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- TorahFax
- Shabbat Shalom.
- Today is Pesach Sheni, the 14th of Iyar. During the Israelite's travels
- in the desert, a group of Jews approached Moses and begged his assist-
- ance to makeup for the fact that they were not able to bring the Passover
- sacrifice. The response that Moses relayed to them was that since their
- request was so sincere, it would be granted not only for them but for the
- generations to come. (Nowadays we commemorate this day with eating some
- Matzah ) The Holiday embodies a poignant message.....it's never too late!
- Life doesn't always give a. second chance but Judaism does and Chabad will
- always be there to assist and inspire Jews with Jewish Heritage.
- On the topic of 'never too late...' Our deepest thanks for the dozens of
- letters that were sent to Conectiv... but we still need many more. YOUR
- letter will make the difference !! Please fax or email us a copy of your
- letter - your place in Delaware Jewish history will be guaranteed .
- This Tuesday is Lag B'omer, a day of celebration for thousands of years.
- During the period of the Omer, between Passover and Shavuot, thousands of
- students of the great Rabbi Akiva, died. This was a national calamity of
- tremendous ramifications. On the 33rd day of the Omer, the plague stopped,
- and this day is therefore celebrated as a day of Jewish unity, in keeping
- with
- the famous saying of Rabbi Akiva " Love your fellow as yourself, this is the
- great principle of Torah." This day also marks the passing of Rabbi Shimon
- Bar Yochai, the author of the Zohar, the mystical secrets of the Torah.
- Rabbi
- Shimon was the most famous student of Rabbi Akiva and he requested that
- the day of his death be celebrated as it marked the completion of his life's
- mission.
- Volume 7 Issue 33 May 19 2000
- Shabbat Candle Lighting Times:
- Friday May 19
- Torah Reading:
- Behar (Leviticus 25:1 - 26:2)
- The Rebbe's
- Perspective&
- Quotes and insights of
- the Lubavitcher Rebbe zy'a
- Success, in the higher scheme of things, is when a soul that has alienated
- herself returns. It is the ultimate demonstration of her resilience and her
- depth: No matter how distant she may travel, in the end she can never tear
- herself away.
- From: Bringing Heaven Down To Earth
- The Miracles vs. the Blessings
- Please help my team win the series. Please change the size of my bank
- account. Please have my teacher be sick on the day of the big test. Please
- inspire my boss to give me a raise. Are these things up to the L-rd?
- Is it possible we've missed the meaning of this whole miracle idea?
- It's true that a major purpose of prayer is to ask G-d for help. That's part
- of the Covenant, the commitment made on Mt. Sinai centuries ago. We follow
- His Word, He assists us in dealing with life.
- But it seems that something got lost in the translation for a lot of people.
- For one thing, no promise was ever made to alter the fabric of the physical
- world just to please you. Hydrochloric acid will not become water, a speeding
- train will not suddenly fly, and your aging body will not look eighteen again
- merely because you are observant.
- In fact, if you read Torah regularly, you'll notice that there's a lot less
- emphasis placed on the showy stuff of miracles - splitting seas and raining
- manna - than on the more common stuff of blessings: lands flowing with milk
- and honey, times of peace and plenty, opportunities for renewal and
- redemption.
- The distinction here is that miracles show us the power of G-d (an ability
- not in dispute since Pharaoh) while blessings show us the power He has given
- us. And that's the whole point to our existence.
- We're here to build His home on earth. A metaphor to be sure, but a
- meaningful one. We construct the home out of compassion and love, and out of
- our influence on others to act similarly, and He dwells within it- &within us.
- Read Behar this week. It has a lot to say about how we should treat each
- other, and the blessings that will ensue. Blessings, not miracles. "Wherefore
- ye shall do My statutes, and keep Mine ordinances-&ye shall dwell in the land
- in safety." Why in safety? Because others will follow your lead, and also be
- doing the statutes and keeping the ordinances!
- In fact, imagine how disrespectful it is to ask that the material world be
- reworked for your benefit. Isn't it good enough already? With all our
- attempts to gobble up as much of its bounty as possible, it's still supplying
- us with much more than we need &more than we can use!
- Appreciate the blessings. Create more blessings. And when you see that others
- do the same, and that the world is gradually better because of how you
- operate in it&that will be the miracle.
- A Project of Chabad of DE