home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "v9t9_common.h"
- #include "v9t9.h"
- #include "roms.h"
- #include "cru.h"
- #include "command.h"
- #include "memory.h"
- #include "dsr.h"
- #include "vdp.h"
- #include "9900.h"
- #include "moduleconfig.h"
- #include "v9t9.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "pab.h"
- #include "fiad.h"
- #define EMUDISKCRUBASE 0x1000
- /******************************************/
- #define VDP_PTR(x) FLAT_MEMORY_PTR(md_video, (x)&0x3fff)
- #define VDP_ADDR(p) ((p) - VDP_PTR(0))
- /* These are the codes we add to OP_DSR to specify
- which DSR function we're emulating. */
- /* If these numbers change, fix DSR ROM files */
- enum {
- /* this first group doubles as device codes */
- D_DSK = 0, // standard file operation on DSK.XXXX.[YYYY]
- D_DSK1 = 1, // standard file operation on DSK1.[YYYY]
- D_DSK2 = 2, // ...
- D_DSK3 = 3, // ...
- D_DSK4 = 4, // ...
- D_DSK5 = 5, // ...
- D_INIT = 6, // initialize disk DSR
- D_DSKSUB = 7, // subroutines
- D_SECRW = 7, // sector read/write (10)
- D_FMTDISK = 8, // format disk (11)
- D_PROT = 9, // file protection (12)
- D_RENAME = 10, // rename file (13)
- D_DINPUT = 11, // direct input file (14)
- D_DOUTPUT = 12, // direct output file (15)
- D_16 = 13, // um... I forgot (16)
- D_FILES = 14 // setup # files (CALL FILES)
- };
- /* Error codes for subroutines */
- enum {
- es_okay = 0,
- es_outofspace = 0x4,
- es_cantopenfile = 0x1,
- es_filenotfound = 0x1,
- es_badfuncerr = 0x7, // format
- es_fileexists = 0x7, // rename
- es_badvalerr = 0x1,
- es_hardware = 0x6 // ??? made this up
- };
- #define MAXFILES 9 /* max # open files */
- #define MAXDRIVE 5 /* max drive number */
- /******************************************/
- char emudiskfilename[OS_NAMESIZE] = "emudisk.bin";
- char emu2diskfilename[OS_NAMESIZE] = "emu2disk.bin";
- u8 emudiskdsr[8192];
- OSPathSpec emudiskpath[5];
- int keepfileformat = 1;
- int newfileformat = F_V9t9;
- int unknownfileistext = 0;
- int repairbadfiles = 0;
- int fixupoldv9t9filenames = 1;
- int generateoldv9t9filenames = 0;
- int allowlongcatalogs = 0;
- u16 vdpnamebuffer; // location of VDP name buffer (for compatibility)
- /* Info maintained for open files */
- typedef struct fiad_pabfile
- {
- u8 *fnptr; // pointer to filename part of PAB in VDP RAM,
- // the key for distinguishing open files
- pabrec pab; // copy of PAB used for local operations
- fiad_tifile tf; // info about open file
- bool is_catalog; // does pab represent catalog?
- } fiad_pabfile;
- /* Our array of open files */
- static fiad_pabfile files[MAXFILES];
- /* Our disk catalogs (via DSKx. or sector access) */
- static fiad_catalog DskCat[MAXDRIVE];
- /* Flags set by timer, used to throttle directory reads */
- static bool DskCatFlag[MAXDRIVE];
- static int DskCatTag[MAXDRIVE];
- // last sector read on each drive, used for catalog --
- // = if we read a sector beyond the catalog limit
- // or re-read sectors 0 or 1, we force a reread of catalog
- // from local disk
- // = set to 0xffff when known invalid
- static u16 last_sector_read[MAXDRIVE];
- /* Translations for DSKx. files' catalog function
- from FDR type to catalog value (pairs) */
- u8 DrcTrans[5][2] = {
- {0, 1}, {ff_program, 5},
- {ff_internal, 3}, {ff_variable, 2},
- {ff_variable + ff_internal, 4}
- };
- /* Dirty the VDP where we messed around */
- static void
- VDPUpdate(u16 addr, u16 len)
- {
- while (len--)
- vdp_touch(addr++);
- }
- /* Copy data safely to VDP */
- static u16
- VDPCopy(u16 addr, u8 * data, u32 len)
- {
- while (len--) {
- domain_write_byte(md_video, addr++, *data++);
- }
- return addr;
- }
- /* Copy data safely from VDP */
- static u16
- VDPRead(u8 * data, u16 addr, u32 len)
- {
- while (len--) {
- *data++ = domain_read_byte(md_video, addr++);
- }
- return addr;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- Set error directly to PAB in VDP; this allows short-circuit
- subroutine exit without storing PAB back to VDP.
- */
- static void
- pab_set_vdp_error(u8 *fnptr, u8 paberror)
- {
- u16 addr = VDP_ADDR(fnptr) - 9 + 1;
- u8 byt = domain_read_byte(md_video, addr);
- domain_write_byte(md_video, addr, (byt & ~m_error) | (paberror & m_error));
- }
- /*
- Set error in pabfile's PAB.
- */
- static void
- pab_set_error(fiad_pabfile *pf, u8 paberror)
- {
- pab_set_vdp_error(pf->fnptr, paberror);
- pf->pab.pflags = (pf->pab.pflags & ~m_error) | (paberror & m_error);
- }
- static void
- pab_vdp_error(u8 *fn, OSError err, char *str, u8 paberror)
- {
- pab_set_vdp_error(fn, paberror);
- if (paberror) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "FIAD server: %.*s: got PAB error %d [%s (%s)]\n",
- *fn, fn+1,
- paberror >> 5,
- str, err ? OS_GetErrText(err) : "");
- }
- }
- static void
- pab_error(fiad_pabfile *pf, OSError err, char *str, u8 paberror)
- {
- pab_set_error(pf, paberror);
- pab_vdp_error(pf->fnptr, err, str, paberror);
- }
- /*
- Match an open pab file.
- We distinguish open files by their fnptr being set.
- */
- static fiad_pabfile *
- pab_find_open_file(u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile *pf = files;
- while (pf < files + MAXFILES) {
- if (pf->fnptr == fn && (pf->tf.open || pf->is_catalog))
- return pf;
- pf++;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- Allocate a new pab file.
- */
- static fiad_pabfile *
- pab_get_new_file(u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile *pf = files;
- while (pf < files + MAXFILES) {
- if (pf->fnptr == fn) {
- // already open, close it
- if (pf->tf.open) {
- logger(_L|LOG_ERROR, "%.*s: existing PAB not closed\n",
- *fn, fn+1);
- fiad_tifile_close_file(&pf->tf);
- }
- pf->is_catalog = false;
- return pf;
- } else if (pf->fnptr == NULL) {
- pf->fnptr = fn;
- pf->is_catalog = false;
- fiad_tifile_clear(&pf->tf);
- return pf;
- }
- pf++;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Copy PAB from VDP into file struct before a file operation
- *
- * If opening is true, allow flags/reclen to be updated
- */
- static void
- pab_fetch_from_vdp(fiad_pabfile *pf, bool opening)
- {
- pabrec mypab;
- VDPRead((void *)&mypab, VDP_ADDR(pf->fnptr-9), sizeof(pabrec));
- pf->pab.opcode = mypab.opcode;
- pf->pab.addr = TI2HOST(mypab.addr);
- pf->pab.charcount = mypab.charcount;
- pf->pab.recnum = TI2HOST(mypab.recnum);
- pf->pab.scrnoffs = mypab.scrnoffs;
- pf->pab.namelen = mypab.namelen;
- /*
- TI BASIC appears to trash these bytes after
- opening the file. We stubbornly continue to
- use them, however, so don't reread from the
- real PAB after opening.
- */
- if (opening)
- {
- pf->pab.pflags = mypab.pflags;
- pf->pab.preclen = mypab.preclen;
- logger(_L | L_3, "PAB contents: flags=>%02X, reclen=%d, addr=>%04X, charcount=%d, recnum=%d\n",
- pf->pab.pflags, pf->pab.preclen,
- pf->pab.addr, pf->pab.charcount, pf->pab.recnum);
- }
- else
- {
- logger(_L | L_3, "PAB contents: addr=>%04X, charcount=%d, recnum=%d\n",
- pf->pab.addr, pf->pab.charcount, pf->pab.recnum);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Copy PAB from file struct into VDP after a file operation
- */
- static void
- pab_store_to_vdp(fiad_pabfile *pf)
- {
- pabrec mypab;
- mypab.opcode = pf->pab.opcode;
- mypab.addr = HOST2TI(pf->pab.addr);
- mypab.charcount = pf->pab.charcount;
- mypab.recnum = HOST2TI(pf->pab.recnum);
- mypab.scrnoffs = pf->pab.scrnoffs;
- mypab.namelen = pf->pab.namelen;
- mypab.pflags = pf->pab.pflags;
- mypab.preclen = pf->pab.preclen;
- VDPCopy(VDP_ADDR(pf->fnptr-9),
- (u8 *)&mypab,
- sizeof(pabrec));
- }
- ///////////////
- #if 0
- static u8 sub_error_map[] = {
- es_outofspace, // E_nobuffer
- es_hardware, // E_cantmakespec [disk paths are bad]
- es_filenotfound, // E_filenotfound
- es_badvalerr, // E_cantmodifyfile
- es_hardware, // E_formaterror
- es_hardware, // E_shortread [should find data]
- es_outofspace, // E_shortwrite
- es_hardware, // E_sectornotfound [should find data]
- es_hardware, // E_unexpectederror [whatever]
- es_badfuncerr, // E_illegalop
- es_hardware // E_endoffile
- };
- #endif
- static void
- sub_set_error(u8 errcode)
- {
- memory_write_byte(0x8350, errcode);
- if (errcode) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "FIAD server: got subroutine error %d\n",
- errcode);
- }
- }
- static void
- sub_error(fiad_tifile * tf, OSError err, char *str, int errcode)
- {
- sub_set_error( errcode);
- if (errcode) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "FIAD server: got subroutine error %d [%s (%s)]\n",
- errcode, str, err ? OS_GetErrText(err) : "");
- fiad_tifile_close_file(tf);
- }
- }
- /* Close a PAB file */
- static void
- pab_close_file(fiad_pabfile *pf)
- {
- // not true for catalogs
- if (pf->tf.open) {
- fiad_tifile_close_file(&pf->tf);
- }
- pf->fnptr = 0L;
- }
- /* Close all files */
- static void
- pab_close_all_files(void)
- {
- fiad_pabfile *pf = files;
- int dsk;
- while (pf < files + MAXFILES) {
- pab_close_file(pf);
- pf++;
- }
- for (dsk = 0; dsk < MAXDRIVE; dsk++) {
- last_sector_read[dsk] = 0xffff;
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////
- /* Read the FDR from a file,
- return 0 if it's bad. */
- static int
- pab_read_fdr(fiad_pabfile * pf)
- {
- int ret = fiad_tifile_read_fdr(&pf->tf);
- if (!ret) {
- pab_set_error(pf, e_hardwarefailure);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /* Write FDR to file,
- return 0 and report error if error. */
- static int
- pab_write_fdr(fiad_pabfile * pf)
- {
- int ret = fiad_tifile_write_fdr(&pf->tf);
- if (!ret) {
- pab_set_error(pf, e_hardwarefailure);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- Compare the FDR with the PAB, making sure the
- PAB operation is compatile with the FDR, and that record sizes and
- file types match.
- If mismatching, report the error and return 0, else return 1.
- */
- static int
- pab_compare_fdr_and_pab(fiad_pabfile * pf)
- {
- u8 pflags, fflags;
- char *pptr;
- u8 len;
- pabrec *pab = &pf->pab;
- fiad_tifile *tf = &pf->tf;
- /* compare name */
- len = fiad_filename_strlen(tf->fdr.filenam);
- pptr = (char *) pf->fnptr + pab->namelen;
- while (pptr > (char *) pf->fnptr && *(pptr - 1) != '.')
- pptr--;
- if (strncasecmp(tf->fdr.filenam, pptr, len))
- logger(_LL | LOG_WARN,
- "FIAD server: filename in FDR doesn't match filename ('%.*s' | '%.*s')\n",
- len, tf->fdr.filenam, pab->namelen - (pptr - (char *)pf->fnptr), pptr);
- pflags = pab->pflags;
- fflags = tf->fdr.flags;
- /* program files are easy */
- if (pab->opcode == f_load || pab->opcode == f_save)
- if (fflags & ff_program)
- return 1;
- /* both must be fixed or variable */
- if (!!(pflags & fp_variable) == !!(fflags & ff_variable)) {
- /* fixup the PAB if it doesn't know record size */
- if (!pab->preclen)
- pab->preclen = tf->fdr.reclen;
- /* both must have same record length */
- if (pab->preclen != tf->fdr.reclen) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKcomparefdrandpab: record length differs\n");
- } else {
- /* and no "var,relative" files */
- if ((pflags & (fp_relative | fp_variable)) ==
- (fp_relative | fp_variable)) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKcomparefdrandpab: var + relative file\n");
- } else
- return 1;
- }
- } else {
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKcomparefdrandpab: fixed/variable flag differs\n");
- }
- pab_error(pf, 0, "file type mismatch on file open", e_badfiletype);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Compare the FDR with the ten-byte filename at fptr,
- making sure the filename matches. Always return 1. */
- static int
- DSKcomparefdrandsub(fiad_tifile * tf, char *fptr)
- {
- if (tf->format == F_V9t9 && strncasecmp(tf->fdr.filenam, fptr, 10)) {
- logger(_LL,
- "DSKcomparefdrandsub: filenames don't match ('%.*s' | '%.*s')\n",
- 10, tf->fdr.filenam, 10, fptr);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- Create an FDR from a PAB.
- The filename is in the FDR already.
- */
- static void
- pab_make_fdr(fiad_pabfile * pf)
- {
- fiad_tifile *tf = &pf->tf;
- pabrec *pab = &pf->pab;
- fiad_fdr_setup(&tf->fdr,
- pab->opcode == f_save,
- ((pab->pflags & fp_variable) ? ff_variable : 0) |
- ((pab->pflags & fp_internal) ? ff_internal : 0),
- pab->preclen,
- 0 /*size*/);
- pab->preclen = tf->fdr.reclen;
- }
- /* Read a sector from the PAB file */
- static int
- pab_read_sector(fiad_pabfile * pf)
- {
- int ret = fiad_tifile_read_sector(&pf->tf);
- if (!ret) {
- char msg[64];
- sprintf(msg, "reading sector %d", pf->tf.cursec);
- pab_error(pf, pf->tf.error, msg, e_hardwarefailure);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /* Write current sector to PAB file */
- static int
- pab_write_sector(fiad_pabfile * pf)
- {
- int ret = fiad_tifile_write_sector(&pf->tf);
- if (!ret) {
- char msg[64];
- sprintf(msg, "writing sector %d", pf->tf.cursec);
- pab_error(pf, 0, msg, e_hardwarefailure);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- ////////////////////
- /*
- Routine to create the OSSpec for the file
- using the PAB and the current disk, and copy the
- name into the file's FDR.
- Return 0 for success,
- 1 if the filename is empty, which indicates
- a catalog request on a disk, or
- -1 if the path was invalid.
- */
- static int
- pab_setup_file(fiad_pabfile *pf, u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- /* 0x8356 holds a pointer into VDP RAM to the end
- of the device name (RS232|, DSK|., DSK1|.ed) */
- u8 len;
- u16 fnaddr;
- char *fname;
- OSError err;
- pf->fnptr = fn;
- fiad_tifile_clear(&pf->tf);
- len = *fn; /* length of device+filename */
- logger(_L | L_2, "getfilespec_pab: pab len = %d\n", len);
- fnaddr = memory_read_word(0x8356) + 1; /* addr of filename (skip period) */
- logger(_L | L_2, "getfilespec_pab: fnaddr++ at 0x8356 = %20.20s\n",
- VDP_PTR(0) + fnaddr);
- len -= memory_read_word(0x8354) + 1; /* minus length of device + period */
- logger(_L | L_2, "getfilespec_pab: length of device 0x8354 = %04X\n",
- memory_read_word(0x8354));
- fname = (char *) VDP_PTR(fnaddr);
- if (memchr(fname, '.', len) != NULL) {
- pab_error(pf, 0, "bad characters in filename", e_badfiletype);
- return -1;
- }
- err = fiad_tifile_setup_spec_with_file(&pf->tf,
- &emudiskpath[dev - 1],
- fname,
- len);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- pab_error(pf, err, "couldn't make spec", e_badfiletype);
- return -1;
- } else if (len == 0)
- return 1; /* no filename means catalog */
- else
- return 0;
- }
- /* Create the host OSSpec for the ten-character filename,
- as seen in a subroutine call. */
- static int
- sub_setup_file(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 dsknum, u16 fnaddr)
- {
- u8 len = 0;
- const char *chptr = (char *)VDP_PTR(fnaddr);
- while (len < 10 && (*chptr != ' ' &&
- *chptr != 0 &&
- *chptr != '.')) {
- len++;
- chptr++;
- }
- // a dot is illegal
- if (*chptr == '.') {
- sub_error(tf, 0, "bad characters in filename", es_filenotfound);
- return -1;
- }
- if (fiad_filename_to_spec(&emudiskpath[dsknum - 1],
- (char *) VDP_PTR(fnaddr),
- len,
- &tf->spec) != OS_NOERR)
- return -1;
- else if (len == 0)
- return 1; /* no filename */
- else
- return 0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- Match a emulated disk by volume name.
- Return length of volume plus dot, and disk device (>0) or 0 if not matched.
- We're passed a name terminated by a period, space, or 0.
- */
- static u8
- matchdrive(char *volume, int *len)
- {
- u8 dev;
- *len = 1;
- while (volume[*len - 1] != '.' &&
- volume[*len - 1] != ' ' && volume[*len - 1] != 0)
- (*len)++;
- /* we don't match DSK1 and DSK2 if
- the real disk is going */
- dev = dsr_is_emu_disk(1) ? 1 : 3;
- while (dev <= MAXDRIVE) {
- char path[OS_PATHSIZE];
- char *ptr;
- char tivol[10];
- int len;
- int idx;
- int matched;
- OS_PathSpecToString2(&emudiskpath[dev - 1], path);
- logger(_L | L_1, "trying to match '%s'\n", path);
- /* clear trailing slash, colon, etc */
- path[strlen(path) - 1] = 0;
- /* ptr has leaf name */
- ptr = (char *) OS_GetFileNamePtr(path);
- len = fiad_filename_host2ti(ptr, tivol);
- VDPCopy(vdpnamebuffer, (u8 *)tivol, 10);
- /* compare */
- idx = 0;
- matched = 1;
- while (idx < 10 && volume[idx] &&
- volume[idx] != '.' && volume[idx] != 0) {
- /* don't be picky about capitalization,
- since these things are hard to figure out ;) */
- if (tolower(volume[idx]) != tolower(tivol[idx])) {
- matched = 0;
- break;
- }
- idx++;
- }
- if (matched)
- return dev;
- dev++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #pragma mark "Catalog read"
- #endif
- /* Convert and push an integer into a TI floating point record:
- [8 bytes] [0x40+log num] 9*[sig figs, 0-99]
- Return pointer past end of float.
- */
- static u8 *
- int_to_tifloat(unsigned x, u8 * buf)
- {
- u8 *start;
- *buf++ = 8; // bytes in length
- memset(buf, 0, 8);
- if (x == 0)
- return buf + 8;
- start = buf;
- buf[0] = 0x3F;
- while (x > 0) {
- buf[0]++;
- memmove(buf + 2, buf + 1, 6);
- buf[1] = x % 100;
- x /= 100;
- }
- return buf + 8;
- }
- /*
- Setup a pab file for use as a catalog iterator.
- */
- static int
- DSKinitcatalog(fiad_pabfile * pf, u8 dsk)
- {
- OSError err;
- int max;
- char path[OS_PATHSIZE];
- OSPathSpec *spec;
- pf->is_catalog = dsk--;
- spec = &emudiskpath[dsk];
- /* Don't re-read catalog more often than necessary. */
- if (!OS_EqualPathSpec(spec, &DskCat[dsk].path)
- || DskCatFlag[dsk])
- {
- logger(_L|L_1, "Re-reading catalog for DSK%d\n",dsk+1);
- OS_PathSpecToString2(spec, path);
- if ((err = fiad_catalog_read_catalog(&DskCat[dsk], path)) != OS_NOERR) {
- pab_error(pf, err, "couldn't open directory for catalog",
- e_hardwarefailure);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Sort by name */
- fiad_catalog_sort_catalog(&DskCat[dsk],
- true /*ascending*/);
- /* Set timer to prevent over-reading catalog
- (Microsoft Multiplan does this) */
- DskCatFlag[dsk] = 0;
- TM_SetEvent(DskCatTag[dsk], TM_HZ*100, 0, 0 /*flags*/,
- &DskCatFlag[dsk]);
- }
- /* Restrict number of entries we return */
- max = (allowlongcatalogs ? 32767 : 127);
- if (DskCat[dsk].entries > max) DskCat[dsk].entries = max;
- return 1;
- }
- /* For a file-based catalog, we are guaranteed 128 records.
- The first is the volume, and the rest are for files. Each
- record is a maximum of 38 bytes long, but is fixed at
- the file's open record length by padding it with zeroes.
- For a volume record, the format is:
- [length of volume] "volume"
- [8] [float: 0]
- [8] [float: total # sectors]
- [8] [float: remaining # sectors]
- [0...]
- For a file record, the format is:
- [length of filename] "filename"
- [8] [float: type]
- [8] [float: # sectors used + FDR]
- [8] [float: record length]
- Assume that any errors are due to reading a non-V9t9
- file, and return 0 for those.
- */
- static int
- DSKreadcatalog(fiad_pabfile *pf, u8 dsk, u8 *cr)
- {
- OSError err;
- fdrrec fdr;
- u8 *ptr;
- fiad_catalog *cat = &DskCat[dsk - 1];
- logger(_L | L_1, "reading catalog entry\n");
- memset(cr, 0, pf->pab.preclen);
- // volume record?
- if (pf->pab.recnum == 0) {
- /* Get volume name from path. */
- ptr = cr;
- *ptr = fiad_path_disk2ti(&cat->path, (char *)ptr + 1);
- // copy disk name to name buffer
- VDPCopy(vdpnamebuffer, ptr+1, 10);
- ptr += *ptr + 1;
- // zero field
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(0, ptr);
- // total space
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(cat->total_sectors, ptr);
- // free space
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(cat->free_sectors, ptr);
- return 1;
- }
- // read file record; restrict it to 127 entries
- // in case naive programs will die...
- err = 0;
- if (pf->pab.recnum >= cat->entries) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKreadcatalog: reached end of directory\n");
- // make an empty record
- ptr = cr;
- *ptr++ = 0;
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(0, ptr);
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(0, ptr);
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(0, ptr);
- return 1;
- }
- // Get file info
- if (!fiad_catalog_get_file_info(cat, pf->pab.recnum, &fdr))
- return 0;
- // first field is the string representing the
- // file or volume name
- ptr = cr;
- *ptr = fiad_filename_strlen(fdr.filenam);
- memcpy(ptr+1, fdr.filenam, *ptr);
- VDPCopy(vdpnamebuffer, (u8 *)fdr.filenam, 10);
- ptr += *ptr + 1;
- // second field is file type
- {
- int idx;
- for (idx = 0; idx < sizeof(DrcTrans) / sizeof(DrcTrans[0]); idx++)
- if (DrcTrans[idx][0] ==
- (fdr.flags & (ff_internal | ff_program | ff_variable))) {
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(DrcTrans[idx][1], ptr);
- break;
- }
- // no match == program
- if (idx >= sizeof(DrcTrans) / sizeof(DrcTrans[0])) {
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(1, ptr);
- }
- }
- // third field is file size, one sector for fdr
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(1 + fdr.secsused, ptr);
- // fourth field is record size
- ptr = int_to_tifloat(fdr.reclen, ptr);
- return 1;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////
- /* These DSKXxx routines handle file operations on PABs. */
- static void
- DSKClose(u8 dev, u8 *fn);
- static void
- DSKOpen(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile *pf;
- fiad_tifile *tf;
- pabrec *pab;
- int ret;
- OSError err;
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKOpen\n");
- /* get a pabfile for PAB */
- if ((pf = pab_get_new_file(fn)) == NULL) {
- pab_vdp_error(fn, 0, "no free files", e_outofspace);
- return;
- }
- tf = &pf->tf;
- pab = &pf->pab;
- /* read PAB */
- pab_fetch_from_vdp(pf, true /*opening*/);
- /* sanity check */
- if (pab->preclen == 255 && (pab->pflags & fp_variable)) {
- pab_error(pf, 0, "can't have variable record size of 255",
- e_badopenmode);
- goto open_error;
- }
- /* Fix PAB reclen to default if needed */
- // if (!pab->preclen) {
- // pab->preclen = 80;
- // }
- /* get local file spec */
- ret = pab_setup_file(pf, dev, fn);
- /* failure? */
- if (ret < 0)
- goto open_error;
- /* catalog request? */
- if (ret > 0) {
- /* make sure it's a legal open mode */
- if ((pab->pflags & (fp_internal | m_input)) != (fp_internal | m_input)) {
- pab_error(pf, 0, "bad catalog open flags", e_badopenmode);
- goto open_error;
- }
- if (!DSKinitcatalog(pf, dev))
- goto open_error;
- fiad_tifile_init_file_pointers(tf);
- pf->pab.preclen = 38;
- /* store the PAB */
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- return;
- }
- /* normal file open */
- pab_set_error(pf, 0);
- switch (pab->pflags & m_openmode) {
- // update/append mode: either create new file, or
- // open existing one.
- case m_append:
- // can't append to FIXED file
- if (!(pab->pflags & fp_variable) /*&&
- !(pab->pflags & fp_internal)*/) {
- pab_error(pf, 0, "can't append to FIXED file", e_badopenmode);
- goto open_error;
- }
- // fall through
- case m_update:
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- newfileformat,
- true /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- false /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- pab_error(pf, err, "could not open for update",
- err == OS_PERMERR ? e_readonly :
- e_badopenmode);
- goto open_error;
- }
- // tf->changed set if we know we created it;
- // if not, and we can't read the FDR, create it anyway
- if (!tf->changed && pab_read_fdr(pf)) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "read FDR successfully\n");
- if (!pab_compare_fdr_and_pab(pf))
- goto open_error;
- } else {
- logger(_L | L_1, "setting up new FDR\n");
- pab_set_error(pf, 0);
- pab_make_fdr(pf);
- if (!pab_write_fdr(pf)) {
- pab_set_error(pf, e_hardwarefailure);
- goto open_error;
- }
- my_assert(pab_compare_fdr_and_pab(pf));
- }
- // when appending, start at end
- if ((pab->pflags & m_openmode) == m_append) {
- fiad_tifile_seek_to_end(tf);
- }
- // cache sector (may not exist for new file)
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_sector(tf)) {
- pab_set_error(pf, e_hardwarefailure);
- goto open_error;
- }
- break;
- // output mode: always create new file
- case m_output:
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- newfileformat,
- true /*create*/,
- true /*always*/,
- false /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- pab_error(pf, err, "could not open for output",
- err == OS_PERMERR ? e_readonly :
- e_badopenmode);
- goto open_error;
- }
- logger(_L | L_1, "setting up new FDR\n");
- pab_make_fdr(pf);
- my_assert(pab_compare_fdr_and_pab(pf));
- break;
- // input mode: always open existing file
- case m_input:
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- false /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- true /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- pab_error(pf, err, "could not open for input",
- e_badopenmode);
- goto open_error;
- }
- if (!pab_compare_fdr_and_pab(pf))
- goto open_error;
- // cache first sector
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_sector(tf)) {
- pab_set_error(pf, e_hardwarefailure);
- goto open_error;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* store the PAB back to VDP */
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- return;
- open_error:
- pf->fnptr = NULL;
- }
- void
- DSKClose(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile *pf;
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKClose\n");
- // if the file isn't open, um...
- if ((pf = pab_find_open_file(fn)) == NULL)
- pab_set_vdp_error(fn, e_badfiletype);
- else
- pab_close_file(pf);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark "File read"
- #endif
- static void
- DSKRead(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile *pf;
- fiad_tifile *tf;
- pabrec *pab;
- u8 len;
- int err;
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKRead\n");
- if ((pf = pab_find_open_file(fn)) == NULL) {
- pab_vdp_error(fn, 0, "DSKRead: error due to not finding open file", e_badfiletype);
- return;
- }
- tf = &pf->tf;
- pab = &pf->pab;
- /* check operation */
- if ((pab->pflags & m_openmode) == m_output ||
- (pab->pflags & m_openmode) == m_append) {
- pab_error(pf, 0, "read from append/output file", e_illegal);
- return;
- }
- /* get pab info */
- pab_fetch_from_vdp(pf, false /*opening*/);
- /* catalog read? */
- if (pf->is_catalog) {
- u8 cr[256];
- int x;
- DSKreadcatalog(pf, dev, cr);
- VDPCopy(pab->addr, cr, pab->preclen);
- logger(_L | L_3, "dump of catalog record:");
- for (x = 0; x < pab->preclen; x++) {
- logger(_L | 0 | L_3, "%02X ", cr[x]);
- }
- logger(_L | L_3, "\n");
- tf->currec++;
- pab->charcount = pab->preclen;
- pab->recnum = tf->currec;
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- return;
- }
- /* normal file read */
- /* for fixed file, limit record # and update */
- if (!(pab->pflags & fp_variable)) {
- pf->pab.recnum &= 0x7fff;
- tf->currec = pf->pab.recnum;
- err = fiad_tifile_read_record(tf, VDP_PTR(pab->addr), &len);
- pf->pab.recnum = tf->currec;
- } else {
- /* variable file */
- err = fiad_tifile_read_record(tf, VDP_PTR(pab->addr), &len);
- }
- if (err == 0) {
- VDPUpdate(pab->addr, len);
- pab->charcount = len;
- } else if (err < 0) {
- // hardware failure
- pab_set_error(pf, e_hardwarefailure);
- } else {
- // end of file
- pab_set_error(pf, e_endoffile);
- pab_close_file(pf);
- }
- /* save changed PAB info */
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- }
- static void
- DSKWrite(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile *pf;
- fiad_tifile *tf;
- pabrec *pab;
- int err;
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKWrite\n");
- if ((pf = pab_find_open_file(fn)) == NULL) {
- pab_vdp_error(fn, 0, "DSKWrite: error due to not finding open file", e_badfiletype);
- return;
- }
- tf = &pf->tf;
- pab = &pf->pab;
- /* check operation */
- if ((pab->pflags & m_openmode) == m_input) {
- pab_error(pf, 0, "writing to input file", e_illegal);
- return;
- }
- if (pf->is_catalog) {
- pab_error(pf, 0, "writing to catalog", e_illegal);
- return;
- }
- /* get pab info */
- pab_fetch_from_vdp(pf, false /*opening*/);
- /* for fixed file, limit record # and update */
- if (!(pab->pflags & fp_variable)) {
- pf->pab.recnum &= 0x7fff;
- tf->currec = pf->pab.recnum;
- err = fiad_tifile_write_record(tf, VDP_PTR(pab->addr), pab->preclen);
- pf->pab.recnum = tf->currec;
- } else {
- /* variable file */
- err = fiad_tifile_write_record(tf, VDP_PTR(pab->addr), pab->charcount);
- }
- if (err == 0) {
- // no error
- } else if (err < 0) {
- // hardware failure
- pab_set_error(pf, e_hardwarefailure);
- } else if (err > 0) {
- // disk full
- pab_set_error(pf, e_outofspace);
- }
- /* save changed PAB info */
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- }
- static void
- DSKSeek(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile *pf;
- fiad_tifile *tf;
- pabrec *pab;
- int err;
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKSeek\n");
- if ((pf = pab_find_open_file(fn)) == NULL) {
- pab_vdp_error(fn, 0, "DSKSeek: error due to not finding open file", e_badfiletype);
- return;
- }
- tf = &pf->tf;
- pab = &pf->pab;
- if (pf->is_catalog) {
- pab_error(pf, 0, "DSKSeek: error due to seeking catalog", e_illegal);
- return;
- }
- /* get pab info */
- pab_fetch_from_vdp(pf, false /*opening*/);
- /* variable files are restored to record 0,
- and this can only be done in update/input mode */
- if ((pab->pflags & fp_variable) &&
- ((pab->pflags & m_openmode) == m_append ||
- (pab->pflags & m_openmode) == m_output)) {
- pab_error(pf, 0, "append/output mode can't seek", e_illegal);
- return;
- }
- if (!(pab->pflags & fp_variable)) {
- // maximum record # is 32767
- pab->recnum &= 0x7fff;
- err = fiad_tifile_seek_to_record(tf, pab->recnum);
- } else {
- pab->recnum = 0;
- err = fiad_tifile_seek_to_record(tf, 0);
- }
- if (err == 0) {
- // no error
- } else {
- pab_set_error(pf, (err > 0) ? e_outofspace : e_hardwarefailure);
- }
- /* save changed PAB info */
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark "LOAD MEMORY IMAGE"
- #endif
- static void
- DSKLoad(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile pf;
- fiad_tifile *tf;
- pabrec *pab;
- int ret;
- OSError err;
- u16 len;
- logger(_L | L_0, "DSKLoad\n");
- tf = &pf.tf;
- pab = &pf.pab;
- /* get local file spec */
- ret = pab_setup_file(&pf, dev, fn);
- /* failure? */
- if (ret < 0)
- return;
- /* catalog request? */
- if (ret > 0) {
- pab_error(&pf, 0, "can't open catalog as binary", e_illegal);
- return;
- }
- logger(_L | L_1, "trying to open binary image\n");
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- false /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- true /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- pab_error(&pf, err, "could not open for input",
- e_badfiletype);
- return;
- }
- /* read PAB */
- pab_fetch_from_vdp(&pf, true /*opening*/);
- if (!pab_compare_fdr_and_pab(&pf))
- return;
- pab_set_error(&pf, 0);
- ret = fiad_tifile_read_binary_image(tf, VDP_PTR(pab->addr),
- pab->recnum, &len);
- VDPUpdate(pab->addr, len);
- if (ret >= 0) {
- // no error or EOF (which is okay for DSKLoad)
- pab->recnum = len;
- } else {
- // failure
- pab_set_error(&pf, e_hardwarefailure);
- }
- /* save changed PAB info */
- pab_store_to_vdp(&pf);
- /* close file */
- pab_close_file(&pf);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark "SAVE MEMORY IMAGE"
- #endif
- static void
- DSKSave(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile pf;
- fiad_tifile *tf;
- pabrec *pab;
- int ret;
- OSError err;
- u16 len;
- logger(_L | 0, "DSKSave\n");
- tf = &pf.tf;
- pab = &pf.pab;
- /* get local file spec */
- ret = pab_setup_file(&pf, dev, fn);
- /* failure? */
- if (ret < 0)
- return;
- /* catalog request? */
- if (ret > 0) {
- pab_error(&pf, 0, "can't save catalog as binary", e_illegal);
- return;
- }
- logger(_L | L_1, "trying to save binary image\n");
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- newfileformat,
- true /*create*/,
- true /*always*/,
- false /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- pab_error(&pf, err, "could not open for output",
- err == OS_PERMERR ? e_readonly :
- e_badfiletype);
- return;
- }
- /* read PAB */
- pab_fetch_from_vdp(&pf, true /*opening*/);
- logger(_L | L_1, "setting up new FDR\n");
- pab_make_fdr(&pf);
- my_assert(pab_compare_fdr_and_pab(&pf));
- pab_set_error(&pf, 0);
- ret = fiad_tifile_write_binary_image(tf, VDP_PTR(pab->addr),
- pab->recnum, &len);
- if (ret == 0) {
- // no error
- } else {
- // failure
- pab_set_error(&pf, ret > 0 ? e_outofspace : e_hardwarefailure);
- }
- /* no pab changes */
- /* close file */
- pab_close_file(&pf);
- }
- static void
- DSKDelete(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- fiad_pabfile pf;
- fiad_tifile *tf;
- pabrec *pab;
- int ret;
- OSError err;
- logger(_L | 0, "DSKDelete\n");
- tf = &pf.tf;
- pab = &pf.pab;
- /* read PAB */
- pab_fetch_from_vdp(&pf, true /*opening*/);
- /* get local file spec */
- ret = pab_setup_file(&pf, dev, fn);
- /* failure? */
- if (ret < 0)
- return;
- /* catalog request? */
- if (ret > 0) {
- pab_error(&pf, 0, "can't delete catalog", e_illegal);
- return;
- }
- logger(_L | L_1, "trying to delete file\n");
- pab_set_error(&pf, 0);
- err = OS_Delete(&tf->spec);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- pab_error(&pf, err, "deleting file\n",
- err == OS_PERMERR ? e_readonly : e_badfiletype);
- }
- }
- static void
- DSKScratch(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- logger(_L | 0, "DSKScratch");
- // nothing supports this
- pab_set_vdp_error(fn, e_illegal);
- }
- /* Get status bits for a file */
- static u8
- fiad_tifile_get_status(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 status)
- {
- bool is_protected = true;
- OSSize total, free, blocksize;
- if ((tf->fdr.flags & ff_protected) ||
- OS_CheckProtection(&tf->spec, &is_protected) == OS_NOERR)
- status |= is_protected ? st_readonly : 0;
- if (tf->open) {
- if (tf->fdr.flags & ff_internal)
- status |= st_internal;
- if (tf->fdr.flags & ff_program)
- status |= st_program;
- if (tf->fdr.flags & ff_variable)
- status |= st_variable;
- }
- if (OS_GetDiskStats(&tf->spec.path, &blocksize, &total, &free) == OS_NOERR
- && total == free)
- status |= st_diskfull;
- // check EOF
- if (status & st_variable) {
- if (tf->cursec + 1 >= tf->fdr.secsused &&
- tf->sector[tf->curoffs] == 0xff) {
- status |= st_eof;
- logger(_L | L_2, "DSKStatus: EOF on variable file");
- }
- } else {
- if (tf->currec >= tf->fdr.numrecs) {
- status |= st_eof;
- logger(_L | L_2, "DSKStatus: EOF on fixed file\n");
- }
- }
- return status;
- }
- static void
- DSKStatus(u8 dev, u8 *fn)
- {
- int file_was_open = 0;
- fiad_pabfile *pf, local;
- fiad_tifile *tf;
- pabrec *pab;
- u8 status = 0;
- int ret;
- OSError err;
- logger(_L | L_2, "DSKStatus\n");
- if ((pf = pab_find_open_file(fn)) == NULL) {
- /* file is not open, open it now */
- logger(_L | L_2, "DSKStatus: no PAB file yet...\n");
- /* use local file */
- pf = &local;
- tf = &pf->tf;
- pab = &pf->pab;
- /* get local file spec */
- ret = pab_setup_file(pf, dev, fn);
- /* failure? */
- if (ret < 0) {
- logger(_L | L_2, "DSKStatus: file not found\n");
- status = st_filenotfound;
- pab->scrnoffs = status;
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- return;
- }
- /* catalog request? */
- if (ret > 0) {
- logger(_L | L_2, "DSKStatus: catalog status\n");
- status = st_internal | st_readonly;
- pab->scrnoffs = status;
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- return;
- }
- logger(_L | L_2, "DSKStatus: opening file\n");
- /* open file to look at it */
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- false /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- true /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- logger(_L | L_2, "DSKStatus: file not found\n");
- status |= st_filenotfound;
- pab->scrnoffs = status;
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- /* file was already open */
- logger(_L | L_2, "DSKStatus: file was open\n");
- tf = &pf->tf;
- pab = &pf->pab;
- // they might have seeked on us
- if (!(pab->pflags & fp_variable)) {
- pab->recnum &= 0x7fff;
- fiad_tifile_seek_to_record(tf, pab->recnum);
- }
- file_was_open = 1;
- }
- status |= fiad_tifile_get_status(tf, status);
- logger(_L | L_1, "DSKStatus: flags=%02X\n\n", status);
- pab->scrnoffs = status;
- pab_set_error(pf, 0);
- /* save changed PAB bits */
- pab_store_to_vdp(pf);
- /* close file if we just opened it */
- if (!file_was_open) {
- pab_close_file(pf);
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////
- #if 0
- #pragma mark -
- #pragma mark "Fake catalog sectors routines"
- #endif
- static void
- setup_catalog(u8 dsk)
- {
- char path[OS_PATHSIZE];
- OS_PathSpecToString2(&emudiskpath[dsk], path);
- fiad_catalog_read_catalog(&DskCat[dsk], path);
- }
- /*
- * Don't always free the catalog, since fiad.c will
- * free it for us next time we read it
- */
- static void
- free_catalog(u8 dsk)
- {
- fiad_catalog_free_catalog(&DskCat[dsk]);
- }
- static void
- create_volume_sector(u8 dsk, u8 *sector)
- {
- int len;
- fiad_catalog *cat = &DskCat[dsk];
- logger(_L | L_1, "creating catalog sector 0\n");
- // reread catalog at sector 0
- if (!DskCat[dsk].entries ||
- !OS_EqualPathSpec(&emudiskpath[dsk], &DskCat[dsk].path) ||
- (last_sector_read[dsk] != 0 &&
- last_sector_read[dsk] != 1))
- {
- setup_catalog(dsk);
- }
- memset(sector, 0, 256);
- // use directory name as volume name
- len = fiad_path_disk2ti(&cat->path, (char *)sector);
- // copy to VDP name buffer
- VDPCopy(vdpnamebuffer, sector, 10);
- // fill in info for a 90k disk
- sector[10] = 0x1; sector[11] = 0x68;
- sector[12] = 9; // secs per track
- sector[13] = 'D';
- sector[14] = 'S';
- sector[15] = 'K';
- sector[17] = 40; // # tracks
- sector[18] = 1; // # sides? (may be density)
- sector[19] = 1; // density? (may be sides)
- // disk is full
- memset(sector + 56, 0xff, 256 - 56);
- }
- static void
- create_index_sector(u8 dsk, u16 * sector)
- {
- int x,l;
- logger(_L | L_1, "creating catalog sector 1\n");
- // reread catalog at sector 1
- if (!DskCat[dsk].entries ||
- !OS_EqualPathSpec(&emudiskpath[dsk], &DskCat[dsk].path) ||
- (last_sector_read[dsk] != 0 &&
- last_sector_read[dsk] != 1)) {
- setup_catalog(dsk);
- }
- memset(sector, 0, 256);
- /* entries were already sorted */
- l = DskCat[dsk].entries > 127 ? 127 : DskCat[dsk].entries;
- for (x = 0; x < l; x++) {
- u16 sec = x+2;
- sector[x] = HOST2TI(sec);
- }
- }
- static int
- create_fdr_sector(u8 dsk, u16 ent, u8 * sector)
- {
- fdrrec fdr;
- v9t9_fdr *v9f;
- fiad_catalog *cat = &DskCat[dsk];
- logger(_L | L_1, "creating catalog directory sector %d\n", ent + 2);
- // reread catalog at unknown FDR sector
- if (!DskCat[dsk].entries ||
- !OS_EqualPathSpec(&emudiskpath[dsk], &DskCat[dsk].path) ||
- (last_sector_read[dsk] == 0xffff))
- {
- setup_catalog(dsk);
- }
- if (!fiad_catalog_get_file_info(cat, ent, &fdr))
- return 0;
- memset(sector, 0, 256);
- v9f = (v9t9_fdr *) sector;
- memcpy(v9f->filenam, fdr.filenam, 10);
- VDPCopy(vdpnamebuffer, (u8 *)fdr.filenam, 10);
- v9f->flags = fdr.flags;
- v9f->recspersec = fdr.recspersec;
- v9f->secsused = HOST2TI(fdr.secsused);
- v9f->byteoffs = fdr.byteoffs;
- v9f->reclen = fdr.reclen;
- v9f->numrecs = SWAPTI(fdr.numrecs);
- return 1;
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark "Read/write sector"
- #endif
- /* Read/write sector.
- Only allow access to the volume sector, index sector,
- and catalog sectors; all of by faking it. The
- catalogs DskCat[] contain a list of files scanned
- in the directory when sector 1 is read. If any sector
- greater than 1 is read without reading sector 1 first,
- there will be invalid sector info returned.
- in: byte 0x834C: drive
- byte 0x834d: 0xff=read, 0x00=write
- word 0x834E: vdp addr
- word 0x8350: sector #
- out: word 0x834A: sector read
- byte 0x8350: status
- */
- static void
- DskSectorRW(u8 dev, u8 rw, u16 addr, u16 secnum)
- {
- u8 sector[256];
- logger(_L | L_1, "DskSectorRW\n");
- // don't write!
- if (!rw) {
- logger(_LL | 0, "FIAD server: ignoring sector write request");
- sub_set_error(0);
- return;
- }
- if (secnum == 0) {
- // make volume sector
- create_volume_sector(dev - 1, sector);
- } else if (secnum == 1) {
- // make index sector
- create_index_sector(dev - 1, (u16 *) sector);
- } else /* (secnum >= 2) */ {
- // make fdr sector
- if (!create_fdr_sector(dev - 1, secnum - 2, sector)) {
- free_catalog(dev-1);
- memset(sector, 0, 256);
- secnum = 0xffff;
- return;
- }
- }
- last_sector_read[dev-1] = secnum;
- VDPCopy(addr, sector, 256);
- sub_set_error(0);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark "Format disk"
- #endif
- /* Format disk.
- in: byte 0x834C: drive
- byte 0x834d: # tracks
- word 0x834e: track layout
- byte 0x8350: density (1,2)
- byte 0x8351: sides (1,2)
- out: byte 0x8350: status
- */
- static void
- DskFormatDisk(u8 dev, u8 tracks, u16 tinfo, u16 densid)
- {
- logger(_L | 0, "DskFormatDisk\n");
- sub_set_error(e_illegal);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark "Modify file protection"
- #endif
- /* Modify file protection
- in: byte 0x834c: drive
- byte 0x834d: 0=none, <>0=locked
- word 0x834e: filename
- */
- static void
- DskProtect(u8 dev, u8 lock, u16 fname, u16 addr2)
- {
- fiad_tifile local, *tf = &local;
- OSError err;
- logger(_L | 0, "DskProtect\n");
- if (sub_setup_file(tf, dev, fname) != 0) {
- sub_set_error(es_badfuncerr /*es_filenotfound */ );
- return;
- }
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- false /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- false /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- sub_error(tf, err, "could not open to modify protection",
- err == OS_PERMERR ? es_hardware :
- es_badfuncerr /* es_filenotfound */);
- return;
- }
- DSKcomparefdrandsub(tf, (char *) VDP_PTR(fname));
- // update FDR
- tf->fdr.flags = (tf->fdr.flags & ~ff_protected) | (lock ? ff_protected : 0);
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- fiad_tifile_close_file(tf);
- // do NOT modify the real file
- sub_set_error(es_okay);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark "Rename file"
- #endif
- /* Rename file
- in: byte 0x834c: drive
- word 0x834e: new name
- word 0x8350: old name
- out: byte 0x8350: status
- */
- static void
- DskRename(u8 dev, u8 unk, u16 newname, u16 oldname)
- {
- fiad_tifile local, *tf = &local;
- char newpath[OS_PATHSIZE];
- OSSpec orig;
- OSSpec renamed;
- OSError err;
- logger(_L | 0, "DskRename\n");
- if (sub_setup_file(tf, dev, oldname) != 0) {
- sub_set_error(es_badfuncerr /*es_filenotfound */ );
- return;
- }
- // save original spec
- orig = tf->spec;
- // rename real file
- OS_PathSpecToString2(&orig.path, newpath);
- fiad_filename_ti2host((char *) VDP_PTR(newname),
- strcspn((char *) VDP_PTR(newname), " ."),
- newpath + strlen(newpath));
- // can't fathom new name?
- if ((err = OS_MakeFileSpec(newpath, &renamed)) != OS_NOERR) {
- sub_set_error(es_hardware);
- return;
- }
- // destination already exists?
- if (OS_Status(&renamed) == OS_NOERR) {
- sub_set_error(es_fileexists);
- return;
- }
- if ((err = OS_Rename(&orig, &renamed)) != OS_NOERR) {
- sub_set_error(es_hardware);
- return;
- }
- // now open the file and rename the FDR
- if (sub_setup_file(tf, dev, newname) != 0) {
- sub_set_error(es_badfuncerr /*es_filenotfound */ );
- return;
- }
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- false /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- false /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- sub_error(tf, err, "could not open to modify filename",
- err == OS_PERMERR ? es_hardware :
- es_badfuncerr /* es_filenotfound */);
- return;
- }
- // update FDR
- memcpy(tf->fdr.filenam, VDP_PTR(newname), 10);
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- logger(_L | 0, "Renamed '%s' to '%s'\n\n\n", OS_SpecToString1(&orig), newpath);
- fiad_tifile_close_file(tf);
- sub_set_error(es_okay);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark "Direct input file"
- #endif
- /* Access direct input file
- in: byte 0x834c: drive
- byte 0x834d: 0=get FDR info, <>0=get # sectors
- word 0x834e: filename
- byte 0x8350: 0x8300+# = ptr to:
- -- if get FDR info:
- word <unused>, word <# sectors>,
- byte <flags>, byte <recspersrec>,
- byte <eof>, byte <reclen>, word <numrecs>
- -- if read sectors:
- word <buffer addr>, word <sector #>
- out: byte 0x834D: # sectors read
- byte 0x8350: status
- */
- static void
- DskDirectInput(u8 dev, u8 secs, u16 fname, u16 parms)
- {
- fiad_tifile local, *tf = &local;
- OSError err;
- logger(_L | 0, "DskDirectInput\n");
- // error condition
- memory_write_byte(0x834d, 0);
- if (sub_setup_file(tf, dev, fname) != 0) {
- sub_set_error(es_filenotfound);
- return;
- }
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- false /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- true /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- sub_error(tf, err, "could not open to read sectors",
- es_badfuncerr /* es_filenotfound */);
- return;
- }
- DSKcomparefdrandsub(tf, (char *) VDP_PTR(fname));
- parms = 0x8300 + (parms >> 8);
- if (!secs) {
- // read FDR info
- memory_write_word(parms + 2, tf->fdr.secsused);
- memory_write_byte(parms + 4, tf->fdr.flags);
- memory_write_byte(parms + 5, tf->fdr.recspersec);
- memory_write_byte(parms + 6, tf->fdr.byteoffs);
- memory_write_byte(parms + 7, tf->fdr.reclen);
- memory_write_word(parms + 8, HOST2TI(tf->fdr.numrecs));
- sub_set_error(0);
- } else {
- // read sectors
- u16 vaddr = memory_read_word(parms);
- u16 secnum = memory_read_word(parms + 2);
- u16 red = 0;
- int ret;
- logger(_L | L_1,
- "reading %d sectors from sector #%d from file, storing to >%04X\n\n",
- secs, secnum, vaddr);
- //debugger_enable(true);
- sub_set_error(0);
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, secnum)) {
- sub_error(tf, tf->error, "DskDirectInput: Could not seek to sector", es_hardware);
- } else {
- ret = fiad_tifile_read_binary_image(tf, VDP_PTR(vaddr), secs * 256, &red);
- if (ret < 0) {
- sub_error(tf, tf->error, "DskDirectInput: Could not read sectors", es_hardware);
- sub_set_error(es_hardware);
- }
- // error will be set if sector read failed
- memory_write_byte(0x834D, (red + 255) >> 8);
- }
- }
- fiad_tifile_close_file(tf);
- }
- #if 0
- #pragma mark "Direct output file"
- #endif
- /* Access direct output file
- in: byte 0x834c: drive
- byte 0x834d: 0=make FDR, <>0=write # sectors
- word 0x834e: filename
- byte 0x8350: +0x8300 = ptr to:
- -- if make FDR:
- word <unused>, word <# sectors>,
- byte <flags>, byte <recspersrec>,
- byte <eof>, byte <reclen>, word <numrecs>
- -- if write sectors:
- word <buffer addr>, word <sector #>
- out: byte 0x834d: # sectors written (or 0)
- byte 0x8350: status
- */
- static void
- DskDirectOutput(u8 dev, u8 secs, u16 fname, u16 parms)
- {
- fiad_tifile local, *tf = &local;
- OSError err;
- logger(_L | 0, "DskDirectOutput\n");
- if (sub_setup_file(tf, dev, fname) != 0) {
- sub_set_error(es_outofspace);
- return;
- }
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- newfileformat,
- 2 /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- false /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- sub_error(tf, err, "could not open to write sectors",
- err == OS_PERMERR ? es_hardware :
- es_badfuncerr /* es_filenotfound */);
- return;
- }
- DSKcomparefdrandsub(tf, (char *) VDP_PTR(fname));
- parms = 0x8300 + (parms >> 8);
- if (!secs) {
- // write FDR info
- tf->fdr.secsused = memory_read_word(parms + 2);
- tf->fdr.flags = memory_read_byte(parms + 4);
- tf->fdr.recspersec = memory_read_byte(parms + 5);
- tf->fdr.byteoffs = memory_read_byte(parms + 6);
- tf->fdr.reclen = memory_read_byte(parms + 7);
- tf->fdr.numrecs = TI2HOST(memory_read_word(parms + 8));
- // get filename
- memcpy(tf->fdr.filenam, VDP_PTR(fname), 10);
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- logger(_L|L_2, "Setting size of '%s' to %d sectors\n",
- OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec),
- tf->fdr.secsused);
- // set file to given length
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, tf->fdr.secsused)
- || !fiad_tifile_set_file_size(tf))
- {
- sub_set_error(es_hardware);
- }
- else
- sub_set_error(0);
- // Reset any bogus flags in here
- tf->changedfdr = fiad_fdr_repair(&tf->fdr, tf->fdr.secsused * 256);
- //logger(_L|L_2, "Number of sectors now %d\n", tf->fdr.secsused);
- } else {
- // write sectors
- u16 vaddr = memory_read_word(parms);
- u16 secnum = memory_read_word(parms + 2);
- u16 wrt = 0;
- int ret;
- logger(_L | L_1,
- "writing %d sectors at sector #%d to file, reading from >%04X\n\n",
- secs, secnum, vaddr);
- sub_set_error(0);
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, secnum)) {
- sub_set_error(es_hardware);
- } else {
- ret = fiad_tifile_write_binary_image(tf, VDP_PTR(vaddr), secs*256, &wrt);
- if (ret < 0) {
- sub_set_error(es_hardware);
- }
- memory_write_byte(0x834D, (wrt + 255) >> 8);
- }
- }
- fiad_tifile_close_file(tf);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////
- extern vmModule emuDiskDSR;
- mrstruct dsr_rom_emudisk_handler = {
- emudiskdsr, emudiskdsr, NULL, /* ROM */
- };
- static u32
- cruwEmuDiskROM(u32 addr, u32 data, u32 num)
- {
- if (data) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "emu disk DSR on\n");
- report_status(STATUS_DISK_ACCESS, 0, true);
- // debugger_enable(true);
- dsr_set_active(&emuDiskDSR);
- SET_AREA_HANDLER(0x4000, 0x2000, &dsr_rom_emudisk_handler);
- logger(_L | L_3, "DSR Read >4000 = >%2X\n\n", memory_read_byte(0x4000));
- } else {
- logger(_L | L_3, "emu disk DSR off\n");
- report_status(STATUS_DISK_ACCESS, 0, false);
- // debugger_enable(false);
- dsr_set_active(NULL);
- SET_AREA_HANDLER(0x4000, 0x2000, &zero_memory_handler);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /********************************************/
- static vmResult
- emudisk_getcrubase(u32 * base)
- {
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- emudisk_filehandler(u32 code)
- {
- /* If the real disk DSR is also installed, we limit
- our functional drives from DSK3 to DSK5, and pass
- references to DSK1 and DSK2 to the real DSR.
- (The order of the CRU allows this, since we're EMUDISKCRUBASE
- and the real DSR is 0x1100.) */
- my_assert(sizeof(pabrec) == 10);
- logger(_L | L_3, "handlefileoperations\n");
- #ifdef REAL_DISK_DSR
- logger(_L | L_3, "code = %d\n\n", code);
- /* pass control when the code is for the real disk
- we didn't skip the return at *R11, so the TI ROM
- will continue to next DSR */
- /* this shouldn't happen unless non-shared emulated
- disk DSR was loaded. */
- if (dsr_is_real_disk(code - D_DSK1 + 1)) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "passing control to real disk");
- return vmOk;
- }
- /* extended ops store drive [1-x] in low nybble */
- if (code >= D_DSKSUB && dsr_is_real_disk(memory_read_byte(0x834C) & 0xf)) {
- logger(_L | L_3, "passing control to real disk\n");
- return vmOk;
- }
- #endif
- logger(_L | L_3, "handling code %d\n\n", code);
- /*
- match any of the drives for the volume name at
- the VDP address in >8356.
- After matching the volume, add the length of the name
- to >8354 and >8356.
- */
- if (code == D_DSK) {
- char *vname = (char *) VDP_PTR(memory_read_word(0x8356));
- u8 dev;
- int len;
- if (*vname++ != '.')
- return vmOk; /* bad device */
- dev = matchdrive(vname, &len);
- if (dev == 0) {
- logger(_L | L_1, "did not match DSK.%.*s\n", len, vname);
- return vmOk; /* not matched */
- } else {
- logger(_L | L_1, "matched DSK.%.*s on DSK%d\n", len, vname, dev);
- }
- /* Update ptrs */
- memory_write_word(0x8356, memory_read_word(0x8356) + len);
- memory_write_word(0x8354, memory_read_word(0x8354) + len);
- /* use this device */
- code = dev;
- }
- switch (code) {
- /* PAB file operation on DSKx */
- case D_DSK1:
- case D_DSK2:
- case D_DSK3:
- case D_DSK4:
- case D_DSK5:
- {
- u16 pabaddr =
- memory_read_word(0x8356) -
- memory_read_word(0x8354) -
- sizeof(pabrec);
- u8 opcode;
- u8 *fnptr;
- fnptr = VDP_PTR(pabaddr+9);
- opcode = *(fnptr-9);
- /* illegal opcode? */
- if (opcode > 9)
- pab_set_vdp_error(fnptr, e_illegal);
- else {
- static void (*opcodehandlers[]) (u8 dev, u8 *fn) = {
- DSKOpen, DSKClose, DSKRead, DSKWrite,
- DSKSeek, DSKLoad, DSKSave, DSKDelete,
- DSKScratch, DSKStatus
- };
- logger(_L | L_2, "doing operation %d on DSK%d\n", opcode, code);
- opcodehandlers[opcode] (code, fnptr);
- }
- /* return, indicating that the DSR handled the operation */
- register(11) += 2;
- break;
- }
- /* init disk dsr */
- case D_INIT:
- {
- int x;
- for (x = 0; x < MAXFILES; x++) {
- memset((void *)&files[x], 0, sizeof(files[0]));
- }
- /* Set up timer stuff for catalogs */
- for (x = 0; x < MAXDRIVE; x++) {
- DskCatFlag[x] = 1;
- if (!DskCatTag[x])
- DskCatTag[x] = TM_UniqueTag();
- }
- /* also steal some RAM for the name compare buffer,
- so dependent programs can function */
- vdpnamebuffer = memory_read_word(0x8370) - 9;
- memory_write_word(0x8370, vdpnamebuffer - 1);
- break;
- }
- /* ???? */
- case D_16:
- {
- memory_write_byte(0x8350, 0); /* no error */
- register(11) += 2;
- break;
- }
- /* call files(x)
- just ignore it */
- case D_FILES:
- memory_write_word(0x832C, memory_read_word(0x832C) + 12);
- memory_write_byte(0x8342, 0);
- memory_write_byte(0x8350, 0);
- register(11) += 2;
- break;
- case D_SECRW:
- case D_FMTDISK:
- case D_PROT:
- case D_RENAME:
- case D_DINPUT:
- case D_DOUTPUT:
- {
- static void (*handlers[]) (u8 dev, u8 opt, u16 addr1, u16 addr2) = {
- DskSectorRW, DskFormatDisk, DskProtect,
- DskRename, DskDirectInput, DskDirectOutput
- };
- u8 dev;
- u8 opt;
- u16 addr1, addr2;
- dev = memory_read_byte(0x834c);
- opt = memory_read_byte(0x834d);
- addr1 = memory_read_word(0x834e);
- addr2 = memory_read_word(0x8350);
- logger(_L | L_2, "doing operation %d on DSK%d [%d, %04X, %04X]\n",
- code, dev, opt, addr1, addr2);
- if (dev <= MAXDRIVE) {
- handlers[code - D_SECRW] (dev, opt, addr1, addr2);
- register(11) += 2;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- logger(_L | L_1, "ignoring code = %d\n", code);
- return vmNotAvailable;
- }
- return vmOk;
- }
- /*************************************************/
- // Called to load/save each of the files[].
- //
- // Since we're using one variable for each of these fields,
- // the second argument must be a string. Sigh.
- // Since the arg is a string buffer, we can use a simple routine
- // to format numeric strings for us.
- //
- // A special config var should close all the file[] entries
- // so we can sanely open them up at fixed positions again.
- static char *num2str(int x)
- {
- static char buf[32];
- sprintf(buf, "%d", x);
- return buf;
- }
- static int str2num(const char *str)
- {
- int x;
- if (!strcasecmp(str,"true") || !strcasecmp(str, "on"))
- return 1;
- else if (!strcasecmp(str,"false") || !strcasecmp(str, "off"))
- return 0;
- x = atoi(str);
- return x;
- }
- // Number of fields to save:
- // fiad_pabfile.fnptr (VDP addr)
- // fiad_pabfile.pab (binary)
- // fiad_pabfile.is_catalog (0/1)
- // fiad_pabfile.tf:
- // spec (pathname)
- // open (0/1)
- // readonly (0/1)
- // error (number)
- // cursec (number)
- // cureof (number)
- // curnrecs (number)
- // currec (number)
- //
- // handle, changed, changedfdr, fdr, sector
- // are reconstructed at re-load time
- #define fiad_tifile_ENTS 12
- static
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(emudisk_config_files)
- {
- fiad_pabfile *f;
- char tmp[256];
- char *field;
- char *str;
- int val;
- OSError err;
- if (task == csa_READ) {
- if (iter >= (fiad_tifile_ENTS * (sizeof(files)/sizeof(fiad_tifile))))
- return 0;
- f = &files[iter / fiad_tifile_ENTS];
- // first arg is file #
- command_arg_set_num(SYM_ARG_1st, iter / fiad_tifile_ENTS);
- switch (iter % fiad_tifile_ENTS) {
- case 0: // fnptr
- // prework: save changed stuff if necessary
- fiad_tifile_flush(&f->tf);
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "vdp_filename_addr");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd,
- !f->fnptr ? num2str(-1) :
- num2str(f->fnptr - VDP_PTR(0)));
- break;
- case 1: // pab
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "vdp_pab_data");
- emulate_bin2hex((u8 *)&f->pab, tmp, sizeof(f->pab));
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, tmp);
- break;
- case 2: // is_catalog
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "is_catalog");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, num2str(f->is_catalog));
- break;
- // start of fiad_pabfile stuff
- case 3: // spec
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "path");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, OS_SpecToString1(&f->tf.spec));
- break;
- case 4: // open
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "is_open");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, f->tf.open ? "true" : "false");
- break;
- case 5: // readonly
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "is_read_only");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, f->tf.readonly ? "true" : "false");
- break;
- case 6: // error
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "error");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, num2str(f->tf.error));
- break;
- case 7: // cursec
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "sector");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, num2str(f->tf.cursec));
- break;
- case 8: // curoffs
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "sector_offset");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, num2str(f->tf.curoffs));
- break;
- case 9: // curnrecs
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "sector_record_count");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, num2str(f->tf.curnrecs));
- break;
- case 10: // currec
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "record_number");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, num2str(f->tf.currec));
- break;
- case 11: // reopen (trigger)
- // this tells the loader to reopen the file
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, "reopen");
- command_arg_set_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, "");
- break;
- default:
- my_assert("error in emudisk_config_files");
- }
- return 1;
- }
- // Load from config file
- // spec should be the first thing we see
- command_arg_get_num(SYM_ARG_1st, &val);
- if (val < 0 || val >= sizeof(files) / sizeof(fiad_tifile)) {
- logger(_L | LOG_USER | LOG_ERROR, "Invalid file number\n");
- return 0;
- }
- f = &files[val];
- command_arg_get_string(SYM_ARG_2nd, &field);
- command_arg_get_string(SYM_ARG_3rd, &str);
- if (!strcasecmp(field, "vdp_filename_addr")) {
- int addr = str2num(str);
- f->fnptr = (addr == -1) ? 0L : VDP_PTR(addr & 0x3fff);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "vdp_pab_data")) {
- emulate_hex2bin(str, (u8 *)&f->pab, sizeof(f->pab));
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "is_catalog")) {
- f->is_catalog = str2num(str);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "path")) {
- if (OS_MakeSpec(str, &f->tf.spec, NULL) != OS_NOERR) {
- logger(_L | LOG_USER | LOG_ERROR, "Invalid file name '%s'\n", str);
- return 0;
- }
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "is_open")) {
- f->tf.open = !!str2num(str);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "is_read_only")) {
- f->tf.readonly = !!str2num(str);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "error")) {
- f->tf.error = str2num(str);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "sector")) {
- f->tf.cursec = str2num(str);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "sector_offset")) {
- f->tf.curoffs = str2num(str) & 0xff;
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "sector_record_count")) {
- f->tf.curnrecs = str2num(str);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "record_number")) {
- f->tf.currec = str2num(str);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(field, "reopen")) {
- if (f->is_catalog) {
- if (!DSKinitcatalog(f, f->is_catalog)) {
- logger(_L | LOG_ERROR | LOG_USER, "Could not reopen catalog at '%s'\n",
- OS_PathSpecToString1(&f->tf.spec.path));
- return 0;
- }
- } else if (f->tf.open) {
- err = fiad_tifile_reopen_file(&f->tf,
- newfileformat,
- f->tf.readonly /*readonly*/);
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- logger(_L | LOG_ERROR | LOG_USER, "Could not reopen file '%s'\n",
- OS_SpecToString1(&f->tf.spec));
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // read fdr and current sector for normal file
- if (f->tf.open) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_fdr(&f->tf))
- return 0;
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_sector(&f->tf))
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- logger(_L | LOG_USER | LOG_ERROR, "Unrecognized file field: '%s'\n",
- field);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(emudisk_close_files)
- {
- pab_close_all_files();
- return 1;
- }
- /*************************************************/
- static
- DECL_SYMBOL_ACTION(emudisk_check_disk)
- {
- int dsknum = sym->name[3] - '0';
- if (!dsr_is_emu_disk(dsknum))
- logger(_LL | LOG_WARN,
- "FIAD server: DSK%d (%s) is inaccessible when real (DOAD) disk DSR is loaded\n",
- dsknum, OS_PathSpecToString1(&emudiskpath[dsknum - 1]));
- return 1;
- }
- /*************************************************/
- static vmResult
- emudisk_detect(void)
- {
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- emudisk_init(void)
- {
- command_symbol_table *emudiskcommands =
- command_symbol_table_new("Emulated Disk DSR Options",
- "These commands control the emulated files-in-a-directory (FIAD) emulation",
- command_symbol_new("DSK1Path",
- "Set DSK1 directory",
- emudisk_check_disk
- /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_pathspec
- ("dir",
- "directory containing V9t9 files",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- &emudiskpath[0],
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("DSK2Path",
- "Set DSK2 directory",
- emudisk_check_disk
- /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_pathspec
- ("dir",
- "directory containing V9t9 files",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- &emudiskpath[1],
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("DSK3Path",
- "Set DSK3 directory",
- emudisk_check_disk
- /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_pathspec
- ("dir",
- "directory containing V9t9 files",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- &emudiskpath[2],
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("DSK4Path",
- "Set DSK4 directory",
- emudisk_check_disk
- /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_pathspec
- ("dir",
- "directory containing V9t9 files",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- &emudiskpath[3],
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("DSK5Path",
- "Set DSK5 directory",
- emudisk_check_disk
- /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_pathspec
- ("dir",
- "directory containing V9t9 files",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- &emudiskpath[4],
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("EmuDiskDSRFileName",
- "Name of emulated DSR ROM image which fits in the CPU address space >4000...>5FFF; "
- "this DSR defines DSK1 through DSK5",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_string("file",
- "name of binary image",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- ARG_STR(emudiskfilename),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("EmuDiskSharedDSRFileName|Emu2DiskDSRFileName",
- "Name of emulated DSR ROM image which fits in the CPU address space >4000...>5FFF; "
- "this DSR defines DSK3 through DSK5 and can share space with the real (DOAD) disk DSR",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_string("file",
- "name of binary image",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- ARG_STR(emu2diskfilename),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("KeepFileFormat",
- "Toggle preservation of original file type (V9t9 or TIFILES)",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_num("on|off",
- "on: don't change existing file's type; "
- "off: change type to NewFileFormat",
- NULL /* action */,
- ARG_NUM(keepfileformat),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- command_symbol_new("NewFileFormat",
- "Select type for new files or converted files",
- NULL /* action */,
- command_arg_new_num("F_V9t9|F_TIFILES",
- "v9t9: original V9t9 file type; "
- "tifiles: TIFILES (XMODEM) format",
- NULL /* action */,
- (newfileformat),
- NULL /* next */ )
- ,
- /* NOTE: these two symbols cannot be seen unless surrounded in parentheses;
- I've gone ahead and added tokens for these */
- command_symbol_new
- ("F_V9t9",
- NULL /* action */,
- command_arg_new_num
- NULL /* action */ ,
- NULL /* next */),
- NULL /* args */
- ,
- command_symbol_new
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_num
- /* action */ ,
- NULL /* next */
- ),
- NULL /* args */
- ,
- command_symbol_new("UnknownFileIsText",
- "Toggle treatment of unknown (non-V9t9 and non-TIFILES) files as "
- "DOS/Unix/Mac text files",
- NULL /* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_num("on|off",
- "on: read unknown file as text; off: generate error",
- /* action */ ,
- ARG_NUM(unknownfileistext),
- NULL /* next */ ),
- command_symbol_new ("AllowLongCatalogs",
- "Allow catalogs read through DSKx. to return more than 127 records; "
- "some programs may depend on this limit",
- NULL/* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_num("on|off",
- "on: allow up to 32767 entries, off: restrict to 127 entries",
- NULL /* action */,
- ARG_NUM(allowlongcatalogs),
- NULL /* next */ ),
- command_symbol_new ("RepairDamagedFiles",
- "Repair files with bad file sizes, even when opened read-only. "
- "This is a bit dangerous if you try to open a non-V9t9 file, "
- "which will (obviously) appear damaged. "
- "V9t9 will try to rule out files that don't pass enough sanity checks, though.",
- NULL/* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_num("on|off",
- "on: repair damaged files, off: leave them alone",
- NULL /* action */,
- ARG_NUM(repairbadfiles),
- NULL /* next */ ),
- command_symbol_new ("FixupOldV9t9Filenames",
- "Rename older V9t9 files which were mangled to fit in "
- "the DOS 8.3 filename format. These files were split at "
- "the 8th character with a '.' and all illegal DOS characters "
- "(" DOS_illegalchars ") were biased by 128 to make them "
- "representable on that filesystem.\n"
- "New V9t9 file mangling rules assume filesystems that "
- "allow long filenames, so there is no splitting at "
- "the 8th character, and illegal characters are translated "
- "HTML-like into 'x;' where 'xx' is the hexadecimal "
- "ASCII code for the characters.\n"
- "Files renamed to the new format will not be compatible "
- "with older versions of V9t9, unless, under Windows, "
- "you refer to the files with the short format "
- "(i.e., 'longfilenm' --> 'longfi~1').",
- NULL/* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_num("on|off",
- "on: rename old V9t9 files, "
- "off: leave them alone",
- NULL /* action */,
- ARG_NUM(fixupoldv9t9filenames),
- NULL /* next */ ),
- command_symbol_new ("GenerateOldV9t9Filenames",
- "Generate filenames that conform to the old V9t9 DOS-"
- "mangled format (see above) instead of the new format. "
- "Not recommended unless you actively use the DOS version.",
- NULL/* action */ ,
- command_arg_new_num("on|off",
- "on: generate old V9t9 filenames, "
- "off: generate current V9t9 filenames",
- NULL /* action */,
- ARG_NUM(generateoldv9t9filenames),
- NULL /* next */ ),
- // these commands must precede EmuDiskFileInfo
- // so that reloading a session will do the right thing
- command_symbol_new("CloseAllFiles",
- NULL /* help */,
- emudisk_close_files,
- NULL /* ret */,
- NULL /* args */,
- command_symbol_new("dsrEmuDiskTopOfRam",
- "Top address used in VDP RAM",
- NULL /* action */,
- command_arg_new_num("address",
- "VDP RAM address, minus one",
- NULL /* action */,
- ARG_NUM(vdpnamebuffer),
- NULL /* next */)
- ,
- command_symbol_new("EmuDiskFileInfo",
- NULL /* help */,
- emudisk_config_files,
- NULL /* ret */,
- command_arg_new_num("file number",
- "index of files[] array",
- NULL /* action */,
- NEW_ARG_NUM(u8),
- command_arg_new_string("field name",
- "name of field in pab_tifile to save",
- NULL /* action */,
- command_arg_new_string("field contents",
- "contents of field",
- NULL /* action */,
- NULL /* next */))),
- /* next */
- ))))))))))))))))))),
- NULL /* sub */ ,
- NULL /* next */
- );
- command_symbol_table_add_subtable(universe, emudiskcommands);
- features |= FE_emudisk;
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- emudisk_enable(void)
- {
- logger(_L | L_1, "setting up emulated disk DSR ROM\n");
- /* load shared ROM if real disk is also loaded */
- if (0 == loaddsr(romspath, systemromspath,
- #ifdef REAL_DISK_DSR
- (realDiskDSR.runtimeflags & vmRTInUse) ? emu2diskfilename :
- #endif
- emudiskfilename, "Emulated disk DSR ROM", emudiskdsr))
- return vmNotAvailable;
- if (cruadddevice(CRU_WRITE, EMUDISKCRUBASE, 1, cruwEmuDiskROM)) {
- return vmOk;
- } else
- return vmNotAvailable;
- }
- static vmResult
- emudisk_disable(void)
- {
- crudeldevice(CRU_WRITE, EMUDISKCRUBASE, 1, cruwEmuDiskROM);
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- emudisk_restart(void)
- {
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- emudisk_restop(void)
- {
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmResult
- emudisk_term(void)
- {
- return vmOk;
- }
- static vmDSRModule emuDiskModule = {
- 1,
- emudisk_getcrubase,
- emudisk_filehandler
- };
- vmModule emuDiskDSR = {
- 3,
- "Emulated disk DSR",
- "dsrEmuDisk",
- vmTypeDSR,
- vmFlagsNone,
- emudisk_detect,
- emudisk_init,
- emudisk_term,
- emudisk_enable,
- emudisk_disable,
- emudisk_restart,
- emudisk_restop,
- {(vmGenericModule *) & emuDiskModule}
- };