {
- int st;
- st = dlclose(lib);
- lastdlerr = dlerror();
- if (st < 0)
- return OS_DLERR;
- else
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /*****************************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- #elif defined(SHLIB_BE)
- /* open a shared library */
- OSError
- OS_OpenLibrary(const OSSpec * spec, OSLibrary * lib)
- {
- GETSPECSTR(spec, intbuf);
- *lib = load_add_on(intbuf);
- if (*lib >= 0) {
- lastdlerr = NULL;
- return OS_NOERR;
- } else {
- lastdlerr = NULL;
- return OS_FNFERR;
- }
- }
- /* find a symbol in the library */
- OSError
- OS_GetLibrarySymbol(OSLibrary lib, char *name, void **sym)
- {
- status_t st;
- static char dlerrbuf[OS_PATHSIZE + 64];
- st = get_image_symbol(lib, name, B_SYMBOL_TYPE_ANY, sym);
- if (st != B_NO_ERROR) {
- image_info info;
- if (get_image_info(lib, &info) == B_NO_ERROR) {
- sprintf(dlerrbuf,
- "Symbol '%s' not found in '%s'", name, info.name);
- lastdlerr = dlerrbuf;
- } else {
- sprintf(dlerrbuf,
- "Symbol '%s' not found in shared library", name);
- lastdlerr = dlerrbuf;
- }
- *sym = NULL;
- return OS_DLERR;
- } else {
- lastdlerr = NULL;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- }
- /* close a shared library */
- OSError
- OS_CloseLibrary(OSLibrary lib)
- {
- status_t st;
- st = unload_add_on(lib);
- if (st != B_NO_ERROR) {
- lastdlerr = "Error closing shared library";
- return OS_DLERR;
- } else {
- lastdlerr = NULL;
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- }
- /************************************/
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #endif
- #else
- /* No support for shared libraries */
- /* open a shared library */
- OSError
- OS_OpenLibrary(const OSSpec * spec, OSLibrary * lib)
- {
- *lib = NULL;
- lastdlerr = "No support for shared libraries";
- return OS_DLERR;
- }
- /* find a symbol in the library */
- OSError
- OS_GetLibrarySymbol(OSLibrary lib, char *name, void **sym)
- {
- *sym = NULL;
- lastdlerr = "No support for shared libraries";
- return OS_DLERR;
- }
- /* close a shared library */
- OSError
- OS_CloseLibrary(OSLibrary lib)
- {
- lastdlerr = "No support for shared libraries";
- return OS_DLERR;
- }
- #endif