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- HJ[Message 1 of 1 in thread 27 of 42] rec.arts.erotica
- The Submission of Andrew
- From: Sir William <sirwill1@cris.com>
- Date: 21 Apr 1994 23:18:15 -0400 (10 screens)
- Archive-name: s-of-a
- Prologue: Consider what follows to be a a chapter from a larger
- novella, titled Andrew and Diana (think Greek/Roman, not Anglo)
- which is about a 48 year old man who has had a great deal of sexual
- experience within some fairly normal limits and a 42 year old woman
- who is a queen of erotica. Both are married, they meet, begin an
- affair. Together, they begin to explore the edges of their combined
- sexualities, the book will read like a variety pack of combined
- short stories while character development takes place throughout,
- linking the stories and leading to the eventual rise of their D/s
- relationship and its subsequent fall.
- Diana is very submissive. She lets Andrew know that there is
- absolutely NOTHING he can ask of her that she will not do for him.
- He is, at this point, unable to comprehend, unable to cause pain to
- More?all
- the one he loves, quite lacking in understanding and fearful of
- BDSM. One night he asks her to play the dominant role, to show him
- what it is that she wants, and this chapter is about that event.
- Late evening, early spring. Quiet in a hideaway far from traffic
- sounds. Fireplace crackling gently, burning slowly. Candles
- everywhere, small, flat white pancake candles set in ashtrays around
- the room, two or three to an ashtray. Music at low volume. Slow,
- relaxing massage music. Tangerine Dream.
- Andrew and Diana are face to face, close on a couch in front of the
- fireplace. They are holding a brand new twenty foot hank of
- magician's rope. It is soft, supple, white cotton rope with a
- smoothly woven outer shell and three finely packed cotton strands
- twisted within. They are fondling the hank together, silently
- sensing the smoothness, then, Andrew holding and marking the spots,
- Diana, with scissors, cuts the hank into four equal lengths. These
- they coil evenly, then, rising, slowly walking like dancing to a
- nearby bed, the coils are lain at each corner of the brass frame.
- Diana has adorned her 5'2" frame with her most provocative outfit, a
- long, blue and yellow paisley blouse, deep neckline showing white
- cleavage over black lace demi-bra, and cut Daisy Mae like into long
- zigzags at the bottom so that the tips hang almost to the knees but
- are cut in so high that there is visible midriff. Black panties and
- garter belt peek through the fringe and fishnet stockings cover
- almost perfect Dietrich legs which end with tiny feet in delicate,
- gold pumps with five inch spiked heels. Andrew wears only light
- blue silk briefs and supports her with his larger 6' body as they
- glide to the bed together. His incipient erection is visible as
- Diana motions for him to lie down on his back "Oh, what have we
- here?" she asks sliding tiny warm fingers across the silk almost
- touching, not quite, taking his left hand in both of hers she looks
- at the rope, then opens a bedstand drawer and finds a silk scarf
- with which she blindfolds Andrew quite tightly. Andrew can see
- colored patterns of fireflame and candleflame flickering through
- when he opens his eyes beneath the silk. He can have pitch
- blackness by closing his eyes.
- Warm hands grasp his left wrist again, Diana extends a leg, toe
- pointed, takes his hand and runs it along the length of the fishnet,
- pressing Andrew's palm agains her fully contracted muscle, letting
- him play with the contrasting textures of netting and smooth,
- freshly depilated skin. Now Andrew can feel the rope being wound
- around his wrist in a spiral, then the knot, then the tension as the
- other end becomes firmly attached to the brass. He hears the rustle
- of Diana's blouse above the soft synthsoothers, hears feet crossing
- the floor away from him, the opening of a refrigerator, the tinkle
- of ice cubes falling into a glass, glug of liquid from a bottle and
- the sounds of her return. Then her warm breath near his right ear
- as she ties the other wrist to the headboard. She rustles back to
- his feet and the warm hands slide lightly from inner ankles up
- across his thighs, evenly, light pressure making muscles in his
- sides contract involuntarily. A slapping sound and a sting on his
- inner thigh accompany Diana's stern words of warning, "Uh, uh!
- Don't do that! Be still," and then, reassuringly, almost laughing
- underneath, "I know this is difficult for you. Please me and you
- will be rewarded."
- Understanding what Diana wants, closing his eyes, Andrew summons
- complete control of his body. He feels her hands grasp his briefs
- and slide them slowly down his thighs, then over his ankles, hears
- them land on a chair across the room. Then a strange feeling as
- something is being drawn onto his body to replace them. "Women have
- an advantage with clothes," Diana whispers. "I want you to know
- what my panties feel like, lace next to your skin." They are on him
- now, the elastic tight across his midriff, the soft yet slightly
- scratchy texture of the lace feeling just a little strange and she
- traces their outline across his midriff with slow fingers, then
- places both hands on his fully erect cock, pressing the lace down
- onto it, rubbing the texture of lace on glans into his memory,
- making him forget so that his hips rise and press against her hands.
- Another smack and sting, just below the line where the lace ends.
- "No! Be still!"
- Her hands begin to wander over his body, very slowly, very
- delicately, touching chest hairs without touching skin and he
- maintains the stillness easily now, in his mind his wrists are no
- longer bound, his body is tranquil in its place and quiet and no
- restraints are needed because he is holding it captive for her with
- his own will; her will, which has become his by virtue of his
- submission.
- The near tickling ceases, Andrew's cock is throbbing beneath the
- lace, pink tip peeking out above the waistband, oozing. With index
- finger Diana takes a drop of precum and places it on the tip of his
- tongue. "Taste!" she commands, and he obeys, rolling the salty
- fluid into his cheeks, onto his gums, then extending his tongue as
- if to say "More, please." Next, the sound of ice cubes, rattling,
- rattling in a glass and she puts it to his lips and tips it to give
- him a sip of chilled tequila.
- The sound of her body moving away again is followed by a sudden
- sensation against the soles of his feet. Andrew maintains control,
- he is now fully submissive, fully relaxed, he has given her both his
- will and his trust. His body remains still as Diana speaks
- encouragingly, "Good! That's soooooo good, my darling! I'm very
- proud of you." More cock rubbing, her hands gentle this time,
- teasing the precum out of him, offering alternating tastes of salt
- and tequila, making sounds to let him know she is sharing these
- tastes, stroking, taking him to the edge, then........
- The ropes slacken. "Is it over?" Andrew asks himself. "Is she
- done?"
- "Turn over!" Diana commands. Andrew complies and her hands silently
- mold his body into a kneeling position, head down between elbows,
- knees drawn up underneath, butt in the air. Attaching his wrists to
- the bed once more she quietly whispers to him, reaffirming the prime
- directive, "Still! Be still for me!" Hands moving to his waist she
- removes the lace panties and slides them down and over his ankles,
- tossing them away, then binds his ankles in such a way that they are
- pulled apart by a few feet yet pulled forward toward the head of the
- bed. "You may test the restraints," she says with an air of
- authority, and Andrew finds that he is comfortable straining
- slightly against all four corners, firmly held in this almost
- sculpted position.
- Andrew's eyes open beneath the blindfold. Colors of the silk shimmy
- in the flames as Diana glides away again, then back. Unrecognizable
- sounds precede a warm sensation on his back. Heat, yet he does not
- move. Scent of limes. Heated massage oil. Andrew inhales the
- scented air as Diana pours the oil, coming closer and closer to his
- skin, the heat gradually intensifies; biting bedsheets he maintains
- stillness. Now Diana's hands spread the oil across his shoulders,
- down his back, over his raised buttocks, onto his thighs, around,
- between them. Diana, with one hand pulls his balls back, exposing
- them to drops of hot oil which, with the other hand, she supplies
- from above, closer and closer with the lip of the pitcher, the heat
- intensifies, she rubs and squeezes, then releases the sac and brings
- her fingertips upward, pausing to tease Andrew's pink anus with a
- smooth, lubricated fingertip. He flinches. She smacks. It feels
- good, the sting, the intensity of her small palm hard against his
- soft flesh. He baits her, moving his butt slightly and she smacks
- again, "Be still, still!" but he is having none of it and he moves
- against her hand as he finds the rhythm of her blows and matches it,
- pushing upward to meet her falling hand as she begins to rain harder
- and harder openhanded blows, watching his oiled, pink skin redden
- beneath her hand, smiling at her craft. Now she has what he wants
- and he responds with more motion; she finds her crop and stings him
- gently with it, increasing the intensity of each blow, ever mindful,
- ever thoughtful, it is for him, Diana keeps telling herself. She
- must not abandon herself; he is biting the bedding hard now, moaning
- and still raising himself in anticipation, his body asking, begging
- for more, "Momma! Oh! Momma! Why, Momma?" he moans, "Why!" and she
- replies in a calm straightforward whisper, "Because you're being
- bad. You're not doing what I told you to do."
- Gradually, the beating ceases, Andrew slowing his rhythm, Diana
- following, decreasing tempo and intensity. Touching with a gentle
- hand, Diana makes Andrew again aware of his cock, which feels, to
- him, like it's grown three sizes, throbbing, huge, pulsating,
- dripping and Diana teases it with long slow strokes, taking the skin
- of his balls with her hand, all the way to his tip, then back, slow,
- tortuous, her other hand beginning again to tease, this time a
- small, lubricated finger slips inside him, slowly extending and the
- rubbing, from inside and out continues, andante, as he gradually
- opens to this new experience, his body is still again, soft moans
- are escaping his lips, her hands go away for an instant, the
- blindfold falls off and the ropes slacken, "It's OK to move now, but
- keep your eyes shut," she says, her attitude very different, asking
- now, no longer commanding, stroking, fondling, he senses more volume
- inside him. Her hands are so tiny and he has no frame of reference.
- Could it be her entire fist? Her forearm? It feels so good and his
- moaning is uncontrollable and the burning sensation sets a fire
- inside him now as she intensifies her stroking and Andrew is all
- ablaze inside, flaming, rocking now, matching, once more, her rhythm
- and her hand releases his balls and cock as the other penetrates to
- its deepest capability. He bites the blanket to stifle an enormous
- scream and then, bursting, convulsing, suddenly this thing that has
- been happening to his body for minutes, (hours? days?) is over.
- An eternity passes before Diana, with gentle voice asks, "Open your
- eyes." She is in front of him, naked, displaying her cupped right
- hand, holding Andrew's come, several tablespoons, perhaps, enormous
- volume, thick, white, creamy. Diana smiles, makes eye contact,
- brings her hand to her lips, slowly drinks, slowly swallows,
- extending her exquisite neck, slowly licks her palm clean with a
- voluptuous tongue, then offers her mouth to Andrew, who pulls her
- close with strong forearms and ropes attached to his wrists seesaw
- gently across her clavicles to and fro as they rock each other
- restfully , growing closer, naked, yet resplendent in a deep salty
- kiss.
- ________________________
- Epilogue: Andrew, of course, turned right around and threw himself
- into the task at hand -- becoming SuperDom for his love. His
- experiences since the event just related, which happened about three
- years ago, have been running about 95% Dom to 5% sub. He is quite
- aware, however, that no sub experience will ever equal the night
- that the magician and her assistant performed the disappearing fear
- trick.
- Copyright 1994 - Guillaume le Mechant - Permission to distribute
- this material is granted.
- --
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