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- .IF DSK1.C3
- .CE 2
- *IMPACT/99*
- by Jack Sughrue
- .IF DSK1.C2
- Before I begin discussing
- BETTER BANNERS I must offer an
- apology or two to my non-99er
- friends: Yes, there is nothing equal
- to PRINT SHOP for our computer.* I
- went out on a limb describing how
- much better off I am to have GRAPHX,
- graphic/text programs than those poor
- slobs with Apples, Commodores, IBMs.
- I'm not. They have PRINT SHOP and
- I don't. PRINT SHOP by Broderbund
- does everything. And does it
- wonderfully easy. And lets you DO
- anything you want. Quickly,
- efficiently, joyfully!
- I only hope that with GENEVE (or
- whatever it is called these days) the
- TI community will finally get
- something as good as (or even almost
- as good as) PRINT SHOP. It and its
- companions deserve to be exactly what
- they are: the most popular utilities
- EVER for home (and now office and
- school) computers.
- Having said all that (with a tear
- or two in my eye for having admitted
- that in ONE area, at least, the Apple
- or Commodore may be better than TI),
- I am hoping, still, that after
- Faherty's ARTIST stuff, Dave Rose's
- CSGD programs, and Peter Hoddie's
- wonderful FONTWRITER our world will
- begin to open to us.
- GRAPHICS. Even as a distinct banner
- program it does not equal that
- miniscule portion of PRINT SHOP.
- However, it IS the best banner
- program for the TI, providing you
- make some immediate and large
- modifications.
- Because of TICOMP's massive and
- ridiculous protection scheme, BETTER
- BANNERS is initially a chore, rather
- than the reasonably good banner
- program it could be.
- To get enough different
- graphics it really pays to buy both
- GRAPHICS. BB comes with Set 1. BG
- includes Sets 1, 2, 3, and 4. Though
- graphics come in two sizes (the small
- size graphics are horribly deformed
- but you wouldn't be apt to use those
- on banners anyway), there is only one
- font style no matter which set you
- use.
- Like all good printer software,
- BB lets you establish your printer
- setup and permanently (or
- temporarily, which is an advantage,
- as you will see) onto your disk.
- I have a Gemini 10X. Code #35
- remains undefined in this program,
- fortunately, so I change it to 239
- (the solid block) to make it work
- well. It does, but I also try 173
- (the empty diamond), 175 (the empty
- block), 230 (the double solid block),
- and so on to see what the new designs
- will look like. Some are better
- suited to certain graphics and some
- make the single font provided look
- different (so does removing the
- default for line spacing). Thus, I
- was glad the program failed to
- redifine graphics on the Gemini. It
- gave me lots of flexibility.
- Because I am irresistibly drawn
- into making changes on programs to
- see what will happen, I am taking a
- big risk with BB. For example, all
- the printer changes must be made
- without the write-protect tab on the
- disk, obviously.
- But you are told often and in no
- uncertain terms not to attempt to
- make a backup as this will "RESULT IN
- WARRANTY" even though only one disk
- comes with your $20 cost.
- This is one of those programs (as
- many graphics programs have to be)
- that requires getting into and out
- of the disk often. This one is more
- dangerous and considerably more
- annoying than most because you
- MUST transfer your graphics sets
- onto the BB disk WHICH DESTROYS THE
- SET ON THE BB DISK! (Believe it or
- not!) So you must first be certain
- you have a working data disk. BUT
- THING! (Again, believe it or not!)
- [I told you this was a
- protection-crazy program.] Graphics
- data may only be saved on the BB or
- BG disks themselves. Each time you
- make a new design you may save it
- only by replacing an existing design
- in the set on the BB disk. This
- means you should print out the
- lengthy code of the design you are
- replacing and save it on paper for
- future use. Then you must destroy
- ANOTHER design to retype this coding
- back in. Very, very cumbersome.
- Although I can't suggest you do
- anything that might destroy your disk
- or void your warranty, I know what I
- would do if I wanted a pretty good
- banner program for the TI. I'd buy
- both disks and some odd-colored blank
- disks (like yellow Sentinel or Fuji).
- I'd put the protect tab on BB
- and, using TRACKCOPY, make four
- copies of BB. (Flippying the disks
- will mean only two blanks are
- required.) Then I'd put the codes I
- want on each one. It takes less than
- a minute. Then I'd load up BANNER
- GRAPHICS and transfer Sets 2, 3, and
- 4 to three of these BB copies. Set 1
- is already on all copies to start
- with. As you transfer each set of 15
- graphics to a copy of BB, the set on
- BB will be eliminated. The process
- takes about an hour and a half! But
- it's worth it. Otherwise, I can only
- use the set presently on the untabbed
- BB or take the half hour EACH TIME I
- put five different graphics onto one
- or five banners would take a minimum
- of two-and-a-half hours, even though
- the graphics print out in a few
- seconds.)
- However, with copies I can
- interchange even from different sets
- by reloading (40 seconds) from inside
- the menu, I have a program with
- excellent features and, for the most
- part, reasonably good graphics.
- I would then put my original BB
- and BG disks safely away in case of
- future problems or warranty
- replacements . Then I can fiddle
- with the backup disks to my heart's
- content without fear of expensive
- losses.
- Once I have safely transferred my
- graphics sets, I can now explore the
- BB potential. I put 239 for the
- ASCII prompt. Then I put 27, 65, 7,
- 27, 69 for line spacing (tight) and
- dark print (emphasized). Then I put
- PIO for my printer.
- It then gives me a menu. I
- Select large graphics. Small are
- awful! I am given a list and choose
- number (say 2 for Heart) of graphic.
- I may then write a lengthy banner
- message putting a SHIFT/2 wherever
- you'd like the graphic(s) to appear.
- This is a really nice feature (and
- one that PRINT SHOP doesn't have
- yet for the banner part of their
- program; nor does it have the speed
- of printout that BB does).
- I think if I were marketing BB
- and BG, I'd recall them all from
- dealers and put out BB #1 with Set #1
- and Font #1. Then I'd put out Set #2
- with BB #2 AND Font #2 (another
- different font). The same with 3
- and 4 and, hopefully, 5 and so on.
- Each time a new set is developed with
- a new font, then a new disk can be
- made. Each could sell for $7.95
- (about the cost of BB and BG right
- now for all four sets). It would be
- in a considerably more convenient
- format, and there would be no need
- for the ridiculous protection that
- presently prevents the BEST features
- of BB from being accessed.
- I'd also write some documentation
- which would include a page of reduced
- illustrations of each graphic. This
- graphic program comes with NO
- illustrations and NO catalog of the
- sets. The ONLY way to find out what
- is on the disks is to print out all
- 60 illustrations (about 5 hours), as
- there is no screen showing. Samples
- and listings are essential to the
- continued marketing success of this
- product.
- The documentation is poor (is
- almost not existent beyond protection
- warnings). This article explains
- both BB and BG better than anything
- that comes with the programs.
- For those of you who already have
- the free banner programs that come
- with FUNLPLUS! or the Boston
- Computer Society PD disks, you may
- still want BB and BG. BETTER
- BANNERS is different from these.
- The first offers multiple sizes and
- fonts and an easy (though limited)
- graphics maker, the second vertical
- banners. BB compliments, rather than
- competes with, these programs.
- In spite of the overall
- negativism which seems to pervade
- this article, I would recommend the
- programs based on the understanding
- that modifications really are
- necessary to make them efficient,
- practical, and fun.
- *NOTE BY AUTHOR - In the months
- and months that have gone by since
- this article was first appeared in a
- few newsletters, nothing has changed
- with BETTER BANNERS. But a lot has
- changed within our artist software.
- BB is no longer even a good buy in
- its present form. There are so many
- incredible banner programs on the
- market that accept CSGD or TIARTIST
- or GRAPHX pix and fonts (as well as
- such wonderful programs as Rodger
- Merritt's PICTURE IT, MAX-RLE,
- PICASSO v2, and so many more) that BB
- is no longer in the running. But our
- TI is drawing ever closer to that
- PRINT SHOP friendliness.
- [Jack Sughrue, Box 459,
- E.Douglas, MA 01516]
- If any newsletter editor prints
- thse articles, please put me on your
- mailing list. Thanks - Jack
- ÇçǼçï╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒Çï