home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include "v9t9_common.h"
- #include "v9t9.h"
- #include "roms.h"
- #include "cru.h"
- #include "command.h"
- #include "9900.h"
- #include "memory.h"
- #include "dsr.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "dsr_rs232.h"
- extern vmModule realRS232DSR;
- char realrs232filename[OS_NAMESIZE] = "rs232.bin";
- u8 realrs232dsr[8192];
- char rs232name[MAX_RS232_DEVS][OS_PATHSIZE] = { "", "" };
- rs232regs rsregs[MAX_RS232_DEVS];
- #define _L LOG_RS232 | LOG_INFO
- #if BUFFERED_RS232
- static int rs232_interrupt_tag;
- #endif
- /********************************************************************/
- static void
- dumprs232(rs232regs * rs)
- {
- logger(_L | L_3, "RS232: loadctrl=%1X\t\n", rs->loadctrl);
- if (rs->loadctrl >= 8) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "* ");
- logger(_L | L_3,
- "ctrl=%02X\nrcl0=%d,rcl1=%d, clk4m=%d, Podd=%d,Penb=%d, SBS2=%d,SBS1=%d\t",
- rs->ctrl, !!(rs->ctrl & CTRL_RCL0), !!(rs->ctrl & CTRL_RCL1),
- !!(rs->ctrl & CTRL_CLK4M), !!(rs->ctrl & CTRL_Podd),
- !!(rs->ctrl & CTRL_Penb), !!(rs->ctrl & CTRL_SBS2),
- !!(rs->ctrl & CTRL_SBS1));
- }
- if (rs->loadctrl < 8 && rs->loadctrl >= 4) {
- logger(_L | L_3 | 0, "* ");
- logger(_L | L_3 | 0, "invl=%03X\t", rs->invl);
- }
- if (rs->loadctrl < 4 && rs->loadctrl >= 2) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "* ");
- logger(_L | L_3 | 0, "rcvrate=%03X\t", rs->rcvrate);
- }
- if (rs->loadctrl < 2 && rs->loadctrl >= 1) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "* ");
- logger(_L | L_3 | 0, "xmitrate=%03X\t", rs->xmitrate);
- }
- if (rs->loadctrl < 1) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "* ");
- logger(_L | L_3 | 0, "txchar=%02X (%c)\t", rs->txchar, rs->txchar);
- }
- logger(_L | L_3, "recvbps=%d, xmitbps=%d\n", rs->recvbps, rs->xmitbps);
- #if BUFFERED_RS232
- logger(_L | L_3, "Write buffer: %d/%d Read buffer: %d/%d\n",
- rs->t_st, rs->t_en, rs->r_st, rs->r_en);
- #endif
- /* logger(_L | L_3,"rtson=%d, brkon=%d, rienb=%d, xbienb=%d, timenb=%d, dscenb=%d\n",
- !!(rs->wrport&RS_RTSON), !!(rs->wrport&RS_BRKON), !!(rs->wrport&RS_RIENB),
- !!(rs->wrport&RS_XBIENB), !!(rs->wrport&RS_TIMEMB), !!(rs->wrport&RS_DSCENB));
- logger(_L | L_3,"rcverr=%d,rper=%d,rover=%d,rfer=%d,rfbd=%d,rsbd=%d,rin=%d\n",
- !!(rs->rdport&RS_RCVERR), !!(rs->rdport&RS_RPER), !!(rs->rdport&RS_ROVER),
- !!(rs->rdport&RS_RFER), !!(rs->rdport&RS_RFBD), !!(rs->rdport&RS_RSBD),
- !!(rs->rdport&RS_RIN));
- logger(_L | L_3,"rbint=%d,xbint=%d,timint=%d,dscint=%d,rbrl=%d,xbre=%d,xsre=%d\n",
- !!(rs->rdport&RS_RBINT), !!(rs->rdport&RS_XBINT), !!(rs->rdport&RS_TIMINT), !!(rs->rdport&RS_DSCINT),
- !!(rs->rdport&RS_RBRL), !!(rs->rdport&RS_XBRE), !!(rs->rdport&RS_XSRE));
- logger(_L | L_3,"timerr=%d,timelp=%d,rts=%d,dsr=%d,cts=%d,dsch=%d,flag=%d,int=%d\n",
- !!(rs->rdport&RS_TIMERR), !!(rs->rdport&RS_TIMELP), !!(rs->rdport&RS_RTS),
- !!(rs->rdport&RS_DSR), !!(rs->rdport&RS_CTS), !!(rs->rdport&RS_DSCH),
- !!(rs->rdport&RS_FLAG), !!(rs->rdport&RS_INT));
- */
- }
- #define SETUP_RS232REGS(rs,addr) rs232regs *rs = &rsregs[(addr - RS232_CRU_BASE) / 0x40 - 1]
- /********************************************************************/
- #if BUFFERED_RS232
- // Update status bits when buffer state changes,
- // possibly triggering an interrupt.
- static void
- Update_Flags_And_Ints(rs232regs * rs)
- {
- bool interruptible = false;
- // all buffered chars are immediately
- // available to be read.
- //
- if (!BUFFER_EMPTY(rs, r)) {
- rs->rdport |= RS_RBRL;
- // trigger interrupt?
- if (rs->wrport & RS_RIENB) {
- rs->rdport |= RS_RBINT;
- interruptible = true;
- }
- } else {
- rs->rdport &= ~(RS_RBRL | RS_RBINT);
- }
- // contrary to popular opinion, we will set RS_XBRE
- // here if the buffer is NOT FULL, so the 99/4A
- // can continue to stuff the buffer.
- //
- if (!BUFFER_FULL(rs, t)) {
- rs->rdport |= RS_XBRE;
- // trigger interrupt?
- if (rs->wrport & RS_XBIENB) {
- rs->rdport |= RS_XBINT;
- interruptible = true;
- }
- } else {
- rs->rdport &= ~(RS_XBRE | RS_XBINT);
- }
- #warning data lines
- // NOTE: when buffering, the DSR state can change physically
- // while interrupts should still be generated logically.
- // Be sure to bias the DSR state by the buffer state.
- //
- // The typical routine for RS_RIENB goes like this:
- //
- // <interrupt>
- // test bit 31 -- must be 1 else RESET
- // test bit RBINT -- must be 1 else RESET
- // test bit DSR -- must be 1 else RESET
- // test bit RBRL -- must be 1 else RESET
- // read char
- // set bit RIENB -- ACK; this resets RBRL
- //
- // We will immediately set RBRL and RBINT again if needed.
- // We won't reset the interrupt state until all the bits
- // are off.
- if (interruptible) {
- logger(_L | L_2, "*** Interrupt ***");
- rs->rdport |= RS_INT;
- trigger9901int(M_INT_EXT);
- } else {
- rs->rdport &= ~RS_INT;
- reset9901int(M_INT_EXT);
- }
- }
- static void
- Transmit_Char(rs232regs * rs)
- {
- logger(_L | L_1, "Buffering char %02X (%c)\n\n", rs->txchar, rs->txchar);
- // Put char in buffer. Kill most recent char if full.
- if (!BUFFER_FULL(rs, t)) {
- rs->xmit[rs->t_en] = rs->txchar;
- rs->t_en = (rs->t_en + 1) & BUF_MASK;
- } else {
- rs->xmit[(rs->t_en - 1 + BUF_SIZ) & BUF_MASK] = rs->txchar;
- }
- Update_Flags_And_Ints(rs);
- }
- static void
- Receive_Data(rs232regs * rs)
- {
- // Get char from buffer, or last one if empty.
- if (!BUFFER_EMPTY(rs, r)) {
- rs->rdport = (rs->rdport & ~0xff) | rs->recv[rs->r_st];
- rs->r_st = (rs->r_st + 1) & BUF_MASK;
- } else {
- rs->rdport = (rs->rdport & ~0xff) |
- rs->recv[(rs->r_st - 1 + BUF_SIZ) & BUF_MASK];
- }
- Update_Flags_And_Ints(rs);
- logger(_L | L_1, "Received char %02X (%c)\n", rs->rdport & 0xff, rs->rdport & 0xff);
- }
- /* Timer event which periodically checks the RS232 devices for
- activity, reading into buffers and writing from buffers.
- It is not efficient anywhere to call the OS for each status bit
- read, which is why we eat up the buffers the OS is storing for us. */
- static void
- RS232_Monitor(void)
- {
- int rsidx;
- for (rsidx = 0; rsidx < MAX_RS232_DEVS; rsidx++) {
- rs232regs *rs = &rsregs[rsidx];
- // transmit buffered chars.
- Transmit_Chars(rs);
- // receive characters from the OS.
- // these are available for reading immediately.
- Receive_Chars(rs);
- // update modem lines
- Update_Modem_Lines(rs);
- // update status flags and interrupt if needed
- Update_Flags_And_Ints(rs);
- }
- }
- static void
- Flush_Buffers(rs232regs * rs)
- {
- logger(_L | L_1, "*** Flushing buffers");
- // lose all readable data
- rs->r_st = rs->r_en = 0;
- // send all writeable data
- // (don't loop here!)
- Transmit_Chars(rs);
- if (!BUFFER_EMPTY(rs, t)) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "*** Transmit buffer was not empty\n");
- }
- rs->t_st = rs->t_en = 0;
- dumprs232(rs);
- }
- #else
- #define Flush_Buffers(x)
- #endif
- /********************************************************************/
- /* WRITE BITS */
- /* Load control register handler
- *
- * The highest bit set in loadctrl determines which
- * write register is active.
- */
- static int wrt_reg_offs[] = {
- offsetof(rs232regs, txchar), // 0
- offsetof(rs232regs, xmitrate), // 1
- offsetof(rs232regs, rcvrate), // 2
- offsetof(rs232regs, rcvrate), // 3
- offsetof(rs232regs, invl), // 4
- offsetof(rs232regs, invl), // 5
- offsetof(rs232regs, invl), // 6
- offsetof(rs232regs, invl), // 7
- offsetof(rs232regs, ctrl), // 8
- offsetof(rs232regs, ctrl), // 9
- offsetof(rs232regs, ctrl), // 10
- offsetof(rs232regs, ctrl), // 11
- offsetof(rs232regs, ctrl), // 12
- offsetof(rs232regs, ctrl), // 13
- offsetof(rs232regs, ctrl), // 14
- offsetof(rs232regs, ctrl) // 15
- };
- #define WRT_REG(rs) (*(u16 *)((u8 *)rs + wrt_reg_offs[rs->loadctrl&0xf]))
- /*
- * Flag bits for registers multiplexed through loadctrl
- */
- #define FLAG_TXCHAR(rs) (1<<(RS_WORDSIZE(rs)-1))
- #define FLAG_XMITRATE(rs) (1<<10)
- #define FLAG_RCVRATE(rs) (1<<10)
- #define FLAG_INVL(rs) (1<<7)
- #define FLAG_CTRL(rs) (1<<7)
- static void
- Calc_BPS_Rate(rs232regs * rs, u16 rate, u32 * bps)
- {
- // BPS = 3 MHz / ((CLK4M ? 4 : 3) * 2 * rate x 8*DIV8)
- u32 div;
- // input speed
- div = (((rs->ctrl & CTRL_CLK4M) ? 4 : 3) * 2
- * (rate & RATE_MASK) * ((rate & RATE_DIV8) ? 8 : 1));
- if (div == 0)
- *bps = 50;
- else
- *bps = (baseclockhz / div);
- logger(_L | L_1, "Calc_BPS_Rate: *bps = %d\n\n", *bps);
- }
- /*
- * Multiplexer for registers handled by loadctrl
- *
- */
- static void
- Trigger_Change(rs232regs * rs, int cbit, int dbit)
- {
- if ((cbit == 8) || (rs->loadctrl & 8)) {
- if (!dbit || dbit == FLAG_CTRL(rs)) {
- rs->ctrl = rs->wrbits & 0x7ff;
- dumprs232(rs);
- Set_CTRL_Register(rs);
- Flush_Buffers(rs);
- rs->loadctrl &= ~8;
- }
- } else if ((cbit == 4) || (rs->loadctrl & 4)) {
- if (!dbit || dbit == FLAG_INVL(rs)) {
- rs->invl = rs->wrbits & 0xff;
- dumprs232(rs);
- Set_INVL_Register(rs);
- Flush_Buffers(rs);
- rs->loadctrl &= ~4;
- }
- } else if (cbit == 1 || cbit == 2) {
- if ((cbit == 2) || (rs->loadctrl & 2)) {
- if (!dbit || dbit == FLAG_RCVRATE(rs)) {
- rs->rcvrate = rs->wrbits & 0x7ff;
- Calc_BPS_Rate(rs, rs->rcvrate, &rs->recvbps);
- dumprs232(rs);
- Set_RCVRATE_Register(rs);
- Flush_Buffers(rs);
- rs->loadctrl &= ~2;
- }
- }
- if ((cbit == 1) || (rs->loadctrl & 1)) {
- if (!dbit || dbit == FLAG_XMITRATE(rs)) {
- rs->xmitrate = rs->wrbits & 0x7ff;
- Calc_BPS_Rate(rs, rs->xmitrate, &rs->xmitbps);
- dumprs232(rs);
- Set_XMITRATE_Register(rs);
- Flush_Buffers(rs);
- rs->loadctrl &= ~1;
- }
- }
- } else if (!dbit || dbit == FLAG_TXCHAR(rs)) {
- rs->txchar = rs->wrbits & (0xff >> (8 - RS_WORDSIZE(rs)));
- dumprs232(rs);
- Transmit_Char(rs);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Writes of low register bits
- */
- static u32
- RealRS232_0_10_w(u32 addr, u32 data, u32 num)
- {
- u32 bit = 1 << ((addr & 0x1f) >> 1);
- SETUP_RS232REGS(rs, addr);
- if (bit >= 0x100) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "RealRS232_0_10_w: %d / %d\n", (addr & 0x3f) / 2, data);
- }
- rs->rdport &= ~RS_FLAG;
- if (data)
- rs->wrbits |= bit;
- else
- rs->wrbits &= ~bit;
- if (bit == FLAG_TXCHAR(rs) && rs->loadctrl == 0) {
- rs->txchar = rs->wrbits & (0xff >> (8 - RS_WORDSIZE(rs)));
- dumprs232(rs);
- Transmit_Char(rs);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Load control register bits
- */
- static u32
- RealRS232_11_14_w(u32 addr, u32 data, u32 num)
- {
- int bit = 1 << (((addr & 0x1f) >> 1) - 11);
- u16 old;
- SETUP_RS232REGS(rs, addr);
- logger(_L | L_3, "RealRS232_11_14_w: %d / %d\n", (addr & 0x3f) / 2, data);
- rs->rdport |= RS_FLAG;
- old = rs->loadctrl;
- if (data)
- rs->loadctrl |= bit;
- else
- rs->loadctrl &= ~bit;
- // set this register
- Trigger_Change(rs, bit, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Remaining write ports
- *
- */
- static u32
- RealRS232_16_21_w(u32 addr, u32 data, u32 num)
- {
- u16 old;
- u32 bit = 1 << ((addr & 0x3f) >> 1);
- SETUP_RS232REGS(rs, addr);
- logger(_L | L_3, "RealRS232_16_21_w: %d / %d\n", (addr & 0x3f) / 2, data);
- old = rs->wrport;
- if (data)
- rs->wrport |= bit;
- else
- rs->wrport &= ~bit;
- dumprs232(rs);
- Set_Control_Bits(rs, old, bit);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Read character
- *
- */
- static u32
- RealRS232_0_7_r(u32 addr, u32 data, u32 num)
- {
- u32 bit = 1 << ((addr & 0xf) >> 1);
- u32 ret;
- SETUP_RS232REGS(rs, addr);
- if (bit == 1) {
- Receive_Data(rs);
- dumprs232(rs);
- }
- ret = !!(rs->rdport & bit);
- if (bit >= 0x100) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "RealRS232_0_7_r: %04X / %d\n", addr, ret);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- * Read status bit
- *
- */
- static u32
- RealRS232_9_31_r(u32 addr, u32 data, u32 num)
- {
- u32 bit = 1 << ((addr & 0x3f) >> 1);
- u32 ret;
- SETUP_RS232REGS(rs, addr);
- Read_Status_Bits(rs);
- #if BUFFERED_RS232
- // force DSR while buffer is nonempty
- if (!BUFFER_EMPTY(rs, r)) {
- rs->rdport |= RS_DSR;
- }
- #endif
- dumprs232(rs);
- ret = !!(rs->rdport & bit);
- // turn off bit once read
- // if (bit == RS_INT || bit == RS_RBINT || bit == RS_XBINT ||
- // bit == RS_TIMINT || bit == RS_DSCINT)
- // rs->rdport &= ~bit;
- logger(_L | L_3, "RealRS232_9_31_r: %d / %d\n", (addr & 0x3f) / 2, ret);
- return ret;
- }
- static u32
- RealRS232_Reset_w(u32 addr, u32 data, u32 base)
- {
- SETUP_RS232REGS(rs, addr);
- logger(_L | L_3, "RealRS232_Reset_w: %d\n", data);
- if (data) {
- #if BUFFERED_RS232
- if (rs232_interrupt_tag)
- TM_ResetEvent(rs232_interrupt_tag);
- #endif
- memset(rs, 0, sizeof(rs232regs));
- rs->loadctrl = 0xf;
- Set_CTRL_Register(rs);
- Set_INVL_Register(rs);
- Set_RCVRATE_Register(rs);
- Set_XMITRATE_Register(rs);
- Reset_RS232_SysDeps(rs);
- dumprs232(rs);
- #if BUFFERED_RS232
- if (!rs232_interrupt_tag)
- rs232_interrupt_tag = TM_UniqueTag();
- TM_SetEvent(rs232_interrupt_tag, TM_HZ, 0, TM_FUNC | TM_REPEAT,
- RS232_Monitor);
- #endif
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /********************************************************************/
- mrstruct dsr_rom_realrs232_handler = {
- realrs232dsr, realrs232dsr, NULL, /* ROM */
- };
- static u32
- RealRS232ROM_w(u32 addr, u32 data, u32 num)
- {
- if (data) {
- // logger(_L | L_1, "real RS232 DSR on\n");
- report_status(STATUS_RS232_ACCESS, 0, true);
- // debugger_enable(true);
- dsr_set_active(&realRS232DSR);
- SET_AREA_HANDLER(0x4000, 0x2000, &dsr_rom_realrs232_handler);
- } else {
- // logger(_L | 0, "real RS232 DSR off\n");
- report_status(STATUS_RS232_ACCESS, 0, false);
- // if (pc<0x2000)
- // debugger_enable(false);
- dsr_set_active(NULL);
- SET_AREA_HANDLER(0x4000, 0x2000, &zero_memory_handler);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /************************************/
- static vmResult
- realrs232_getcrubase(u32 * base)
- {
- *base = RS232_CRU_BASE;
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- realrs232_filehandler(u32 code)
- {
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- realrs232_detect(void)
- {
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- realrs232_init(void)
- {
- command_symbol_table *realrs232commands =
- command_symbol_table_new("TI RS232 DSR Options",
- "These commands control the TI RS232 emulation",
- command_symbol_new("RS232_1",
- "Give local name for first RS232 port",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("filename",
- "filename or device for current operating system",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- ARG_STR(rs232name[0]),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("RS232_2",
- "Give local name for second RS232 port",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("filename",
- "filename or device for current operating system",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- ARG_STR(rs232name[1]),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("RS232DSRFileName",
- "Name of RS232 DSR ROM image which fits in the CPU address space >4000...>5FFF",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_string
- ("file",
- "name of binary image",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- (realrs232filename),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- NULL /* next */ ))),
- NULL /* sub */ ,
- NULL /* next */
- );
- command_symbol_table_add_subtable(universe, realrs232commands);
- return Init_RS232_SysDeps();
- }
- static struct {
- int bit;
- crufunc *func;
- } rs232_writers[] = {
- 0, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 1, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 2, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 3, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 4, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 5, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 6, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 7, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 8, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 9, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 10, RealRS232_0_10_w,
- 11, RealRS232_11_14_w,
- 12, RealRS232_11_14_w,
- 13, RealRS232_11_14_w,
- 14, RealRS232_11_14_w,
- 16, RealRS232_16_21_w,
- 17, RealRS232_16_21_w,
- 18, RealRS232_16_21_w,
- 19, RealRS232_16_21_w,
- 20, RealRS232_16_21_w,
- 21, RealRS232_16_21_w, 31, RealRS232_Reset_w, -1, 0};
- static struct {
- int bit;
- crufunc *func;
- } rs232_readers[] = {
- 0, RealRS232_0_7_r,
- 1, RealRS232_0_7_r,
- 2, RealRS232_0_7_r,
- 3, RealRS232_0_7_r,
- 4, RealRS232_0_7_r,
- 5, RealRS232_0_7_r,
- 6, RealRS232_0_7_r,
- 7, RealRS232_0_7_r,
- 9, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 10, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 11, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 12, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 13, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 14, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 15, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 16, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 17, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 19, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 20, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 21, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 22, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 23, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 24, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 25, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 26, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 27, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 28, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 29, RealRS232_9_31_r,
- 30, RealRS232_9_31_r, 31, RealRS232_9_31_r, -1, 0};
- static int
- add_rs232_device(int base)
- {
- int idx;
- for (idx = 0; rs232_writers[idx].bit >= 0; idx++) {
- if (!cruadddevice(CRU_WRITE,
- RS232_CRU_BASE + base + rs232_writers[idx].bit * 2,
- 1, rs232_writers[idx].func))
- return 0;
- }
- for (idx = 0; rs232_readers[idx].bit >= 0; idx++) {
- if (!cruadddevice(CRU_READ,
- RS232_CRU_BASE + base + rs232_readers[idx].bit * 2,
- 1, rs232_readers[idx].func))
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static int
- del_rs232_device(int base)
- {
- int idx;
- for (idx = 0; rs232_writers[idx].bit >= 0; idx++) {
- if (!crudeldevice(CRU_WRITE,
- RS232_CRU_BASE + base + rs232_writers[idx].bit * 2,
- 1, rs232_writers[idx].func))
- return 0;
- }
- for (idx = 0; rs232_readers[idx].bit >= 0; idx++) {
- if (!crudeldevice(CRU_READ,
- RS232_CRU_BASE + base + rs232_readers[idx].bit * 2,
- 1, rs232_readers[idx].func))
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static vmResult
- realrs232_enable(void)
- {
- vmResult res;
- logger(_L | L_1, "setting up TI RS232 DSR ROM\n");
- if (0 == loaddsr(romspath, systemromspath, realrs232filename,
- "TI RS232 DSR ROM", realrs232dsr)) return vmNotAvailable;
- res = Enable_RS232_SysDeps();
- if (res != vmOk)
- return vmNotAvailable;
- if (cruadddevice(CRU_WRITE, RS232_CRU_BASE, 1, RealRS232ROM_w) &&
- add_rs232_device(0x40) && add_rs232_device(0x80)) {
- return vmOk;
- } else
- return vmNotAvailable;
- }
- static vmResult
- realrs232_disable(void)
- {
- Disable_RS232_SysDeps();
- crudeldevice(CRU_WRITE, RS232_CRU_BASE, 1, RealRS232ROM_w);
- del_rs232_device(0x40);
- del_rs232_device(0x80);
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- realrs232_restart(void)
- {
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- realrs232_restop(void)
- {
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- realrs232_term(void)
- {
- Term_RS232_SysDeps();
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmDSRModule realRS232Module = {
- 1,
- realrs232_getcrubase,
- realrs232_filehandler
- };
- vmModule realRS232DSR = {
- 3,
- "TI real-RS232 DSR",
- "dsrRealRS232",
- vmTypeDSR,
- vmFlagsNone,
- realrs232_detect,
- realrs232_init,
- realrs232_term,
- realrs232_enable,
- realrs232_disable,
- realrs232_restart,
- realrs232_restop,
- {(vmGenericModule *) & realRS232Module}
- };