40 PRINT "3.5 Boot": PRINT "A SALware mini-utility"
50 PRINT "FREEWARE - distribute freely, anywhere and everywhere!"
60 PRINT "Write SALware at:"
70 PRINT "3604 S. 10th St. Ct.": PRINT "Blue Springs, MO 64015"
80 PRINT "to request a free catalog. Please include a stamp and your address!"
95 PRINT "This utility modifies a disk so that, when it is booted, it will pass control on to the card in slot 5. This allows you to boot a drive in slot 5 with a Disk ][ controller in slot 6.": PRINT
100 PRINT "Insert a formatted 5.25"; CHR$(34);" disk in Slot 6, Drive 1 and press any key:"
150 PRINT "That disk will now pass control to the disk controller in slot 5 when": PRINT "it is booted from. It may be used as a normal data storage disk if you wish."
160 INPUT "Make another disk?";A$: IF A$ = "Y" OR A$ = "y" THEN 40
170 END
180 DATA 32,0,191,128,16,3,96,32,0,191,129,16,3,96,0,0