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Text File | 1994-04-03 | 26.2 KB | 568 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000)
/pub/music/guitar/README Rules for the guitar archive; Submissions are welcome(and badly needed) to submit, follow the directions listed here; 1)If you copy songs from a magazine or a song book, you MUST credit your source. And you must also know that you take FULL responsiblity for any copyright laws that are violated. 2)You must put your name on the Tab. I will try to answer any question I can, but I will not be able to answer questions about songs I have never heard! 3)Send your Tab to; jamesb@nevada.edu Put the name of the song and artist in the subject. Please don't forget the artist, as the archive is arranged by artist, and if you forget, I won't know where to put it 8-). When submitting TAB, keep in mind that peole all over the world use this site. I will not edit what you send me, but I do ask you to keep in mind to be careful with any language you use. What may be extremely funny to you, may be an insult, or a slur to someone else. Please use some consideration. Any questions, or comments about this archive can be sent to me at the address listed above. Don't be afraid to tell me that I f*cked something up. With all the new submissions I process everyday, I bound to f*ck up now and then, and I need you guys to tell me so I can fix it. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER send questions, comments, or bitches about the archive to root@nevada.edu They WILL be ignored. This has gotton to be a real problem of late, so NEVER do it. In the chord subdirectory is a program entitled chord.pro . This utility alows guitar TAB to be put in postscript. As time goes by, you will start to see songs in the archive appear with .tabpro or .chrpro extensions. These files can only be used with this utility. Keep in mind that a lot ofthe .chopro are grabbed off of alt.guitar.tab or mailed to me. I sometimes forget to rmove the mail/news header, so keep that in mind when useing those files. For those of you using mail servers, the naming conventions for the directories is as follows; Bryan.Adams REM Pink.Floyd Cure (not The_Cure) I will accept gif and post script files of tab, but by sending them to me, you accept liability for any copywrite laws you break by scanning a book, of magazine. Post script files have a .ps extension. Also be sure to check out the Most Wanted list! When submitting, be advised that there can be up to a two week delay till I am able to upload your tab to the archive. The INDEX can be found in the OTHER.STUFF directory. Some files in this archive have a .Z extension, which means that they are compressed. I am going through right now, and uncompressing them, but it will take a while. These files can be uncompressed with the UNIX uncompress command. Our ftp server _should_ uncompress automatically when you get the files, but if it doesn't let me know. "Almost 2001" is a segment on NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw. The segment was launched on Monday, December 27, 1993 as the title of a 5-part series on Telecommunications and Technology reported by George Lewis. Plans are for the segment to reappear as part of the Nightly News on an occasional basis in the future. In launching this series, we have announced an e-mail address available for anyone with access to the Internet: nightly@nbc.com [not case-sensitive] Like the Internet has grown with the enthusiasm of users, this WELLgopher space was launched with the same kind of eagerness to share information. At the request of viewers and Internet users, who wanted to know what we were saying even if they didn't have a chance to watch the broadcast, we are posting copies of our scripts. These are not official transcripts. What happens after the series and how long this space will continue to be active, we don't know yet. 2 Script 1 (27 Dec 1993) Text SERIES PRODUCERS: Stone Phillips: ALAN KAUL TONIGHT WE BEGIN A WEEK-LONG SERIES NINA ZACUTO CALLED "ALMOST 2001" - A LOOK AT THE COMMUNICATIONS REVOLUTION. PART OF IT HAS ALREADY ARRIVED. TONIGHT THE INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY AND ONE OF ITS MAIN THROUGHFARE'S, AN ON LINE NETWORK CALLED INTERNET. IT'S PART OF A GROWING TREND THAT PROMISES DRAMATIC CHANGES IN OUR LIVES. HERE'S NBC'S GEORGE LEWIS. ================================================================================ VIDEO: (George Lewis narrates) of Clinton, Limbaugh and Idol and More?all "president@ whitehouse.gov" CLINTON WHAT DO PRESIDENT CLINTON... LIMBAUGH CONSERVATIVE RADIO PERSONALITY RUSH LIMBAUGH... IDOL AND ROCK STAR BILLY IDOL HAVE IN COMMON? SUPER INTERNET ADDRESSES: THEY'VE ALL GOT ELECTRONIC MAIL PRESIDENT@WHITEHOUSE.GOV" ADDRESSES ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS LINKED "70277.2502@COMPUSERVE.COM" TO THE INTERNET...A GLOBAL HOOKUP THAT "IDOL@WELL.SF.CA.US" PERMITS COMPUTERS TO EXCHANGE INFORMATION. GRAPHIC: IN 1981, ONLY 213 COMPUTERS WERE HOOKED TO THE INTERNET. AS THE NEW YEAR 1981-------213 BEGINS...AN ESTIMATED TWO AND A HALF 1989----80,000 MILLION COMPUTERS WILL BE ON THE 1992---727,000 NETWORK, SERVING AS MANY AS 20 MILLION 1994-2,500,000 (EST) PEOPLE. MONITORING SIGNALS THE SEPARATE TECHNOLOGIES THAT BROUGHT US TELEPHONES, TV AND COMPUTERS ARE NOW BEGINNING TO MERGE. MITCHELL KAPOR--ELECTRONIC (SOT) "I actually think that five FRONTIER FOUNDATION years from now we're not going to have distinct cable and telephone industries. We're...it's going to be one industry, and they'll be companies carrying bits, little pieces of information from point A to point B." GRAPHIC: PHONE/CABLE MERGERS PHONE AND CABLE TV COMPANIES ARE SCRAMBLING TO FORM STRATEGIC ALLIANCES. "BELL ATLANTIC/TCI--$33 BILLION BELL ATLANTIC AND TCI... S.W. BELL/COX CABLE $4.9 BILLION SOUTHWESTERN BELL AND COX CABLE... U.S. WEST/TIME-WARNER $2.5 BILL." U.S. WEST AND TIME-WARNER CABLE, ALL GANGING UP TO REWIRE AMERICA. LAYING CABLE IN CALIFORNIA, PACIFIC BELL IS SPENDING 16 BILLION DOLLARS TO INSTALL FIBER-OPTIC CABLE WHICH REPLACES THE OLD COPPER WIRING OF THE PHONE SYSTEM.. TRANSMITTING SIGNALS ON BEAMS OF LIGHT OVER STRANDS OF GLASS THINNER THAN HUMAN HAIRS. (Steve Harris, Pacific Bell:) "We can put anything we want over that fiber, and millions of conversations is certainly feasable." (LEWIS) "And hundreds of television pictures?" (HARRIS) "Hundreds. Absolutely hundreds of television pictures." (LEWIS) "And millions of bits of computer data?" (HARRIS) "More bits than you can bite." APPLE COMPUTER VIDEO (NARR) A PROMOTIONAL VIDEO PUT OUT 5 YEARS AGO BY APPLE COMPUTER EVISIONED PEOPLE TALKING TO THEIR COMPUTERS AND TO ONE ANOTHER THROUGH VIDEOPHONE LINKS BY THE YEAR 2005. (voice of actor) "Hello Mike...what's up?" GTE GUY (LEWIS) IT'S ALREADY COMING TRUE. IN CERRITOS, CALIFORNIA...VIDEOPHONE SERVICE IS PART OF AN EXPERIMENT STARTED BY GENERAL TELPHONE AND THE LOCAL CABLE COMPANY. WATCHING TV THERE ARE ALSO INTERACTIVE TV CHANNELS WHERE PEOPLE ORDER MOVIES ON DEMAND... INSTEAD OF DRIVING TO THE VIDEO STORE. SCREEN WITH S.A.T. INFO HIGH SCHOOLERS CAN GET PRACTICE QUESTIONS FOR THE SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST. THESE NEW SERVICES ADD ABOUT 10 DOLLARS A MONTH TO THE AVERAGE CABLE TV BILL. PACIFIC BELL VIDEO (Actor) "Good morning Mrs. Johnson." (Actress)"Hello, Dr. Alvarez." (LEWIS) THIS PACIFIC BELL VIDEO SHOWS A DIVERSE GROUP OF PEOPLE USING THE NEW TECHNOLOGY. BUT SOME COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS WONDER HOW THE LESS ADVANTAGED ARE GOING TO AFFORD IT. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENICS AND IN SPARSELY POPULATED RURAL AREAS, WILL PHONE COMPANIES INVEST THE ESTIMATED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PER HOUSE TO UPGRADE THE LINES? (GEORGE LEWIS ON CAMERA--TELURIDE, CO) "One remote community that wants to make sure it has an on-ramp to the information super-highway is Telluride, Colordao. 9000 feet high up in the Rockies. Here they have a project called 'info zone." PEOPLE & COMPUTERS (NARRATION) IN THE BASEMENT OF A 102-YEAR IN BASEMENT OLD BUILDING, THEY'RE DESIGNING A 21ST CENTURY COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. (RICHARD LOWENBERG--TELLURIDE INST) "It's small radio transmitter- receivers and antennas connected to people's home computers and it allows them essentially to have better than, better service than the phone company now offers." HI TECH WORKERS (LEWIS) THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY IS GOING TO CHANGE THE WAY WE WORK, CREATING JOBS THAT DON'T EXIST TODAY... ELIMINATING SOME OTHERS. KIDS & COMPUTERS IT'S GOING TO CHANGE THE WAY WE LEARN... WATCH INTERACTIVE FOOTBALL AND THE WAY WE SPEND OUR LEISURE TIME. HIGH TECH WORKERS BUT WILL IT CREATE A WIDER GULF BETWEEN THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD THE NEW TECHNOLOGY... L.A. SKYLINE AND THOSE WHO CAN'T? GEORGE LEWIS, NBC NEWS, LOS ANGELES From: brown%vidiot.UUCP@cs.wisc.edu (Michael L. Brown) Subject: Paramount Air Schedule - DS9 - as of 2/09/94 Date: 5 Mar 1994 06:22:59 GMT Message-ID: <2l98g3$nj7@agate.berkeley.edu> STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine - Air Schedule as of 2/09/94 21 9/25/93 421 not given The Homecoming 22 10/02/93 422 not given The Circle 23 10/09/93 423 not given The Siege 24 10/16/93 424 47182.1 Invasive Procedures 25 10/23/93 425 not given Cardassians 26 10/30/93 426 47229.1 Melora 27 11/06/93 427 not given Rules of Aquisition 28 11/13/93 428 47282.5 Necessary Evil 29 11/20/93 429 47329.4 Second Sight 30 11/27/93 430 not given Sanctuary 12/04/93 421R not given The Homecoming 12/11/93 422R not given The Circle 12/18/93 423R not given The Siege 12/25/93 409R not given The Passenger 31 1/01/94 431 not given Rivals 32 1/08/94 432 not given The Alternate 1/15/94 424R 47182.1 Invasive Procedures 1/22/94 425R not given Cardassians 33 1/29/94 433 not given Armageddon Game 34 2/05/94 434 47581.2 Whispers 35 2/12/94 435 47573.1 Paradise 36 2/19/94 436 47603.3 Shadowplay 37 2/26/94 437 not given Playing God 3/05/94 406R not given Captive Pursuit 3/12/94 419R not given Duet 38 3/19/94 438 Profit and Loss 39 3/26/94 439 Blood Oath 4/02/94 426R 47229.1 Melora 4/09/94 427R not given Rules of Aquisition 4/16/94 428R 47282.5 Necessary Evil 40 4/23/94 440 The Maquis Part I 41 4/30/94 441 The Maquis Part II The date is the first date of satellite uplink. Paramount's official 'week of' is two days later. Stardates will be added when known. Note: Acquisition is spelled incorrectly on the episode's title screen. Paramount sat feeds (ET): Saturday 0900 Entertainment Tonight 1000 STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine 1100 The Untouchables 1500 Entertainment Tonight 1600 STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine 1700 The Untouchables 1800 STAR TREK: The Next Generation Sunday 1400 STAR TREK: The Next Generation 1500 The Untouchables 1600 STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine ASCII Clip Art Collection Page 1 of 2 1 READ ME (Mar 14, 1994) Text 2 Browse All ASCII ClipArt Categories Menu 3 What's New Menu 4 Other ASCII Collections Menu 5 Usenet News: alt.ascii-art Menu 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Text 7 Animals Menu 8 Architecture Menu 9 Borders Menu 10 Cartoons Menu 11 Computers Menu 12 Flags Menu 13 Flowers Menu 14 Fonts Menu 15 Food Menu 16 Geometric Shapes Menu 17 Holidays and Special Days Menu 18 Insects Menu 19 Logos Menu Enter Item Number, MORE, SAVE, ?, or BACK: 17 Holidays and Special Days Page 1 of 1 1 Browse All Holdays and Special Days Menu 2 Birthdays Menu 3 Christmas and New Years Menu 4 Easter Menu 5 Halloween Menu 6 New Year's Menu 7 Thanksgiving Menu 8 Valentines Menu 9 Wanna Party? Text Enter Item Number, SAVE, ?, or BACK: 2 Birthdays Page 1 of 1 1 Big Birthday Cake Text 2 Big Happy Birthday Letters Text 3 Birthday Cake with Blown Candles Text 4 Happy Birthday Cake Text 5 Long Birthday Cake Text 6 Partially Eaten Birthday Cake Text 7 Small Birthday Cake Text 8 Super Birthday Cake Text Enter Item Number, SAVE, ?, or BACK: 4 /^\ / (/^\) / \ ( \ \ / ( \ /^\ / ) \ | _|_ \ | |/^\| | / _|_ | | _|_ \ / _|_ | | | | | | _|_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ****| |******| | | | | |****| |**** | | | |****| | *| | | | | | | |***** * | | H A P P Y | | * * * | * B I R T H D A Y ! * | | ***** ***** | |@ ********** ********** @| | @ @ ************* @ @ | | @@@ @ @ @ @ @@@ | | @@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@ | * @@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@ * * @@@@@ * ***** ***** ********** ********** ************* From: jittlov@gumby.cs.caltech.edu (Mike Jittlov) * . . . . . . . . + . . . . . .. + . . . . . . . + .. . . + . . . *. + . + . . . . .. . . . . . . . * . . . . + .. + . . + . . . + . .. . * * . + . + .+. . * . . . . . . + . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . * . . . + . . . + + . * . . . . * . . * . . . . . . + . + . . . +. + . . . . . * . * . . . .* . . . . .. .. . . .+ .. * . . + . + . . . . . . . . . . . \^/ \^/ \^/ \^/ \^/ \^/ \^/ \^/ \^/ . . 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H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ |\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| | | | * H * A * P * P * Y * | | | | * B * I * R * T * H * D * A * Y * | : ___(_____________________________________)___ * ~ \===========================================/ 3 Birthday Cake with Blown Candles Text ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __!_!_!_!_!__ |Happy | __&__ __*__ | Birthday | _____ _______ | | __ | | | Norm | |\\ | __ |\ /| |___| |_\ |___| |___________| |_\\| /__\ |_\_/_| Blew them all out! 6 Partially Eaten Birthday Cake Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __!_!_!_!_! |Happy < | Birthda< | | | | | Kanef!< |\\ | |\ /| |___| |_\ |___| |___________| |_\\| /__\ |_\_/_| 1 READ ME (Mar 14, 1994) Text 2 Browse All ASCII ClipArt Categories Menu 3 What's New Menu 4 Other ASCII Collections Menu 5 Usenet News: alt.ascii-art Menu 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Text 7 Animals Menu 8 Architecture Menu 9 Borders Menu 10 Cartoons Menu 11 Computers Menu 12 Flags Menu 13 Flowers Menu 14 Fonts Menu 15 Food Menu 16 Geometric Shapes Menu 17 Holidays and Special Days Menu 18 Insects Menu 19 Logos Menu 20 Maps Menu 21 Medieval Menu 22 Money Menu 23 Music Menu 24 People Menu 25 Scenery Menu 26 Science Menu 27 Signs Menu 28 Space Menu 29 Sports Menu 30 Star Trek Menu 31 Star Wars Menu 32 Things Menu 33 Transportation Menu 34 VT100 Animation Menu 35 War And Peace Menu 36 Weather Menu Enter Item Number, PREV, SAVE, ?, or BACK: 30 Star Trek Page 1 of 1 1 Captain Picard Text 2 Communicator Text 3 Enterprise Menu 4 Federation Star Ships Text 5 Ferengi Star Ships Text 6 Klingon Menu 7 Open Tricorder Text 8 Star Trek Logos Text 9 Transporter Room Logo Text 10 United Federation of Planets Logo Menu 11 Wesley Crusher Text Enter Item Number, SAVE, ?, or BACK: 1 +++++++++;;++;:;:;;+:+++:;;++i!!+i!$!!;++:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iii+++++++++++++++++++++i!i;:::+++++++!!!!IS$+;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:: !!!!iiiii++i++++++ii+i$+:::::;;;+i!!!!!I!IIII!ISCi;:::ii:::::::::::::::::::::: !!III!!ii!!iiiiiIi$$!;;::::+++++i!!!!IIIIIIIIII$I!SO!I+::::::::::::::::::::::: II$III!I!!!!iiiii$O:++;;;::;:++ii!IIIIIIIIIIIII$$IIiIEE::::::::::::+;::::::::: $III$III!!!!!!i$C+;+::::::;;+ii!!III$III$$$$$$$$S$I!!!!O!::::::::::::::::::::: $I$$II!!!i!!!iEOI++:::;;;;;+i!!III$$$$$$$$$$SSSSS$$III!!SO+:;::::::::::;;::::: $$$IIII!!!!!!ECi++;;:::::;+!!!IIIII$$$$$$$$$$$SSSS$$IIIIIECi+;:::;;;:::;+;;;;; $$$II$IIIII!SOIi++;::;+;+++ii!!IIII$$$$$$$$$SSSSS$SSSII$!$O!;;;:+;;++++;+;:+;: $$$$$IIII$IIOCIi+++++;++++++i!!III$$$II$$$SSSSSSS$$S$$IIII#$+;+:;+++++++;;;:;; $$$$$$$IIIIISS$!i++++;+++;i!!III$$$COI$OC$SCS$!iiii!I$S$I$#!;+++++++++++++++++ S$$$$$$IIIII#O$IIC$i!+;;::;;;++iiII$CIIOC$$$IIIIISCSIII$IC#IS+++++++++++i+++++ $$$$$$$I$II!#ES$$!$S$+++;++i!!!i+;+!!!!SC$$$$$+;+!S!!II$I$$$I!+++++++++++iii++ S$S$$$$$I$IIC#OCIII$$i++++!I!iI!!!;:::iIIS$S$I!!i$SSSC$S$I$$O!i+++++i++i+i+i++ $SOO$$$$I$I$!E#!+I$$$+++++!i++Ii;:::::+I$$SSSS$$$OOOCSS$$I!O$Ciiiiiiii+iiiiii+ S$$$$$$IIII#!+;;+I$I!+++i!!!!I!i;:::::;I!$$I$$CCS$$CCOS$III!ICiiii+!OO!CI+iiii SSS$$$$$II!O!!I++!I!+;;i!IIIIII;;;;:::;iII$$$S$SCCCSSCSS$$$!ICiiiiiiIOOI+iiiii S$$$$$$III!SIi!i+!$!+;+i!IIII!+;;:::::;;!$$CS$$$CCCSSS$$$$$IICiiii$Iiiiiiiiiii S$$I$IIIIII$Si!!++O!;;++!IIIIi;:::::::;+iISS$I$CCISC$S$$S$$$$S!!iiii!OO!+iiI$i $$$IIIIII$IIOC+i!+:OS+;;++!!!i+;::::;+::+i!CS$$$$$$SS$$$$III$!!iii!iiiiiiiiiii I$$$$$IIIIII!OI$!+;OSi::++;+i+i!I!!!!!i+!C$ICSS$$SS$SSI$$$$I!!!iii!iiiiiiiiiii $$I$I$II!IIIIISES++!OS;;;;:;;;;++i+++!!!ISS$CCSSSS$S$$$$I$$I!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii $SI$III!II!II$I!I$S!OO:;;:::::;+i!+;+i!!!!!IIII$$III$$SI$$$I!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $$IIIIII!I!III!I!IIIIO;;:;::::+!!!+::+iII$$II$I$$$$$$$$I$I!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $IIIIIIIIIII!I!!I!!!!$S:::::::;!!!++;;i!IIIII$$IIIIIIIII!!!iiiiiiiiii!i!iiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!SOCI;::::+:;;:;+ii!I!III$$$$$$$II$II!I!!!i!i!ii!!!!!!iii!i $I$IIIIIIIIIIIIII$$!!II!Cii!!+i;;;;++++!!I$$I$OCS$$$$IIII!!!!!!!ii!!!!!!i!ii!i $$IIIIIIIIIIII$$SCSIIIIICS:;::+!+;::;;:i!$SCII$$S$$$I$$III!!!!i!!!!!ii!i!!ii!i $$$$IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII$Oi:::::::;;:::;;!IIIIII!I$$$$$$III!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!i $$$$IIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIII$!:::::::::;++:+!I!I$I$$III$IIIi:'':i!!!$!Iii!iii!!i! $$$$$$$$III$IIIIIIIIII$!;$I:::;iii!!!!!!!!!i!!SSC$II$$$II+:::::::::-:::::-:::: $$$$$$$I$$IIIIIIIIIIII::::::::;!!!!!!II!!!!i+;ISSI!II$III;::::::::::-:-:::::;: $$$$$$$$$II$IIIIII$;::::::::::;i!!!!II$$I$!ii+i!I$$$$$$$I+:::::::::::::::;:::: $$$$I$III$I$III$+:::::::::::::;i!!IIII$$$SSS!!I$$SSSS$$II!::::-:::::::;::-:'-- $$$$IIIIIIII$;-::::::::::::::::;i!!!IIII$SOCS$$$S$SS$S$I$i::::::::::+::'-:::-' $$$I$III+:::::::::::::::::::::::::;;!I!II$SSCS$$$SSS$$$!+::::::::+::-:-:::-'-' IIIIIIi-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+i!!$$SC$$$$$$IS!i:::::-:;:-:--:-'-----: !!i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;+iI$$$$$$Ii;+:::::;-:::::::--::--:-: :::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::-;S+:;;::+ii++;:+:::;:::-:--:-::::::::::: CAPTAIN PICARD