home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- OK
- Filename:
- Path:
- Files
- Directories
- Select drive to install to
- Scanning drives...
- Install Path
- No Sound
- Adlib / SoundBlaster
- Sound Blaster
- Roland
- Select Music Player
- Please Wait
- Copying:
- CD-ROM Music
- Configure Player Controls
- Joystick
- Keyboard
- Up
- Down
- Left
- Right
- Fire
- Select
- Spacebar
- Pause
- Unpause
- Miscellaneous Options
- Display scores
- Do not display scores
- Display lives
- Do not display lives
- Video Card Speed
- 1 (Fastest)
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8 (Slowest)
- Use Joystick
- Select Option
- Next Bod
- PC Speaker
- Super|Zapper
- Jump
- Install Menu
- Configure Sound F/X
- Configure Music
- Configure Controls
- Configuration Menu
- Language Selection
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- Configuration complete. Type '%s' to run the game.
- %s configuration cancelled.
- Select which option you wish to reconfigure.
- Select Joystick for Joystick control. Select Keyboard for Keyboard Control.
- \ To change a key, select the function and then press the key you wish to assign
- \ to that function. Select 'OK' when done or 'Cancel' to exit without saving changes.
- The Install program has determined that you have the following sound card
- \ set to the indicated parameters. If this information is correct, choose 'Accept'.
- \ If this information is incorrect, or if you wish to make changes manually, choose 'reject'.
- Please select the sound effects card configuration parameters.
- Press the desired key or press the escape key to return to the controls configuration screen.
- The Install program has determined that you have the following sound card.
- \ If this information is correct, select 'OK'.
- \ If this information is incorrect, please click on the desired option and select 'OK'.
- \ Select 'Cancel' to leave configuration unchanged.
- Move Joystick to requested position and press fire. Press escape to abort joystick calibration
- \ and return to the control configuration screen.",
- Please select the language you want.
- Press key...
- Press Escape to cancel
- Select Sound Effects Player
- Select Midi Player
- Please use a key that|is not already in use
- This is not a valid key
- Digital BASE Port
- Digital DMA Channel
- Digital IRQ
- MIDI Base Port
- MIDI DMA Channel
- Enviroment variable must be set
- Ultramid -C must be initalised
- Cannot locate joystick !|Please insert joystick into port 1 for calibration
- Cannot locate joystick !|Please insert joystick into port 2 for calibration
- Channel %d
- IRQ %d
- Select Sound Effects Player|Auto Detection|───────────────────| %s || BASE PORT = %3x | IRQ = %3d |DMA = %3d
- Accept | Reject
- Move Joystick Left and Press FIRE
- Move Joystick Right and Press FIRE
- Move Joystick Up and Press FIRE
- Move Joystick Down and Press FIRE
- Center Joystick and Press FIRE
- - Joystick 1 Calibration -
- - Joystick 2 Calibration -
- ???
- Escape
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 0
- Minus
- Equals
- Backspace
- Tab
- Q
- W
- E
- R
- T
- Y
- U
- I
- O
- P
- Left Brace
- Right Brace
- Enter
- A
- S
- D
- F
- G
- H
- J
- K
- L
- Semi-Colon
- Quote
- Inv. Quote
- Left Shift
- Backslash
- Z
- X
- C
- V
- B
- N
- M
- Comma
- Period
- Slash
- Right Shift
- ?
- Spacebar
- Caps Lock
- F1
- F2
- F3
- F4
- F5
- F6
- F7
- F8
- F9
- F10
- Num Lock
- Scroll Lock
- Home
- Up arrow
- Page Up
- ?
- Left arrow
- ?
- Right arrow
- ?
- End
- Down arrow
- Page Down
- Insert
- Delete
- ?
- ?
- Backslash