2 TEXT : HOME : VTAB 3: PRINT " ":A$ = "Shareware Program": GOSUB 60:A$ = "This is program is made available by": GOSUB 60:A$ = "Breezy Point Software": GOSUB 60: PRINT
3 A$ = " If you use this program please Send $5.00 to": GOSUB 60:A$ = " Greg R. Guilford": GOSUB 60:A$ = "P.O. Box 512": GOSUB 60:A$ = "Monticello, IA, 52310. ": GOSUB 60: PRINT
4 A$ = "I am working on a extended command file for ProDOS 8 ": GOSUB 60
6 A$ = "and a NDA for ProDOS 16 , GS/OS. All funds are directed to ": GOSUB 60:A$ = "research and developement. This program has multiple uses and I ":: GOSUB 60:A$ = "have availble several additions that will allow you to print to a": GOSUB 60
7 A$ = " text file for Appleworks database. Also allows for searching by ": GOSUB 60:A$ = "type, size, date, etc. ": GOSUB 60
8 A$ = " Sign up now and get the new releases as soon as they are available ": GOSUB 60
9 PRINT :A$ = " This program works great for Hard disk drives and 3.5 drives ": GOSUB 60:A$ = "it will search five megabytes in about three minutes on a IIgs. ": GOSUB 60:
10 A$ = " And it can be compiled with the Beagle Compiler to run even faster ": GOSUB 60:A$ = " See the accompanying documentation for more information. ": GOSUB 60