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- HJ[Message 1 of 1 in thread 41 of 42] rec.arts.erotica
- Trances (1/5)
- From: Michael Kalen Smith <mksmith@metronet.com>
- Date: 27 Apr 1994 14:23:13 -0400 (16 screens)
- Archive-name: trances.1
- [Everyone seems to have a mind control story in their files, so I guess
- I'll have to come up with one, too. No super-muscles in the brain, though,
- and no Buck Rogers inventions. After all, hypnotism has been around a long
- time....]
- by Michael K. Smith
- It wasn't that I didn't have a pretty good reputation with the girls in
- high school and college, but my successes weren't spectacular, either. I
- did all right, plenty of dates most of the time, two girls with whom I went
- More?all
- steady for almost a year -- the usual. I wasn't a jock, or a student
- government leader, or anything, but neither were most guys. It all seemed
- perfectly normal ... but that was before my friend Jeff's older brother
- taught me how to hypnotize people.
- I was doing my freshman year of college locally, to save money, when
- Edward came home from one of the big-time universities where he was a
- senior psych major. His grades were very good and he apparently had an
- excellent shot at one of the better graduate schools the following year.
- Edward's particular fascination was the workings of human will power. He
- wanted to understand the forces that drove people. That meant trying to
- nullify someone's will power so he could, in effect, take it out and study
- it, see what made it tick. And, for Edward, that meant hypnosis.
- To him, hypnotism was a kind of crowbar that he could use to pry the lid
- off his subject's mind, so he could investigate its innards. He was very
- good at it, too. He was able to hypnotize his brother in less than five
- minutes, even though Jeff knew perfectly well what he was doing and
- probably tried to resist. I know Edward was able to put *me* under in
- nothing flat, even though I'm ordinarily a highly suspicious and skeptical
- person. I wouldn't have thought I'd make a good hypnotic subject -- but I
- have a polaroid of myself, barefoot with pants legs rolled up, and an
- actual lampshade on my head, capering about in a particularly silly way.
- That proves it.
- The odd thing is, being a rather reserved person for a teenager and
- careful of my dignity, I would have resisted consciously and strongly any
- attempt by anyone to get me to behave like that, but I can clearly remember
- being completely aware of my actions at the time. I just didn't *mind*
- that Edward had me behaving in such an embarrassingly foolish way. It
- seemed, at the time, that it was all my own idea,... and a very good idea,
- at that.
- When I emerged from the hypnotic state (Edward had told me that I would
- feel not at all resentful, and I wasn't), I was very curious about the old
- story that you couldn't make someone do something against their will under
- hypnosis. He laughed.
- "Well, you can't just tell a subject to shoot someone, for instance.
- But you could probably tell them they're shooting at a paper target on a
- firing range -- and if you convince them of it, they'll shoot. Especially
- if they've been on a range before and know they can't 'hurt' the target.
- It's not a matter of overcoming the subject's will power so much as doing
- an end run around it."
- I thought about that. "This is getting interesting," I said. "Could
- you teach me how to hypnotize someone?"
- Edward was reluctant. He didn't want some irresponsible kid poking
- randomly into things he didn't understand. But I was a serious young man
- and I could be pretty persuasive myself. He finally gave in and instructed
- me in the techniques of seducing a person's attention until they had
- entered a trance state. No pendulum-like pocket watches, no rotating
- spiral disks, no monotonic chanting, no "tricks" of any kind. It was a
- matter of focusing the subject's entire attention on yourself, a little at
- a time (though it actually happened pretty fast if it was going to happen
- at all), until your suggestions regarding their thoughts and behavior
- seemed to them to originate within their own mind. It was a technique some
- people could master easier than others, of course. And it turned out that
- I was a natural at it -- better than Edward, in fact, once I'd had some
- practice.
- My first subject, coincidentally, was Edward and Jeff's kid sister,
- Sharon. She didn't really know me and she had no reason to trust me. In
- fact, as a typical thirteen-year-old, she had no reason to put much trust
- in *any* teenager much older than herself. But I was able to put her under
- within a few minutes. As a test, I gave her a few pieces of licorice and
- told her it was dark chocolate. I like licorice, which was why I was
- carrying it around, but both brothers assured me Sharon loathed the stuff.
- But she grinned with delight as she ate it, and even thanked me for the
- treat very politely when I brought her out of the trance! I knew this
- could be a source of Power, with a capital "P".
- I had been somewhat interested in psychology already, but when I
- transferred to the university as a sophomore the next year, psychology
- became my official major. I also began thinking seriously about pre-med
- and a career in psychiatry. It seemed a fascinating opportunity to get
- "under the hood" of the human mind; I was beginning to understand why
- Edward was so absorbed in the subject. But my new skills at hypnosis also
- proved to be of more immediate use.
- Kathy was a cute little thing, a freshman I met during my junior year,
- who looked closer to fifteen than the "eighteen-and-a-half" she claimed.
- She was bright and friendly and open -- and trusting. A perfect subject, I
- thought.
- I had spent nearly a year honing my abilities on friends and
- acquaintances, especially those who, like me, lived in the dorm. I had
- never asked anyone to do anything that could be considered immoral or
- illegal -- just things they would not choose to do if they were in control
- of their own actions. Things like a guy putting on a girl's dress and
- strolling around the dorm completely oblivious to the laughter trailing
- after him.
- Actually, I only went that far once, with a subject who was almost
- universally disliked; he held no grudge afterward (I'd told him he
- wouldn't) and no one else complained of the little show he had been
- instructed to put on. More often, I had shy subjects get up and sing bawdy
- songs and girls recite dirty limericks to strangers: Things that were only
- mildly embarrassing, and which the subjects probably got a secret thrill
- from afterward.
- I also learned the hard way to phrase instructions so as to obtain
- exactly the results I wanted. One guy in the dorm had a bad nervous habit
- of biting his nails; his cuticles were frequently bloody. He was willing
- to let me attempt a bit of hypnotherapy, but I screwed up badly. I told
- him that when he had the urge to bite his nails, he simply wouldn't be able
- to.
- The unforeseen result was that he was physically unable to move his hand
- to his mouth and he went into a serious panic. Fortunately for both of us,
- I always left a posthypnotic "back-door," to make it easier to put the
- subject under the next time, and I was able to calm him down and modify the
- instructions: When he wanted to bite his nails he would remind himself that
- it was ruining the condition and appearance of his hands and he would lose
- the *desire* to gnaw at them.
- That was much more successful. After a few weeks of aborted hand-
- to-mouth motions -- which didn't interfere with eating or note-taking -- he
- had conditioned himself not to bite his nails at all. The desire had gone,
- the habit had disappeared, and he was delighted. I suspected he would
- probably adopt some other nervous habit, but I wasn't a therapist yet!
- Anyway, I was learning, always learning. And then I moved to the
- university and I met Kathy.
- My "in" with Kathy was her infatuation with poetry. She loved having
- her favorite verses read aloud to her, in fact: The classic romantic. So
- we sat under a tree on campus one Friday afternoon and I read CHILDE HAROLD
- to her in a quietly dramatic voice. She leaned against the tree trunk,
- eyes half-closed, drinking in the music of the words. After ten minutes of
- listening to my voice, she had virtually put *herself* under. When I asked
- her to repeat a series of nonsense syllables, she did so without
- hesitation. She was suggestible and I had already worked out what I would
- do to take advantage of the situation I had created.
- "Listen to me carefully, Kathy. We only met a few weeks ago, but you're
- already beginning to have romantic thoughts about me -- and only me. You
- will find yourself daydreaming about me, and it will happen a little more
- with each passing day. After a week or so, you will wonder if you're
- falling in love with me. The sound of my voice will give you exciting
- little chills, my touch will make you feel warm and loving, you will
- gradually begin to fantasize about a physical relationship with me.
- Nothing serious -- sitting on my lap so you can be close to me, kissing me,
- wanting me to put my arms around you and hold you. All the things you read
- about in romantic novels. You will be completely aware of your growing
- feelings and your increasing desires for me, and they will all seem
- completely natural. They will make you very happy. You will begin to do
- everything you can think of to win me over to you.
- "Most important, you will quickly come to trust me in every way, won't
- you? That's one of the main reasons you will begin to fall in love with me
- -- because you know you can trust me absolutely and you know I would never
- hurt you.
- "Now: You will not remember this conversation and you will not remember
- that you were in a trance. You've just been sitting here, feeling warm and
- happy, listening to me read you poetry. Do you understand?" She smiled
- slightly and nodded. "But you will follow the instructions I've given you,
- won't you? And you will slip easily into a deep trance state whenever you
- hear my voice -- and only *my* voice -- say the words 'Dive, Kathy, dive.'
- Repeat the words that will put you into a pleasant trance when you hear my
- voice speak them to you."
- "Dive, Kathy, dive," she murmured, and giggled. I wondered for a moment
- if she could be faking but quickly realized the giggles were just part of
- her happy frame of mind. Kathy was just a giggler, and a very cute one.
- One more little test, though.
- "Kathy, I want you to repeat the following words to me, softly, but as
- if you really mean them: 'Fuck me in the ass until I scream for mercy!' Go
- ahead."
- She licked her lips and squirmed and her eyes opened wider. She fixed
- me with a hot look. "Fuck me in the ass until I scream for mercy...!" Her
- voice was soft but husky, almost smoky. What a turn-on!
- "Okay, now you'll forget that I ever asked you to say that, Kathy, and
- you'll forget that you ever said it. I'm going to count backward from five
- and you will gradually float up out of your trance. When I reach 'one' you
- will be fully awake again. You will not remember having been in a trance
- but you *will* follow your instructions."
- I settled myself again, a polite few inches away from her, and looked at
- the volume of Byron in my lap. "Five,... four,... three,..." She was
- blinking and trying to focus. "Two,... one." She looked over at me and I
- could practically see her mind shifting gears. There were new thoughts in
- her head, now. Thoughts about me.
- I continued to read the lines of verse from where I had left off, but
- she was paying more attention to me than to the words. She licked her lips
- as before and I thought I saw a slight tinge of pink at the tops of her
- ears and around her collarbone. She leaned toward me a little without even
- realizing it.
- I marked the place in the book with one finger and closed it. "Kathy,
- I'm afraid I have to get back to the dorm and work on a term paper. Uh,
- would you like to go out tomorrow night? Maybe a movie? Or we could just
- go for a coke and a stroll...." I was careful not to act too sure of
- myself.
- "Oh, yes! I'd *love* to go out with you!" And she blushed a little at
- her own enthusiasm. I was in.
- The next evening, Kathy and I walked down to the multiplex at the
- shopping center near campus and took in a movie. We held hands and cuddled
- and I was aware that she seemed to be watching me more than the screen.
- And afterward, when we stopped at the Baskin-Robbins for a cone, she
- continued to study me in a bit of a daze -- not a "trance" daze, just an
- ordinary adolescent one. (The fuzzy pink clouds were almost visible....)
- When I kissed her under the trees outside her dorm, she didn't hesitate
- at all but plastered herself against me and kissed me back with exciting
- eagerness. Perhaps I could have grabbed her crotch through her jeans, but
- I didn't want to push my luck and I'm not quite *that* crude in any case.
- I settled for stroking her curvy little bottom, with an occasional squeeze,
- and Kathy kissed me all the harder. She would blossom under romantic
- attack much more satisfyingly than from a blunt assault, and it was also a
- lot more fun.
- By our third date, she had arranged for her dorm roommate to be out so
- she could sneak me in for a few hours. We left the lights low in her room
- and I carefully unbuttoned her blouse as I nibbled on her neck. She was
- shaking a little from nervousness but there was no fear or hesitation.
- When I knelt and slid her jeans down her smooth, silky legs, she moaned in
- the back of her throat and urged me to hurry. Foreplay is pleasurable
- torture, though, and I had no intention of being rushed.
- Then she was naked and I sat on the end of her bed, still fully clothed,
- and smiled as my gaze traveled the length of her body. Her eyes glowed; it
- was obvious she enjoyed being the object of my attention.
- "Dive, Kathy, dive," I said quietly. Her expression didn't really
- change but she blinked and her attention fixed on me absolutely. "Yes,"
- she whispered.
- "Kathy, what are you feeling right now? What are you hoping will happen
- here?"
- "I feel sexy as hell," she said with a breathless laugh. "I'm standing
- here on display for you and I love it! But only for you...." She licked
- her lips. "I guess I hope we'll make love."
- "Are you a virgin, Kathy?"
- "No,... but I've only had sex with my boy friend in high school a few
- times. This is different," she added with a Significant Look.
- "Kathy, your arousal is increasing more and more. Can you feel it?"
- Her eyelids drooped a bit. "Oh, yes...." Her hands moved hesitantly to
- her breasts and she shook out her hair. "Please, take your clothes
- off...." she murmured.
- "Not yet, Kathy. You want to show off for me first, don't you? You
- want me to appreciate just how sexy your body is. And it would be *very*
- sexy if you masturbated while I watched, wouldn't it?" I got up from the
- bed and moved over to my jacket, draped over her desk chair.
- Her respiration had increased. "Um-hmmm," she said under her breath as
- she began to roll her nipples between her fingers and stretch them out from
- her body. I dug the Polaroid out of my jacket pocket and snapped it open.
- "Kathy, lie on the bed and jack yourself off for me. Take your time and
- enjoy it, sweetheart. Your breasts and your cunt will be much more
- sensitive than usual and you'll really get into this, won't you?" She
- crawled onto her bed and squirmed around on her back so that her legs were
- stretched out and her thighs parted. One hand moved down to her already
- moist pussy while the other continued to massage her nipple.
- "I'm going to take some pictures, Kathy, but you will ignore that, you
- won't think about it, you won't even realize I'm doing it. All you'll be
- aware of is that I'm watching you masturbate and I'm enjoying it very much,
- it's really turning me on, Kathy -- and that's turning *you* on, isn't it?
- Tell me what you're thinking, sweetheart."
- "Oh, God, what would your cock feel like and I love being naked and
- feeling myself up and you're watching me do it and it feels so good, so
- good, God, it's so nice, my clit feels like a whole penis maybe and I wish
- you'd do this to me but I know you like to watch me do it so I like to do
- it for you,..." She paused for a breath as both hands separated her lips
- and one finger slipped inside.
- I took a couple of shots and they came out very well, even in the low
- light. I had no thoughts about blackmail or anything; I just wanted data
- for my private studies... and souvenirs, of course.
- It didn't take long for Kathy to work herself up to a high pitch and I
- took several more snapshots of her with her eyes half-closed and her mouth
- twisted with passion. As she hit the first orgasmic crest I used up the
- remainder of my film pack. She was really beautiful when she gasped and
- sobbed with her cunt full of fingers and her rigid nipples about to
- explode. But I didn't want her in a trance when we had sex.
- "Kathy, that was wonderful! You have no idea how sexy you are when you
- do that; it really does turn me on. Are you happy about that?"
- "Oh, yes, that's what I want! I want to turn you on so you'll make love
- to me -- please?"
- I was already stripping off my clothes. "Of course I will, sweetheart,
- I want very much to make love to you! Now, when I get my underwear off,
- you will come out of your trance -- with no hesitation, no regrets, no
- embarrassment about jacking off for me, okay? You enjoyed doing it and I
- enjoyed watching it, and that's all that matters, isn't it?"
- She responded with another "Um-hmmm" and then blinked and smiled broadly
- as I held up my shorts and then tossed them on the floor. She opened her
- arms to me as I crawled onto the bed and we spent a little time kissing and
- caressing and stroking. Kathy was a sweet girl and if I had conscience
- pangs they were subdued by the conviction that she had been doing what she
- really wanted to do, if only she had the nerve.
- We spent a very enjoyable couple of hours thrashing about on her old
- dorm-issue bed, exploring each other's bodies with hands and mouths, and
- finally fucking each other into sweaty exhaustion. She was enthusiastic
- and uninhibited, which I wasn't sure she could have been without hypnotic
- encouragement. I knew perfectly well I was using her, but I preferred to
- think I was also giving her something back.
- I had Kathy on a string for three months before her increasing
- dependence on me really began to worry me. I had made myself the most
- important thing in her life and that had consequences I hadn't imagined.
- She hung on my every word and thought, she got jittery when she was away
- from me, and she went to tears if she thought I was displeased with her.
- She became anxious every time we had sex, gnawing her lip if I didn't
- display unbridled enthusiasm at her every movement. Moreover, her grades
- were beginning to suffer, as were her relationships with other people. Her
- girlfriends began directing hostile stares at me when Kathy and I went out
- together.
- I won't say it wasn't fun, though. I could speak a code word to her in
- public and watch while she enjoyed a small orgasm. And it was kind of nice
- to have a very cute girl leaning over my shoulder and nibbling on my ear
- while I had a hamburger with the guys at MacDonald's. Nevertheless, my
- original instructions to Kathy hadn't been well-structured or properly
- thought out. And since I had to modify them anyway, I decided to "free"
- her, to allow her to continue with her own life (and get out of mine).
- After putting her under, I asked, "Kathy, suppose for a minute that I
- wasn't in your life; is there some other guy you know -- or would like to
- know -- who's available and to whom you are really attracted?" She
- hesitated and seemed a little fearful. "Go ahead, sweetheart, it's okay.
- You aren't betraying me and I won't get mad; if I wasn't interested, I
- wouldn't have asked."
- "Well,... there's Bobby Rinehart, in my Government class. He's really
- cute and he's not going with anyone. I've seen him watching me in class,
- too -- but I don't mean--"
- "No, Kathy, that's quite all right. Now, this is what's going to
- happen: Over the next week or so, you will gradually come to realize that
- you and I don't have as much of a future together as you thought we had.
- We won't have a fight and there won't be any hard feelings from either of
- us. You will still be fond of me and I will still be fond of you. But we
- will agree, quite amicably, that we aren't really in love and that we
- should begin dating other people. You will think about Bobby Rinehart and
- if you decide -- for *yourself* -- that you'd like to go out with him, you
- will approach him yourself,... or any other guy you think you might enjoy
- dating. Do you understand, Kathy? You must not be shy about beginning a
- relationship with Bobby, or anyone else. You will not remember this
- conversation, but when you wake up tomorrow morning you will begin acting
- on your new instructions, won't you?"
- We had a very nice "last supper" that evening, munching and nibbling on
- each other. Two days later, Kathy said rather quietly, "We need to talk
- about us."
- It wasn't quite as painless for me as I had expected. Even though Kathy
- had been in a condition of servitude, I found I was going to miss her
- attentive presence. That was the penance I had to pay, though, for having
- Kathy in the first place. At least I had arranged it so that we would
- remain friends.
- * * * * *
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Copyright 1993 by Michael K. Smith. Copies may be made and posted elsewhere
- for personal enjoyment, but all commercial rights are
- reserved.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Michael K. Smith mksmith@metronet.com
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- It doesn't TAKE all kinds, we just HAVE all kinds
- --
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