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- Program PixEd; {* PIXel EDitor v1.5 copyright (c) 1994 Matias Nyrell *}
- Uses
- Crt, Dos, Graph;
- Var
- EditSize : Record
- X, Y : ShortInt;
- End;
- ChangeWith, HighLight,
- NumAnswer, PositionX,
- PositionY, OldPositionX,
- OldPositionY, VideoMode : ShortInt;
- Ch, Ch2 : Char;
- Color, PixelColor,
- I, J, ErrorCode : Integer;
- HighlightChange,
- PositionChange, Draw,
- DrawChange, RightChoose : Boolean;
- SaveFileName : String[8];
- StrColor : String[3];
- Cursor : Pointer;
- SaveFile : Text;
- Procedure VariableInit;
- Begin {VariableInit}
- HighlightChange := true;
- PositionChange := true;
- DrawChange := true;
- Draw := false;
- RightChoose := false;
- EditSize.X := 30;
- EditSize.Y := 30;
- Color := 0;
- ChangeWith := 1;
- HighLight := 1;
- VideoMode := 0;
- SaveFileName := ' ';
- End; {VariableInit}
- Procedure GraphInit;
- Var
- GraphDriver, GraphMode : Integer;
- {$F+}
- Function MyDetectVGA256 : Integer;
- Begin
- MyDetectVGA256 := 2;
- End;
- {$F-}
- Begin {GraphInit}
- If ParamStr(1)= '' then
- Begin
- ClrScr;
- TextColor(7);
- GotoXY(2,10);
- Writeln('Please choose a graphic mode:');
- GotoXY(5,11);
- Writeln(' A - EGA mode(640*350*16)');
- GotoXY(5,12);
- Writeln(' B - VGA mode(640*400*256)');
- GotoXY(5,13);
- Writeln(' C - VGA mode(640*480*256)');
- Ch:= ReadKey;
- If (Ch= 'a') or (Ch= 'A') then
- Begin
- GraphDriver:= EGA;
- GraphMode := EGAHi;
- VideoMode := 0;
- RightChoose:= true;
- End;
- If (Ch= 'b') or (Ch= 'B') then
- Begin
- GraphDriver:= InstallUserDriver('SVGA256', @MyDetectVGA256);
- GraphMode := 1;
- VideoMode := 1;
- RightChoose:= true;
- End;
- If (Ch= 'c') or (Ch= 'C') then
- Begin
- GraphDriver:= InstallUserDriver('SVGA256', @MyDetectVGA256);
- GraphMode := 2;
- VideoMode := 1;
- RightChoose:= true;
- End;
- If RightChoose= false then
- Begin
- TextColor(15);
- Writeln;
- Writeln('Error - please restart!');
- TextColor(7);
- Delay(500);
- Halt(1);
- End;
- End;
- If (ParamStr(1)= 'e') or (ParamStr(1)= 'E') or (ParamStr(1)= 'ega') or (ParamStr(1)= 'EGA') then
- Begin
- GraphDriver:= EGA;
- GraphMode := EGAHi;
- VideoMode := 0;
- End;
- If (ParamStr(1)= 'v1') or (ParamStr(1)= 'V1') or (ParamStr(1)= 'vga1') or (ParamStr(1)= 'VGA1') then
- Begin
- GraphDriver:= InstallUserDriver('SVGA256', @MyDetectVGA256);
- GraphMode := 1;
- VideoMode := 1;
- End;
- If (ParamStr(1)= 'v2') or (ParamStr(1)= 'V2') or (ParamStr(1)= 'vga2') or (ParamStr(1)= 'VGA2') then
- Begin
- GraphDriver:= InstallUserDriver('SVGA256', @MyDetectVGA256);
- GraphMode := 2;
- VideoMode := 1;
- End;
- InitGraph(GraphDriver,GraphMode,'');
- End; {GraphInit}
- Procedure ImageInit;
- Begin {ImageInit}
- SetColor(15);
- Rectangle(0, 0, 6, 6);
- GetMem(Cursor, ImageSize(0, 0, 6, 6));
- GetImage(0, 0, 6, 6, Cursor^);
- SetColor(0);
- Rectangle(0, 0, 6, 6);
- End; {ImageInit}
- Procedure ScreenInit;
- Begin {ScreenInit}
- ClearDevice;
- PositionX := 0;
- PositionY := 0;
- OldPositionX := 0;
- OldPositionY := 0;
- SetFillStyle(1,0);
- Bar(0, 0, 640, 350);
- SetFillStyle(1,8); { Gröna delen till höger }
- Bar(380, 0, 617, 191);
- SetColor(10);
- Rectangle(374, -1, 623, 196);
- SetColor(2);
- Rectangle(373, -1, 624, 197);
- Rectangle(375, -1, 622, 195);
- SetColor(0);
- SetTextStyle(1, 0, 2);
- OutTextXY(401, 11, 'Load picture');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 9, 'Load picture');
- SetColor(0);
- SetTextStyle(1, 0, 2);
- OutTextXY(401, 36, 'Save picture');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 34, 'Save picture');
- SetColor(0);
- SetTextStyle(1, 0, 2);
- OutTextXY(401, 61, 'Clear picture');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 59, 'Clear picture');
- SetColor(0);
- SetTextStyle(1, 0, 2);
- OutTextXY(401, 96, 'Edit picture');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 94, 'Edit picture');
- SetColor(0);
- SetTextStyle(1, 0, 2);
- OutTextXY(401, 131, 'Change picture size');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 129, 'Change picture size');
- SetColor(0);
- SetTextStyle(1, 0, 2);
- OutTextXY(401, 156, 'Exit');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 154, 'Exit');
- If HighLight=1 then
- Begin
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 9, 'Load picture');
- End;
- If HighLight=2 then
- Begin
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 34, 'Save picture');
- End;
- If HighLight=3 then
- Begin
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 59, 'Clear picture');
- End;
- If HighLight=4 then
- Begin
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 94, 'Edit picture');
- End;
- If HighLight=5 then
- Begin
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 129, 'Change picture size');
- End;
- If HighLight=6 then
- Begin
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 154, 'Exit');
- End;
- SetColor(15); { Röda delen till vänster }
- For I:= 0 to EditSize.X do
- Line(I*10, 0, I*10, EditSize.Y*10);
- For I:= 0 to EditSize.Y do
- Line( 0, I*10, EditSize.X*10, I*10);
- SetColor(4);
- Rectangle(-1, -1, 305, 304);
- Rectangle(-1, -1, 307, 306);
- SetColor(12);
- Rectangle(-1, -1, 306, 305);
- SetColor(9); { Blå delen i mitten }
- Line(306, 36, 374, 38);
- Line(306, 27, 306, 45);
- Line(374, 29, 374, 54);
- SetColor(1);
- Line(307, 37, 373, 39);
- Line(307, 35, 373, 37);
- Line(307, 23, 307, 35);
- Line(307, 37, 307, 50);
- Line(373, 20, 373, 36);
- Line(373, 37, 373, 60);
- SetColor(9);
- Line(306, 207, 374, 196);
- Line(306, 185, 306, 225);
- Line(374, 180, 374, 196);
- Line(374, 196, 385, 196);
- SetColor(1);
- Line(307, 206, 373, 195);
- Line(307, 208, 373, 197);
- Line(307, 170, 307, 206);
- Line(307, 208, 307, 250);
- Line(373, 170, 373, 195);
- Line(373, 197, 400, 197);
- SetColor(7);
- SetTextStyle(0, 0, 1);
- OutTextXY(317, 45, 'Active');
- OutTextXY(321, 55, 'Color');
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar(315, 65, 365, 100);
- SetColor(0);
- Str(Color, StrColor);
- OutTextXY(331, 78, StrColor);
- SetColor(7);
- OutTextXY(317, 105, 'Change');
- OutTextXY(325, 115, 'With');
- OutTextXY(312, 125, '+ and -');
- OutTextXY(310, 140, 'F1:+- ');
- OutTextXY(310, 150, 'F2:+- ');
- OutTextXY(310, 160, 'F3:+- ');
- OutTextXY(363, 140, '1');
- OutTextXY(363, 150, '5');
- OutTextXY(355, 160, '10');
- SetTextStyle(1, 0, 2);
- SetColor(15);
- End; {ScreenInit}
- Procedure EditMode;
- Begin {EditMode}
- Repeat
- If HighLightChange= true then
- Begin
- SetTextStyle(1, 0, 2);
- If HighLight= 1 then
- Begin
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 154, 'Exit');
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 9, 'Load picture');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 34, 'Save picture');
- End;
- If HighLight= 2 then
- Begin
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 9, 'Load picture');
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 34, 'Save picture');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 59, 'Clear picture');
- End;
- If HighLight= 3 then
- Begin
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 34, 'Save picture');
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 59, 'Clear picture');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 94, 'Edit picture');
- End;
- If HighLight= 4 then
- Begin
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 59, 'Clear picture');
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 94, 'Edit picture');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 129, 'Change picture size');
- End;
- If HighLight= 5 then
- Begin
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 94, 'Edit picture');
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 129, 'Change picture size');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 154, 'Exit');
- End;
- If HighLight= 6 then
- Begin
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 129, 'Change picture size');
- SetColor(14);
- OutTextXY(400, 154, 'Exit');
- SetColor(15);
- OutTextXY(400, 9, 'Load picture');
- End;
- HighlightChange:= false;
- End;
- Ch:= ReadKey;
- If Ch= Chr(72) then
- Begin
- HighLight:= HighLight-1;
- If HighLight<1 then
- HighLight:= 6;
- HighlightChange:= true;
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(80) then
- Begin
- HighLight:= HighLight+1;
- If HighLight>6 then
- HighLight:= 1;
- HighlightChange:= true;
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(59) then
- ChangeWith:= 1;
- If Ch= Chr(60) then
- ChangeWith:= 5;
- If Ch= Chr(61) then
- ChangeWith:= 10;
- If Ch= Chr(45) then
- Begin
- If VideoMode= 0 then
- Begin
- Color:= Color-ChangeWith;
- If Color<0 then
- Color:= 15;
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar(315, 65, 365, 100);
- End;
- If VideoMode= 1 then
- Begin
- Color:= Color-ChangeWith;
- If Color<0 then
- Color:= 255;
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar(315, 65, 365, 100);
- End;
- SetTextStyle(0, 0, 1);
- SetColor(0);
- Str(Color, StrColor);
- OutTextXY(331, 78, StrColor);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(43) then
- Begin
- If VideoMode= 0 then
- Begin
- Color:= Color+ChangeWith;
- If Color>15 then
- Color:= 0;
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar(315, 65, 365, 100);
- End;
- If VideoMode= 1 then
- Begin
- Color:= Color+ChangeWith;
- If Color>255 then
- Color:= 0;
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar(315, 65, 365, 100);
- End;
- SetTextStyle(0, 0, 1);
- SetColor(0);
- Str(Color, StrColor);
- OutTextXY(331, 78, StrColor);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(13) then
- Begin
- If HighLight= 1 then
- Begin
- SaveFileName := ' ';
- For I:= 550 downto 250 do
- Begin
- SetColor(15);
- Line(460, I, 460, I);
- Line(461, I, 461, I);
- Line(462, I, 462, I);
- Line(463, I, 463, I);
- Line(464, I, 464, I);
- Line(465, I, 465, I);
- Line(466, I, 466, I);
- Line(467, I, 467, I);
- Line(468, I, 468, I);
- Line(469, I, 469, I);
- SetColor(11);
- Line(455, I, 455, I);
- Line(456, I, 456, I);
- Line(457, I, 457, I);
- Line(458, I, 458, I);
- Line(459, I, 459, I);
- Line(470, I, 470, I);
- Line(471, I, 471, I);
- Line(472, I, 472, I);
- Line(473, I, 473, I);
- Line(474, I, 474, I);
- SetColor(9);
- Line(453, I, 453, I);
- Line(454, I, 454, I);
- Line(455, I, 455, I);
- Line(475, I, 475, I);
- Line(476, I, 476, I);
- Line(477, I, 477, I);
- SetColor(1);
- Line(451, I, 451, I);
- Line(452, I, 452, I);
- Line(478, I, 478, I);
- Line(479, I, 479, I);
- SetColor(6);
- Rectangle(370, I-41, 567, I-4);
- Rectangle(368, I-43, 569, I-2);
- SetColor(14);
- Rectangle(369, I-42, 568, I-3);
- SetColor(0);
- Line(371, I-40, 566, I-40);
- Line(368, I-1, 569, I-1);
- Delay(2);
- End;
- SetColor(13);
- SetTextStyle(2,0,4);
- OutTextXY(380, 212, 'Which file do you want to load?');
- OutTextXY(443, 237, '--------');
- I:= 443;
- ErrorCode:=1;
- Repeat
- Ch:= ReadKey;
- SetColor(13);
- OutTextXY(I, 232, Ch);
- If (Ch<> Chr(27)) or (Ch<> Chr(8)) or (Ch<> Chr(13)) then
- SaveFileName[ErrorCode]:= Ch;
- I:= I+6;
- ErrorCode:= ErrorCode+1;
- If Ch= Chr(8) then
- Begin
- ErrorCode:= ErrorCode-1;
- I:= I-12;
- Ch:= '█';
- SetColor(0);
- OutTextXY(I, 228, Ch);
- OutTextXY(I, 233, Ch);
- End;
- Until (I= 491) or (Ch=Chr(13)) or (Ch=Chr(27));
- If Ch<> Chr(27) then
- Begin
- For I:= 1 to 8 do
- Begin
- If SaveFileName[I]= Chr(13) then
- SaveFileName[I]:= ' ';
- End;
- Assign(SaveFile, SaveFileName+'.PIX');
- Reset(SaveFile);
- Readln(SaveFile, EditSize.X);
- Readln(SaveFile, EditSize.Y);
- Screeninit;
- I:= 0;
- J:= 0;
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- While not EOF(SaveFile) do
- Begin
- Readln(SaveFile, PixelColor);
- SetFillStyle(1, PixelColor);
- Bar((I*10)+1, (J*10)+1, (I*10)+9, (J*10)+9);
- PutPixel(I+325, J, PixelColor);
- I:= I+1;
- If I= EditSize.X then
- Begin
- I:= 0;
- J:= J+1;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- For I:= 250 to 550 do
- Begin
- SetColor(6);
- Rectangle(368, I-43, 569, I-2);
- Rectangle(370, I-41, 567, I-4);
- SetColor(14);
- Rectangle(369, I-42, 568, I-3);
- SetColor(0);
- Line(368, I-44, 569, I-44);
- Line(371, I-5, 566, I-5);
- Delay(6);
- End;
- If Ch<> Chr(27) then
- Close(SaveFile);
- End;
- If Highlight= 2 then
- Begin
- SaveFileName := ' ';
- For I:= 550 downto 250 do
- Begin
- SetColor(15);
- Line(460, I, 460, I);
- Line(461, I, 461, I);
- Line(462, I, 462, I);
- Line(463, I, 463, I);
- Line(464, I, 464, I);
- Line(465, I, 465, I);
- Line(466, I, 466, I);
- Line(467, I, 467, I);
- Line(468, I, 468, I);
- Line(469, I, 469, I);
- SetColor(11);
- Line(455, I, 455, I);
- Line(456, I, 456, I);
- Line(457, I, 457, I);
- Line(458, I, 458, I);
- Line(459, I, 459, I);
- Line(470, I, 470, I);
- Line(471, I, 471, I);
- Line(472, I, 472, I);
- Line(473, I, 473, I);
- Line(474, I, 474, I);
- SetColor(9);
- Line(453, I, 453, I);
- Line(454, I, 454, I);
- Line(455, I, 455, I);
- Line(475, I, 475, I);
- Line(476, I, 476, I);
- Line(477, I, 477, I);
- SetColor(1);
- Line(451, I, 451, I);
- Line(452, I, 452, I);
- Line(478, I, 478, I);
- Line(479, I, 479, I);
- Delay(2);
- SetColor(6);
- Rectangle(350, I-41, 597, I-4);
- Rectangle(348, I-43, 599, I-2);
- SetColor(14);
- Rectangle(349, I-42, 598, I-3);
- SetColor(0);
- Line(351, I-40, 596, I-40);
- Line(348, I-1, 599, I-1);
- End;
- SetColor(13);
- SetTextStyle(2,0,4);
- OutTextXY(360, 212, 'What do you want to call the saved File?');
- OutTextXY(443, 237, '--------');
- I:= 443;
- ErrorCode:=1;
- Repeat
- Ch:= ReadKey;
- SetColor(13);
- OutTextXY(I, 232, Ch);
- If (Ch<> Chr(27)) or (Ch<> Chr(8)) or (Ch<> Chr(13)) then
- SaveFileName[ErrorCode]:= Ch;
- I:= I+6;
- ErrorCode:= ErrorCode+1;
- If Ch= Chr(8) then
- Begin
- ErrorCode:= ErrorCode-1;
- I:= I-12;
- Ch:= '█';
- SetColor(0);
- OutTextXY(I, 228, Ch);
- OutTextXY(I, 233, Ch);
- End;
- Until (I= 491) or (Ch=Chr(13)) or (Ch=Chr(27));
- If Ch<> Chr(27) then
- Begin
- For I:= 1 to 8 do
- Begin
- If SaveFileName[I]= Chr(13) then
- SaveFileName[I]:= ' ';
- End;
- Assign(SaveFile, SaveFileName+'.PIX');
- Rewrite(SaveFile);
- Writeln(SaveFile, EditSize.X);
- Writeln(SaveFile, EditSize.Y);
- For I:= 0 to EditSize.Y-1 do
- Begin
- For J:= 0 to EditSize.X-1 do
- Begin
- PixelColor:= GetPixel((J*10)+2, (I*10)+2);
- Writeln(SaveFile, PixelColor);
- End;
- End;
- End;
- For I:= 250 to 550 do
- Begin
- SetColor(6);
- Rectangle(350, I-41, 597, I-4);
- Rectangle(348, I-43, 599, I-2);
- SetColor(14);
- Rectangle(349, I-42, 598, I-3);
- SetColor(0);
- Line(348, I-44, 599, I-44);
- Line(351, I-5, 596, I-5);
- Delay(6);
- End;
- If Ch<> Chr(27) then
- Close(SaveFile);
- End;
- If Highlight= 3 then
- ScreenInit;
- If Highlight= 4 then
- Begin
- Repeat
- If PositionChange= true then
- PutImage((PositionX*10)+2, (PositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- Ch:= ReadKey;
- PositionChange:= false;
- If Ch= Chr(59) then
- ChangeWith:= 1;
- If Ch= Chr(60) then
- ChangeWith:= 5;
- If Ch= Chr(61) then
- ChangeWith:= 10;
- If Ch= Chr(62) then
- Begin
- If (Draw= false) and (DrawChange= true) then
- Begin
- Draw:= true;
- DrawChange:= false;
- End;
- If (Draw= true) and (DrawChange= true) then
- Begin
- Draw:= false;
- DrawChange:= false;
- End;
- DrawChange:= true;
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(72) then
- Begin
- PositionY:= PositionY-1;
- If PositionY<0 then
- PositionY:= EditSize.Y-1;
- PositionChange:= true;
- PutImage((OldPositionX*10)+2, (OldPositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(80) then
- Begin
- PositionY:= PositionY+1;
- If PositionY>EditSize.Y-1 then
- PositionY:= 0;
- PositionChange:= true;
- PutImage((OldPositionX*10)+2, (OldPositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(75) then
- Begin
- PositionX:= PositionX-1;
- If PositionX<0 then
- PositionX:= EditSize.X-1;
- PositionChange:= true;
- PutImage((OldPositionX*10)+2, (OldPositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(77) then
- Begin
- PositionX:= PositionX+1;
- If PositionX>EditSize.X-1 then
- PositionX:= 0;
- PositionChange:= true;
- PutImage((OldPositionX*10)+2, (OldPositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(71) then
- Begin
- PositionY:= PositionY-1;
- PositionX:= PositionX-1;
- If PositionY<0 then
- PositionY:= EditSize.Y-1;
- If PositionX<0 then
- PositionX:= EditSize.X-1;
- PositionChange:= true;
- PutImage((OldPositionX*10)+2, (OldPositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(73) then
- Begin
- PositionY:= PositionY-1;
- PositionX:= PositionX+1;
- If PositionY<0 then
- PositionY:= EditSize.Y-1;
- If PositionX>EditSize.X-1 then
- PositionX:= 0;
- PositionChange:= true;
- PutImage((OldPositionX*10)+2, (OldPositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(79) then
- Begin
- PositionY:= PositionY+1;
- PositionX:= PositionX-1;
- If PositionY> EditSize.Y-1 then
- PositionY:= 0;
- If PositionX< 0 then
- PositionX:= EditSize.X-1;
- PositionChange:= true;
- PutImage((OldPositionX*10)+2, (OldPositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(81) then
- Begin
- PositionY:= PositionY+1;
- PositionX:= PositionX+1;
- If PositionY> EditSize.Y-1 then
- PositionY:= 0;
- If PositionX> EditSize.X-1 then
- PositionX:= 0;
- PositionChange:= true;
- PutImage((OldPositionX*10)+2, (OldPositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- End;
- If PositionChange= true then
- Begin
- OldPositionX:= PositionX;
- OldPositionY:= PositionY;
- End;
- If (Ch= Chr(32)) or (Draw= true) then
- Begin
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar((PositionX*10)+1, (PositionY*10)+1,
- (PositionX*10)+9, (PositionY*10)+9);
- PutImage((PositionX*10)+2, (PositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- PutPixel(PositionX+325, PositionY, Color);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(45) then
- Begin
- If VideoMode= 0 then
- Begin
- Color:= Color-ChangeWith;
- If Color<0 then
- Color:= 15;
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar(315, 65, 365, 100);
- End;
- If VideoMode= 1 then
- Begin
- Color:= Color-ChangeWith;
- If Color<0 then
- Color:= 255;
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar(315, 65, 365, 100);
- End;
- SetTextStyle(0, 0, 1);
- SetColor(0);
- Str(Color, StrColor);
- OutTextXY(331, 78, StrColor);
- End;
- If Ch= Chr(43) then
- Begin
- If VideoMode= 0 then
- Begin
- Color:= Color+ChangeWith;
- If Color>15 then
- Color:= 0;
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar(315, 65, 365, 100);
- End;
- If VideoMode= 1 then
- Begin
- Color:= Color+ChangeWith;
- If Color>255 then
- Color:= 0;
- SetFillStyle(1, Color);
- Bar(315, 65, 365, 100);
- End;
- SetTextStyle(0, 0, 1);
- SetColor(0);
- Str(Color, StrColor);
- OutTextXY(331, 78, StrColor);
- End;
- Until Ch= Chr(27);
- PutImage((PositionX*10)+2, (PositionY*10)+2, Cursor^, XorPut);
- PositionChange:= true;
- Ch:= '0';
- End;
- If Highlight= 5 then
- Begin
- For I:= 550 downto 250 do
- Begin
- SetColor(15);
- Line(370, 480, 370, I);
- Line(530, 480, 530, I);
- SetColor(11);
- Line(369, 480, 369, I);
- Line(371, 480, 371, I);
- Line(529, 480, 529, I);
- Line(531, 480, 531, I);
- SetColor(9);
- Line(367, 480, 367, I);
- Line(368, 480, 368, I);
- Line(372, 480, 372, I);
- Line(373, 480, 373, I);
- Line(527, 480, 527, I);
- Line(528, 480, 528, I);
- Line(532, 480, 532, I);
- Line(533, 480, 533, I);
- SetColor(1);
- Line(366, 480, 366, I);
- Line(374, 480, 374, I);
- Line(526, 480, 526, I);
- Line(534, 480, 534, I);
- SetColor(2);
- Rectangle(312, I-43, 590, I-2);
- Rectangle(314, I-41, 588, I-4);
- SetColor(3);
- Rectangle(313, I-42, 589, I-3);
- SetColor(0);
- Line(315, I-40, 587, I-40);
- Line(312, I, 590, I);
- End;
- Line(312, I-1, 590, I-1);
- SetTextStyle(2, 0, 4);
- SetColor(13);
- OutTextXY(325, 211, 'Choose the length of the horizontal side:');
- Repeat
- SetColor(14);
- Repeat
- Ch:= ReadKey;
- If (Ch< Chr(58)) and (Ch> Chr(47)) then
- OutTextXY(567, 211, Ch);
- Until (Ch= Chr(27)) or (Ch< Chr(58)) or (Ch> Chr(47));
- If Ch<> Chr(27) then
- Begin
- Repeat
- Ch2:= ReadKey;
- If (Ch2< Chr(58)) and (Ch2> Chr(47)) then
- OutTextXY(573, 211, Ch2);
- Until (Ch2= Chr(27)) or (Ch2< Chr(58)) or (Ch2> Chr(47));
- End;
- Delay(30);
- ErrorCode:= 0;
- If (Ch<> Chr(27)) and (Ch2<> Chr(27)) then
- Begin
- Val((Ch+Ch2), NumAnswer, ErrorCode);
- If NumAnswer<1 then
- NumAnswer:= 1;
- If NumAnswer>30 then
- NumAnswer:= 30;
- EditSize.X:= NumAnswer;
- End;
- Until (Ch=Chr(27)) or (Ch2=Chr(27)) or (Ch< Chr(58)) or (Ch> Chr(47)) or (Ch2< Chr(58)) or (Ch2> Chr(47));
- If Ch2= Chr(27) then
- Ch:= Ch2;
- If Ch<> Chr(27) then
- Begin
- SetColor(13);
- OutTextXY(325, 228, 'Choose the length of the vertical side:');
- Repeat
- SetColor(14);
- Ch:= ReadKey;
- If (Ch< Chr(58)) and (Ch> Chr(47)) then
- OutTextXY(567, 228, Ch);
- Until (Ch= Chr(27)) or (Ch< Chr(58)) or (Ch> Chr(47));
- If NOT (Ch= Chr(27)) then
- Begin
- Repeat
- Ch2:= ReadKey;
- If (Ch< Chr(58)) and (Ch> Chr(47)) then
- OutTextXY(573, 228, Ch2);
- Until (Ch2= Chr(27)) or (Ch2< Chr(58)) or (Ch2> Chr(47));
- End;
- Delay(30);
- If (Ch<> Chr(27)) and (Ch2<> Chr(27)) then
- Begin
- Val((Ch+Ch2), NumAnswer, ErrorCode);
- If NumAnswer<1 then
- NumAnswer:= 1;
- If NumAnswer>30 then
- NumAnswer:= 30;
- EditSize.Y:= NumAnswer;
- End;
- End;
- For I:= 250 to 550 do
- Begin
- SetColor(2);
- Rectangle(312, I-43, 590, I-2);
- Rectangle(314, I-41, 588, I-4);
- SetColor(3);
- Rectangle(313, I-42, 589, I-3);
- SetColor(0);
- Line(312, I-44, 590, I-44);
- Line(315, I-5, 587, I-5);
- Delay(3);
- End;
- ScreenInit;
- End;
- If Ch=Chr(27) then
- Ch:= Chr(0);
- End;
- Until (Ch= Chr(13)) and (HighLight= 6);
- End; {EditMode}
- Begin
- VariableInit;
- GraphInit;
- ImageInit;
- ScreenInit;
- EditMode;
- CloseGraph;
- End.