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Text File | 1990-08-23 | 10.3 KB | 261 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- HFSLink Version B.3 (beta)
- by Scott Blackman
- Internet: blackman@phoenix.princeton.edu
- Snail: Scott Blackman, 1717 Briarcliff Circle, Dalton, GA 30720
- *** This is a test version! Please report any bugs! ***
- What is HFS Convert?
- --------------------
- HFS Convert, as of this writing, converts files from a Macintosh HFS volume
- into two ProDOS files: one for the data fork and one for the resource fork.
- Multiple file selection and directory conversion are supported.
- How do I use it?
- ----------------
- Quickly:
- 1. Use "F" if necessary to set the destination ProDOS filetype/auxtype.
- 2. Use "P" if necessary to set the destination ProDOS prefix.
- 3. Use "T" to transfer files/folders.
- If unsure, *** use SHRINKIT keys ***.
- Table of Contents
- -----------------
- (you may search for the string <Num>. <Title>, as the following numbered
- lines appear exactly in their respective sections)
- 1. Main Menu
- (Finding your Macintosh and ProDOS disks, and setting the prefix)
- 2. Setting the Filetype
- 3. About Transferring files (quick version)
- 4. About those keys (Selection Notes)
- 5. About the Conversion
- (Volumes supported, handling directories, more)
- 6. HFSLink Modify Program
- (What is it, and do I need to use it?)
- 7. Hardware Configuration
- 8. Technical Information
- 9. Revision History
- 10. Standard Stuff
- 1. Main Menu
- -------------
- The main menu presents five options: Transfer files, Filetype of Converted
- file, Set ProDOS Prefix, About HFSLink, and Quit. The current Prefix is
- also on screen. To select, you may use the up/down or left/right arrows,
- or press the first letter of the option.
- To set the ProDOS prefix, select "ProDOS prefix". Type the complete or
- partial pathname at the prompt. Simply pressing RETURN aborts the
- process.
- You do not need to tell HFSLink to find your Macintosh disk; it will scan
- the online volumes, prompting you as necessary, for insertion of an HFS
- disk.
- 2. Setting the Filetype
- ------------------------
- You may set the transfer filetype/auxtype by pressing "F". In this version,
- you must type the hexadecimal value for filetypes. Some common values are:
- $04 TXT / AuxType = record length (usually 0)
- $06 BIN / AuxType = starting address
- $E0 NuFx (ShrinkIt) / AuxType = $8002
- $FF System file / AuxType = $2000 (starting address)
- A file's filetype may also be changed by a number of shareware/freeware
- file utilities.
- 3. About Transferring files (quick version)
- --------------------------------------------
- After selecting "Transfer Files", the program will read your HFS disk and
- present a list of files. At this point you may use the following keys:
- up/down arrows Move the cursor bar up/down
- left/right arrows Move the cursor bar up/down
- ESC Close Directory
- space Select/Unselect current file
- RETURN Open Directory or Start Transfer
- TAB Read another HFS volume
- oa-A Select/Unselect all files
- oa-G "Go" - Start transfer
- oa-O Online volumes
- oa-V Volume Info (HFS or MFS)
- Period (".") Abort Transfer
- 4. About those keys (Selection Notes)
- --------------------------------------
- ESC will "pop" one directory off of the current path, moving back up one
- directory level on the disk. If already in the root directory, this has
- no effect.
- If RETURN is pressed when no files are selected, the operation will be
- performed only on the file beneath the cursor.
- TAB will also reread the current device to see if the disk is switched. In
- most respects, it behaves exactly as the Standard File Toolset in IIgs
- applications.
- oa-A marks or unmarks every file. If a file is marked, it will be unmarked,
- and vice versa. For instance, pressing oa-A twice has no net effect.
- oa-G "Go" is useful mainly to select directories conversion without opening
- them at the time of selection.
- oa-O (Online volumes) presents a list of online volumes, allowing you to
- choose which volume to read. Pressing oa-V or oa-I will give Volume Info of
- the volume under the cursor.
- oa-V (Volume Info) presents information about an HFS or MFS volume (although
- conversion only reads HFS disks): Free Space and Volume size, Volume
- Operating system, Volume Created/Modified/Backed up dates.
- 5. About the Conversion
- ------------------------
- Conversion is supported for all HFS volumes from 800K 3.5" disks to 40 megabyte
- hard disks. Although it is possible for an HFS volume to be unsupported, I
- have not had it happen to me.
- Files and Directories selected undergo filename translation: all
- non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with periods ("."), and all lowercase
- characters are replaced with uppercase. If a file does not start with a
- letter, the letter A is prepended to the name. Filenames are truncated at 15
- characters if necessary. Resource forks have ".R" appended to a 13-character
- truncated name.
- Selection of a directory preserves the heirarchical structure. A directory
- is created on the ProDOS disk, and files within that Macintosh folder are
- placed within the corresponding ProDOS directory. Conversion of nested
- folders is supported.
- 6. HFSLink Modify Program
- --------------------------
- To provide greater support for hard drive reading, the HFSLink.Mod
- program will perform the following function:
- On some hard drives, ProDOS may not recognize the partitioning, and the HFS
- volume will "start" at a block other than zero. That is, information that is
- on logical block zero of the hard drive (according to a Macintosh), may be
- on block $80 of the ProDOS device, and the first $80 blocks may be taken by
- partitioning information. In this case, the entire volume is shifted by $80
- blocks. A modifying program is included with HFSLink to patch the HFS disk
- reading routines to add an offset to ALL HFS block requests.
- As the only offset I have encountered is $80, that is the default. The
- modifying program creates a temporary file in /RAM5/HFSTEMP (or any file, if
- you change the string DF$ in the program), which it then runs. No other files
- are modified, and HFSTEMP may be deleted when finished. The modified HFSTEMP
- will recognize the hard drive's volume if the offset is correct; however, it
- will NOT recognize "normal" HFS volumes, and you must re-run the unmodified
- HFSLink.
- 7. Hardware Configuration
- --------------------------
- The minimum hardware configuration is an Apple //e, 64K, with 80-column card.
- MouseText is optional but makes the displays nicer. No 65C02 opcodes are used.
- One-drive systems are supported.
- 8. Technical Information
- -------------------------
- Conversion is very simply written. Debugging diagnostics are still printed on
- the screen: the file's complete extent record, and several procedures are still
- output on the screen.
- Errors: Internal errors are numbered much like Apple IIgs Toolbox Errors. The
- number is $xxyy, where xx is the subroutine number, and yy is the error number.
- For a complete list of errors and subroutines, mail or email me and I'll send
- it to you.
- Conversion Features: Will correctly locate all extent records for all files,
- and for the Catalog Tree, even if it is necessary to read the Extents Tree.
- Arbitrary HFS volumes are supported. Directory conversion is supported. One
- drive systems are supported.
- Bugs: All *KNOWN* bugs have been worked out of the program, but if you can
- make anything STRANGE happen, let me know.
- 9. Revision history
- --------------------
- Beta 1: (3/31/90) First release. Conversion of any HFS file into
- /RAM5/TEMP.DATA and /RAM5/TEMP.RSRC supported. Catalog Trees with extents
- in the Extents Tree _NOT_ supported.
- Beta 2: (5/11/90) Extents tree fully supported, for files and for the
- Catalog Tree. HFS Device selection added (select a device other than slot 2,
- drive 1. Some speedups in the B*Tree routines.
- Beta 3: (7/09/90) First widespread distribution. MANY changes (in fact,
- basically a rewritten program) including: Creation of Main Menu. File
- conversion into arbitrary pathnames. Alphabetical HFS directory list.
- Multiple file or directory selection. Rewritten HFS Device selection.
- Windows. A real read/write buffer. Completely rewritten HFS tree handling
- routines. Large volume (hard disk) support. Centralized error handling.
- Along with many internal memory handling improvements and source code
- "improvements".
- Beta 4a: (8/26/90) Bug fixes: Allowed for conversion of empty directories.
- Added a CLC that was giving //c owners trouble (thanks "Ralpho" Carpenter).
- Fixed a bug in the "get next HFS volume" routine (thanks Joe Carlin). Fixed
- a bug in the routine that creates a ProDOS-compatible filename (thanks Dan
- McGuirk).
- Beta 4b: (9/02/90) Bug fixes: Getting disk info from the "Volumes online"
- menu interfered with further HFS directory walking - fixed. Better scrolling
- in HFSGetfile. Internal cleanup of HFSGetfile and variable-length FileBuf
- entries (internal effects only). Modification date and time displayed and
- preserved for files and directories during conversion.
- Coming soon: Real prefix selection. The ability to list Stuffit files.
- AppleSingle and AppleDouble support. Automatic re-conversion of files with creator "pdos" (automagically gets the right filetype). MFS support. Summer
- may bring all of these (if Apple doesn't release the HFS FST first!).
- Most importantly, this should WORK on all 800K HFS volumes, and convert any
- file you can throw at it. If you find one that makes it choke, please _let
- me know_.
- 10. Standard Stuff
- ------------------
- This program is FreeWare. You may copy it and give it to your friends or
- upload it to information services as you please. Please remember, however,
- that this is a beta revision: instead of payment, I ask that you tell me
- about the program. If you find any bugs (especially one that makes conversion
- fail), TELL me! If you'd like to see a feature, TELL me! Or, if you like the
- program, I'd LOVE to hear that.
- Maybe I need to say this, since I mentioned it: ShrinkIT is a registered
- trademark of L&L Productions, Inc. ShrinkIT is by Andy Nicholas, and is
- available almost everywhere.
- HFSLink Copyright (c) 1990 by Scott Blackman. Any distribution of this program
- must include this documentation file.