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- .IF DSK3.C3
- .CE 6
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- ^W-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE/
- ^99 *NEW-AGE/99* N
- ^EW-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE
- ^/99 *NEW-AGE/99*
- ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^*by JACK SUGHRUE, Box
- 459, East Douglas, MA 01516*
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#5
- Anyone in the TIworld owning a
- disk system longer than a month who
- has not contacted Jim Peterson at
- TIGERCUB Software is leading a
- deprived life.
- Jim has the largest collection of
- stuff at the cheapest prices possible
- for our amazing 4A. He couples this
- "best for the least" business with a
- fantastic knowledge of the machine
- and a kind, generous spirit. No one
- knows the BASIC and XB workings of
- the TI better than Jim. He is an
- expert in everything!
- Mr.^TI, as he is known by his
- thousands of admirers, seems to take
- to his computer the way Jean Henri
- Fabre took to ants. He is meticulous
- and creative and understands the soul
- of the 4A. I'm still in awe of his
- skills and dedication and influence.
- There is no one in the entire TI
- World (unless he or she has been
- hiding under a rock since the 70s and
- has just been handed a machine) who
- has not felt the influence of the
- mild-mannered, modest man.
- I've disembled hundreds of
- programs with his fingerprints on
- them: programming tools he has given
- to us. For years Jim provided
- newsletters with free tutorials
- called "TIPS FROM THE TIGERCUB" which
- were (and are) so jampacked with
- wonderful programming goodies that it
- is hard to imagine what TI life would
- have been without this marvelous
- source. In addition, he still sends
- "CARE" disks to sharing newsletter
- editors, along with numerous other
- goodies. He has also written the
- ultimate tutorial on programming in
- the form of subprograms that can be
- easily merged into any XB program
- (including a subprogram that makes
- BASIC programs into XB programs).
- These loaded disks of subprograms
- (called NUTS && BOLTS) can be
- purchased from him and readily used
- with your own or other programs.
- These Tigercub touches are what I see
- on almost every good XB program
- written for the TI in the past half
- decade."
- Jim has also written so many
- programs for the Public Domain that
- we just take for granted that these
- kinds of programs have "always been
- there." They weren't. Until Jim gave
- them to us. There isn't a user group
- library in the world that doesn't
- have heaps of programs from Mr.^TI.
- He also wrote numerous
- "commercial" pieces of software.
- "Commercial" only in the sense that
- they were for sale. They were
- low-priced and high quality in the
- heydays of the 4A when everything was
- high-priced and too often of
- extremely poor quality. Years later,
- I still use a large number of his
- programs in school (ANTONYMY,
- SCRAMBLE, SQUINCH (a fiendish word
- game), and many others). I wouldn't
- like to be without the other utility
- and game programs that I've enjoyed
- so much from Tigercub over the years
- (particularly the unendingly
- fascinating NUTS && BOLTS disks,
- which I had the honor of demo-ing
- (Jim wrote the remarkable demo
- programs) at a recent computer fair.
- [I had the greater honor of meeting
- Jim at a fair in Lima, Ohio.]
- The man's remarkable and is
- universally liked (which is
- remarkable unto itself).
- [Jim's three NUTS && BOLTS disks
- (with a wonderfully descriptive
- manual/tutorial) are now only $10
- each. His five disks full of "TIPS
- FROM THE TIGERCUB", a newsletter
- editor's Godsend, are only $5 each.
- His 120 original programs (a
- refundable $1 for the catalog) are
- now just $1 each!]
- Praising Jim's efforts on our
- behalf is not the purpose of this
- article. (It's just impossible to
- write about Tigercub without doing
- so.) The purpose of this article is
- to tell you about the latest goodies
- to come out of Tigercub. Jim,
- because of his huge number of TI
- contacts (without a doubt more than
- anyone else in the world), has been
- able to put together the largest
- collection of Public Domain and
- Fairware programs, files, and
- templates in existence.
- This PD extavaganza can be dipped
- into by sending a refundable dollar
- for this catalog. ($2 for both the
- Tigercub and TI-PD catalogs.) Within
- is an unbelievable world of goodies.
- A 4A maniac's paradise! At only $1.50
- per disk! Not per program. Per FULL
- disk! And that's postpaid!
- These disks do not contain a pile
- of junk you'll never use, either.
- They are selected from the thousands
- Jim has in his library. And they are
- catalogued and sub-catalogued and
- regrouped.
- An example:
- Interested in music? Those are
- the 600 series. What kind of music?
- Well, remember those great
- graphic/music combos of Sam Moore?
- 600 is a disk called "SAM MOORE MUSIC
- #1" (341 sectors). It has 11 super
- selections on it. But there is also
- a "SAM MOORE MUSIC #2" (343) and a 3
- (348) and a 4 (337) before #604 moves
- in "BILL KNECHT HYMNS" (334) and so
- on.
- You get the picture. You get a
- disk full of the kind of things you
- want and can use: educational
- programs, graphics, printer
- utilities, typing, health, you name
- it. Games are broken down into so
- many categories it's amazing. There
- are three full disks of card games,
- alone.
- All the programs now run in XB
- and all come with the famous Tigercub
- Loader, the forerunner of all the
- good loader programs found elsewhere.
- Jim even has games broken down by
- specific type: "ROAD CROSSING GAMES",
- GAMES" (there are loads of
- one-player), "GERMAN GAMES", and on
- an on, page after page.
- There's even such esoteric stuff
- as "LIGHT PEN PROGRAMS (including a
- disk file which teaches you how to
- make your own light pen).
- There are disks of programs about
- Chemistry; Hi-res Drawing; Physics;
- Children's Programming with Speech;
- Sorts, Scrambles && Searches;
- Auto-loaders; Calculators &&
- Converters; Astronomy, Religious
- Programs. The list seems endless.
- The catalog gives you the full
- listings of the files on the disk:
- "FINANCIAL PROGRAMS" (356 sectors)
- includes the following selections
- with authors where known:
- Amortization Schedule (M Holgers);
- and #2 (J Roche); Compound Interest
- (C Good); Estate Tax Securities (R
- Shumaker); Debt Calculator (K
- Romstedt); Financial Math (C
- Ehninger); Financial Statemnt Ratio
- Analysis (C Colton); Investment
- Analysis (A Robertson) and 15 more.
- Just the work and time involved
- in the collecting , reviewing,
- selecting, debugging, sorting,
- creating full disks, cataloguing,
- printing, and distributing must be
- incredible. To charge $1.50 a disk
- is the greatest TI giveaway of all
- times.
- Order the catalogs today; then,
- after you wipe the drool off the
- table, order as much as you can to
- show Mr.^TI how much you support his
- endeavors. TIGERCUB Software, 156
- Collingwood Ave., Columbus, OH 43213.
- [If you use NEW-AGE/99 please put
- me on your exchange list.]
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