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- --------------------------------
- Connect Staves : To connect staves in desired groups select
- this option from the F8 Staves -menu or
- press CTRL+R. To produce the bracket use
- computer keyboard arrow -keys. Active drawing
- by pressing the space key. Arrow left produces
- the tip of the bracket and arrow right produces
- the endings of the bracket.
- 2. Using Mouse
- To Active
- Mouse Keyboard : CTRL+C
- F6 Edit menu On/Off
- Note Height : Move cursor on the mouse keyboard and
- select note as single finger playing. To
- produce chromatic notes click the left side
- of a black key to enter a sharp and the right
- side for a flat.
- Note Value : Click the piano key on the desired
- point reading note value from the
- left side note bar. Scroll the
- bar with clicking up and down arrows.
- Rests : Double click on desired value.
- Scrolling
- Keyboard : Change octaves on the keyboard by
- clicking small keyboard icons on the
- lower ends of the keyboard.
- Moving : Step left / right = Arrow left / rigth
- Bar left / right = Arrow+line l / r
- Screen l / r = Arrow+corner l / r
- Song begin / end = Arrow+double line l / r
- Auto Moving : Select desired step value for quater note
- from the number bar ( 0 - 6).
- Playback : Left Speaker icon = Play all
- Middle Speaker icon = Play screen
- Right Speaker icon = Play selected voices
- Triplets : Click Triplet icon On / Off
- Dotted note : Click Dot icon On / Off
- Tie Up / Down : Click Tie Up or Down -icon On / Off
- Beam : Clich Beam Icon On / Off
- Delete : To Delete a mark or a column move staff cursor
- on the desired mark or column and click the
- DEL icon.
- Insert : To Insert a column move staff cursor on
- desired column and click the INS icon.
- Selecting : To select a voice scroll voices with
- Voice Voice Selecting icons (arrow up / down).
- Accidentals : To produce an accidental click the
- desired icon. Double click produces
- a double accidental.
- Steam : To change the steam direction move
- Direction staff cursor on the desired note and
- click the Steam Direction icon.
- Bar Line : Toggle desired bar line by clicking the
- Bar Line icon. Double click moves the staff
- cursor automatically two steps forward.
- Endings : Click the Ending icon. The number of
- endings can be selected from the computer
- keyboard.
- 3. Using MIDI Keyboard
- To Active : CTRL+W
- MIDI Keyboard F6 Edit menu On / Off
- Musician asks you to press the
- lowest C-key on your MIDI keyboard to
- scale the note producing are of the
- keyboard. The lowest octave of the keyboard
- is reserved for producing notes. All following
- command are produced from these keys.
- Moving : CIS = Cursor left
- DIS = Cursor right
- Note and Rest : C = Whole note 1/1
- Values D = Half note 1/2
- E = Quarter note 1/4
- F = 8th note 1/8
- G = 16th note 1/16
- A = 32nd note 1/32
- B = 64th note 1/64
- Note Height : By pressing the desired key on the MIDI
- keyboard.
- Note / Rest : FIS-key
- Toggle
- Bar Line : GIS-key on a free column
- Delete Mark : GIS-key on a mark
- AIS-key is a special key for following operations. These options can
- be selected with AIS-key.
- Selecting : Scroll octave changes (-3 to 3) with
- Octave CIS and DIS -keys. (GIS = Enter)
- Playback : Select playback modes with CIS and DIS
- -keys. Begin playback with GIS-key.
- Auto Steps : Select Auto Step Value (0-6) for a quarter note with
- CIS and DIS -keys. (GIS = Enter)
- Accidentals : Select desired accidental (sharp/flat/off) with
- CIS and DIS -keys. (GIS = Enter)
- ---------------
- F5 - FILES -menu :
- To laser printer ctrl-L Prints Song to Hewlett Packard Laserjet or
- compatible printer
- Load bank ctrl-B Loads the new instument bank from the disk.
- ---------------
- F6 - EDIT -menu
- Keyboard On / Off : CTRL+C. To active the mouse keyboard.
- See: F10 Help Menu:Entering Notes (with mouse
- keyboard)
- Show Text Y/N : Shows or hides the lyrics produced with Text
- Editor. With the No-option the graphic is
- faster.
- Text Editor : CTRL+T. To active the text editor.
- See : F10 Help Menu: Text Editor.
- MIDI In : CTRL+W To Active the midi keyboard.
- See : F10 Help Menu:Entering Notes (with MIDI
- keyboard)
- Block : CTRL+U To active the block operation mode.
- Select the desired area with computer keyboard
- arrow keys. Spacebar starts marking.
- Copy : Transfers the selected block to memory.
- Del : Deletes the selected block.
- Insert : Inserts the block from memory to selected
- point on the staff.
- Transpose : Transposes the selected block. Musician asks
- the numeber of half-steps to transpose up or down
- and whether the new key is to be overwritten or
- not.
- --------------
- Text Editor :
- To Activate : CTRL+T Or F6 Edit Menu On / Off
- Fonts : Two fonts are available. Toggle with F1-key.
- Cursor moves : SPACE BAR = Step forwards
- Overwrite
- ARROW RIGHT = Step right / left+
- ARROW UP = Line up / down
- INS On/Off = Toggle Insert/Overwrite mode to
- insert columns or characters.
- DEL = Deletes a column or a character.
- BACKSPACE = Deletes a column or a character
- left to the cursor and moves the rest
- of text one step to the left.
- HOME = Moves cursor to the begining of
- the line.
- PAGE UP = Moves cursor to the previous screen.
- PAGE DOWN = Moves cursor to the next screen.
- To Save F2 saves the text under the name of the current song.
- To Load F3 loads the text of the current song.
- To Exit Text ESC or CTRL+T
- Editor