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- Atari Interactive ORDER FORM AND FAX SHEET
- (Fax Number: 408-745-2088)
- (EMail: 75300.1267@compuserve.com)
- Before sending/faxing/EMailing the order form below directly to Atari
- Interactive, please check with your local PC Software retailer. Retailers
- often offer immediate delivery, service and prices that may benefit you.
- Name (Please Print) __________________________________________________________
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- City ___________________________ State/Province __________ ZIP _______________
- Country (if not USA) ____________________ Phone/Fax __________________________
- EMail Address _________________________ Online Service _______________________
- [ ] TEMPEST 2000(tm) PC $ 39.95
- [ ] Check here for information about Atari's
- 64-bit Jaguar Gaming System
- Shipping & Handling charges: $____________ (USA: $5. Other countries: $10)
- California Sales Tax: $____________ (CA residents add 7.75% tax)
- Amount enclosed: $____________
- Mail to: Atari Interactive
- P.O. Box 61657
- Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1657
- USA Voice Order: 1-800-GO-ATARI (1-800-462-8274)
- International Orders: Order from the vendor in your territory if noted.
- Check your card: [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard
- Card number: _________________________ Expiration date: _____/_____ (MM/YY)
- Signature: ________________________________________ *** Thank you! ***
- Make checks payable to "Atari Interactive".
- Allow four to six weeks for delivery.
- Where did you get Tempest 2000(tm) PC DEMO?
- [ ] Downloaded from a BBS: BBS:_____________________ Phone:__________________
- [ ] From a Web Site: _______________________ Address:_______________________
- [ ] From an Online Service: ________________________ Forum:__________________
- [ ] Shareware Catalog: _____________________________ Phone: _________________
- [ ] Retail Shareware Rack: __________________________________________________
- [ ] A friend gave it to me
- [ ] None of the above
- Before sending/faxing/EMailing the order form below directly to Atari
- Interactive, please check with your local PC Software retailer. Retailers
- often offer immediate delivery, service and prices that may benefit you.