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Text File | 1994-03-03 | 4.6 KB | 118 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- a
- Contents
- --------
- 3 EXIT
- ABOUT-IRC>(Enter Number, Scan, "?" or Exit): 1
- Internet Relay Chat is a multi-user chat system similar to DELPHI's conference
- feature. IRC includes participants at hundreds of locations throughout the
- world. In fact, it's not unusual to see more than 1000 people in IRC at once.
- Please note that because IRC is interpersonal discussions, there are many
- subjects and topics that may not be appropriate for all users. DELPHI cannot
- control the types of discussions, and because users are all over the world,
- DELPHI cannot "discipline" users for their behavior. If you would prefer to
- have access to IRC disabled for your account, please send mail to SERVICE.
- As always, DO NOT provide your password to anyone else you meet.
- How to use IRC:
- You'll find that the core features of IRC are very similar to DELPHI's
- Conference system, however, the large number of people and groups sometimes
- makes it more cumbersome. The first rule is to be patient. Some options like
- "/list" take a minute or so.
- More?
- Be sure that your communications software and Delphi's are set to VT-100
- emulation. For Delphi, type /TERM_TYPE=VT100 and enter it, and then type /SAVE
- and enter. If you are calling through Sprintnet or Tymnet, you will also need to
- type /ECHO HOST before entering IRC.
- IRC also assumes that your screen width is set to 80 (the standard screen width
- for many computers). If for some reason you have it set lower -- even 78 or 79
- -- the program will inform you that your screen is too small.
- All IRC commands begin with a "/" character. You can type /help at any time to
- get a list of all available commands.
- command description
- -------- -----------
- /list lists all of the channels (can take a few minutes)
- includes the number of users and the topic.
- (IRC "channel" = DELPHI Conference "Group")
- /help shows a summary of commands
- /join <#groupname> joins you to the group "groupname"
- be sure to include the pound sign (#) before
- More?
- the groupname, for example /join #hottub
- /msg <nickname> <message> allows to send a private message to another user.
- (/msg is like /send on DELPHI)
- /nick <nickname> allows you to set your own nickname
- /part <#channelname> exits you from the named channel
- /quit returns you to DELPHI
- /whois <nickname> Who/where is that user
- /who *xyz* Show all users having xyz in their names
- Here's an example of what gets displayed when you type /list. The
- actual display will fill many screens.
- *** Channel: Users Topic
- *** #x-windows: 1
- *** #saigon: 1
- *** #Brasil: 1
- *** #LiquidAir: 2
- *** #stuff: 2
- *** #deadzone: 5 It's peachy in here
- *** #taiwan: 13
- More?
- The groups with one participant are people waiting to chat with
- someone. If you want to see who's in the group #taiwan, you can
- type:
- /who #taiwan
- Channel Nickname S User@Host
- #taiwan: slopy H qmly@iastate.edu (3 Quang M Ly)
- #taiwan: saddi H irc@mis.nsysu.edu.tw (4 Internet Relay Chat)
- #taiwan: fally H Unknown@tiger.itc.univie.ac.at (3 aspen.ulowell.edu)
- #taiwan: wonton H@ wonton@ACS.BU.EDU (4 School Sux...So Does Life)
- #taiwan: sun H sun@orion.cis.umassd.edu (3 !id Chun-Li Sun)
- #taiwan: HsiaoPao H@ csung@sumax.seattleu.edu (3 ***Golden Cage**)
- #taiwan: EEMTANG H@ EEMTANG@vm.cc.olemiss.edu (4 EEMTANG at UMSVM.bitnet)
- #taiwan: Hawkman H yxl20@slc5.INS.CWRU.Edu (2 Yan Ling)
- #taiwan: Jackserv H@ kftseng1@snake.nchu.edu.tw (5 !id /msg Jackserv help)
- #taiwan: UTsrv H@ turtle@donald.cc.utexas.edu (2 TURR=TURRTLE=TURTLE)
- #taiwan: Weak G@ t440001@sparc20.ncu.edu.tw (4 ec)
- #taiwan: Bamboo H@ abin@merlin.etsu.edu (3 Roger YuanPin Liau)
- More?
- #taiwan: OurSrv H@ kao@umdesun1.umd.umich.edu (2 !id /msg OurSrv Help)
- To participate in the discussion in the group #taiwan, type:
- /join #taiwan
- When you're done and you want to return to DELPHI, type;
- /quit
- NOTE: If you have problems with IRC, please do not send your questions
- to the server administrators. They do not work for Delphi, and with our
- large number of users, it puts an unfair burden on them. The best place
- to ask an IRC question is in the Internet SIG Forum. When you post a
- question there, you will usually get a response in minutes or at least
- hours.
- ABOUT-IRC>(Enter Number, Scan, "?" or Exit):