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Text File | 1994-03-03 | 5.7 KB | 110 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- for VMS IRC Client 1.7.3
- ADMIN [server] Show administrative info
- AUTO <HI|RE|?> [text] Welcomes everyone joining
- AUTHORS Displays copyright message
- AWAY [text] [Re]Set away message
- BIG <*|nick> <text> Send message in big letters
- BOLD Toggle bold text display
- BROADCAST Toggle broadcast window
- BYE Exit IRC
- CHANNEL <channel> Enter channel
- CD [directory|?] Change working directory
- CLS Clear screen
- CLOCK Display/Remove clock (what else ?)
- CMDCH Change command character
- CONNECT <server> <port> Add link to remote server (+)
- COMMENT [text] Comment on screen/in logfile
- CTCP <nick> <query> Client To Client Protocol
- DATE [server] Show local time for server
- DCL [command] Send DCL command
- (*) DIE Shutdown own server(+)
- ENER <channel> [text] Enter channel and print text
- ERRLG Enabe/disable error logging
- ERROR [text] Send error message toserver
- FKEY<Key|?>[text] Define function key
- [Keypad 0..9, GOLD a..z]
- FLAGS Show client settings
- FLUSH Flush incoming messages
- GRPH <nik> <text> Private message
- HELP Surprise!
- HERE Reset away message
- INVITE<nick>[channel] Invite someone to a channel
- INFO Inventor's info
- IGNORE [nick|WALL|?] Ignore someones messages
- JOIN channel> Enter channel
- KICK<nick> Kick somebody from channel[2.5]
- KIL <nick> Kill someone (+)
- LIST List channel topics
- LEAVE[time|?] Set alarm clock
- LINKS [server] List connected servers
- LOADFONT <file> Load a BIGfont
- LOG [RECALL][filename] Start/stop logfile
- LUSERS Summarize user info
- M<nick><text> Private message
- ME <action> Sends a ctcp action
- MIRROR<*|nick><text> Send mirrored text
- MODE[chan|?] [param] Set mode of named chan.[2.5]
- MOTD[server] Show motto oftheday
- MSG <text> Send message
- NAMES Show users' nicknames
- NICK<newnick> Change your nickname
- NOKILL Suppress full kill messages
- NOTICE <nick> <text> Private message
- NOTIFY [+|-<nick>] Add/remove users from NOTIFY list
- OPERame<pass> Become operator
- OOPS<nick>[text] Redirect message and excuse
- PART <channel> Leave a channel[2.6](*)
- PASS <sver.pwd> Enter server password
- PING <user> Check time for a CTCP reply
- PRIVMSG <nick> <txt> Private message
- QERY [nick(s)|?][text] Set prefix for private messages
- QUOTE <string> Pass string directly to server
- RECALL[DCL|MSG] Recall message to input line
- REDIRECT <nick> Redirect message
- REHASH Reconfigure server (+)
- REMIRROR Show recent messages mirrored
- REROT13 Show recent messages rot13'ed(*)
- RESTART Restart server (+)
- ROT13 <*|nick><text> Send mesage rot13'ed
- STATS [mode] [server] Show server statistics
- [M: cmds, L: links, C: config]
- SCRIPT <filename> Execute scriptfile
- SERVER <server> [port] Connect to another server
- SHOWESC Display/Interpret escapechars
- SIGNAL [<mode>|?] Signal messages
- SPAWN Shell escape
- SQUIT<server> Remove link to server (+)
- SRVINFO[server] Give information about server
- STAUS Toggle status line display
- SUMMON<usr>@<server> Invite user to IRC
- TIME [server] Show local time forserver
- TOPIC [topic] Set/Show topic of channel
- TRACE [server] Show active links (+)
- TYPE <*,nick><file> Send file as messages
- (*) USER <usr> x x <pname>Register yourself (done by client)
- USERS[server] Show interactive users on server
- VERSION [server] Show version of server
- VOICE<nick><text> Private message
- WHO [*|channel] Show users on channel
- WALL <text> Send message to everybody(+)
- WALLOPS<text> Send message to all op's[2.4]
- WHOAWAY [*|channel] Show all people who are sleeping
- WHOIS<nick> Detailed user information
- WHOOP[@|*|#][*|channel] Show operators/ChanOp's
- WHOP <pattern[*|chan.] Show users with pattern selection
- WHOX <pattn> [*|chan.] Showusers with pattern exclusion
- WHOSRV[*|channel] Show users with servers
- WHOWAS <nick> Show user who's gone[2.4]
- XTRA<nick> <text> Private message
- (*) These commands are only available with QUOTE<command>
- + Not yet implemented commands... *sorry*