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- /*
- * Operating system library.
- *
- * This module handles interaction with the operating-system specific
- * intricacies with file manipulation, memory management, process
- * spawning, etc.
- *
- */
- #ifndef __OSLIB_H__
- #define __OSLIB_H__
- #include <conf.h>
- #include "centry.h"
- #include "clstandardtypes.h"
- #include "clstandardheaders.h"
- #include "sysdeps.h"
- /* Operating system implementation */
- /* Guess the type;
- although there are references to compilers,
- these are only based on what I know; these
- xxx_FS defines should not make assumptions
- about the C library
- */
- #if defined(UNDER_MACOS)
- #define MAC_FS 1
- #endif
- #if defined(UNDER_QNX)
- #define QNX_FS 1
- #define POSIX_FS 1
- #endif
- #if defined(UNDER_BEOS)
- #define BEWORKS_FS 1
- #define POSIX_FS 1
- #endif
- #if defined(UNDER_UNIX)
- #define POSIX_FS 1
- #endif
- #if defined(UNDER_WIN32)
- #define WIN32_FS 1
- #endif
- #if (defined(WIN32_FS) && defined(POSIX_FS)) || \
- (defined(WIN32_FS) && defined(QNX_FS)) || \
- (defined(MAC_FS) && defined(POSIX_FS)) || \
- (defined(MAC_FS) && defined(WIN32_FS))
- #error Conflicting operating systems selected.
- #elif !defined(WIN32_FS) && !defined(POSIX_FS) && !defined(MAC_FS)
- #error No operating system specified.
- #endif
- #if WIN32_FS
- #include "Win32.h"
- #elif POSIX_FS
- #include "Posix.h"
- #elif MAC_FS
- #include "MacOS.h"
- #endif
- /* OS specifier */
- typedef
- struct OSSpec
- {
- OSPathSpec path;
- OSNameSpec name;
- } OSSpec;
- /* get error text for an OSError */
- char
- *OS_GetErrText(OSError err);
- /*********************/
- /* Initialize C program context */
- OSError
- OS_InitProgram(int *argc, char ***argv);
- /* Terminate C program context */
- OSError
- OS_TermProgram(void);
- /*********************/
- typedef unsigned long OSSize;
- typedef signed long OSPos;
- /* create a new file, overwrite an old one if existing */
- OSError
- OS_Create(const OSSpec *spec, OSFileType *type);
- /* get status of a file */
- OSError
- OS_Status(const OSSpec *spec);
- /* get type of a file */
- OSError
- OS_GetFileType(const OSSpec *spec, OSFileType *type);
- /* set type for a file */
- OSError
- OS_SetFileType(const OSSpec *spec, OSFileType *type);
- /* get timestamps of a file */
- OSError
- OS_GetFileTime(const OSSpec *spec, OSTime *crtm, OSTime *chtm);
- /* set timestamps of a file; crtm or chtm may be NULL */
- OSError
- OS_SetFileTime(const OSSpec *spec, OSTime *crtm, OSTime *chtm);
- /* modify protection on a file */
- OSError
- OS_ModifyProtection(const OSSpec *spec, bool protect);
- /* get protection on a file */
- OSError
- OS_CheckProtection(const OSSpec *spec, bool *is_protected);
- /* get disk space info */
- OSError
- OS_GetDiskStats(const OSPathSpec *spec,
- OSSize *blocksize, OSSize *total, OSSize *free);
- /*************************************/
- typedef enum
- {
- OSReadOnly, /* only read */
- OSWrite, /* only write */
- OSReadWrite, /* read and write */
- OSAppend /* only append */
- }
- OSOpenMode;
- typedef enum
- {
- OSSeekRel, /* seek relative to current position */
- OSSeekAbs, /* absolute position */
- OSSeekEnd /* from end of file */
- }
- OSSeekMode;
- /* open an existing file */
- OSError
- OS_Open(const OSSpec *spec, OSOpenMode mode, OSRef *ref);
- /* write binary data, up to length bytes;
- length==0 can extend file;
- update length;
- error indicates serious failure */
- OSError
- OS_Write(OSRef ref, void *buffer, OSSize *length);
- /* read binary data, up to length bytes;
- update length;
- error indicates serious failure. */
- OSError
- OS_Read(OSRef ref, void *buffer, OSSize *length);
- /* seek a file;
- illegal seek is revealed by next write or read;
- error indicates serious failure. */
- OSError
- OS_Seek(OSRef ref, OSSeekMode how, OSPos offset);
- /* tell file position */
- OSError
- OS_Tell(OSRef ref, OSPos *offs);
- /* close a file */
- OSError
- OS_Close(OSRef ref);
- /* get length of a file;
- return error if directory or not found */
- OSError
- OS_GetSize(OSRef ref, OSSize *length);
- /* set length of a file;
- return error if directory or not found */
- OSError
- OS_SetSize(OSRef ref, OSSize length);
- /*******************************************/
- /* delete a file */
- OSError
- OS_Delete(const OSSpec *spec);
- /* rename a file */
- OSError
- OS_Rename(const OSSpec *oldspec, const OSSpec *newspec);
- /* make directory */
- OSError
- OS_Mkdir(const OSSpec *spec);
- /* remove directory */
- OSError
- OS_Rmdir(const OSPathSpec *spec);
- /* change directory */
- OSError
- OS_Chdir(const OSPathSpec *spec);
- /* get current working directory */
- OSError
- OS_GetCWD(OSPathSpec *spec);
- /* spawn a subprocess;
- pass the full environment block or NULL for the current one */
- OSError
- OS_Execute(const OSSpec *spec, char **argv, char **envp,
- const char *stdoutfile, const char *stderrfile, int *exitcode);
- /*************************************/
- /* tell if a canonical filepath is legal for filesystem */
- OSError
- OS_IsLegalPath(const char *path);
- /* tell if a canonical filepath represents a full path */
- int
- OS_IsFullPath(const char *path);
- /* return ptr to directory in a vol+dir path */
- const char *
- OS_GetDirPtr(const char *path);
- /* compare paths */
- int
- OS_EqualPath(const char *a, const char *b);
- /*************************************/
- /* make OSSpec from a path;
- path may be relative or absolute, or a filename. */
- OSError
- OS_MakeSpec(const char *path, OSSpec *spec, bool *isfile);
- /* make OSSpec from a path;
- must resolve to a file. */
- OSError
- OS_MakeFileSpec(const char *path, OSSpec *spec);
- /* make OSPathSpec from a volume and directory;
- does not necessarily validate 'vol' as a volume
- or 'dir' as a directory; but only the final path;
- 'vol' or 'dir' may each be NULL. */
- OSError
- OS_MakePathSpec(const char *vol, const char *dir, OSPathSpec *spec);
- /* make OSNameSpec from a filename;
- tests name for illegal characters */
- OSError
- OS_MakeNameSpec(const char *name, OSNameSpec *spec);
- /* return FS root spec */
- OSError
- OS_GetRootSpec(OSPathSpec *spec);
- /*************************************/
- /*
- For the OS_xxxToString functions, the string buffer
- and its maximum size are passed. If the output is too
- big for the buffer, the output is truncated. If the
- buffer is given as NULL, the buffer is malloc()ed.
- A pointer to the buffer is returned, or NULL if memory is out.
- */
- extern char STSbuf[OS_PATHSIZE];
- /* make a full pathname from OSSpec */
- char *
- OS_SpecToString(const OSSpec *spec, char *fullpath, int size);
- #define OS_SpecToString1(spec) \
- OS_SpecToString(spec, STSbuf, OS_PATHSIZE)
- #define OS_SpecToString2(spec,buf) \
- OS_SpecToString(spec, buf, OS_PATHSIZE)
- /* make a path from OSPathSpec */
- char *
- OS_PathSpecToString(const OSPathSpec *spec, char *path, int size);
- #define OS_PathSpecToString1(spec) \
- OS_PathSpecToString(spec, STSbuf, OS_PATHSIZE)
- #define OS_PathSpecToString2(spec,buf) \
- OS_PathSpecToString(spec, buf, OS_PATHSIZE)
- /* make a name from OSNameSpec */
- char *
- OS_NameSpecToString(const OSNameSpec *spec, char *name, int size);
- #define OS_NameSpecToString1(spec) \
- OS_NameSpecToString(spec, STSbuf, OS_PATHSIZE)
- #define OS_NameSpecToString2(spec,buf) \
- OS_NameSpecToString(spec, buf, OS_PATHSIZE)
- /* return the size of an OSPathSpec, for duplication purposes */
- int
- OS_SizeOfPathSpec(const OSPathSpec *spec);
- /* return the size of an OSNameSpec, for duplication purposes */
- int
- OS_SizeOfNameSpec(const OSNameSpec *spec);
- /* compare OSSpecs */
- int
- OS_EqualSpec(const OSSpec *a, const OSSpec *b);
- /* compare OSPathSpecs */
- int
- OS_EqualPathSpec(const OSPathSpec *a, const OSPathSpec *b);
- /* compare OSNameSpecs */
- int
- OS_EqualNameSpec(const OSNameSpec *a, const OSNameSpec *b);
- /* tell if OSSpec is a directory */
- int
- OS_IsDir(const OSSpec *spec);
- /* tell if OSSpec is a file */
- int
- OS_IsFile(const OSSpec *spec);
- /* tell if OSSpec is a [soft] link / alias */
- int
- OS_IsLink(const OSSpec *spec);
- /* resolve a [soft] link / alias; link ptr may be equal to target ptr */
- OSError
- OS_ResolveLink(const OSSpec *link, OSSpec *target);
- /*************************************/
- /* open a directory for reading */
- OSError
- OS_OpenDir(const OSPathSpec *spec, OSDirRef *ref);
- /* read an entry from a directory;
- don't return "." or "..";
- return error when end-of-directory reached */
- OSError
- OS_ReadDir(OSDirRef *ref, OSSpec *entry, char *filename, bool *isfile);
- /* close directory */
- OSError
- OS_CloseDir(OSDirRef *ref);
- /*************************************/
- /* return time in milliseconds */
- unsigned long
- OS_GetMilliseconds(void);
- /* return current time */
- void
- OS_GetTime(OSTime *tm);
- /* allocate a memory handle */
- OSError
- OS_NewHandle(OSSize size, OSHandle *hand);
- /* resize handle; handle may not be locked */
- OSError
- OS_ResizeHandle(OSHandle *hand, OSSize size);
- /* lock handle into memory; always succeeds */
- void *
- OS_LockHandle(OSHandle *hand);
- /* unlock handle */
- void
- OS_UnlockHandle(OSHandle *hand);
- /* free handle */
- OSError
- OS_FreeHandle(OSHandle *hand);
- /* get handle size */
- OSError
- OS_GetHandleSize(OSHandle *hand, OSSize *size);
- /* invalidate handle */
- void
- OS_InvalidateHandle(OSHandle *hand);
- /* tell whether a handle is valid */
- bool
- OS_ValidHandle(OSHandle *hand);
- /*************************************/
- /* Shared library / DLL routines */
- /* open a shared library */
- OSError
- OS_OpenLibrary(const OSSpec *spec, OSLibrary *lib);
- /* find a symbol in the library */
- OSError
- OS_GetLibrarySymbol(OSLibrary lib, char *name, void **sym);
- /* close a shared library */
- OSError
- OS_CloseLibrary(OSLibrary lib);
- /*************************************/
- #define __INSIDE_OSLIB_H__
- #include "OSLibGeneric.h"
- #include "OSLibExtras.h"
- #undef __INSIDE_OSLIB_H__
- #include "cexit.h"
- #endif //__OSLIB_H__