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Text File | 1994-03-03 | 18.6 KB | 397 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- This file should be called "compress.txt" on your computer.
- The most recent copy of this text may be anonymous ftp'd from
- ftp.cso.uiuc.edu ( in the directory /doc/pcnet as
- the file compression.
- This file is maintained by David Lemson (lemson@uiuc.edu).
- Please do not strip this note from this list when passing it on.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DECODING THIS CHART: This chart has been compacted to fit into 80 columns
- so it can be viewed on-line. The first column is the name of the compression/
- archiving technique. The next field is the file extension given to the
- resulting file. After that are 5 columns each for a different operating system.
- Each one of these consists of the name of the file/program to undo the given
- compression/archiving style and a letter that tells where the file/program may
- be obtained. All symbols and letters are decoded at the bottom portion of this
- file.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Last Update: 26 July 1993 Operating System/Unpackaging Program
- NAME File DOS * Mac * Unix * VM/CMS * Amiga *
- Extension
- abe ? abe.exe N - abe Q - -
- afio - - - afio ? - -
- ar (any) - - ar L - -
- ARC .ARC arc602.exe B ArcMac1.3c A arc521 Barcutil2.04K Arc 0.23 Aa
- ARCHDOS .IBM Internal IBM only - creates .EXE self-extractors also
- ARJ .ARJ arj239d.exe B - unarj230 B unarj K -
- BinHex .Hqx xbin23.zip B BinHex4.0 + A mcvert D binhex X -
- binscii * - - sciibin3.10 - -
- BLU ? - - - - -
- BOO .BOO msbpct.exe B ? ? - - -
- msbmkb.exe
- btoa (any)atob11.zip B + btoa L - compress Ab
- Bundle .bndl - Bundle ? Unbundle M - -
- CardDump(any) - - - card K -
- compact .C - - uncompact L - -
- Compac-
- tor .cpt - Compactor1.21 D - - -
- Compact
- Pro .cpt - Compact Pro 1.33D - - -
- compress.Z u16.zip A MacCompress3.2A compress L compress K compress Ac
- comp430d.zip B
- "" (GNU) .gz gzip123.exe B gzip123 L
- (also the potentially confusing '.z' until v 1.1.1)
- cpio ? pax2exe.zip H - cpio L - -
- COMT .COM comt010d.zip B - - - -
- Crunch ? - - - arcutil K -
- Diamond (spc+hibit) - Diamond 3.0 Z - - -
- Diet (any)diet110a.zip B - - - -
- Disk-
- Doubler .dd - DiskDoubler3.7 Z - - -
- Disk- .DMS - - - - dms-102 T
- Masher .EXE
- DWC .DWC dwc-a501.exe B - - - -
- FPack (any) ? ? FPack2.2 A ? ? - -
- HPACK .HPK hpack78.zip B
- HYPER .HYP hyper25.zip B - - - -
- Imploder(any) - - - - imploder1.3 T
- Ish .ish ish200.lzh B ishmac-06 ? ? ?
- JPEG (any) (See note at bottom - C source available) ***
- Larc .LZS larc333.zip B - - - -
- LHA .LZH lha255.exe B - lha1.00 U - -
- LHarc .LZH lh113c.exe H MacLHarc 0.41 D lharc102 U - LHarc Ad
- LHWarp .LZW - - - - Lhwarp Ae
- LU (LAR).LBR lue220.arc B - l(t)ar ? arcutil K -
- LZari ? - MacLZAri 7-11 ? - - -
- LZEXE .EXE lzexe91.zip A - - - -
- LZSS .lzss ? ? LZSS 2.0b5 ? - - -
- MDCD .MD mdcd10.arc B - - - -
- pack .z - - unpack L - -
- PackIt .pit UnPackIt ? PackIt3.1.3 A unpit ? - -
- PAK .PAK pak251.exe H ? ? - - -
- PKLITE .EXE pklte115.exe B - - - -
- PKPAK .ARC pk361.exe A ArcMac1.3c A arc521 I arcutil2.0K PKAX ?
- PKZIP .ZIP pkz204g.exe B ZipIt1.1 D unzip50p1B arcutil2.04K PKAZip A
- f
- Power- .pp
- Packer - - - - PowerPacker Ai
- Scrunch .COM scrnch.arc B - - - -
- Shark - - sh E
- shell - .shar
- archive toadshr1.arc B UnShar2.0 D unshar L - UnShar Ag
- Ship (any) (See note at bottom about Ship and Portable Zip) *
- shrinkit.shk nulib34 O - nulib34 O - -
- Shrink-
- ToFit .stf - STF1.2 ? - - -
- SPL ? - ? ? - - -
- Squash .ARC squash.arc B - - - -
- Squeeze .xQx sqpc131.arc B ? ? ? ? arcutil K Sq.Usq Ah
- Squeeze .sqz sqz1083.exe B
- StuffIt .Sit unstuff.exe B StuffItLite 3 D unsit D - -
- tar .tar tar.zip A UnTar2.0 D tar L - TarSplit Ai
- tarread.arc I
- extar10.zip B
- ltarv1.zip B
- terse (any)Copyright IBM - - vmarc + -
- uuencode.UUE ncdc151.zip B uutool2.0.3 D uudecode L arcutil K uudecode Aj
- Warp .WRP - - - - WarpUtil Ak
- whap .AP ? ? yabbawhap M ? yabbawhap M
- xxencode.XXE ncdc150.zip B - xxdecode A xxdecode K -
- yabba .Y ? ? yabbawhap M ? yabbawhap M
- ZOO .ZOO zoo210.exe A MacBooz2.1 D zoo210 B zoo K amigazoo A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Extended Chart:
- VMS * Apple 2 * Atari * OS/2 * Windows3
- aaf (any) - aaftools O
- abe ? - - - - -
- afio - - - - - -
- ar (any) - - - - -
- ARC .arc arcvms.uue B angel.shk O B arc521e.arc R arc2.arc A -
- ARJ .ARJ unarj220 B - unarj_st.lzh R - -
- BinHex .Hqx - - - - -
- binscii * - binscii.exe O - - -
- BLU ? - unblu O - - -
- BOO .BOO - - - - -
- btoa (any) - - - - -
- Bundle .bndl - - - - -
- CardDump(any) - - - - -
- compact .C - - - - -
- Compac-
- tor .cpt - - - - -
- compress.Z lzdcomp.exe P compress.shk O compress.arc R - -
- cpio ? - - - - -
- Crunch ? - - - - -
- Disk-
- Doubler ? - - - - -
- DWC .DWC - - - - -
- FPack (any) - - - - -
- GZIP .gz gzip-1-2-2.zipP
- HPACK .HPK ? * ? * ? * ? * ? *
- HYPER .HYP - - - - -
- Larc .LZS - - - - -
- LHA .LHA - angel O - lha214_2 -
- LHarc .LZH - - lzh_2011.lzh R clhar103 S -
- LHWarp .LZW - - - - -
- LU(LAR) .LBR vmssweep B - - - -
- LZari ? - - - - -
- LZEXE .EXE - - - - -
- LZSS .lzss - - - - -
- MDCD .MD - - - - -
- PackIt .pit - - - - -
- PAK .PAK - - - - -
- PKPAK .ARC - - pkunarc.arc R - -
- PKZIP .ZIP unzip41 B - STZIP22.tos R pkz101-2.exe A -
- Power-
- Packer (any) - - - - -
- Scrunch .COM - - - - -
- shell-
- archive .shar - unshar.shk O shar.arc R - -
- shrinkit.shk - ? O - - -
- Shrink-
- ToFit .stf - - - - -
- SPL ? - - - - -
- Squash .ARC - - - - -
- Squeeze ? vmsusq.pas B a2unix O ezsqueeze.arc R - -
- StuffIt .Sit - - - - -
- tar .tar vmstar Q - sttar.arc R - -
- terse (any) - - - - -
- uuencode.uue uudecode2.vmsB uu.en.decode O uucode10.arcR - -
- Warp .WRP - - - - -
- whap ? ? - ? ? -
- xxencode.XXE - - - - -
- yabba ? ? - ? ? -
- ZOO .ZOO ZOO210.TAR-Z B - zoo21bin.arcR booz.exe A -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A. ftp.cso.uiuc.edu []
- /pc/exec-pc/ {Zip, arc, lots of good stuff}
- /pc/local
- /mac/
- /amiga/fish/(see individual references)
- a ff070 b ff051 c ff051 d ff312 e ff305 f ff311 g ff345
- h ff051 i ff053 j ff092 k ff243 i ff253
- B. wuarchive.wustl.edu [] (UIUC: NFS mounted on uxa and mrcnext)
- -> See H. below for another site for /mirrors/msdos/ directories <-
- /mirrors/msdos/archivers/ {arc, LHARC, hpack}
- /filutl/ {atob11, msbpct - BOO, toadshr, DIET, ncdc151}
- /sq-usq/ {NUSQ}
- /zip/ {unzip}
- /mac/ {unsit30}
- /info-mac/util/
- /unix-c/arc-progs/ {ARC,GZIP}
- /misc/vaxvms/ {UNZIP for VMS}
- /misc/unix/ {UNZIP, ZOO for UNIX/VMS, UNARJ}
- C. omnigate.clarkson.edu []
- /pub/ncsa2.2tn/
- D. sumex-aim.stanford.edu []
- /info-mac/util/ {Stuffit Lite, Compactor Pro, etc.}
- /unix/ {unsit, mcvert}
- E. ftp.uu.net []
- /pub/
- /ioccc/shar.1990.* {shark}
- F. grape.ecs.clarkson.edu []
- - collection varies - see the file 'allfiles'
- G. watsun.cc.columbia.edu []
- Definitive source for KERMIT releases for all machines
- /kermit/a/
- H. wsmr-simtel20.army.mil []
- oak.oakland.edu [] is the primary mirror for
- simtel20. wuarchive (B) is a secondary mirror.
- cd pd1:<msdos.arc-lbr>
- SIMTEL20 files are available by anonymous ftp from mirror sites
- OAK.Oakland.Edu (, wuarchive.wustl.edu (,
- archive.orst.edu (, ftp.uu.net (, nic.funet.fi
- (, src.doc.ic.ac.uk (, nic.switch.ch
- (, archie.au (, NCTUCCCA.edu.tw (,
- by e-mail through the BITNET/EARN file servers, or by uucp from UUNET's
- 1-900-GOT-SRCS. See UUNET file uunet!~/info/archive-help for details.
- I. pc.usl.edu []
- /pub/unix/
- K. vmd.cso.uiuc.edu []
- card - cd public.460
- others, including ARCUTIL - cd public.477
- - NOTE: UUDECODE, UNARJ, ZOO and COMPRESS are originally from
- L. (should be available on all major unix systems including
- wuarchive.wustl.edu in /unix-c/arc-progs
- also uxc.cso.uiuc.edu in /pub)
- M. comp.sources.unix archives
- (varies, including wuarchive in /usenet/comp.sources.unix)
- N. comp.binaries.ibm.pc archives
- (varies, including wuarchive in /usenet/comp.binaries.ibm.pc)
- O. cco.caltech.edu []
- /pub/apple2/ {binscii.exe}
- /ARCHIVERS {angel.shk, unblu in a2unix.aaf}
- /source {aaftools}
- P. kuhub.cc.ukans.edu []
- /LZW/
- Q. vmsa.oac.uci.edu []
- /
- R. atari.archive.umich.edu []
- /atari/archivers/
- S. mtsg.ubc.ca []
- /os2
- T. ab20.larc.nasa.gov []
- /amiga/utils/archivers/
- U. alt.sources archives (available on wuarchive.wustl.edu in
- /usenet/alt.sources/)
- {LHarc is articles number 2217 and 2218}
- V. rascal.ics.utexas.edu []
- /misc/mac/utilies
- W. akiu.gw.tohoku.ac.jp []
- /pub/mac/tools/archiver
- X. brownvm.brown.edu []
- / {BINHEX.READ-ME for instructions}
- Z. Commercial software product - check discount mail order
- software houses, computer stores.
- Symbols: + means see the notes below for special information
- - means that nothing exists to the best of my knowledge
- ? means that something exists but I do not know the name
- of the program or where to get it
- * means that e-mail should be sent to lemson@uiuc.edu
- for details/explanation
- JPEG - source (Free code) is available in
- ftp.uu.net:/graphics/jpeg/jpegsrc.v?.tar.Z. Supports conversion
- between JPEG "JFIF" format and image files in PBMPLUS PPM, Utah RLE,
- Truevision Targa, and GIF file formats. Contact for more info:
- Dr. Thomas G. Lane, organizer, Independent JPEG Group
- Internet: jpeg-info@uunet.uu.net
- Current version (1/93) is v4.
- PKZIP 2.04g is shareware. The Encryption version is freely
- exportable to all countries except Cuba,Iran,Iraq,North Korea, the
- police or military of South Africa, Syria, and Vietnam. (by order of
- the US Government)
- Some uuencode/uudecode programs are able to read xxencode files.
- Stuffit Lite 3.0 is the replacement version of Stuffit
- Classic 1.6 for Macintosh. Stuffit Lite is shareware, $25. Stuffit
- Deluxe is the commercial version from Aladdin Software.
- Stuffit Expander 3.0.1 is a free version from Aladdin that can
- decompress most Macintosh compression schemes. It is available in
- the same place as other Mac decompression products.
- VMARC, available with the command "TELL LISTSERV AT RPIECS GET VMARC
- PACKAGE" from a CMS machine, will decode any CMS terse program. The
- PC version of terse is a commercial program available from IBM
- directly.
- There is a portable 'ZIP' that goes along with unzip50p1 that is
- available from wuarchive and other mirrors in the same places as
- unzip. (see (B) above)
- WizUnzip, WINUNZ20.ZIP in the WINDOWS3 dir on
- wuarchive (B), is a MS Windows 3 version of Unzip50p1.
- GZIP, the GNU Zip-like utility, is available from prep.ai.mit.edu.
- Current version is 1.2.2 (16 June 93). A VMS version is available
- as follows: (this has binaries for VMS for VAX and AXP)
- To get gzip via anonymous ftp from ftp.spc.edu, you'll need:
- To get it via e-mail, send the following commands in the body of a
- mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.BITNET:
- SEND GZIP-1-2-2
- There is a set of translators that will allow Stuffit Deluxe to read
- btoa, UUencoded files, zip, pack, tar, MacBinary, and others. They are in
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu:/info-mac/utils/stuffit-deluxe-translators.hqx.
- When using tar.exe for PC's, the order of option flags is important.
- For extraction, use tar -xvf <filename>.
- ARC : From SEA, ARC 6.02 is the latest widespread shareware release.
- It is available at A (ftp.cso.uiuc.edu).
- Also, SEA has ARC 7.10, but it is commercial, not shareware.
- (see note at bottom)
- When using binscii.exe for an Apple II, there are different file extensions
- depending on the type of file being changed.
- BinHexed files (with the extension .hqx) can be UnBinHexed with BinHex 4.0 or
- Stuffit. BinHex5.0 format is a MacBinary format, while BinHex 4.0 files
- are ASCII format.
- The files listed are only supposed to uncompress/unarchive.
- To compress/archive, further software may be needed.
- There are certain "standard" combinations of compression used:
- unix - .tar.Z
- (often this will be .taz for PC's)
- unix - tar.Z.btoa (abbrev. to .TZB sometimes) (aka "tarmail")
- mac - .sit.hqx
- - these must be undone in order starting at the end of the name
- Sometimes an archive may be self-extracting. These will look like normal
- executable programs. Simply run them to undo the archive.
- LZEXE (PC), PKLITE(PC), Imploder(Amiga), and PowerPacker(Amiga)
- are executable compressors.
- They compress an executable file and attach an uncompressing header so that
- the file can still be executed while in compressed form.
- The listed programs for these utilities compress files, in order to uncompress
- a file with these types of compression, just execute them.
- DIET (PC) is a TSR program that compresses and decompresses both
- executables and data files as needed.
- PKWARE Support BBS - avaliable 24 hours
- (414) 352-7176
- ZOO - author: Rahul Dhesi
- source code in C on Usenet and GEnie's IBM PC Roundtable
- ARC - SEA (System Enhancement Associates, Inc.)
- 804-442-5865
- ystem Enhancement Associates, Inc.)
- 804-442-5865
- ACTION> (Next, Down, Xm, List)