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- .IF DSK3.C3
- by Jack Sughrue
- Box 459
- East Douglas, MA 01516
- It's been a long time between
- Jottings. Almost a year ago I was in
- a car accident that resulted in lots
- of metal plates in my head to hold it
- together, and I'm still in the throes
- of recovery. But I'm extraordinarily
- lucky: the EMTs were fast, the
- doctors incredible, the support from
- so many people (including my
- wonderful TI Family Worldwide) just
- unbelievable. I want to thank all
- the ASGARD NEWS readers and all the
- other 99ers everywhere for their
- caring and support. It certainly made
- me a lot better a lot quicker.
- But while I was sitting on the
- sidelines cursing the tree that
- leaped out in front of my new car, I
- had ample opportunity to think about
- my TI and what it means to me and, I
- assume, to a lot of other people.
- Like the vast majority of the
- 2 1/2 million purchasers, I wanted a
- toy. Now we can SAY we wanted this
- machine for our businesses or for our
- professions or for our kids'
- education or for something specific
- (like wordprocessing or database
- activities). But I truly think the
- majority of us purchasers wanted to
- play. I don't mean games,
- necessarily. I mean PLAY! Have a
- computer just for the FUN of it; for
- no particular reason, though we had
- to justify it to our spouces or
- parents or friends or kids by giving
- all the practical reasons why home
- computing with our 99s was essential
- "in this Electronic Age." My biggest
- argument almost a decade ago when I
- couldn't think of any legitimate
- reason for my early (expensive)
- purchases was, simply, "We are almost
- into the 21st Century, for crying out
- loud! Don't you realize that?" As if
- that were an answer to everything.
- It certainly was an effective
- deterrent to further discussion on
- the matter.
- Fun is why I still keep my TI.
- At work (I teach fifth grade.) we
- have Apple and IBM and TS machines.
- I also have a couple TIs. The kids
- inevitably choose the TIs for their
- free computer time. Sometimes the
- Apple, if there is something software
- specific they'd like to do. Never
- the IBM. The TSes they use strictly
- for wordprocessing.
- Why the TIs?
- More options, for one thing.
- They can load something up from tape
- (like Turtle Tracks or Square Pairs
- or Tiny Logo or any of the Moonbeam
- Software or piles of Jim Peterson's
- great educational/fun stuff or Romeo
- [still one of my favorites] or any
- number of excellent TAPE programs,
- including the Tunnel of Doom and
- Adventure tapes. Or they can throw
- in a cartridge. The kids love the
- robotic talk of the Spelling series.
- They never tire of Yahtzee or Othello
- or Video Chess. They play the arcade
- cartridges like Parsec and Munchman
- and the educational modules like
- Reading Rally and Stargazer and the
- math series. Or perform LOGO II
- activities for hours. All of the
- above options (still available) are
- on the basic machine with tape
- recorder. No disk drive. (I have
- speech and a 32K sidecar on one
- machine, the P-Box and works on the
- other. Speech and 32 are not
- necessary for 99% of the good stuff
- on tape, though Extended BASIC is.)
- Besides the options of tape and
- module on the basic setup are the
- options to learn how to program and
- how to create programs. The TI with
- so many built-in subprograms (CALL
- SOUND, CALL COLOR, etc.) and a
- powerful resident BASIC is easy to
- learn, particularly as TI provided so
- many simple, direct text and tape
- materials for learning how to use the
- machine. So simple even adults can
- do it.
- There are still lots of
- commercial textware and tape software
- available. In the latest Triton
- catalog, for example, the following
- are offered for UNDER $3!: BEST OF
- 99er (with over 80 articles and
- massive amounts of type-in programs,
- still the best way to learn
- programming techniques); PROGRAMMER'S
- Regena, the book I really grew on;
- over 200 pages of dynamic
- programming; COMPUTE'S GUIDE TO
- TI-99/4A SOUND AND GRAPHICS, besides
- being extremely good at what the
- title says, it is loaded with
- programs; SAM'S TI-99/4A GAMES,
- includes 13 games, programming
- techniques, and a TAPE of all the
- GAMES FOR THE 99/4A, which provide
- additional programming techniques for
- the learner; and many more.
- I have all these books in my
- classroom and at home. The kids at
- school and I still use them, still
- refer to them, still type in
- programs.
- So there are a pile of options on
- the TI that Apple and IBM do not
- provide for computer buffs seeking
- fun and learning and hobby
- opportunities. Remember, if you turn
- on an Apple or an IBM there is
- nothing there. Literally. There are
- no tapes, no modules. You have to
- pop in a disk to even get BASIC. Once
- you have BASIC, you don't have the
- efficiency of the TI. Nor do you
- have the powerful speaking, coloring,
- character-making tools. Nor do you
- have automatic numbering. Nor
- resequencing. Nor...
- These things we 99ers take for
- granted.
- Oh, I also forgot the other
- option, the only one that those other
- machines have: disk drives. The TI
- has all kinds of disk controllers,
- including hard drive. There are all
- kinds of artificial drives, too:
- Ramdisks, Supercarts, Zenoboard chips
- that make operation instantaneous and
- a joy. Supercarts, of course, are
- not part of those others, either.
- But, apart from 40 megabyte hard
- drives and all the high-tech wizardry
- that can be a part of any TI
- upgrading (including the very
- powerful GENEVE), what about the
- normal, non-techie, fun-loving 99er?
- Once he or she decides there is a
- necessity to get into disk drives
- (and I don't think there needs to be
- for all the applications mentioned
- above and many more not mentioned),
- of course, another whole, large world
- opens up. People with modems tell me
- that other TI worlds are out there to
- explore, too. I'm quite overwhelmed
- with the one I got. My imagination
- doesn't extend to what else is out
- there for our little machine.
- Don't get me wrong about disks: I
- would never want to go back to my
- pre-disk computing for a few good
- MUGLOADER, MAX-RLE, DM-1000, to name
- a few. All of the above are Fairware
- or Public Domain. FUNNELWEB is an
- environment that includes the best
- version out of TI-Writer (with so
- many options not on ANY other version
- that it would be impossible to list).
- It also includes an Editor-Assembler
- version I prefer to the cartridge and
- loaders for Forth and C and
- supercarts, among other things. PLUS!
- is an additional environment I put
- together that, primarily, enhances
- wordprocessing, but includes so many
- other programs that it has gone way
- beyond. ARCHIVER lets me store
- MASSIVE amounts of information on
- disks. It also unloads such disks
- and does a pile of other functions.
- DISK UTILITIES is just what it says
- and is the best of all the disk
- utility disks I have encountered.
- TIPS lets you make banners, greeting
- cards, posters, etc. (slowly), but
- has provided the largest collection
- of graphic images (thousands) that
- have ever been put together for the
- TI. All of these images can be
- converted to PAGEPRO and TI-ARTIST
- formats (see below) for a humongous
- library. These images include fonts
- and frames as well as an alphabetical
- listing that prints out a huge text
- of pictures 40 to a page. MUGLOADER
- gives you some fabulous menu options.
- It loads a screen menu which lets you
- create and print directories, load
- more menus, read text files, load E/A
- and XB programs, and more. MAX-RLE
- loads graphics, colors them, prints
- them out, converts them from one form
- to another (GRAPHX to TI-ARTIST, for
- example). DM-1000 is a super
- all-purpose disk manager (1000 times
- more useful than the disk manager
- cartridge, which may be how it got
- its name) that lets you manipulate
- disks and files in all kinds of ways,
- such as copy, move, format, delete,
- rename, protect, and so on.
- All of the above can be gotten
- from user groups worldwide. Joining
- a user group is the best advice I
- would give anyone. I can't imagine
- how limited my TI opportunities would
- be without a user group. These can
- be joined through the mail. I belong
- to a few, including one in Australia,
- and my local MUNCH group in
- Worcester, Massachusetts. But all of
- the above Fairware and PD programs
- came from the Lima, Ohio group. (c/o
- Dr.^Charles Good, Box 647, Venedocia,
- OH 45894). Membership there of $15 a
- year is a best buy, newsletter is
- excellent, disk and TAPE libraries
- are extensive (and free to members).
- But any group, particularly a local
- with monthly meetings, is almost
- essential to anyone with an urge to
- find new ways to enjoy our computer.
- Options are what we're talking
- about, and, while on the topic, I do
- not want to neglect the commercial
- enterprises that have provided me
- with more options and with lots of
- that good old fun, which keeps TI my
- computer of choice in a world full of
- such seriousness and intensity and
- downright hostility.
- Over all the years of writing
- columns about the 99, I have always
- voiced two major complaints: no good
- cribbage game and no decent
- Printshop-type software. I complain
- no more.
- First, Arcade Action (4122 Glenway,
- Wawatosa, WI 53222) provides the best
- cribbage game you can imagine for the
- TI. For all you cribbage freaks (and
- there are many, according to the
- letters I've received) you can send
- AA $7 and get rewarded instantly.
- Second, the Printshop-type
- software. Broderbund made PS the
- single most-popular piece of software
- for any computer because it was 1)
- easy 2) fast and 3) gave professional
- results. It also had lots of
- utilities and fonts and images. It
- made banners and greeting cards and
- posters and (not very effectively)
- single-page thingies.
- So, what kind of commercial
- software is easy, fast, and gives
- professional results? For me,
- PAGEPRO. I have only the original
- naked version, but it was the dream
- of a computer lifetime for me. It is
- easy. It is fast. The results are
- professional. And it's WYSIWYG
- (pronounced "wizzywig" and means What
- You See Is What You Get)! I
- understand the newer versions and the
- PP companions allow all kinds of
- things, including rotations for easy
- greeting-card making and a catalog
- function. Sounds good. But the
- original I have is perfect for
- newsletters, school publications
- (including those done entirely by
- students because of the ease of use),
- dramatic graphic letters, signs,
- posters, etc. The various fonts are
- easy to load and can be loaded into
- the page during creation to change
- the entire page's fonts in one swoop,
- making it very easy to test the right
- font for the right occasion. The
- graphics (Remember the thousands from
- TIPS? Well, there is also a
- converter in PP to use ARTIST
- graphics for thousands more. Also,
- there are PP compansions.) can be
- placed anywhere on a full page, can
- be surrounded by text of two sizes,
- two different fonts, anywhere on that
- same page, including right across
- graphics, and so on. Except for the
- word processor itself (FUNNELWEB), I
- have found nothing so valuable to me
- as PAGEPRO. I use it even to write
- letters now.
- Add to PP the latest TI-ARTIST
- PLUS (for the creation and
- manipulation of art work) and you'll
- have a very effective publishing
- system. I have to add CSGD to that
- package for banners and labels,
- though I'm sure some of the utilities
- for PP and ARTIST will eventually
- permit these to operate out of the
- same systems.
- I used to use GRAPHX forever, but
- the latest ARTIST is preferable.
- Some friends of mine have written to
- me about PICASSO, but I have never
- seen any version of it to date. It
- has been highly praised by all users.
- I found The Printer's Apprentice
- to difficult to work with, and I have
- not seen the Comprodine stuff, which
- I understand is excellent, also.
- The only other essential
- commercial item necessary to my
- limited computing is TI-BASE, the
- best data base I have ever used on
- this machine. BASE and ARTIST are
- sold by Texaments, PICASSO and
- PAGEPRO by Asgard.
- Now let's say you really didn't
- need a large data base. Just
- something simple, for a class list.
- Let's say you only needed a word
- processor for screen work (or you had
- a sidecar printer). And you liked
- playing good games or want to teach
- your grandchild subtraction. And,
- let's say you were perfectly happy
- with very simple block graphics or
- LOGO for art work. Well, all these
- things are still available in tape
- form. Let's say you just want this
- machine for the simple pleasures of
- life. Tapes, books of programs to
- type, cartridges all can be purchased
- (at a tiny price) or borrowed from
- user groups.
- We're back to where we started.
- A TI with a TV set and a tape
- recorder and a book or two and some
- new, inexpensive cartridges (XB is
- under $30, LOGO II under $15,
- Personal Record Keeping under $10,
- TI Invaders, MUNCHMAN, Parsec for
- under $3, for examples) can still do
- a lot more for you and your desire
- for fun and learning than any number
- of IBMs, ATs, IIGSes, BLFSPKs, or any
- other very expensive non-option.
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