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- mn.edu!x115-9.upress.umn.edu!gonza006 Fri Feb 11 15:38:37 CST 1994
- Article: 761 of alt.tv.x-files
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- From: Pat Gonzales <gonza006@maroon.tc.umn.edu>
- Subject: X Files FAQ (of sorts)
- Message-ID: <CL2pyw.5vy@news.cis.umn.edu>
- X-Xxmessage-Id: <A981325D1D077309@x115-9.upress.umn.edu>
- X-Xxdate: Fri, 11 Feb 94 19:02:21 GMT
- Sender: news@news.cis.umn.edu (Usenet News Administration)
- Nntp-Posting-Host: x115-9.upress.umn.edu
- Organization: University of Minnesota Press
- X-Useragent: Nuntius v1.1.1d24
- Date: Fri, 11 Feb 1994 18:47:15 GMT
- Lines: 291
- Following these brief remarks is a collection of miscellaneous
- information about _The X Files._ It contains information
- regarding episode titles and air dates (which are the most
- Frequently Asked Questions), along with the lead actors'
- filmographies (Second Most Frequently Asked Questions) and a
- bunch of other fun facts and bits that I thought newcomers
- would like to read.
- If there is a question about the show or its characters that
- isn't answered below, please e-mail me, and I'll go about a)
- looking up an answer and b) including it in the File. If any of
- my information is incorrect, then please a) provide me with an
- answer and b) I'll include it. If you have any information that
- you feel should be included in the File, follow the latter a)
- and b).
- This File is by no means complete; I ran out of time to include
- some information I thought should be posted (including a
- distillation of Gillian Anderson's bio information from the
- _Platinum Starlog_ interview). Updating will be going on as
- needed, as reports are filed.
- If the formatting is "ca-ca" (to borrow a phrase from QL's Al),
- then my apologies, and I'll work on that for future postings.
- :-)
- Special Agent Pat Gonzales
- Keeper of X File 11291093
- ---------
- X FILE 11291093
- Fox Network Programming
- Ten Thirteen Productions
- "The X Files," hour-long television drama
- airing Fridays at 9 p.m. Eastern/Pacific (U.S.), 8 p.m.
- Central and Mountain (U.S.); on Global Television in Canada;
- and Wednesday nights on Sky One in the United Kingdom. It
- also airs in Australia; no further information on that is
- currently available.
- ------------
- This report is eyes-only with a level 2 clearance. The
- information is updated monthly and is posted on the second
- Friday of the month to alt.tv.x-files and rec.arts.sf.tv.
- Information contained is copyright 1994 to Special Agent Pat
- Gonzales. Agents may download and redistribute the report in
- its entirety with the copyright notice intact, but may not
- reproduce for payment. Any other use of this information is
- prohibited without permission from the team leader.
- Deep background on agents Mulder and Scully was the
- determination of the team leader, and in no way is intended to
- be a definitive interpretation of the events aired. Typographic
- errors are the sole responsibility of the team leader.
- Information gleaned from episodes will be indicated by the
- episode title following in [brackets].
- /Index/
- Background
- Production Notes
- Addresses
- Episode Titles / Air Dates
- Deep Background - Fox Mulder
- Deep Background - Dana Scully
- Recurring Characters
- Filmography - David Duchovny
- Filmography - Gillian Anderson
- Miscellaneous Information
- /Background/
- _The X Files_ is a television series dealing with two FBI
- agents. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, in the Bureau's Violent
- Crimes section. They work with the "X files," cases that have
- unexplainable elements and often involve the paranormal.
- /Production Notes/
- The series was created by Chris Carter.
- Executive producers for the show include Carter, Glen Morgan
- and James Wong, and R.W. Goodwin. The show's supervising
- producers are Alex Ganza and Howard Gordon.
- There will be 24 episodes this season, and the show has been
- picked up for 25 episodes for the 1994-95 season.
- /Addresses/
- If you wish to write in support of the show, the addresses are:
- Chris Carter
- Jonathan Littman
- Executive Producer Director
- of Current Programming
- "The X Files"
- Fox Broadcasting Company <same
- address>
- P.O. Box 900
- Beverly Hills, CA 90123
- The Fox Network has an Internet address to which you can e-mail
- your comment on the series. Charles Kennedy, Vice President of
- Programming Research, is the contact. The address is:
- Foxnet@delphi.com. If you send e-mail, indicate "X Files" in
- the subject line. In his most recent (2/10) posting on
- rec.arts.tv, Kennedy reported that most of the e-mail to the
- above address has been for _The X Files_ and it is mostly
- favorable.
- Kennedy reported in early February that Fox plans to establish
- e-mail addresses for each of its shows.
- /Episode Titles - Air Dates/
- A short episode guide is currently being kept by Cliff Chen. It
- is posted on the first of every month to alt.tv.x-files and
- rec.arts. sf.tv. A copy of this episode guide is stored at FTP
- site cybercow.rh.uchicago.edu. The directory path is
- /pub/Xfiles.
- Chen is also working on an extended episode guide, which will
- probably be available later this summer.
- Air Date Code Title
- -------- ---- -----
- 9/10/93 1X79 "The X-Files" (1.1)
- 9/17/93 1X01 "Deep Throat" (1.2)
- 9/24/93 1X02 "Squeeze" (1.3)
- 10/ 1/93 1X03 "Conduit" (1.4)
- 10/ 8/93 1X04 "The Jersey Devil" (1.5)
- 10/15/93 ---- Pre-empted by "Baseball Relief"
- 10/22/93 1X05 "Shadows" (1.6)
- 10/29/93 1X06 "Ghost in the Machine" (1.7)
- 11/ 5/93 1X07 "Ice" (1.8)
- 11/12/93 1X08 "Space" (1.9)
- 11/19/93 1X09 "Fallen Angel" (1.10)
- 11/26/93 ---- Pre-empted by "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II"
- 12/03/93 1X02 Rebroadcast of 1.3
- 12/10/93 1X10 "Eve" (1.11)
- 12/14/93 1X03 Special rebroadcast of 1.4
- 12/17/93 1X11 "Fire" (1.12)
- 12/24/93 1X01 Rebroadcast of 1.2
- 12/31/93 1X04 Rebroadcast of 1.5
- 1/ 7/94 1X12 "Beyond the Sea" (1.13)
- 1/14/94 1X06 Rebroadcast of 1.7
- 1/17/94 1X79 Special rebroadcast of 1.1
- 1X07 and 1.8
- 1/21/94 1X13 "GenderBender" (1.14)
- 1/28/94 1X07 Rebroadcast of 1.9
- 2/ 4/94 1X14 "Lazarus" (1.15)
- 2/11/94 1X15 "Young at Heart" (1.16)
- 2/18/94 1X16 "E.B.E." (1.17)
- 2/25/94 - Unknown
- 3/4/94 - Unknown
- 3/11/94 1X17 Miracle Man (1.18)
- /Deep Background-Fox Mulder/
- Agent Fox Mulder, an Oxford-trained psychologist, is one of the
- FBI Violent Crimes division's best agents, although he is in
- disfavor with not only his superiors but also his colleagues
- because of his interest in the Bureau's X files.
- (He picked up the nickname of "Spooky" during his training at
- the FBI Academy.) [Pilot] His fascination with the paranormal
- stems from a childhood incident -- his sister disappeared from
- their home in Chilmarc, Mass. (pop. 650) when he was 12 and she
- was 8. Mulder claims she was abducted by aliens; during
- regressions he recalled hearing his sister's cries for help,
- and a bright light which kept him paralyzed and told him that
- his sister would be all right. [Conduit]
- Mulder's early meteoric rise at the Bureau has enabled him to
- make high-placed friends in Congress. These contacts keeep him
- from retribution from higher-ups, although they have assigned
- him a partner, with the tacit idea of discrediting what he does
- so that he can be dismissed. However, Mulder has picked up an
- apparent ally in a mysterious government official known as Deep
- Throat. [Deep Throat, Fallen Angel, Eve, Young at Heart]
- We believe Mulder doesn't "have a life," as we have seen
- nothing of his off-duty activities. However, some of this may
- stem from a relationship he had at Oxford ten years ago with a
- woman who is now with Scotland Yard (Phoebe Green [Fire]). He
- apparently was in love with her, but she not with him.
- Mulder has a fear of fire [Fire], which may have been
- conquered during his rescue of the children of British MP Sir
- Malcolm Marsden (who also happened to be Phoebe's latest
- fling). He is also a fan of the National Aeronautics and Space
- Administration (NASA). [Space]
- Mulder has a habit of eating unshelled sunflower seeds, and
- making droll comments which X-philers have come to note as
- "Mulderisms." (Angelia Derrick, angelia@netcom.com, is keeping
- a list of Mulderisms and Scullyisms.)
- /Deep Background - Dana Scully/
- Dana Scully is a medical doctor with an undergraduate degree in
- physics. She was recruited for the FBI right out of medical
- school, and had been teaching at the FBI Academy in Quantico,
- Va. She was assigned by Section Chief Scott Blevins to be
- Mulder's partner in order to keep an eye on him and determine
- whether he is perhaps too obsessed with the X files.
- Scully is skeptical of anything paranormal, believing that
- everything has a logical, scientifically-quantified
- explanation. Though in most of the cases she and Mulder have
- been on she has not witnessed any overt paranormal activities,
- she has had two brushes with unexplainable phenomena that may
- have her start questioning her beliefs [Beyond the Sea;
- Lazarus]. Only time -- and future episodes -- will tell.
- Scully's father died early in 1994 (?); they were apparently
- close at one time (she called him Ahab; he called her
- Starbuck), but her father disapproved of her joining the
- Bureau. [Beyond the Sea] She had a yearlong relationship with
- an instructor at the Academy, Jack Willis, with whom she shared
- the same birthdate (Feb. 23). [Lazarus] She is just as much a
- workaholic as Mulder, and is currently not seeing anyone
- [Jersey Devil].
- Scully has hazel eyes and auburn hair.
- /Recurring Characters/
- Section Chief Scott Blevins (Charles Cioffi) is the head of the
- Office of Professional Responsibility. [Pilot]
- Section Chief Joseph McGrath (Frederick Coffin) is head of the
- Violent Crimes division of the FBI, and Mulder's superior
- officer.
- "Deep Throat" (Jerry Hardin) is a mysterious individual
- believed to be some sort of higher-up government official. He
- first warned Mulder not to take an assignment [Deep Throat] but
- has since helped the agent on a case [Eve] as well as fed him
- classified information for an unauthorized investigation
- [Fallen Angel]. Deep Throat wishes to remain anonymous; Scully
- knows nothing of him. Mulder can apparently contact him via an
- undetermined method.
- /Filmography - David Duchovny/
- Working Girl 1988
- Bad Influence 1988, 1989
- "Twin Peaks" 1990
- The Rapture 1991
- Julia Has Two Lovers 1991
- Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead 1991
- Denial 1991
- Venice/Venice 1992
- Ruby 1992
- "Red Shoe Diaries" 1992
- Chaplin 1992
- Beethoven 1992
- "Baby Snatcher" 1992
- Kalifornia 1993
- "The X Files" 1993
- /Filmography - Gillian Anderson/
- Home Fires Burning 1992
- "The X Files" 1993
- /Miscellaneous information/
- Favorite X-phile episodes: Squeeze, Fire, Eve
- Despised X-phile episodes - Ghost in the Machine, Space
- Weapons: Scully carries a Walther PPK .380/9mm Kurz. It is
- generally agreed that Mulder uses a Glock, but the model is not
- yet determined.
- So far Mulder has fired his gun once (to scare away wolves
- [Conduit] ), and Scully, once (three shots, to kill [so we
- thought] Warren Dupre [Lazarus])
- For the morbid: X Files' death toll to date: 37 [through
- Lazarus] (individuals who have died just prior to or during
- investigations)
- Fanzines: Deb Walsh (debwalsh@delphi.com or deb walsh@aol.com;
- 2 Spring Hill Terrace, Somerville, MA 02143) publishes a
- fanzine called _The Manifest_ which deals with various
- paranormal-oriented television shows, including _The X Files_.
- The opening theme has been digitized as .iff and .snd (mac)
- formats and is available at FTP site cybercow.rh.uchicago.edu.
- The directory path is /pub/Xfiles. The opening music is in
- /pub/Xfiles/Song.
- ---------
- Team Leader: Special Agent Pat Gonzales,
- gonza006@maroon.tc.umn.edu
- Team members: Tonya Yount, Cliff Chen, Kristin Jones, James
- Drentner, Cory Scott, Angelia Derrick