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Text File | 1988-05-28 | 17.6 KB | 422 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- # start
- display ^L
- gotoxy 15,2
- display "More HELP is available on the following ^[^OA^N^X commands:"
- gotoxy 7,4
- display "^[^OA^N^X-A Attention / Break Signal"
- gotoxy 7,5
- display "^[^OA^N^X-B Change baud rate"
- gotoxy 7,6
- display "^[^OA^N^X-C Clear recording buffer"
- gotoxy 7,7
- display "^[^OA^N^X-D Show disk directory"
- gotoxy 7,8
- display "^[^OA^N^X-E Change Duplex (Full/Half/Chat)"
- gotoxy 7,9
- display "^[^OA^N^X-H Hang up phone"
- gotoxy 7,10
- display "^[^OA^N^X-I Initialize DataTerm"
- gotoxy 7,11
- display "^[^OA^N^X-J Display a file to screen"
- gotoxy 7,12
- display "^[^OA^N^X-K Delete a file"
- gotoxy 7,13
- display "^[^OA^N^X-L List the recording buffer"
- gotoxy 7,14
- display "^[^OA^N^X-M Manual Settings"
- gotoxy 45,4
- display "^[^OA^N^X-N Change to New Directory"
- gotoxy 45,5
- display "^[^OA^N^X-O Toggle Online Printing"
- gotoxy 45,6
- display "^[^OA^N^X-P Print current screen"
- gotoxy 45,7
- display "^[^OA^N^X-Q Quit DataTerm"
- gotoxy 45,8
- display "^[^OA^N^X-R Recording buffer on/off"
- gotoxy 45,9
- display "^[^OA^N^X-S Save buffer to disk"
- gotoxy 45,10
- display "^[^OA^N^X-T Transfer a file"
- gotoxy 45,11
- display "^[^OA^N^X-V Volumes online display"
- gotoxy 45,12
- display "^[^OA^N^X-W Write buffer to named file"
- gotoxy 45,13
- display "^[^OA^N^X-X Execute a command file"
- gotoxy 45,14
- display "^[^OA^N^X-Z Zoom - show control chars"
- gotoxy 1,18
- display "Press letter key for more info. on that letter's ^[^OA^N^X command. Press esc to quit"
- gotoxy 1,19
- display "ie: Press `A` for ^[^OA^N^X-A Attention / Break, `B` for ^[^OA^N^X-B Change Baud rate, etc.
- gotoxy 24,22
- display "Press a Key -->^G"
- # wait
- set timer 30
- waitfor keyboard
- if keyboard ^[ goto exit
- display ^G
- if failed goto wait
- gotoxy 12,22
- display "^O Please wait; loading information from disk.... ^N"
- If keyboard A goto "attention"
- If keyboard b goto "baud rate"
- if keyboard c goto "clear buffer"
- if keyboard d goto "disk dir"
- if keyboard e goto "duplex"
- if keyboard h goto "hang up"
- if keyboard i goto "initialize"
- if keyboard j goto "view file"
- if keyboard k goto "delete file"
- if keyboard l goto "list buffer"
- if keyboard m goto "manual settings"
- if keyboard n goto "new dir"
- if keyboard o goto "online printing"
- if keyboard p goto "print screen"
- if keyboard q goto "quit"
- if keyboard r goto "record buffer"
- if keyboard s goto "save buffer"
- if keyboard t goto "transfer file"
- if keyboard v goto "volumes online"
- if keyboard w goto "write buffer"
- if keyboard x goto "execute cmd file"
- if keyboard z goto "zoom"
- # abort
- gotoxy 12,22
- display "^O Please press a key to continue help, or <esc> to quit.^N"
- set timer 20
- waitfor keyboard
- if keyboard ^[ goto exit
- if failed goto abort
- goto start
- stop
- # exit
- display ^L
- gotoxy 20,7
- display "^O Returning you to DataTerm (tm)^N^Y"
- pause 3
- display ^L
- stop
- # "Attention"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 24,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-A Attention / Break Signal^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will send a signal to the host computer to^J^M"
- display "^Itry and get its attention (stop what it is currently doing).^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Baud Rate"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 27,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-B Change Baud Rate^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command changes the baud rate setting between 300,^J^M"
- display "^I1200 and 2400 (2400 baud supported only with a DataLink 2400).^J^J^M"
- display "^IThe baud rate is the speed that the computer sends data^J^M"
- display "^Ithrough the phone lines to the computer or Bulletin board you^J^M"
- display "^Iare calling. Most computer services offer connection at 300^J^M"
- display "^Iand 1200 baud. Many are now supporting 2400 baud as well.^J^M"
- display "^I You will generally want to download files at your highest^J^M"
- display "^Ibaud rate as this can be 4 to 8 times faster than 300 baud.^J^J^M"
- display "^INote: as many commercial services charge more per hour at the^J^M"
- display "^Ihigher speed (usually twice the amount) you may want to call^J^M"
- display "^Ifirst at 300 baud.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Clear Buffer"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 28,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-C Clear Buffer^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will erase the contents of the recording^J^M"
- display "^Ibuffer. There is no way to undo this command so make sure^J^M"
- display "^Iyou really want to clear the buffer before using this command.^J^J^M
- display "^I You will usually want to clear the buffer before doing an^J^M"
- display "^IASCII (text) file transfer to prevent recording any additional^J^M"
- display "^Idata that may mess up your file.^J^J^M"
- display "^I You can see how full the buffer is by getting by looking^J^M"
- display "^Iat the `Buffer 0%` display on the status line.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Disk Dir"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 27,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-D Show Directory^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will display the currently set ProDOS path^J^M"
- display "^Iand will prompt for the directory you wish to list. Pressing^J^M"
- display "^Ireturn will list the files in the currently set directory.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Duplex"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 21,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-E Change Duplex (Full/Half/Chat)^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command toggles between Full, Half, and Chat-Duplex.^J^M"
- display "^J^I ^OFull-Duplex^N means your computer sends your keypresses to^J^M"
- display "^Ithe host computer which then echos them back to you. If every^J^M"
- display "^Ikey is being displayed twice you will need to change to Full-Duplex.^J^M"
- display "^ICompuServe is an example of a service that uses Full-Duplex.^J^J^M"
- display "^I ^OHalf-Duplex^N means your computer sends your keypresses both^J^M"
- display "^Ito your video display and to the host computer. If you are^J^M"
- display "^Iconnected to a remote computer and cannot see what you are^J^M"
- display "^Ityping on the screen, you need to change to Half-Duplex.^J^J^M"
- display "^I ^OChat-Duplex^N is generally used when you are calling another^J^M"
- display "^Icomputer. When you are in Chat mode pressing the <return> key^J^M"
- display "^Iwill generate both a carrige return and a linefeed.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Hang Up"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 28,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-H Hang Up Phone^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will send a command to the DataLink to hang^J^M"
- display "^Iup (disconnect) the phone.^J^J^M"
- display "^I You will be prompted as to whether or not you really want^J^M"
- display "^Ito hang up the phone. Pressing `Y` will hang up the phone,^J^M"
- display "^Iany other key will return you to terminal mode.^J^J^M"
- display "^I Note, DataTerm does not drop carrier when you quit using^J^M"
- display "^Ithe 'E' option.^J^J^M"
- display "^IThis means you can quit DataTerm, run another program, then^J^M"
- display "^Irun DataTerm (or OnLine 64) while staying logged on to a BBS.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "initialize"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 28,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-I Initialize DataTerm^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command acts similar to pressing Control-Reset but^J^M"
- display "^Iwithout dropping carrier.^J^J^M"
- display "^I This is useful if line noise causes your screen to go in^J^M"
- display "^Ito inverse mode, or if your 80 column display gets turned off^J^M"
- display "^I(which could happen under terminal emulation mode).^J^J^M"
- display "^I The initialize command will re-set the proper screen mode^J^M"
- display "^Iand will leave you at the opening DataTerm prompt. It will^J^M"
- display "^Inot re-read your DL.STARTUP, DL.MACROS, or DL.CONFIG files.^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "View File"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 25,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-J Display File to Screen^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will allow you to display a TEXT file to the^J^M"
- display "^Iscreen. Any standard text file (such as this help file) will^J^M"
- display "^Ibe displayed with any formatting it originally had.^J^J^M"
- display "^I AppleWorks Word Processing files will be displayed, but^J^M"
- display "^Iwill not be formatted as they are in AppleWorks as AppleWorks^J^M"
- display "^Idoes not use standard text files.^J^J^M"
- display "^I If you would like a printout of a TEXT file. Turn on the^J^M"
- display "^Ionline printing function (^[^OA^N^X-O) before using the ^[^OA^N^X-J command^J^M"
- display "^Ito view the TEXT file.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Delete File"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 28,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-K Delete A File^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will allow you to delete a file from disk.^J^M"
- display "^IYou will be prompted for the ProDOS Pathname of the file you^J^M"
- display "^Iwish to delete.^J^J^M"
- display "^I You can change the ProDOS Prefix by using the ^[^OA^N^X-N command,^J^M"
- display "^Ior list the contents of the current dir. with the ^[^OA^N^X-D command.^J^J^M"
- display "^I This will not delete a file that is locked (that's what^J^M"
- display "^Ilock is for!). You will need to unlock the file with a ProDOS^J^M"
- display "^Ifile utiltity program such as `FILER` before deleting it.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "List Buffer"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 24,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-L List the Recording Buffer^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will display the contents of the Recording^J^M"
- display "^IBuffer to the screen. You can use this to check the buffer to^J^M"
- display "^Isee if you want to save it to disk. The file will be displayed^J^M"
- display "^Ione screen at a time. Pressing space will advance the display^J^M"
- display "^Ito the next page of information in the buffer. Pressing the^J^M"
- display "^I<esc> key will return you to terminal mode.^J^J^M"
- display "^I The recording buffer is approximatly 47k in a 128k (or^J^M"
- display "^Ilarger) Apple //e or Apple IIgs.^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Manual Settings"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 28,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-M Manual Settings^J^J^M"
- display "^IThis command allows you to change some of the system settings.^J^M"
- display "^I[1] Root Directory - This is where DataTerm will look for its^J^M"
- display "^I MACRO files and where it will save the recording buffer.^J^M"
- display "^I[2] Autosave file - This is the name the recording buffer will^J^M"
- display "^I be given when it is saved (you can specify a complete pathname).^J^M"
- display "^I[3] Buffer - When set to `Auto` the host computer can turn your^J^M"
- display "^I buffer off and on as needed. When set to `Manual` DataLinker^J^M"
- display "^I will ignore buffer off/on commands from the host computer.^J^M"
- display "^I[4] Append - When set to `True`, the buffer will be saved as one^J^M"
- display "^I large file. When set to `False`, the buffer will be saved in^J^M"
- display "^I buffer sized files named (default) DLTEMP.1,DLTEMP.2, etc.^J^M"
- display "^I[5] Debug - True = macro echo on. False = macro echo off.^J^M"
- display "^I[6] Printer Init - This is the setup string for your printer card.^J^M"
- display "^I[7] DataLink Slot - The slot your DataLink Modem was found in.^J^M"
- display "^I[8] Data Format - The currently set Start/Stop Bits and Parity.^J^M"
- display "^I[9] Terminal - Which terminal you are emulating (if any).^J^M"
- display "^I[0] Time Constant - Variable for macro PAUSE & SET TIMER commands.^M"
- goto abort
- # "New Dir"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 27,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-N Set New Directory^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command lets you set the ProDOS Prefix your files^J^M"
- display "^Iwill be downloaded to. e.g., if you are using a hard disk you^J^M"
- display "^Imay want to set the prefix to `/HARD1/DL/DOWNLOADS` to save your^J^M"
- display "^Idownloaded files.^J^J^M"
- display "^I Note that this does not change the root directory setting,^J^M"
- display "^Iwhich is the directory the buffer is saved to, and where DL^J^M"
- display "^Ilooks for its macro files (see ^[^OA^N^X-M command for more information).^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Online Printing"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 24,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-O Toggle Online Printing^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command turns on your slot 1 printer so that every-^J^M"
- display "^Ithing that comes from the host computer will be printed.^J^J^M"
- display "^I When the Online printing function has been turned on, a^J^M"
- display "^I'[P]' will appear toward the middle of the status line.^J^J^M"
- display "^I This feature works with all printer interface cards that^J^M"
- display "^Iadhere to the Apple Pascal 1.1 Guidelines for printer cards.^J^M"
- display "^IThis includes the Apple IIgs printer port, Super Serial Card,^J^M"
- display "^IAE's Serial Pro, AE's Parallel Pro, GraphiCard, etc.^J^J^M"
- display "^I If you are having problems printing make sure your printer^J^M"
- display "^Iis plugged into slot 1 and turned on. You may also need to^J^M"
- display "^Ichange the printer initialization string using the ^[^OA^N^X-M command. ^J^J^M"
- display "^I Please refer to your printer interface card manual for the^J^M"
- display "^Icorrect initialization string for your card.^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Print Screen"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 25,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-P Print Current Screen^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will print a copy of the data that is^J^M"
- display "^Icurrently being displayed on your screen. It is similar to^J^M"
- display "^Ithe ^[^OA^N^X-H command in AppleWorks.^J^J^M"
- display "^I It will not print the status line that appears at the^J^M"
- display "^Itop of the screen.^J^J^M"
- display "^IThis command can also be executed from within a macro, but^J^M"
- display "^Icannot be executed while a macro is running.^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Quit"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 28,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-Q Quit DataTerm^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will ask you if you really want to QUIT the^J^M"
- display "^IDataTerm program.^J^M"
- display "^IYou will get three choices when you press ^[^OA^N^X-Q. They are:^J^J^M"
- display "^M^I^I^I^HQ Quit and disable port^J^M"
- display "^I^I^I^HE Exit with port active^J^M"
- display "^I^I^I^HESC Return to DataTerm^J^M"
- display "^I^I (port refers to your DataLink modem)^J^J^M"
- display "^IWhen you Quit DataTerm, it will check to see if there is^J^M"
- display "^Ianything in the recording buffer. If there is, DataTerm will^J^M"
- display "^Isave the contents of the buffer using the default filename^J^M"
- display "^Ifound using the ^[^OA^N^X-M command.^J^J^M"
- display "^I Note, DataTerm does not drop carrier when you quit using^J^M"
- display "^Ithe 'E' option. This means you can quit DataTerm, run another^J^M"
- display "^Iprogram, then run DataTerm (or OnLine 64) again while staying^J^M"
- display "^Iconnected to a Bulletion Board.^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Record Buffer"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 25,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-R Toggle Recording Buffer^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command toggles the recording buffer off & on. When^J^M"
- display "^Ithe buffer is on a [R] will appear on the status line next^J^M"
- display "^Ito the word `Buffer`.^J^J^M"
- display "^I The recording buffer will hold approximatly 47k in a 128k^J^M"
- display "^I(or larger) Apple //e or IIgs.^J^J^M"
- display "^I You can see how full the buffer is by looking at the `%`^J^M"
- display "^Iindicator next to the word `Buffer` on the status line, the^J^M"
- display "^I`%` shows the percentage of the buffer that is filled.^J^J^M"
- display "^I The buffer will be automatically saved when it becomes full ^J^M"
- display "^IIt will be saved with the name set under the ^[^OA^N^X-M menu.^J^M^J"
- goto abort
- # "Save Buffer"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 24,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-S Save Recording Buffer^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will force a save of the contents of the^J^M"
- display "^Irecording buffer to the file and ProDOS path as named in the^J^M"
- display "^I^[^OA^N^X-M menu (default: DLTEMP.1, DLTEMP.2, etc.).^J^J^M"
- display "^I The buffer is automatically saved when it becomes completely^J^M"
- display "^Ifilled. After the buffer is saved it is cleared.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Transfer File"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 26,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-T Transfer A File^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command prepares DataTerm to [S]end or [R]eceive^J^M"
- display "^Ia file from another computer.^J^J^M"
- display "^I^IThe following send options are supported:^J^M"
- display "^I^IXmodem,^IYmodem,^I4modem,^IProDOS,^IText ^J^J^M"
- display "^I^IThe following receive options are supported:^J^M"
- display "^I^IXmodem,^IYmodem,^I4modem,^IProDOS,^IText^J^M"
- display "^I^Iand Automatic unpacking of Binary II files.^J^J^M"
- display "^IDataTerm also supports the extended CRC error checking^J^M"
- display "^Iprotocals for sending and receiving of files (when available).^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Volumes Online"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 26,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-V List Volumes Online^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will display a list of the ProDOS volumes^J^M"
- display "^Iand slot and drive numbers of all ProDOS disks currently online.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Write Buffer"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 24,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-W Write Buffer To A File^J^J^M"
- display "^I This command will let you save the buffer with a file-^J^M"
- display "^Iname other than the one set under the ^[^OA^N^X-M menu.^J^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Execute CMD File"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 24,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-X Execute A Command File^J^J^M"
- display "^I Command files are the same thing as (^[^O@^N^X) MACRO files.^J^M"
- display "^IThey are simply macro files that are not assigned to a ^[^O@^N^X key.^J^J^M"
- display "^IUsing a command file, you can log on to a BBS, then, depending^J^M"
- display "^Ion what BBS you are calling, you could have a command file to^J^M"
- display "^Iread messages or to download or upload a file(s), etc.^J^J^M"
- display "^I This HELP file is one example of the capabilities of a^J^M"
- display "^Icomplex macro file.^J^J^M"
- display "^IPlease refer to the DataLink Communications Manual for details^J^M"
- display "^Ion how to create command (macro) files.^J^M"
- goto abort
- # "Zoom"
- display ^L
- gotoxy 23,2
- display "^[^OA^N^X-Z Zoom - Show Control Chars^J^J^M"
- display "^I When this command is turned on, (a [Z] will display^J^M"
- display "^Ion the status line) all control characters sent by the^J^M"
- display "^Ihost computer will be displayed as inverse characters.^J^J^M"
- display "^I Many mainframe computers will begin each line with a^J^M"
- display "^ICONTROL-Q, this will show as `^OQ^N` at the start of each line.^J^M"
- goto abort
- stop
- # - all macros written by Dale Therio
- # - DataTerm Help Macro version 2.01
- # - June 28th, 1988