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- .IF DSK1.C3
- by Jack Sughrue
- Box 459, E.^Douglas, MA 01516
- [This copyrighted article originally
- appeared in ASGARD NEWS and may be
- reprinted in non-commercial TI
- newsletters.]
- In some recent articles we talked
- about the best buy of the year for
- 99ers: Dennis Faherty's TI-BASE
- (TEXAMENTS, 244 Mill Rd., Yaphank, NY
- 11980 - $24.95 plus $1.50 S&&H for
- two disks [one a tutorial] and
- 78-page manual).
- It still is.
- In the interim between articles
- Dennis has improved his
- already-superb program remarkably.
- He readily incorporated many good
- suggestions made by newsletter
- authors around the whole country. At
- the time of this writing (March 1989)
- TI-BASE is at Version 2.1. The
- manual - now almost double in size -
- has been completely done over, too
- (except that it is still printed blue
- on grey), and contains much better
- explanations and tutorials and some
- descriptions of the added and changed
- items.
- These changes were done so
- quickly and so professionally that my
- original very high assessment of this
- data base rose even higher.
- This base is becoming so popular
- that many templates are being created
- to provide easier and better access
- to all users. Soon there will be
- templates in every club library in
- the world, the way there are
- TI-ARTIST pictures and TI-WRITER
- letter files and MULTIPLAN setups.
- It will stand alongside TI-ARTIST as
- a standard for this computer. It
- probably already has.
- Now that we've opened up TIB by
- designing our own template (see last
- ASGARD NEWS and/or recent IMPACT/99
- columns in newsletters), we should be
- able to tie up the rest of the uses
- of this program fairly easily.
- But, first, a little review.
- Always make backups of your originals
- before doing anything else;
- particularly as TIB requires the
- write-protect tab to be off so
- changes can be made right on the
- disk. Next initialize a disk for
- your data. If you have two or more
- drives you can do this DURING the
- program with the FORMAT command, but
- it's still more convenient to have
- one or more ready.
- Okay. Now boot the disk. Note
- that it is much faster than the
- original version. You'll be prompted
- for date (Just type in 03/17/89 or
- whatever.) and all files created
- during this time will contain this
- date. ENTERing this will bring up
- STATUS report:
- DATDISK=DSK2. (your DB files
- will go on Drive 2)
- PRGDISK=DSK1 (Drive 1 for your
- TIB system master)
- PRINTER=PIO. (port)
- LINE^^^=080 (number of columns
- wide)
- PAGE^^^=056 (number of lines
- long)
- HEADING=ON (all headings will
- be printed)
- TALK^^^=ON (commands on screen
- during execution)
- SPACE^^=01 (spaces between
- fields)
- RECNUM^=ON (displays record
- numbers from 0)
- LSPACE^=0256 (space made for
- DATE^^^=03/17/89 (as mentioned
- above)
- FCTN/7 will bring up some handy
- DV/80 "Help" files at most points
- along the way or you could print them
- out as docs through your FUNNELWEB or
- TIW.
- On the STATUS listed above, all
- that is necessary to make changes is
- to use the SET command at the dot
- in the lower left of the screen. To
- change your datadisk from Drive 2 to
- Drive 3, for example, all you have to
- type is SET DATDISK=DSK3.^and press
- ENTER. Next, to see that all is A-OK,
- just type CLEAR (and ENTER each time
- to perform the function) to get rid
- of all the junk on the screen, and
- then type DISPLAY STATUS. Your setup
- will be redisplayed with your changes
- listed. Very easy and quick.
- Last time we made a database of
- videos. I chose to do that rather
- than the simpler address base because
- I wanted to show how such a base
- could be used in a personal,
- different way. Most of the letters
- I've received seem to be more
- concerned about whether the writer
- could find a USE for TIB. Trust me:
- the uses are as unlimited as your
- imagination.
- Most people collect things:
- videos, stamps, teapots, watercolors,
- records/tapes, books, candle
- snuffers, quotations. TIB can help
- you put order into your collection.
- If it's at all valuable, it's
- important to have records in case of
- fire or theft or wills.
- TIB could also be used to sort
- important household items:
- insurances, car papers, and so on.
- It is ideal for taxes. It's perfect
- for businesses. Exceptional for
- names and addresses. Wonderful for
- inventories. For making labels. For
- identifications. For mathematical
- (spreadsheet-style) computations.
- For teachers. For secretaries. For
- plumbers. For housewives and
- househusbands. For clergymen. For
- butchers, bakers, and candlestick
- makers. In short, I can't think of
- an occupation (or hobby) where TIB
- wouldn't be very handy.
- As I promised last time, though,
- I would list and define of the common
- commands used by TIB.
- The DISPLAY and PRINT commands
- are powerful tools. They let you
- display on screen (or print
- hardcopies) of any combinations of
- displays you wish. If you have done
- and sorted it on LASTNAME, you could
- display in columns any combination of
- the above. At the dot, just type
- What I will get is a listing of the
- first name, last name, and phone
- number of everyone in the base as
- SORTed on the last name in
- alphabetical order. I could just as
- easily asked for the STATE sorted on
- CITY or whatever. I can have as much
- or as little information displayed or
- printed out as I want and sorted any
- which way. If I said PRINT ALL
- have gotten a hardcopy of the above.
- SNAP instantly dumps the current
- screen to your printer, so you can
- DISPLAY and SNAP for a quick
- hardcopy.
- 500 or whatever owners, TIB will
- CONVERT your files. Whew! That
- saves a lot of sweat and time.
- FCTN/9 will abort a process;
- SPACEBAR will pause it; S will
- continue execution.
- The * will permit comments (but
- they hog memory); the ";" will permit
- continuation of commands to another
- line; the "|" is like && in XB
- (sticks together things).
- The PRINTER control codes include
- FF, formfeed; LF, linefeed; CR,
- carriage return; DS, doublestrike;
- UL, underline; EX, expanded; CM,
- compressed (and very useful); IT,
- italics; B, bold; SPS, superscript;
- SBS, subscript; HT, horizontal tab;
- ST, set tab; NM, normal. You can
- also go into Draft or Near Letter
- Quality modes.
- You can APPEND records or APPEND
- initialize), change COLOR (s), DELETE
- deleted files; COPY files, MOVE
- LIST, SCROLL, SELECT (a different
- active database), READ, EDIT, FIND,
- SORT. Expressions such as ELSE, IF,
- WHILE (and corresponding ENDWHILE and
- ENDIF) are also part of TIB's massive
- open structure.
- The powerful DO command acts like
- RUN in BASIC or XB. When you have
- created a template you wish to
- activate (such as a label program),
- DO LABEL is the way you would execute
- it (if "LABEL" was what you had named
- it).
- The best way to learn to use
- TI-BASE is to own it and play with
- it.
- Right now it is one of the safest
- small investments in the TI World.
- The returns for such an extraordinary
- program are enormous, and the wealth
- of information surrounding it
- continues to grow by leaps and
- bounds.
- There has been a large number of
- tutorials and reviews and template
- creations published worldwide on this
- program. Martin Smoley and Bill
- Gaskill have written the most
- extensive and lucid and intelligent
- articles I have seen to date on TIB.
- Smoley, whose articles originally
- appeared in Northcoast 99ers'
- newsletters, has a DSSD disk
- available in user groups that not
- only includes his excellent tutorials
- (which may be printed freely by any
- TI newsletter), but he has also
- created many, many templates. TIB
- templates (such as labels) make the
- work easier and the value greater.
- Gaskill has written TIB reviews for
- MICROpendium, but he has written some
- very fine tutorials in the
- L.A.^TopIcs newsletter, another great
- resource. Harry Brashear of the
- Western New York 99ers has been
- putting together disks of everything
- written about and for TI-BASE.
- Getting any (or ALL) the materials
- mentioned above would be the very
- best way to develop the best possible
- TIB use for your own personal and/or
- business needs.
- [If this article is reprinted, please
- be kind enough to place the author on
- your newsletter subscription list.
- Thank you. J.S.]
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