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Text File | 1994-03-30 | 18.1 KB | 433 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- HJ[Message 1 of 1 in thread 3 of 42] rec.arts.erotica
- The Hotel
- From: Lusty Wench <lusty@lusty.tamu.edu>
- Date: 15 Apr 1994 13:56:15 -0400 (19 screens)
- Archive-name: hotel
- The Room
- Copyright 1994 by Diana Shoemaker
- Ashley looked at her watch as she walked down the hotel
- corridor looking for room 729. 3:30. That should be
- plenty of time, as long as she didn't run into any
- unforseen problems. He would probably go out for a
- drink after his meeting. He might even grab a quick
- meal downstairs before retiring to his room for the
- evening. She smiled to herself.
- 725, 727...there it is. Ashley stopped and looked both
- ways down the hall. Now what? The maid. "This is the
- More?zlall
- biggest hurdle," she thought, as she began walking
- purposefully towards the cart sitting at the end of the
- hallway.
- As she neared the open doorway, Ashley heard the sound of
- a vacuum cleaner running inside. She shifted her
- shopping bags as she peered in the doorway. Those would
- undoubtedly lend credence to her story, and she was
- glad she had them. She took a deep breath and assumed
- a harried expression.
- "Excuse me?" She spoke loudly to gain the attention of
- the woman running the vacuum.
- The maid looked around, startled, and turned off the
- machine to answer. "Yes, ma'am?"
- "I'm so sorry to bother you," Ashley spoke hurriedly, "but
- I seem to have left my key in my room. Is there any way
- I could get you to let me in?" She smiled her most
- winning smile and shifted the bags again for emphasis.
- "I'm not allowed to do that ma'am...they will give you
- a new key at the front desk--"
- "Yes, I know, but I'm in such a rush! I got tied up
- shopping, and I'm supposed to meet my husband in 45 minutes,
- and I still have to shower and change first. This
- evening is so important for his new contract...he's going
- to _kill_ me if I'm late again! Could you _please_ do
- this for me just this once?"
- "Well, I suppose--"
- "Thank you _so_ much! It's room 729!"
- Ashley swiftly led the way down the hall to room 729 and
- smiled gratefully at the woman as she unlocked the door.
- "One moment--" Ashley quickly dropped her bags inside
- and fished a bill from her handbag. "I can't thank you
- enough! Please take this as a token of my gratitude."
- The woman accepted the money and smiled. "Good luck,"
- she called, as she bustled back down the hallway to
- resume her chores.
- Ashley shut the door and leaned against it. Whew! It
- worked! She took a deep breath to compose her thoughts
- and slow her pulse before turning to observe the room.
- It was a typical hotel room. Television, bed, small
- desk by the sliding glass door. Sliding glass door!
- She was right! This one _did_ have a balcony! "This
- is perfect," she thought to herself, and smiled.
- Excited, Ashley crossed the room, slid open the door, and
- stepped out to take in the view. The railing was high,
- for safety reasons, but not so high that she was unable
- to look into the park across the street from the hotel.
- At the moment, she was greeted by a cacophony of typical
- city noises, but it was a gorgeous spring day, and she
- looked forward to the spectacular sunset that would
- undoubtedly precede the evening. By then, the traffic
- should be gone, leaving a relaxing calm in the air.
- For a few moments, Ashley allowed her thoughts to travel
- forward in time. She imagined the light breeze, the
- birds chirping in the park, his hands... Reluctantly,
- she opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and shook her
- head to bring herself back to the present. Soon. But
- she had a few things to take care of right now.
- ----######----
- Brad stood by the window and took a deep breath, glad
- for the short break. This had been a grueling day. The
- president of this company was an early riser, and
- preferred to schedule breakfast meetings to get to
- know potential new contractors. It made sense, as it
- left the biggest part of the day for the serious meetings
- with the project managers, but Brad was not used to
- this sort of schedule. Things were going great, but
- he was looking forward to making an early night of it
- at his hotel before returning home tomorrow.
- ----######----
- Ashley crossed the room again, and began taking some
- items out of her shopping bags. She laid them out
- carefully on the dresser before removing her clothing
- and placing it neatly in one of the bags. She opened
- the closet door and breathed deeply when she was met
- with the familiar smell of him. She closed her eyes
- and smiled briefly, then placed the bags inside and
- closed the door again.
- Ashley picked up the silky garment lying in readiness
- and brushed it across her cheek. The soft folds slipped
- across her body, causing a tingling in her nipple and
- hip where it touched. She dropped the item back on
- the dresser and stretched languidly. Her hands slowly
- traveled down her neck and settled on her breasts as
- she arched her back and closed her eyes. She imagined
- they were his hands, and her nipples tingled in
- response...
- As she raised her head and opened her eyes, Ashley spied
- the bed and realized that the maid had turned down the
- cover and placed the customary mint on the pillow. The
- sheets glowed white, like a beacon, and Ashley was
- overtaken with the desire to feel their soft coolness
- on her bare skin.
- She carefully placed the mint on the nightstand before
- slipping under the covers and leaning back into the soft
- pillow. As she expected, the sheets were cool against
- her warm skin. The sudden temperature difference caused
- chill bumps to spring up across her body, and her nipples
- became pleasingly erect.
- Ashley closed her eyes and smiled as her hands began
- their heated exploration of every part of her body. One
- hand slid down the outside of her thigh and back up
- underneath it to her butt, where it paused to squeeze
- gently. The movement caused her labia to pull apart
- slightly, introducing a whiff of cool air to her moist
- opening. She gasped, and felt herself becoming wet as
- she fondled one throbbing nipple.
- The ache in her groin was gaining intensity, and Ashley
- responded by slipping one hand firmly across her pubic
- mound and down. Warm fingers applied a pleasing pressure
- as they slid back up, pressing her labia tightly together.
- As she continued this motion, she began to smell the
- musky odor she knew so well, and she was driven to slip
- one finger lightly across her clitoris before dipping
- it into the juices that were now flowing freely.
- Her breathing came faster now, as she moved her finger
- lightly in the slippery liquids. She arched her back
- and fondled one breast as her finger gained speed between
- her legs. Her whole body began tingling, and a slight
- sheen of perspiration arose on her creamy skin. She
- sucked in her breath sharply just before her climax and
- seemed to stop breathing for the few seconds before her
- whole body began vibrating with the orgasm. She exhaled
- loudly and moaned slightly as her finger suddenly stopped
- its furious motion. She applied firm pressure to her
- swollen clitoris and breathed deeply as she began to
- feel the familiar throbbing waves pulsating through it.
- Ashley lay perfectly still, her eyes closed, enjoying the
- waves of feeling that were slowly diminishing across her
- body. Periodically, a small bead of sweat rolled down
- her body to drip onto the sheet. She sighed contentedly
- as her breathing and heart rate slowed to more normal
- levels. She dozed.
- ----######----
- The meeting was over. As everyone was gathering up the
- materials littered across the table, Steve turned to Brad.
- "A few of us usually stop in at a little bar around the
- corner to avoid the rush hour traffic. Would you like
- to join us?"
- "That sounds great!" 'I certainly don't have anything else
- to do,' Brad thought to himself.
- ----######----
- Ashley opened her eyes, and for a moment she could not
- remember where she was. Slowly her mind took in the
- unfamiliar surroundings. Nightstand. Mint. Dresser.
- Sliding glass door! The time! How long did she sleep?
- She breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at her watch.
- 5:30. OK, just enough time to take a shower and relax a
- bit.
- She rose, and carefully straightened the bed, then replaced
- the mint on the pillow. No one would ever know she'd been
- there. She smiled to herself.
- Ashley wandered into the bathroom and turned the knob in the
- shower. As the water warmed up, she turned on the exhaust
- fan and carefully took note of the positioning of the various
- items around the room. Then she stepped into the shower.
- The water felt extremely sensual on her soft skin. She
- closed her eyes and it was suddenly his hands she felt on
- her. She turned in place, willing those hands to touch
- every part of her. Her own hands were active, adding to
- the seemingly random points where her body felt his touch.
- A shoulderblade...one nipple...a thigh...the back of her
- neck...the small of her back...the soft curve of her
- stomach... She moaned slightly, longing to feel his strong
- arms crushing her to him.
- "Brad..." The sound of her voice interrupted her reverie,
- and she opened her eyes in surprise. He was here, she felt
- him...but there was just the water and the steam. She looked
- down. One hand cupped her breast, while the other was spread
- flat across her stomach. She wrapped her arms around herself
- and exhaled deeply before picking up the soap to continue the
- task at hand.
- After her pleasingly languid shower, Ashley turned off the
- water and reached for the towel. It was thick, and its rough
- texture accentuated the tingling she already felt in her
- skin. She dried slowly, smiling as she thought of the
- events still to come this evening.
- After cleaning up all signs of her shower, Ashley carefully
- replaced the towel in its previous location. Unless he
- touched it, he was unlikely to notice its dampness. She
- took one last look around the bathroom before returning to
- the bedroom.
- Still naked, Ashley crossed the bedroom and stepped out onto
- the balcony. It was now significantly quieter, and a
- refreshing breeze blew softly. A squirrel was digging for
- nuts in the park below, and a couple of businessmen were
- out for an evening jog. The breeze tickled her bare skin,
- and she reveled in the feeling as she observed the relaxed
- activity around her.
- After a few minutes, Ashley stepped back inside and closed
- the door. She picked up the negligee and slipped into it,
- then moved to observe the effect in the mirror. It was
- a deep teal color that contrasted nicely with her white
- skin and dark hair. She was particularly pleased with the
- shimmering effect of the lace across the soft curve of her
- breasts. She smiled at herself in the mirror, and her
- green eyes flashed. She turned to the dresser and began
- opening the wine she had brought with her.
- ----######----
- Brad walked into the hotel lobby and considered whether he
- should stop to get something to eat before going up to his
- room. He wasn't particularly hungry. Perhaps he would
- go up and relax a while before ordering room service.
- As he rode up in the elevator, Brad's thoughts were on the
- events of the day. This new project was more exciting
- all the time. It was high-profile work that would be
- a real stepping-stone for his fledgling company. As he
- opened the door to his room, though, he was thinking only
- of lying down for a while. He must be more tired than he
- thought.
- He didn't bother turning on the light when he entered the
- room. He absently dropped his jacket in a chair and kicked
- off his shoes before stretching out thankfully on the bed.
- He lay with his face against the coolness of the exposed
- sheets, and he drifted into a light sleep almost as soon
- as his eyes closed.
- In a half-sleeping, half-waking state, Brad was vaguely
- aware of his surroundings. He began to recognize a smell
- that reminded him of her. His mind took this information
- groggily and he began to enjoy this pleasing dream-like
- state. He felt her presence, but of course it was just a
- dream. His recognition of that fact did nothing to reduce
- his enjoyment of it.
- In his dream, she walked silently across the room. Her skin
- glowed softly in the dim light. He heard the softest
- whisper from her negligee as she knelt on the floor next
- to him. He could almost feel her warm breath on his face
- as she gazed at him lovingly. His breathing slowed as he
- felt that she gathered him up in her eyes. Her hand reached
- to brush a wisp of hair from his temple.
- This dream was truly a remarkable one. He could actually
- feel her touch! His mind began to focus, and he slowly
- opened his eyes, reluctant to let go of this warm feeling.
- Ahh...he hadn't lost the dream. She was still there,
- smiling at him.
- "Good evening, lover."
- Wait. This was no dream. She really _was_ here.
- "Ashley? What are you--"
- "Shhh." She placed a finger across his lips. "I'm here."
- His warm breath on her finger caused her to reflexively catch
- her own breath. She slipped her hand along his jawbone to
- slide her fingers into his hair. She leaned forward and
- kissed him softly. She pulled away and gazed into his eyes
- for a few seconds. It felt like an eternity.
- Ashley turned to observe his body stretched out on the bed.
- "You must be terribly uncomfortable in these clothes." She
- reached to his shirt and began to unbutton it slowly. As
- each button yielded to her touch, she placed a feather-light
- kiss on the bare skin beneath it. Brad closed his eyes and
- allowed his body to simply experience the feel of her.
- Very slowly, Ashley removed all his clothing, covering each
- newly-revealed inch of bare skin with her warm kisses. When
- she was finished, she paused to admire his nakedness. "You
- have a beautiful body," she whispered, as she leaned forward
- to take one nipple between her teeth in the manner she knew
- would drive him crazy. He felt her touch like an electric
- shock streaking through his body, and then suddenly she was
- gone and he was left panting, alone.
- He opened his eyes to see her across the room, pouring a
- glass of wine. That wasn't there when he came in...or was
- it? How could he have missed it? He pulled himself into a
- sitting position, piling the pillows behind him for support.
- He could not take his eyes off of her as she turned to walk
- back to him. Her breasts jiggled slightly, and her hips
- swayed seductively with each step. Her eyes smoldered with
- passion.
- She placed the plate of fruit and glass of wine she carried
- on the nightstand, then crawled to sit in his lap, her legs
- straddling him. Her hands found their way up his arms and
- into the hair at the back of his neck. She paused there, her
- fingers entwined in his hair, her eyes taking in every detail
- of his face. Then suddenly she was kissing him. Their
- tongues met, and his arms came around her, straining to pull
- her body ever closer to his.
- Reluctantly, she pulled away to give them both a chance to
- catch their breath. She reached for the wine and took a sip
- before offering him the glass. While he drank, she picked up
- the fruit and held it between them. She selected a grape
- from the plate and held it to his lips. He took it bemusedly,
- his eyes on hers, his every sense filled with her. She
- smiled and kissed him lightly, deftly licking up the drop of
- juice that had made its way to his lip.
- They continued eating the fruit and drinking the wine, but
- they were hardly aware of it. Their thoughts were focused
- on the touching of their bodies...she with the hardness she
- could feel beneath her, he with the tingling he felt when
- her breasts brushed his chest.
- After some period of time--it might have been seconds or hours,
- neither could tell--she placed the plate and the empty wine
- glass on the nightstand and rose to stand by the bed. She
- took his hand and pulled him up with her, then led him to the
- sliding glass door and out onto the balcony.
- They moved to the railing, surveying the now-quiet park in
- silence. He stood behind her, pulling her back against him
- and curling his arms around her to cup her breasts in his
- hands. She arched her back, increasing the pressure of his
- hands on her breasts, and sighed softly. Her hands slid down
- and around the backs of his thighs, where she used them as
- leverage to press the entire length of her body into his.
- His hands were moving more insistently on her breasts, and
- she could feel the wetness growing between her legs even as
- she felt his erection pressing into her. She turned and
- reached her arms up around his neck, her lips seeking his
- for an urgent kiss. His hands moved down her legs and
- brought the hem of her negligee up, freeing her legs to
- encircle him as he lifted her up against him.
- She leaned back against the balcony railing, hooking her
- arms in it and arching her back to press her groin harder
- against his. Her breathing was ragged, and her pussy ached
- to feel him inside.
- "Fuck me, Brad! I want you right now!"
- He needed no coaxing. With a groan, Brad plunged himself
- deep into her. She gasped and threw her head back. She
- braced herself with her arms as he began to move, slowly at
- first, his tempo increasing as their excitement grew. Both
- were panting and moaning, oblivious to the night around them.
- She cried out with her climax, every muscle in her body
- contracting simultaneously. The sudden tightness set him
- off and he groaned deeply as his ejaculate coursed into her.
- Both fell suddenly still, locked together as one, waves of
- heat pulsing through their bodies.
- Her lower body remained supported by her legs wrapped
- tightly around him. He leaned forward and gently pulled
- her arms from the railing, drawing her to him and enfolding
- her in his arms. They clung to each other, still breathing
- rapidly, as he carried her back into the room and over to
- the bed.
- He lay down, their bodies still entwined, and they kissed
- softly until both fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.
- ----######----
- Brad awoke slowly, disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings.
- As his mind recalled the events of the previous evening, he
- turned to reach for her, but he found himself alone. He looked
- at the nightstand...no wine glass, no plate. He sat up,
- surveying the room. The wine bottle was gone; there was no
- trace of her.
- "She was here, I know it," he mused, "I think..."
- --
- Moderator, rec.arts.erotica. Submissions to erotica@unix.amherst.edu.
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