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Text File | 1994-03-10 | 10.6 KB | 237 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- Newsgroups: rec.music.makers.synth,comp.music,comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard,comp.sys.amiga.audio,alt.binaries.sounds.music,alt.binaries.sounds.midi,rec.answers,comp.answers,news.answers,alt.answers
- Path: news.delphi.com!noc.near.net!news.centerline.com!uunet!meaddata!ddsw1!news.kei.com!MathWorks.Com!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!sun4nl!ruuinf!usenet
- From: piet@cs.ruu.nl (Piet van Oostrum)
- Subject: Midi files/software archives on the Internet
- Message-ID: <archives-1-765155465@cs.ruu.nl>
- Followup-To: poster
- Summary: This posting contains ftp and mail-based archives on the Internet
- Sender: usenet@cs.ruu.nl (Six O'Clock News)
- Supersedes: <archives-1-762480666@cs.ruu.nl>
- Reply-To: piet@cs.ruu.nl (Piet van Oostrum)
- Organization: Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University
- Date: Thu, 31 Mar 1994 23:11:10 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Thu, 5 May 1994 22:00:00 GMT
- Lines: 219
- Xref: news.delphi.com rec.music.makers.synth:21621 comp.music:20111 comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard:41233 comp.sys.amiga.audio:10392 alt.binaries.sounds.music:842 alt.binaries.sounds.midi:228 rec.answers:4587 comp.answers:4279 news.answers:19401 alt.answers:2209
- Posted-By: auto-faq 2.4
- Archive-name: music/midi/archives
- ---------------------------------------------
- Version: $Id: archives,v 1.52 1994/03/24 12:46:28 piet Exp piet $
- Note: the latest version of this file is available from the cs.ruu.nl
- archive as MIDI/DOC/archives (see below how to access the archive) and
- on the various news.answers archives. This archive also contains a lot of
- midi music and programs.
- A large collection of midifiles can be found on wuarchive.wustl.edu, in
- /systems/ibmpc/ultrasound/sound/midi/files. Some of these files are
- specific for the Gravis Ultrasound card but most are also usable for other
- synthesizers.
- There is an FTP archive at ucsd.edu [] . It contains a.o. MIDI
- files, patches and a few programs. See the directory 'midi'.
- Also one at media-lab.media.mit.edu [] (directory 'music/midi')
- atari.archive.umich.edu [] contains Atari stuff in directory
- '/atari/Music'.
- scam.berkeley.edu [] contains netjam submissions on midifiles
- in directory '/misc/netjam/submissions/'.
- louie.udel.edu [] has patches, samples, sequences and software
- in 'pub/midi/'.
- Sites for MIDI Sample Dump Standard programs and samples:
- alf.uib.no [], directory /pub/sds
- sweaty.palm.cri.nz [], directory sds
- wagner.musicnet.ua.edu [] is a site that just started to
- collect music stuff. It has patches for Roland JV-80/880/1000 in directory
- /pub/music/Patches/JV80.
- ftp.reed.edu [] has EPS-16+ samples in /eps/samples. A list is
- in /eps/docs/samples/sample.index.txt. More EPS info is in
- /eps/docs/. There are some programs for the EPS in /eps/utils (Atari ST and
- MSDOS). See /eps/docs/utils for info.
- Two ftp sites for the Kurzweil K2000:
- 1) ftp.uwp.edu:/pub/music/lists/kurzweil (maintained by jbuckman@aas.org)
- 2) cs.utk.edu:/pub/martin/K2000 (maintained by martin@cs.utk.edu)
- qiclab.scn.rain.com in /pub/music contains various conversion programs.
- Roland Samplers:
- There is an FTP archive that includes introductory information, useful
- utilities (read Roland disks on your computer), archives of the mailing
- list, and some samples. The archive is on lotus.UWaterloo.ca in the
- pub/sgroup directory.
- There also is a ftp-site with TX16W samples, maintained by one of
- the TX16W list-members. FTP to ftp-ls7.informatik.uni-dortmund.de, the
- samples are in the directory "pub/tx16w/samples". There are also back
- issues of the TX-16W newsletter in pub/tx16w/mail. There is also a
- mirror site in the U.S.A. at ftp.aii.com:/pub/midi/tx16w
- Archives of the Music-Research Digest can be found at
- cattell.psych.upenn.edu [12128.91.2.173] in directory pub/Music.Research
- impaqt1.mem.drexel.edu [] has a couple of msdos files in
- 'pub/files/ibm/midi'
- There is an EMAX (I and II) FTP site at sweaty.palm.cri.nz (
- some samples, FAQ, archives of mailing list and some software to allow
- sample interchange for PC compatibles
- Cakewalk files can be found at nic.funet.fi [] in
- 'pub/msdos/sound/cakewalk' and also on ucsd.edu (see above).
- There are several MIDI programs for MS Windows in
- ftp.cica.indiana.edu:pub/pc/win3/sounds.
- OS/2 programs can be found on ftp-os2.cdrom.com []. Directories
- /pub/os2/2_x/mmedia and /pub/os2/2_1/mmedia contain the bulk of the
- MIDI-related files for OS/2. (There is a specific ftp site for OS/2
- multimedia in the formative stages right now, but it is not yet in
- operation.) For a full index of OS/2 files at that site, retrieve
- /pub/os2/00index.txt. Submissions may be placed in /pub/os2/incoming.
- castrovalva.gsfc.nasa.gov [] contains some Macintosh stuff
- and the EMUSIC-L mailing list archives. mac.archive.umich.edu
- [] has a midi archive in mac/sound/midi
- Other Macintosh sites: See the file Mac-archives in this directory.
- An FTP site for predominantly D-70-related files: /pub/D70 on
- kilroy.jpl.nasa.gov.
- ftp.ecn.nl:/pub/RP-1: DIGITECH RP-1 MIDI guitar effect pedals and some
- other midi stuff.
- Apple 2 MIDI Synth archives can be found on cco.caltech.edu []
- in the pub/apple2/music/synthlab/ directory. They are mirrored on
- grind.isca.uiowa.edu []
- Amiga users can get some things by mail from mrcserv@janus.mtroyal.ab.ca
- (send a HELP message first)
- For amiga see also the aminet sites:
- litamiga.epfl.ch
- ftp.luth.se
- ftp.uni-kl.de
- ftp.uni-erlangen.de
- ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de
- ftp.th-darmstadt.de
- ftp.uni-paderborn.de
- ftp.wustl.edu
- ftp.cdrom.com
- merlin.etsu.edu
- There is a listserv containing e-music related stuff at American
- University.
- Send a message to listserv@auvm.bitnet containing the line:
- get emusic filelist
- We are opening an anonymous ftp site, ftp.ircam.fr. Since we are connected
- to the Internet via a 9600b line, please try to do your bulk transfers between
- 10pm MET and 8 am MET as a courtesy to our users. Please use, don't abuse!
- (amongst others:)
- music/ Computer music software and info
- archives/ List of directories of some well-known comp music ftp sites
- databases/ Music databases
- doc/ Documentation
- FAQ/ FAQ about audio, dsp, etc...
- MIDI/ MIDI standard definition
- papers/ Papers on music
- OMR/ Bibliographies in Optical Music Recognition
- programs/ Repository of public domain computer music programs
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- irus.rri.uwo.ca /pub/music contains a Cubase demo
- ftp.mcc.ac.uk /pub/cubase Cubase archive. Contains Atari, Mac and
- MSWindows demos
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You'll find some NoiseTracker/SoundTracker MOD files, and Soundblaster
- things on the following FTP sites:
- Garbo.Uwasa.fi /pc/sb and /pc/music
- Wuarchive.Wustl.Edu
- Simtel20.Army.Mil
- snake.mcs.kent.edu /pub/SB-Adlib/ntmods
- nic.funet.fi /pub/amiga/audio
- /pub/atari/sound
- /pub/unix/sound
- /pub/msdos/sound
- ux1.cso.uiuc.edu /amiga/mirror/mods
- ftp.brad.ac.uk /misc/mods /incoming/mods
- ftp.uni-kl.de /pub/amiga/mods
- /pub/amiga/ianet/mods
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTE: The adresses mentioned are those where you can subscribe or get info
- about the list. The lists themselves usually have the name without the
- -request if that part is present, or LISTNAME@HOST if the command to
- Algorithmic composition majordom@heinous.isca.uiowa.edu
- message: subscribe ALGO-COMP
- Analogue Heaven analogue-request@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
- message: SUBS CAKEWALK <your full name>
- guitar effect pedals RP-1-L@ECN.NL, bernards@ecn.nl (Marcel Bernards)
- EMU Emax emax-request@foobar.hpl.hp.com
- K2000 LISTSERV@jhuvm.hcf.jhu.edu
- message: SUBSCRIBE K2000 Your Full Name
- Korg 01/W korg-admin@apicc.dseg.ti.com (Bill Huston)
- netjam netjam-request@xcf.berkeley.edu
- with Subject: request for info
- Notator (EMagic's) Fokke de Boer <Fokke.de.Boer@rivm.nl>
- Ensoniq VFX vfx-request@digibd.com
- EPS eps-request@reed.edu
- Roland Samplers sgroup-request@lotus.UWaterloo.ca
- Roland D-70 cyamamot@kilroy.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Clifford Yamamoto)
- Roland JV-80/880 jv80-request@burner.com
- message: #SUBSCRIBE
- <Your e-mail address>
- Roland U20/U220 phantom@nwu.edu (James Choi)
- Sound Blaster progr. listserv@porter.geo.brown.edu
- message: subscribe blaster Your Full Name
- TX16W majordomo@lists.eunet.fi
- message: subscribe tx16w Your Full Name
- Yamaha SY sy-request@chorus.fr
- message: SUBS EMUSIC-L Your Full Name
- message: SUBS SYNTH-L Your Full Name
- SQ-x/KS-32 ks32-request@cygnus.com
- Cubase cubase-users-request@mcc.ac.uk
- Wavestation listserver@otax.tky.hut.fi
- message: SUBSCRIBE WAVESTATION Your Full Name
- message: SUBSCRIBE WIML-L Your Full Name
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTE: I am setting up a midi archive on our machine, so if you have info
- about PD stuff (programs and midifiles) please share with me. And if you
- want to share some of your own things that will be appreciated.
- The archive is available with ftp from ftp.cs.ruu.nl [],
- directory MIDI. Also by a mail-server - send mail to mail-server@cs.ruu.nl
- with the following contents:
- PATH <a valid mail address to you>
- Note: specify a correct address (e.g. user@host.univ.edu or user@host.BITNET)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University,
- Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- Telephone: +31 30 531806 Uucp: uunet!mcsun!ruuinf!piet
- Telefax: +31 30 513791 Internet: piet@cs.ruu.nl (*`Pete')